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Ebikara Spiff
Ebikara Spiff

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Develop a User Data Storage Registration Form Using Python.


Millions of users sign up for websites, applications, and services across the digital landscape every day. In this vast digital world, the first interaction users have is often through a registration form, and in an era where digital interactions shape our daily lives, the need for efficient data collection and management has become more crucial than ever. A streamlined registration process is essential, whether for a new product launch, event registration, or simply updating a customer database. In this technical document, we will delve into creating a registration form using Python (a versatile and powerful programming language).

Throughout this document, we will guide you through crafting a registration form that not only captivates users with a clean layout but also empowers you to validate inputs effectively. By leveraging the robust capabilities of Python and libraries like Kivy, we aim to enhance the user experience through clear feedback mechanisms and custom validation logic. Whether you are a seasoned developer looking to brush up on your skills or a newcomer eager to learn, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to implement a functional registration form in Python. Additionally, we will explore storing user data securely in a text file, ensuring a seamless registration process for users and administrators.

By the end of this article, it doesn't matter if you are working on a personal project, a client assignment, or a company application. You will have the tools to create a user-friendly registration form, handle user input validation, and securely store user information. So, without further ado, let's roll up our sleeves, fire up our code editors, and embark on this enriching journey of building a registration form using the power of Python.

Setting up the project environment.

When working in Visual Studio Code (VS Code), start by creating a new Python file for your registration form project. It's helpful to have separate files for different parts of your project.

Create a new Python application:

To do this, you can start by opening your VS Code and creating a new folder:

Step 1:

VS Code Home Page

Step 2:

You select the folder:

Selecting a folder in VS Code

Step 3:

Head over to the newly created folder and create a new file called

Creating a new Python file

Install the necessary libraries.

We will create this complete Python registration form using Kivy. We get started by installing Kivy, a powerful Python framework for building interactive applications.

Step 1:

To install Kivy, go to your search bar and click on the command prompt.

Clicking on command prompt in VS Code

Step 2:

Open your command prompt and type your command for installing Kivy;

pip install Kivy
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Step 3 :

Next, click enter, and in a few moments, Kivy will be installed on your computer.

Installing Kivy

Import installed libraries and modules

After installing Kivy, we will go to our newly created Python file and type a command to import Kivy;

Step 1:

Import kivy
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Step 2:

Next, underneath the import kivy, we will import all the modules within the Kivy library;

from import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.popup import Popup
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By following these steps, installing Kivy, setting up your VS Code environment, and blending Kivy into your project, you'll be ready to write a registration form application with engaging user experiences.

Creating The Registration Form.

To create a registration form application with engaging user experiences using Kivy, follow these steps:

Design the user interface

To design the user interface for the registration form application using Kivy, you should first define the layout and components that will engage users effectively.

Step 1:

First, we will create a class RegistrationApp and parse the app;

class RegistrationApp(App): 
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Step 2:

After creating our class, next, we will create and define our method called Buildand parse self;

class RegistrationApp (App):
        def build (self):
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Create the registration form title.

Next, we will create a window name for our registration form.

Step 3:

To do this, we have to call self.title and title the window Registration Form;

class RegistrationApp (App):
        def build (self):
              self.title = “Registration form”
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Define the form layout.

Next, we will define our registration form box layout.

Step 4 :

We do this by creating a variable layout;

layout = BoxLayout ()
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Orient the registration form vertically.

Orienting the form vertically refers to arranging the input fields and labels in a top-to-bottom layout. This layout structure allows users to navigate the form easily by moving in a vertical direction while providing a clear and organized presentation of the registration fields.

Step 5:

Defining our box orientation as vertical, as follows;

layout = BoxLayout(orientation= ‘vertical’)
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Define spacing, size, and spacing for our box layout;

Defining spacing, size, and alignment for a Box Layout is crucial for organizing the elements effectively within the user interface. By defining spacing, size, and alignment for a Box Layout in a registration form, you can achieve a well-structured and visually pleasing design. Ensuring consistent spacing between elements, appropriate sizing for components, and precise alignment of items enhances the form's usability and aesthetics.

Step 6 :

layout = BoxLayout(orientation= ‘vertical’, padding= 30, spacing= 10)
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Step 7:

Next, to view how our box layout and window title are looking so far, we will return our layout and call out the class instance;

class RegistrationApp(App):
    def build(self):
        self.title = "Registration form"
        layout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical', padding=30, spacing=10)
        return layout
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Step 8:

Save and run Python.

Box layout and Window title

Input fields (name, email, and password)

Building a registration form involves creating fields where users can input their information such as name, email, and password. These fields allow users to submit their details so they can register for access to a website, application, or service.

Add the registration form heading.

After creating our box layout, we need to add more input details inside our Layout (under the layout variable).

Step 1:

To do this, first create a variable head_label and define the text (Python User Registration App);

head_label = Label(text="Python User Registration App")
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Define font size, height, and style.

