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Understanding Expo for React Native

Source : Understanding Expo for React Native

Expo is a great starting point. You can easily configure and launch a basic app and learn more about React Native. Building apps without Expo gives you more flexibility in development, reduces dependencies, and allows you to integrate with mobile devices in a better way. In terms of popularity, Expo is definitely a popular solution for beginners, However, if you want to become a serious RN developer, you should build RN apps without Expo (at least for now).

If you’re wondering if it’s still a good idea to start with React Native, in our opinion it is a big YES. React Native is more and more popular among many companies. Software houses are seeing a lot of demand for services which require knowledge of React Native. If you are not an iOS user or you don’t have MAC and you want to see that how your app looks and works in iOS device or even if you are both iOS and Android user and want to check that how your app looks and works in both devices then Expo is for you.

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