
Cover image for AppSeed - New Version

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AppSeed - New Version

Hello Coders!

The new version of AppSeed is LIVE. The platform has been redesigned to offer a better user experience and complete refactoring over site structure. For newcomers, AppSeed is a platform that uses automation tools to generate tested, production-ready starters.

Thanks for reading!

  • 👉 The product story (published on Medium)
  • 👉 Freebies - free dashboards
  • 👉 Free Apps - Flask, Django & React
  • 👉 Get Support (registered users)
  • đŸ”Ĩ 50% OFF Coupon (all products) - appseedv2

👉 Product Story


  • ℹī¸ Started in 2018 by me and Teo
  • ℹī¸ Aug.2018 - I quit my corporate job to work full-time on the project
  • đŸ’ĩ Funded by a VC in aug.2018 with 25k
  • 🙅 No money in the bank at 1.Jan.2019
  • 🙅 No sales for ~= 16mo
  • đŸ”Ĩ First sale ~Nov.2019
  • 🚀 (many events here ...)
  • 🚀 2021 AppSeed becomes a stable, self-funded business
  • 🚀 In 2022, AppSeed is used by 4k+ developers

For more information, feel free to access the full story published on medium: AppSeed — Intro, status, and further steps

Product Story - AppSeed

Curious minds can start fast with some popular freebies, released under the MIT license on Github.

✨ Datta Able Django

Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed on top of a modern design. For newcomers, Datta Able Bootstrap Lite is the most stylized Bootstrap 4 Lite Admin Template, around all other Lite/Free admin templates in the market. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with fully developer-centric code. Before developing Datta Able our key points were performance and design.

Datta Able Django - AppSeed v2 Starter.

✨ Django Material Kit

Open-Source seed project generated by AppSeed in Django Framework on top of Material Kit design. Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites, Material Kit 2 is ready to help you create stunning websites and web apps.

Material Kit 2 is built with over 60 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.

AppSeed v2 - Material Kit

✨ Volt Dashboard

Volt Dashboard is a free and open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages, and 3 plugins with Vanilla JS. There is more than 100 free Bootstrap 5 components included some of them being buttons, alerts, modals, date pickers, and so on.

AppSeed v2 - Volt Bootstrap 5

✨ React Node JS Berry

Berry is a creative React Dashboard built using the Material-UI. It is meant to be the best User Experience with highly customizable feature-riched pages. It is a complete game-changer React Dashboard with an easy and intuitive responsive design as on retina screens or laptops.

The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout powered by an open-source Node JS API Backend via Passport Library.

Image description

Thank you! I'll be honored to answer all your questions!


Top comments (12)

rakesh_nakrani profile image
Rakesh S Nakrani

the new interface looks promising. Also thanks for highlight the Berry React. Wish you great year ahead.

Personally loves your product story where you take your job seriously and do stand on your foot for 16 months without any single sale.

Big congratulations for this new interface of AppSeed.

sm0ke profile image

Ty Rakesh!
P.S. Berry is a great product

zoltanszogyenyi profile image
ZoltÃĄn SzőgyÊnyi

Looking awesome!

sm0ke profile image

Ty Zoli!

coderamrin profile image

The new design looks cleaner and minimalist. Overal the new version of appseed is dope.
Also, just read your story on Medium. You are such an inspiration for us.

Good luck Adrian.

sm0ke profile image

Ty Amrin! :)

crearesite profile image

Nice design

sm0ke profile image


brijesh_dobariya profile image
Brijesh Dobariya

Its amaze...Looks interesting. Feeling great as one of AppSeed partner.

sm0ke profile image

Ty guys for the trust!

uithemes profile image

Good luck!

sm0ke profile image
