Today, I am implementing a Mail Service class using the Singleton Design Pattern in PHP. In many applications, there are frequent email-sending operations, like on an e-commerce website, where an email is sent to the user after they place an order.
Using a Singleton pattern here allows the application to create only a single instance of the mail service connection. This enhances application performance by ensuring only one connection instance is maintained.
Please see the code below:
// Chúng ta có thể cấu hình namespace cho ok hơn, vì mình test nên để require_once đến thư viện
require_once "../../../vendor/autoload.php";
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Mailer;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader;
class MailService{
private static $instance = null;
private $transport = null;
private $mail_from = ""; // email
private $pass = ""; // password
private $mailer = null;
private function __construct(){
try {
$this->transport =Transport::fromDsn("smtp://{$this->mail_from}:{$this->pass}");
$this->mailer = new Mailer($this->transport);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
public static function getInstance(){
if(self::$instance === null){
// begin create instance
self::$instance = new MailService();
// create instance object
return self::$instance;
public function sendEmail(Array $data) : Array{
try {
$email = new Email();
if($data['file'] != null){
$data['status'] = 'success';
return json_decode(json_encode($data), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
catch (\Exception $e) {
$data['status'] = 'error';
$data['message'] = $e->getMessage();
return json_decode(json_encode($data), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
Great! Now that the Singleton pattern is set up for the Mail Service, we can use it in our application. Here’s how you can integrate and use the Mail Service Singleton:
$mail = MailService::getInstance();
$mail2 = MailService::getInstance();
var_dump($mail === $mail2); //true
'email' => '',
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