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10 Best Angular UI Libraries | 10 best angular ui components library


Angular has established itself as one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. Its component-based architecture enables the developer to split the application into small reusable chunks. You can create your own user interface components, but a much more efficient way to build your application would be to use a UI library.

  1. Angular Material Angular Material is one of the most used Angular UI libraries to this day. It is based on Google’s Material Design, and it is maintained by a Google team alongside public community contributions. It has a comprehensive set of UI components and it is regularly updated to work with the latest version of Angular. It also has up to date documentation with examples on how to use it. It provides the basic toolkit for any website and is a great starting point for any project.

Free to use
Excellent documentation
Lots of questions are answered in StackOverflow and other sites.
Maintained by a Google team
It is released immediately with a new Angular version and is upgradable by the ng cli.
Has quite a lot of features
Has a great theme support for consistency
Components are generic and often need to be additionally customized
Doesn’t have charts
Usable only with Angular

  1. DevExtreme DevExtreme is a UI components library that supports multiple frameworks, including Angular, React and Vue. It comes with a large number of high-performance and responsive UI components. In addition, it has data grids, interactive charts, editors and more. It also has integrated support for .NET OData store and is a great tool to use if your project relies on it. This library, however, is only free to use for non-commercial purposes, and it requires a developer license for commercial projects.

Developed for multiple frameworks
Developed by a commercial team
Has good documentation
Has many complex features, including charts
Paid for commercial applications
Has less information about issues outside of the official documentation
3.Ng Bootstrap
Ng Bootstrap is a variant of the Bootstrap UI library configured to work for Angular. It actually uses the Bootstrap library underneath and provides everything you loved about Bootstrap 4. It supports Angular 4+. With Angular 12+, it now also supports Bootstrap 5.

Free to use
Adds Bootstrap support.
Does not support earlier versions of Angular before Angular 4+
No Bootstrap 3 support

  1. Clarity Clarity is an open-source library created by VMWare. Its design is based on continuous research. It includes core components that can be used regardless of the framework, but it also includes Angular components. It has extensive documentation, and it is frequently updated with the latest version of Angular .

Free to use
Good support
Barebones documentation

  1. Ngx Bootstrap This is another Bootstrap library implementation that removes the jQuery dependency for Angular. It supports Bootstrap 3 through 5 for its different iterations and might be the only choice for a project that really needs to use Bootstrap 3. It is maintained by Valor Software, and might be a good tool to use, especially for people using some of their other libraries like Ng2-charts.

Free to use
Adds Bootstrap support
Supports Bootstrap 3
Limited use

  1. MDB MDBootstrap MDB is a library based on Bootstrap and inspired by Material Design. The current version is MDB 5 and it supports React, Vue and Angular. It has all the features that you love about Bootstrap, but follows the material design guidelines.

Has a great feature set
Excellent documentation
Somewhat hard to customize
The good stuff is paid, and even in different tiers

  1. Kendo UI Kendo UI is a UI library that supports JQuery, Angular, React and Vue. It is developed by Progress. It has more than 100 UI components that can be easily customized. It has a default theme, as well as Material and Bootstrap themes. It is also possible to make your own custom theme. However, the library is not free, but you can request a free 30-day trial.

Developed for multiple frameworks
Has good documentation and support
Has many complex features, including charts
Bootstrap and Material themes
Paid with a limited trial time

  1. Onsen UI Onsen UI is an open-source library that has a rich set of UI components for mobile apps. It is also perfect for developing hybrid apps and progressive web apps. It supports both AngularJS and Angular.

Good mobile components support
It can be used with different frameworks
Limited documentation
Limited adoption

  1. Prime NG PrimeNG is an open-source UI components library developed by PrimeTek Informatics. Most of the components are native, but there are some dependencies (Quill Editor, Google Maps). One of its key features is that it enriches mobile user experience with touch optimised design elements.

Excellent documentation, including tutorial videos
A good amount of (paid) prebuilt templates
A lot of theme customizations
Some components have third party dependencies

  1. Teradata Covalent UI Platform Teradata Covalent UI Platform focuses on solving the developers’ needs. It follows the Material Design specifications and uses Angular Material. Furthermore, the platform follows the atomic design principles and unites smaller components into bigger ones. Some of its interesting features include user profile, breadcrumbs, file upload and a dynamic menu.

Good documentation with examples
Rich component catalogue including charts and animations
Free to use
Limited adoption
All in all, the main purpose of UI libraries is to help us build applications faster. Although some Angular libraries are more popular than others, it is sometimes not possible to distinguish one from the others. However, it is always good to be familiar with the new trends and designs. Last but not least, as a general rule, there is no “best library” but rather a library that fits your project needs the most and becomes your best choice for your application.


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