abhaseen / Verify-URL
A Python script that verifies the return code of URLs.
I reordered main() into the following:
- get_args()
- check_args()
- get_urls()
- verify_url()
- print_status()
Everything looked good and worked as expected... except when I supplied a filename.
>>> python verify_url.py src.html
Invalid URL '': No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http://?
I traced the error to get_urls() as it looked as though a NoneType object was being appended into what was supposed to be a list of strings.
for url in soup.find_all('a'):
To fix, I cast every item as a string and checked to see if it started with 'http'
for url in soup.find_all("a"):
href = str(url.get('href'))
if href.startswith('http'):
I ran the tool again from the command line and supplied a file to check. This time it ran smoothly and printed a colourful list.
I submitted a Pull Request, so hopefully these changes pass the Author's test! That wasn't supposed to rhyme...
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