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Simple Encryption Solutions with Zexson Toolkit

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zexson_toolkit is an npm package you can use for data encryption, token generation, and string manipulation. Below is a quick look at the package's main features and usage examples.

Key Features

  • Encryption & Decryption: Securely encrypt your data and decrypt it when needed.
  • Token Generation: Create tokens with customizable length and character sets.
  • String Comparison: Perform simple text comparisons to ensure data consistency.

Usage Examples

1. Encryption & Decryption

import { encrypt, decrypt } from 'zexson_toolkit';

const data = "secret information";
const encrypted = encrypt(data, { key: 'customKey' });
const decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, { key: 'customKey' });

console.log(decrypted); // "secret information"
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2. Token Generation

import { tokenGenerator } from 'zexson_toolkit';

const token = tokenGenerator(16, 'defaultSet');
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zexson_toolkit provides simple and effective solutions for data encryption and token management in your projects. For more details and examples, visit the npm page.

Speaking of our NPM package, we will be releasing our new package for web development very soon πŸš€! This package is being developed with the philosophy of your needs (less code, more work), so developers can focus only on your project instead of dealing with complex configurations 🀍. The package will continue to be versioned, adding small features...⭐

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