
Cover image for MUI React - Coding a Simple Landing Page

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MUI React - Coding a Simple Landing Page

Hello Coders!

This article explains how to use the React MUI Library and code a simple, responsive landing page. The page will be built with MUI components only, no HTML element will be used.

Thanks for Reading! Content provided by App Generator

Coding a Simple Landing Page with MUI and React - A tutorial provided by AppSeed.

Before React.js, building web applications can be a daunting task. There was no ability to re-use web layouts or follow the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle with HTML. Therefore, we wrote repeated lines of code that were difficult to understand.

Does React.js make building web applications easier? Let's find out via the following topics:

  • 👉 What is React
  • 👉 MUI Introduction - Reasons to use it
  • 👉 MUI Installation
  • 👉 Generate the project via CRA (create-react-app)
  • 👉 Styling in MUI using makeStyles hook
  • 👉 Coding Sections: Header, Hero, Information, Contact, Footer
  • 👉 How to change MUI Font
  • 👉 Presents Open-Source MUI Dashboard: Berry
  • 👉 Links & Resources (all free)

✨ What is React

React.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to build fast and efficient web applications using the minimum amount of code possible. In React.js, you can break the web layout into components - reusable bits of code that return HTML elements.

It also allows us to pass data into these components to create dynamic content for our web pages. These data are called props. React.js has excellent documentation with tons of helpful resources and a large community of users willing to help you learn effectively.

New to React? Check out this comprehensive React Starting Guide

JavaScript concepts for React Beginners - Blog Article

✨ Material UI Library

Material UI is a library that contains several React components that are flexible, mobile responsive, and production-ready. These components allow you to create stunning user interfaces with ease, and you always have complete control over their appearance and behavior.

With over 2000 contributors to its documentation, MUI is developer-friendly and provides an exciting experience for new users.

However, before we proceed, let's look at five reasons you should use the MUI library in React.js.

✨ MUI - Reasons to use it

MUI Library stands out from the rest because it provides the following:

Mobile-first Approach

MUI encourages a uniform and user-friendly layout across different platforms and screen sizes. It provides several helpers that enable you to build a mobile-friendly web application. MUI comes with different breakpoints for different screen sizes, and you can edit the default screen sizes to your preferred choice if necessary.

Faster build time

MUI has every web component you need to build any web application, and it's easy to integrate into your web applications. MUI speeds up your development process and enables you to ship beautiful and modern web applications faster.

Excellent Documentation

MUI's documentation is straightforward. So you don't have to go elsewhere to search for how to implement any feature you need. Every web component, how to use them, and code samples are available in the documentation.

Highly Customizable

MUI components are highly customizable. You have complete control over their appearance and behavior. MUI allows you to write custom CSS styles to edit the components or pass some props stated in the documentation.

Beautiful ready-made components

MUI provides beautiful production-ready components for you. By simply copying and pasting the code, you can build a complex layout in a few minutes.

✨ MUI Installation and Set up

In order to start coding or using the free sample provided by this tutorial, we need NodeJS properly installed and accessible in the terminal.

New to NodeJS? Check out this comprehensive Node JS Starting Guide

NodeJS Tutorial for Beginners - With code Samples

Once the NodeJS tools are accessible, we can move forward and code our sample. Here are the steps:

  • Generate the app skeleton using CRA tool
  • Install MUI Components and SVG Icons
  • Open the project using a modern editor like VsCode or Sublime
  • Update App.js to include the newly installed assets
$ npx create-react-app reactmui
$ npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
$ npm install @mui/icons-material 
$ npm start 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The App.js will be edited to include all the components coded in the next sections:

import CssBaseline from '@mui/material/CssBaseline';
function App() {
  return (
      <CssBaseline />
      <Header />
      <Hero />
      <Section />
      <AboutUs />
      <Testimonial />
      <ContactUs />
      <Footer />

export default App;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The web application is divided into seven components: header, hero, section, about us, testimonial, contact us, and footer.

CSS Baseline component adds simple base styles provided by MUI to the web application. It removes the margin in all browsers and sets the box-sizing property to border-box.