By defining the font size, height, and style in your registration form, you can customize the appearance of text elements to align with the desired design aesthetics and usability goals. Ensuring proper font size for readability, setting appropriate heights for consistency, and applying styles for emphasis will contribute to a polished and user-friendly registration form interface.

Step 2:

Next, we define font size, font style, and height;

head_label = Label(text="Python User Registration App", font_size=26, bold=True, height=40)
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Add labels to the registration form.

When designing a registration form layout in Python, adding labels is essential for guiding users on what information to input in each field. Labels are the text descriptions that indicate the purpose of each input field, such as Name, Email, Password, etc. Here's how you can add labels to your registration form using Python code:

Step 3:

After creating and defining our form heading, we need to create labels (name, email, password, confirm password) for the registration box;

name_label = Label(text="Name:", font_size=18)
email_label = Label(text="Email:", font_size=18)
password_label = Label(text="Password:", font_size=18)
confirm_label = Label(text="Confirm Password:", font_size=18)
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Add labels to the registration form layout.

When we add labels to a layout, we are essentially providing names or identifiers to different parts of our code or program. This helps us easily refer to and work with specific areas or elements of our layout later on. It's like giving names to different items in a grocery store so that we can quickly find and use them when needed. It makes our code more organized and easier to manage.

Step 4:

To see the codes we have written, we add these labels to our layout;

return layout
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Step 5:

Save and run this application.

Registration form heading and Input Labels

Input section for labels.

Input sections for labels means that you can prompt the user to enter specific types of information by providing a clear label or message before they input their data.

Create variables for labels.

When we create variables, we are essentially assigning a name to a specific piece of data. This makes it easier for us to refer to that data later in our code without having to type out the actual value each time. Below, we create variables for our registration form.

Step 1:

To facilitate user input in sections like name, email, password, and confirm password, we'll associate specific variables, such as name_input, to store the entered information. By referencing the self function, we can access the current instance of the class;

self.name_input = TextInput()
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Define multiline for label input sections.

Multiline for label input sections means the ability for users to input text or content over multiple lines instead of being limited to one single line.

Step 2:

In the text area, we restrict new lines by setting multiline = false to keep all input on a single line;

self.name_input = TextInput(multiline=False)
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Define the font size for labels in the input sections.

Specifying the font size for labels in input sections helps to determine how big or small the text should appear next to input fields.

Step 3:

To control the text appearance within the input field, we define the font size;

self.name_input = TextInput(multiline=False, font_size=18)
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Create input fields for the user registration app interface.

We are creating input fields for the user registration app interface to collect information from users when they sign up for the app. This information is necessary for setting up their accounts and providing personalized services within the app.

Step 4:

To create input fields for the User Registration App Interface;

name_label = Label(text="Name:", font_size=18)
self.name_input = TextInput(multiline=False, font_size=18)
email_label = Label(text="Email:", font_size=18)
self.email_input = TextInput(multiline=False, font_size=18)
password_label = Label(text="Password:", font_size=18)
self.password_input = TextInput(multiline=False, font_size=18, password = True)
confirm_label = Label(text="Confirm Password:", font_size=18)
self.confirm_input = TextInput(multiline=False, font_size=18, password=True)
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When password=True is set, the text input will be displayed as masked characters (often dots or asterisks), offering users a sense of privacy and protection as they put in sensitive information like passwords and confirm passwords.

Add label input sections to the layout.

We are adding label input sections to the layout to help organize and structure the information better for users. By clearly labeling input sections, users will know what information to provide, making the form easier to understand and fill out. This will improve user experience and make it more user-friendly.

Step 5:

To add input fields to the layout;

return layout
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Step 6:

Now if we save and run, we get

Input section for labels

Create registration (Submit) button

The purpose of creating a Registration (Submit) button is to enable users to submit their information or complete a registration process easily. This button acts as a call to action, encouraging users to finalize their registration by submitting the necessary details.

Create a variable.

In the upcoming steps, we are going to set up a variable for the registration button. This will involve defining the necessary properties and functionalities for the button to ensure it functions correctly within the system. Let's proceed with creating the variable to enhance the registration process.

Step 1:

To create a registration (submit) button, start by setting up the variable submit_button;

submit_button = None
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Step 2:

Then, incorporate the Button property within the submit_button variable;

submit_button = Button
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Define the button text and font size.

When we define the button text, we are specifying the words that will appear on the button when someone sees it on a website or in an app. The font size refers to how big or small these words will be displayed. It helps make the button look clear and easy to read for users. In the up coming steps we are going to define the button text and font size for our registration form.

Step 3:

We will set the text to Register and specify the font size within the button;

submit_button = Button(text='Register', font_size=18)
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Add the submit button to the layout.

Adding a submit button is essential on forms because it provides a clear action point for users to finalize their input. Without it, users might be unsure of how to proceed or complete a task on the website or application. It serves as a clear call-to-action, enhancing user experience by making tasks more straightforward and intuitive. Below, we learn how to do this.

