DEV Community

Snipe 39
Snipe 39

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Axios latency

Hi all,

I have a big problem with Axios request. I am using this component to communicate with an external API (100+ requests per second). More than 98% of the requests are done within 20 milliseconds. Some requests take several seconds (not a problem of the API side) and I don't know why. Below is a piece of code:

Image description

Sometimes the time difference between t2 and t is too huge and everything slows down. Can you please help me.

Thank you.

Top comments (1)

framemuse profile image
Valery Zinchenko
  1. How do you validate this is not API-related problem?
  2. How do you validate this is not your server problem?
  3. What is your axios config? Maybe you have request/response interceptor that takes too long.
  4. Can you tell if the request or the response takes longer time?