✨ Styling in MUI

Styling MUI components may seem confusing at first to beginners because it's quite different from the conventional way of styling HTML or React applications. But don't worry, the aim of this article is to explain it clearly.

To edit these components provided by MUI, you have to do the following:

  • 👉 Install mui/styles
  • 👉 Create a new folder named styles
  • 👉 Create a styles.js file in styles dir and add the code:
// src/styles/styles.js

import { makeStyles } from '@mui/styles';

const styles = () => {
  return {
    //box: {
    //   backgroundColor: "red"
    // },
    // text: {
    //  color: "pink"

const useStyles = makeStyles(styles);
export default useStyles; 
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The above code does the following:

  • Import makeStyles from mui/styles.
  • Invoke makeStyles, a higher-order function that accepts a sub-function (another function) that returns an object containing classNames and the styles applied.
  • styles is our sub-function used by makeStyles
  • Defines useStyles a custom hook that passes the styles created above into the makeStyles function. useStyles basically, helps us to style all the new components coded in the next sections.

How to use custom styling hook in MUI

Let's see a quick demo on how to apply the styles above in React components.

import React from 'react';
import { Box, Typography } from '@mui/material';
import useStyles from '../styles/styles';         // <-- Import

const Component = () => {
  const classes = useStyles();

  return (
    <Box className={}>                 // <-- Use
      <Typography className={classes.text}>I am a text</Typography>

export default Component; 
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Using this mechanism, we can inject styling into every component using a clean syntax thanks to MUI's beautiful architecture.

✨ Coding MUI Header component

Here, the header component is our navigation bar, but building a navigation bar in MUI is quite different from HTML. In MUI, the navigation bar is called the App bar, and it has different types. I will be using the Elevate App Bar.

Header Component - Source Code

MUI React Tutorial - Sticky Header.

MUI React Tutorial - Mobile Menu

The relevant Code, extracted from the MUI Header Component File

<Box sx={{ marginBottom: '70px' }}>
      <ElevationScroll {..props}>
          <Toolbar className={classes.toolBar}>
            <Link href="#" underline="none">
              <Typography variant="h5" className={classes.logo}>
                MUI Sample

                onClick={toggleDrawer('right', true)}
                <MenuIcon className={classes.menuIcon} fontSize="" />

                onClose={toggleDrawer('right', false)}

            { => (
               <Link href={link.url} key={}>

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The (simplified) above code does the following:

  • The MUI App Bar segment elevates the navigation bar on scroll - when the user is not at the top of the page.
  • Using this type of App bar requires you to wrap your AppBar with the <ElevationScroll/> tag.
  • Typography is used for texts. It takes the variant parameter to specify whether it's a heading or a paragraph tag. Box is similar to the tag in HTML. It serves as a parent element.
  • Link is similar to the tag in HTML. It creates a hyperlink to internal and external resources in your web application.
  • The toolbar is the MUI component that wraps all the elements in the AppBar.
  • I also imported the useStyles hook we created in the previous section. This hook is declared inside the component and passed into a variable, like this const classes = useStyles() the classes variable becomes an object containing all the classNames declared in the stylesheet.
  • Let's edit the styles in styles.js

const styles = () => {
  return {
    toolBar: {
      height: '10vh',
      display: 'flex',
      justifyContent: 'space-between',
      padding: '20px',
      backgroundColor: 'white',
    logo: {
      color: 'blue',
      cursor: 'pointer',
    link: {
      color: '#000',

const useStyles = makeStyles(styles);
export default useStyles; 

✨ Coding MUI Hero Component

In this section, I introduced the Grid layout. The Grid component displays contents in a responsive layout by dividing the screen into 12 cells.

Hero Component - Source Code

MUI React Tutorial - Hero Component

The code is fairly simple compared to the (previous) Header Component:

const Hero = () => {
  const classes = useStyles();

  return (
    <Box className={classes.heroBox}>
      <Grid container spacing={6} className={classes.gridContainer}>
        <Grid item xs={12} md={7}>
          <Typography variant="h3" className={classes.title}>
            Let s scale your business
          <Typography variant="h6" className={classes.subtitle}>
            Hire professionals who [..truccated..] we are your best client.
            sx={{ width: '200px', fontSize: '16px' }}
            HIRE US
        <Grid item xs={12} md={5}>
          <img src={myteam} alt="My Team" className={classes.largeImage} />

export default Hero;

✨ Coding MUI Section Component

This component displays a Grid container containing three Grid items.

