Web Components in React with support in all popular browsers, including IE 11
If you are interested in Custom Elements, check this out.
Integration example is here.
Create React + Redux app structure with build configurations ✨
Create React Redux App Structure
Create React + Redux app structure with build configurations.
What can I find here?
- Express, Cors
- React + Redux, ES6, async/await
- Web Components (Custom Elements) integration
- React Router
- Internationalization
- PostCSS (autoprefixer), so you do not need -webkit, -moz or other prefixes
- Build script configuration Development, Staging, Production with CDN, cache-busting support
- Build script to bundle JS, CSS, with sourcemaps
- Unit tests Jest, Enzyme
- E2E Cypress tests
- ESLint
- Ghooks (pre-commit with unit tests and eslint validation)
- Code Coverage (https://codecov.io)
- Travis CI runs Unit and E2E tests and report to codecov
Quick Start
Create React + Redux app structure works on macOS, Windows, and Linux If something doesn’t work, please file an issue.
npm i -g create-react-redux-app-structure
yarn add global create-react-redux-app-structure
create-react-redux-app-structure my-app
cd my-app/
npm run fast-start
http://localhost:8080/ will be opened automatically.
When you are ready to…
If you have some experience working with Custom Elements I will appreciate your thoughts and feedbacks 👍
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