Step 4:

Finally, we combine all these actions and add our submit button inside our layout for a seamless registration button creation process;

return layout
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Step 5:

Once you've completed these steps, save and run your code.

Registration (Submit) button

Implementation for Validation

When you click the Register button in your app, you want it to do something. To make this happen, you need to add an on_press property to the button. This on_press property will connect the button to a function named Register, which will handle the validation process;

submit_button = Button(text='Register', font_size=18, on_press=self.register)
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Create the function 'Register'.

Now, we don't have this Register function that we just added to the submit_button variable. Let's create this function under our layout.

The reason we are creating this function underneath the layout is that this code isn't defining how things look on the screen (like designing buttons or text boxes), but instead, it's creating functions that perform actions when users interact with the elements on the screen.

Step 1:

To begin, let's set up a function called register to handle how users sign up. In this function, we'll collect the important data users enter, like their name, email, password, and confirm password;

def register(self, instance):
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Define the Register function.

A Register function is typically used to store and manage data for later use within a program. It saves information in a specific location, like a register, and can be used to hold data or state that the program needs to access or modify during its execution. We will be defining our register button next

Step 2:

In the register function, we will start by collecting information entered by the user;

def register(self, instance):
     name = self.name_input.text
     email = self.email_input.text
     password = self.password_input.text
     confirm_password = self.confirm_input.text

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Use conditional statements for label input sections.

Verify that all required fields, including name, email, password, and confirm password, are filled out before proceeding.

Step 3:

executing this operation;

if name.strip() == ‘ ’ or email.strip() == ‘ ’ or password.strip == ‘ ’ or   confirm_password.strip == ‘ ’:

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Create a variable for error messages.

If any of them are empty, we'll set up a message to kindly remind users to fill in all the fields before they can proceed;

Step 4:

message = "Please fill in all fields."
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Create a pop-up function to show an error message.

A pop-up function typically refers to a function in programming that displays a small window or dialog box that pops-up on top of the current content on a webpage or in an application. The use of pop-up functions can enhance user experience by providing additional information or options without navigating away from the current page.

Step 1:

To do this, let's define a function called popup to take care of this task. In our pop-up, we'll include a title to give users a heads-up and content containing our reminder message, and we will specify its size so that it fits nicely on the screen;

popup = Popup(title="Registration Status", content=Label(text=message), size_hint=(None, None), size=(400, 200))
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Step 2:

Let us open the pop-up to gently guide the user;
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Step 3:

Now, make sure to save the changes you've made and run your application. After this, when a user clicks on the Register button without filling out all fields, you should see a pop-up window appear with our error message.

Pop-up window for input label

This will help guide users who forget to fill in all the required fields.

Use conditional statements for password and confirm password

Here, we are checking if the user-provided passwords match. If they match, we go ahead with the registration process. If they do not match, we show a message saying passwords do not match. In a pop-up window. This helps the user understand what went wrong and prompts them to try again;

Step 4:

elif password != confirm_password:
     message = "Passwords do not match.”
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Putting it all together;

def register(self, instance):
name = self.name_input.text
email = self.email_input.text
password = self.password_input.text
confirm_password = self.confirm_input.text
if name.strip() == '' or email.strip() == '' or password.strip == '' or confirm_password.strip == '':
message = "Please fill in all fields."
elif password != confirm_password:
message = "Passwords do not match.”
popup = Popup(title="Registration Status", content=Label(text=message), size_hint=(None, None), size=(400, 200))
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Step 5:

Next, we save and run.

This way, we ensure that the user provides the correct passwords before proceeding with the registration.

Pop-up window for incorrect password

Function for storing user data

Begin by using an else statement to store user data, then create a variable called filename to store user data;

Step 1:

Doing this we have;

filename = name + .txt
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Step 2:

Whenever a user fills out the registration form and clicks register, we generate a file named username.txt.;

     with open(filename, ‘w’) as file:
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Step 3:

Open the text file to view the user's data;

      file.write(‘Name: { } \n’.format(name))
file.write(‘Email: { } \n’.format(email))
file.write(‘Password: { } \n’.format(password))
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Step 4:

Finally, let's generate a pop-up message to confirm a successful registration and also show the user's data;

message = “Registration Successful !\nName: {}\nEmail: {}”.format(name,email)
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Step 5:

Now save and run it.

pop-up message to confirm a successful registration and also show the user's data;


Summarize the project.

The User Data Storage Registration Form Using Python. project aims to create a user-friendly registration form application in Python. The project involves designing an intuitive interface for users to input their details, such as name, email, and password.

Key objectives include implementing data validation to ensure accuracy, securely storing user information in a text file, and enhancing the user experience with clear feedback mechanisms.The project utilises the Python programming language, the Kivy framework for interactive applications, and custom validation logic using conditional statements.

The outlined steps cover setting up the project environment, designing the registration form interface, adding input fields, creating a registration button, implementing validation mechanisms, and storing user data securely. Overall, the project provides a structured approach to developing a functional registration form application with a focus on user experience and data integrity.

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