Section Component - Source Code

MUI React Tutorial - Section Component

The source code for this component defines three cells managed by a parent MUI Grid component.

    <Box sx={{ flexGrow: 1, minHeight: '400px' }}>
      <Grid container className={classes.sectionGridContainer}>
        { => (

✨ Coding MUI Contact Component

This component implements a simple form with a Title, three input fields and a submit button

Contact Form Component - Source Code

MUI React Tutorial - Contact US Component

Here is the code for this simple form powered by MUI:

<Box className={classes.formContainer}>

      <Typography variant="h4" className={classes.formHeading}>
        Contact Us
          label="Full Name"
          onChange={(e) => setFirstName(}

          onChange={(e) => setEmail(}

          aria-label="minimum height"
          placeholder="Enter a message"
          onChange={(e) => setMessage(}

          sx={{ width: '200px', fontSize: '16px' }}

✨ Coding MUI Footer

Our MUI sample page provides a simple footer with a centered text crafted on top of Box, Typography, and Link MUI Components.

Footer Component - Source Code

MUI React Tutorial - Footer Component

Here is the relevant Source code for the MUI Footer Component

    <Box sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }} className={classes.footerContainer}>
      <Typography className={classes.footerText}>
        Provided by{' '}
        <Link href="" underline="none">
      <Typography className={classes.footerDate}>
          Open-Source Sample - Buit with MUI

✨ How to change MUI Font

Material UI allows you to use any font you want to use. To change the font of all Material UI components, do the following:

  • Open App.js and import the createTheme and ThemeProvider from MUI core.
  • Edit the font-family of the typography component via createTheme.

Here is the code for our App.js landing page with all components styled with the new font: Poppins instead of the default font Roboto.

const theme = createTheme({
  typography: {
    fontFamily: ['Poppins', 'sans-serif'].join(','),

function App() {
  return (
      <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
        <CssBaseline />
        <Header />
        <Hero />
        <Section />
        <AboutUs />
        <Testimonial />
        <ContactUs />
        <Footer />

export default App; 

✨ Conclusions and Free Resources

In this article, we've been able to build a complete webpage using various Material UI components. Material UI provides a comprehensive set of UI tools you may need to create a modern web application.

👉 Material UI - official documentation
👉 Open-Source MUI Templates - a curated list

With its straightforward documentation, you can easily find the web layouts you need and build a complete web application in a shorter amount of time.

✨ React Node JS Berry

Berry is a creative React Dashboard built using the Material-UI. It is meant to be the best User Experience with highly customizable feature-riched pages. It is a complete game-changer React Dashboard with an easy and intuitive responsive design on retina screens or laptops.

The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout powered by an open-source Node JS API Backend via Passport Library.

MUI React Tutorial - Berry Dashboard (Open-Source Seed Project).

Top comments (8)

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

We created our site in Angular using server side rendering (SSR) for search engine visibility, and although it's a bit challenging to SEO optimise it, mainly due to size, all in all it was a fairly pleasant experience, and we're quite happy with the result. I suspect more and more companies will build "traditional websites" in either React, Angular, or Vue due to the way these tools helps you out wiring things together.

Nice writeup. You might want to write something about SSR to "complete" it, since today a website, regardless of how beautifully created, is not very useful unless it can be found and traversed by crawlers, both for SMO and SEO reasons ...

Psst, we even turned ours into an automatically updated PWA for kicks ... ;)

sm0ke profile image


crearesite profile image

Thanks for sharing!
In case you have the time, would be great to highlight the code for the burger menu.

sm0ke profile image

The code is quite long to paste it here in full. The Header component checks the size of the screen and for screens below 600px shows the burger menu.

in Header Component there is a match directive.

My advise is to play with the code and also read MUI docs.

crearesite profile image

Noted, thanks for the explanations.

Thread Thread
sm0ke profile image


uithemes profile image

Great Content

sm0ke profile image
