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Shreya Purohit
Shreya Purohit

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ES6 Handbook: Everything You Need to Know

Hey readers! This blog is all about ES6. It includes all the topics related with examples. Before reading further, I want to specify that this was not a blog post initially, these are just my personal notes that I use as a reference guide, so I apologize for any misspells here :)

Table of Contents



Before moving to the point, let us understand two concepts here:

  1. Global Scope - Variable is declared outside the function. This variable is accessible inside every function present in the code.
  2. Function Scope - Variable is declared inside (within) a function, outside that it is not accessible anywhere.
  3. Block Scope - In short, block scope means variables which are declared in a { } block are not accessible outside it. This block can be an if statement, for/while loop, etc.

var: function/ global scoped. Eg:

→ as you can see, var is both global and function scoped, which often creates a confusion. So avoid using it.

var name = 'Jack';              // global scope

function message() {
    var msg = 'Hey Jack!'       //function scope

console.log(msg);               // ERROR

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The above line of code will throw an error as there's no variable msg outside the function message (where we have logged the variable). So it will show as undefined.

let: block scoped. Eg:

let keyword can't be redeclared:

let x = 1;
let x = 3;
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result: SyntaxError - redeclaration of let x

But when we use let inside a function, it works like:

let size = "big";

function box() {
    for (let x = 0; x < 7; x++) {

        //Output: ReferenceError - `size` is not defined

        let size = "small";

box();                          // small
console.log(size);              //big

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Inside the function box() when we log the value of size, it shows a reference error. That is because, let is block scoped.

Anything inside curly braces { } is block scoped. In the above scenario, the function box() is a block.

const: block scoped. Eg:

const are very similar to let except that they can't be changed and redeclared.

const m = 8;
console.log(m);             //m = 8

m = 5;                     // 🚫 this will throw an error 

// Uncaught TypeError: invalid assignment to const 'm'.
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→ therefore let and const are preferred over var keyword for declaring variables.


  • objects are written within curly braces { } as collection of key:value pairs.

key: property name

value: value of that property

  • Creating an empty object:
const car = {
    model: 'Tesla',
    color: 'black',
    price: 800
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Talking specifically about ES6, before ES6 we had to specify both (key, value) even if both are of same names.

function Boy(name, age) {
        name: name,
        age: age
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ES6 help us to get rid of duplication when we have same key:value names. So now our code will look like this:

function Boy(name, age) {
    return(name, age);
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this is a keyword. It basically returns a reference to the object it is placed within


  • When we call a function as a method in an object, the this keyword returns a reference to that object. 👇
const user = {
    name: 'Mike';
    call() {

// ⚙️ Output: {name: 'Mike, call: f} 

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  • But when we call the function alone, outside the object this returns the global object (browser window) and hence we get the result as undefined 👇
const user = {
    name: 'Mike';
    call() {

const myCall =;


// ⚙️ Output: undefined
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Arrow Functions

  • Normally, before ES6:
const square = function(num) {
    return num * num;
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  • In ES6:
const square = num => num * num;
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If we have an array -

const colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
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We want to map the objects. Now there are two methods, es6 one is shorter and easier.

  • normal case:
const items1 = (color) {
    return "<li>" + color + "</li>";
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  • es6:
const items2 = => `<li> ${color}  </li>`);

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Object Destructuring

Let's say we have an object called girl such that it has 3 keys as follows:

const girl = {
    name: "",
    age: "",
    country: "",
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  • Normally, we would do something like this to get the values:
const name =;
const age = girl.age;
const country =;
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  • here, as you can see we have to repeat the object name girl everytime we want to get a value. This problem can be solved by object destructuring:

const { name, age, country } = girl;

this one line code works same as the previous code. So destructuring made our code shorter and easier to understand.

  • In case you want to use an alias (a different variable name) for your work:

const {country: ctry} = girl;

This above line of code means we've defined a new variable called ctry and set that equals to country.

