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Anthony Slater
Anthony Slater

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Contributing to a RPG with CSV

Recent events << looks over at covid19 >> have forced many of us to isolate indoors. My own DnD campaign has been slowly advancing through Zoom for the past six months. So this year, I figured I would start my Hacktoberfest by making a perception check (with advantage) and looking for game-related issues. I pretty quickly came across Mimic Tools:

GitHub logo Mimic-Tools / name-generation

Generation of character names

The issue they wanted addressed was how to display a report of tabular data from their github repo. The script could produce the desired report as HTML, but if you click on an HTML file in github... you see HTML. The solution was CSV. If you click on a CSV file in github, it's displayed as a nice, easy-to-read, zebra-striped table.

The already includes functions to iterate through all the important objects and builds strings of HTML where appropriate. I thought it would be easy enough to make a copy of said function and swap HTML syntax with CSV... But, as it turns out, CSV doesn't mean a string with commas in it; it means values separated by commas. After a little research, I found the python csv library and was almost ready to go.

If a table cell required a positive value, the ✓ character u'\u2713' was written. An X was written for negative values. One of the things requested was a cross symbol instead of a literal X.

I browsed through the Unicode Block “Dingbats” and it turns out the
u'\u2715' and ✓ u'\u2713' are effectively neighbours and should work well together.

I set these variables at the top of the document and I think if I were to do this over again I would move them down closer to where the reports are being built. There is also some code repetition during the loop of dictionary items.

html_output = """<html><table border="1"><tr><th>Region</th>"""
csv_output = [['Region'] +  report_headers]
for items in report_headers:
    html_output += "<th>{}</th>".format(items)
html_output += """</tr>"""
for report_item in report_dictionary:
    region = splitext(report_item)[0].capitalize()
    csv_row = [region]
    html_output += "<tr><td>{}</td>".format(region)
    for location in report_dictionary[report_item]: 
        if report_dictionary[report_item][location]:
            html_output += "<td>{}</td>".format(check)
            csv_row += [check]
            html_output += "<td>{}</td>".format(cross)
            csv_row += [cross]    
    html_output += "</tr>"
html_output += "</table></html>"

csv_file = open(csv_name, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8')
csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
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I didn't want to disturb the existing code any more than was necessary, but I think I should have modified the loop to look like this:

for location in report_dictionary[report_item]: 
  symbol = check if report_dictionary[report_item][location] else cross
  html_output += "<td>{}</td>".format(symbol)
  csv_row += [symbol]
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Overall fixing this issue was pretty straightforward. I learned a little bit about building/writing CSV files in python and how they're displayed in github.

Fixes #52: Change report to produce CSV instead of HTML #55

  • creates a csv file in addition to the html report
  • added the ✕ to compliment the ✓

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