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🎉 I just hit 100 WPM 🎊

Shrijal Acharya on March 07, 2025

As the title suggests, I just hit over 100 WPM. 😎 This has been a long, long journey. I still remember the first time I ran a typing test, i...
peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

~140WPM on my first try

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I used to race @jess and she'd pretty consistently have me beat

jess profile image
Jess Lee

LOL thanks @peter. I actually type pretty slow with lots of typo errors these days - ever since I switched to a mechanical keyboard...but my carpal tunnel has gone away so no complaints 😂

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Whoa, that's the highest WPM I've ever seen someone type. Superhuman or what? 🥴

@jess beat you with this speed? You guys are something else. 😳

bh4skar profile image
Bhaskar Prajapati

Over 100 wpm is seriously impressive. I am in 70 wpm category

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Around 70 wpm is great as well, buddy. Just stick to it and it'll improve more and more.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Guys, do share your WPM in the comments! 🙌

kurealnum profile image

I'm wildly inconsistent. I think my baseline is somewhere around 90-100, but I feel like my average for most things is about 120. My best on monkeytype is 165 (on an incredibly simple test). I'm also not great with accuracy :p

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

120? Sheesh. What's the accuracy you're maintaining with that? 😬

kurealnum profile image

About 85-90%. I'm pretty sick at the moment though, so I'm a little bit less focused. Tbh, I would much rather type at 100 WPM with 100% accuracy.

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shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Yeah, agree. Higher accuracy definitely helps.

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

Heavy coder for sure.

😂 Mine never even crossed 80 wpm lol.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

This whole WPM thing doesn’t matter that much. Anything above 50-60 should be enough.

Anyway, you’re doing such a great job, buddy, I look up to you a lot. Just keep writing and building! 🙌

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

Thanks man. Appreciate all the support I get. If you ever need anything, just DM me and I’m always happy to help. We know each other so it's never a problem.

Still, I believe building is much more exciting than writing. Writing can get boring after a while yk, but the thrill of building is something else :)

Every day, I see people building something amazing on Reddit.

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shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Appreciate it, buddy. Exactly! As a dev, nothing compares to building. For me, the main issue with writing is just deciding what to write. 🤷‍♂️

Reddit is just awesome. I just created an account there this week. Never knew I was missing so much.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Impressive. I need to get better 😂

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Go for it, buddy! ✌️

skyler_branch_2001 profile image
Skyler Branch • Edited


I use 10fastfingers. This is my Words per minute with accuracy

hemant_ab0d7e2bbb8fd1b556 profile image

May be you haven't heard of me....
Check this out:-- Live Typing
Post on LinkedIn

gaundergod profile image
Gleb Kotovsky

First try in the year. I used to practice blind typing literally every day for 2-3 years. It has developed into a solid skill that I can no longer worry about

keyboard: nuphy 65

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shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

That's a rock solid stat. Anything above ~95% accuracy with above 100 WPM is goated. I'm also really into smaller keyboards, especially 65% feels like the sweet spot.

hanna profile image
Hanna Rose

I'm around 100 and i'm using a split keyboard, took me a few months to get here though.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Wow, that's a great WPM you have. I first learned about split keyboards from watching ThePrimeagen. I want to migrate to using it soon, but don't know when. BTW, how's been your experience with it?

hanna profile image
Hanna Rose

It's more comfortable than traditional keyboards to me, but it takes a bit to learn, especially with mine having blank caps.

knight03 profile image

gotcha :D

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shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

That's some insane typing speed, @knight03! You guys are just too good. 🫠

knight03 profile image

you'll be there soon. Good luck

learncomputer profile image
Learn Computer Academy

Congrats on hitting 100 WPM—that’s an awesome milestone! 🎉 Your journey from 28 WPM to over 100 in just three years is seriously inspiring. I can totally relate to the pinky struggle (Q and P still trip me up sometimes😄 ). Thanks for sharing your progress

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Glad you enjoyed! Thank you 🙌

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Bruhh I'm just at 72wpm

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Spend 10-15 mins on Monkeytype or any other typing platform daily and you'll improve for sure.

robin-ivi profile image
Engineer Robin 🎭

I am in 45 wpm category

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

That's a great start. You have a long way to go, but you'll make it.

justin_king_14c9dce761655 profile image
Justin King

Not bad first effort :)

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shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

That's awesome. 🔥

un_known_00 profile image
First name Last name

I am about 65. Shrijal how much time you have taken to reach 100 wpm ? Do you practice Daily? How did you manage about numbers and parentheses etc

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Took me around 3 years to go from ~28 wpm to 102. It might feel a bit like exaggeration, but when I started using Neovim with no auto character completion like typing start and end of parenthesis, quotes. It has quite improved my symbol typing speed.

Overall, to get better, just show up and do a few sentences on Monkeytype and make sure to not go for speed at first. Go for accuracy and only then speed. ✌️

Hope this helps! If you want to stick to showing up, set each new tab to open on your preferred typing site. Most browsers already support this, so it’ll always be there when you open a new tab, which might help with consistency.

ujjawal_1024dd8c23bdb5146 profile image

Same 80-100

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Wow, that's great! ✌️

pxlmastrxd profile image
Caleb (pxlmastr)

Me personally, i'm around 60. Congrats on 100 tho

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Thank You. Hope you hit 100 soon, buddy! ✌️

bluspaceinc profile image

We have a coder at Bluspace who fell down the typing rabbit hole, and was able to pull off 102 with a broken right wrist... they lost interest in typing when their wrist recovered...

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

That's sad to hear.

ooleeyanah profile image

Getting over 100 is an amazing accomplishment -- I honestly wasn't sure if that was physically possible! Managed 95 WPM, so I'm almost where you're at :D

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

You're almost there on hitting 100. Keep going, buddy, you'll reach soon. ✌️