Spread Operator


  • If we want to combine these two arrays:
const one = [1, 2, 3];
const two = [4, 5, 6];
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  • without ES6:

const combined = one.concat(two);

  • With ES6:

const combined = [, ...two];

  • If we want to add things in-between:

const combined = [, '9', '7', ...two ];

  • If we want to clone an array:

const myDupli = [...two];


  • If we want to combine these two objects:
const alpha = { name: 'Shreya' };
const beta = { age: 19 };
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  • In ES6:

const combined = {...alpha, ...beta};

  • If we want to add more properties in b/w:

const gamma = { ...alpha, surName:'Purohit', ...beta, country: 'India'}

  • cloning an object:

const betaV2 = {...beta};


  • Let us take an example of an object boy here. We have a function called run inside it. Now if we've some bug in the future or we've to modify our function for a different object, it would be a long way.
const boy = {
    name: "Sam",
    run() {
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  • To overcome this and make our work easier, we use classes:
class Boy {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    run() {
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  • Now that we've created a class, let's try building our object again -

const boy = new Boy("Samridh");

with this above class, we've implemented the run method in a single line of code. If someday we find a bug here, we've to modify it in just a single place {inside class Boy}. So this is the advantage of using classes in JS.


  • If we have a class Boy such that -
class Boy {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    run() {
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  • and we want to create another class (having similar properties + some specific properties of its own). We can do this using the keyword extends
class Girl extends Boy {
    eat() {
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  • we just created the class Girl here. Let us now create a const using this -

const myGirl = new Girl("Shreya");

  • and we're done. This code basically means that now the const myGirl will have the functions eat + run + constructor property of Boy class. So we can use it like -;;
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  • Now let's say we want to create another constructor inside the Girl class {which is extended from Boy class, So the constructor inside this Girl class is called derived class constructor.}.
  • We MUST HAVE TO call super() constructor inside the new constructor, otherwise we'll get an error (as using this in derived class constructor requires super() class). Now this must be looking confusing, let's look at the example below -
class Girl extends Boy {
    constructor(age) {
        this.age = age;
    eat() {

// *result - Uncaught ReferenceError: must call super constructor before using 'this' in derived class constructor*
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  • calling super() constructor:
class Girl extends Boy {
    constructor(name, age) {
        this.age = age;
    eat() {
const myGirl = new Girl("Shreya");
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  • In a child class constructor, this cannot be used until super is called.


Sometimes we have many no. of classes declared in a single file. This makes the code long, confusing and messy. To avoid this, we separate these classes into different files and import them as a module into the main file. This is called modularity.

Let's look it in action. Here's what our folder src will look like:

// src/boy.js

export class Boy {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    run() {

// src/girl.js

import { Boy } from './src/boy';

export class Girl extends Boy {
    constructor(name, age) {
        this.age = age;
    eat() {
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both Boy and Girl classes are private in the folder, in order to use them we made them public using the export keyword.

We use import keyword in line 1 of girl.js as it is an extended version of the Boy class.

Now half of the work is done. For now, these classes are not accessible in our main app.js file. For that we've to import them in our app.js file. We can do that by using -

import { Boy } from './src/boy';

import { Girl } from './src/girl';
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Default and Named Exports

Named Exports

  • We can export more than one objects from a specific module. This is called named export. Eg:
export class Car {
    constructor(model) {
        this.model = model;

export function add(a, b){
    return a + b;

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  • Here we exported a class Car and a function add.

Default Exports

  • It is basically the main object that is exported from the module. It is generally used in case we've only a single object to export. Let's see how it is -
export default class Car {
    constructor(model) {
        this.model = model;
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💡 Now we don't need the import { Car } from "./car";

Instead, we use import Car from "./car"; in case of default exports.

Default exports → import Car from "./car";
Named exports → import { Car } from "./car";
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👋 Woosh! You've made it to the end. Hope I've helped you somehow. I write articles like this whenever I've some spare time. Besides this, I share content related to web development daily on Twitter. Let's connect there! @eyeshreya

Top comments (3)

oskargrosser profile image
Oskar Grosser

In your "Objects"-section, you create an object and return it, but you have confused curvy braces () with curly braces {}. In the ES6-notation, it would have been interpreted as if you used the comma-operator, and thus would only return the right-most value.

Otherwise, great article! Really handy cheatsheet in case one wants to look something up quickly.

the_greatbonnie profile image

Am learning React and I realized ES6 is mostly used.

This is a really amazing article and it will be very helpful.

shreya profile image
Shreya Purohit

Glad to know that! Hope it does the job well.

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async await

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