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Mistakes I Made Early In My Career — And What I Would Have Done Differently

I have been working in tech industry for 5 years.

And in that time, I’ve gotten to do a lot of cool things:

  • Master many technologies.
  • 3D models.
  • Complex Back-end systems
  • Ecommerce apps
  • There isn’t much I would change about my journey.

But if I could go back, here are a few of the mistakes I made early on — and what I would have done differently:

1. Find a mentor

One of my biggest mistakes was not seeking a mentor early in my career. I underestimated the value of having someone experienced to guide me, provide clear feedback, and help me navigate the complexities of the colosal tech world. If I could go back in time, I would actively look for a mentor, attend join and be active in communities, and build relationships with experienced professionals who could help me grow faster.

2. Focus on a couple of technologies to master

At the beginning of my career, I was eager to learn everything at once-because my ego was that big. I spread myself too thin by trying to master every technology that came my way. This approach led to burnout and a lack of deep expertise. Instead, I would have chosen a couple of key technologies to focus on and develop a solid foundation. This would have allowed me to build expertise and become more valuable in those areas.

3. Try a lot of things but one at the time

I jumped from one project to another without fully understanding each one. This scattergun approach limited my ability to learn effectively. I would have taken the time to explore different areas, but with a disciplined focus on one at a time, allowing me to gain deeper insights and skills before moving on to the next challenge.

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