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React Tailwind - Free Dashboards

Hello Coders,

This article presents a curated list with open-source React Dashboards styled with Tailwind CSS. For newcomers, React is a popular library for coding UI interfaces from Facebook. All products can be downloaded from Github and used without a registration lock for unlimited hobby & commercial products. This is an open list, feel free to suggest more dashboards in the comments.

Thanks for reading! - Content provided by App Generator.

Material Tailwind Kit React

Material Tailwind Kit React features over 120 individual components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. This means that there are thousands of possible combinations.

You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code because all elements are implemented. We wanted the design process to be seamless, so switching from the image to the real page is very easy to do.

Material Tailwind Kit React - Free product.

Material Tailwind React

Material Tailwind Dashboard React is a free Admin Template based on two popular front-end technologies: Tailwind CSS & React.

It was built to simplify the developer's work and it comes with a fresh design inspired by Google's Material Design. All its components are built to fit perfectly with each other, while aligning to the material concepts.

Material Tailwind Dashboard React - Free Template.

Notus React

This open-source product is provided by Creative-Tim, a well-known agency and UI Kits provider. Notus React is built with over frontend 100 individual components, giving you the freedom to choose and combine.

If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages. You will be able to quickly set up the basic structure for your web project.

React Tailwind Dashboard - Notus.

✨ Windmill

Windmill Dashboard comes with a blazing fast UI styled with Tailwind, PWA support, and integrations for Charts.js and Heroicons.

  • 🦮 Throughly accessible (developed using screen readers)
  • 🌗 Dark theme enabled (load even different images based on theme)
  • 🧩 Multiple (custom) components
  • ⚡ Code splitting

Tailwind Cards - Windmill Dashboard.

✨ Mosaic Lite

Responsive dashboard template built on top of Tailwind CSS and fully coded in React. It comes with several pre-coded charts (built with Chart.js 3) and widgets, and it's a great starting for anyone who wants to create a user interface for SaaS products, administrator dashboards, modern web apps, and more.

Mosaic Lite - Open-source React Dashboard.

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Top comments (4)

aribudin profile image
Ari Budin

Nice dashboard template

sm0ke profile image


uithemes profile image

Really nice!
Notus looks vintage and new in the same time.

crearesite profile image

Windmill is the only one with dark mode.
Thanks for sharing.