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Sridhar Subramani
Sridhar Subramani

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Beyond Boundaries: Android Inter-Process Communication with AIDL

A step-by-step guide to implementing reliable cross-app services

What’s AIDL

AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) is used to create a common interface for client-server communication in Android.

Both client and server can agree on the common interface to communicate with each other using IPC.

AIDL supports all Java primitive data types and a handful of wrapper data types, such as String, List, Map, Parcelable.

Android IPC

Note: Android apps can communicate using several methods; this guide focuses on IPC via AIDL.

What we are going to build

To demonstrate AIDL in action, we’ll build a practical example: a sensor data logging system consisting of two applications:

Server App:

A service that reads various sensors and provides APIs to:

  • Fetch real-time sensor values
  • Register callbacks for sensor value changes
  • Manage logging sessions

Client App:

  • Connects to the server app and consumes the sensor data
  • The client app will connect to the server app by binding with the service; once binding is complete, we get a binder object, which is the implementation of the AIDL interface we both agreed on. using this binder, we can call the API exposed from Server app

Service Connector

  • We will also discuss a small utility class that I created to take care of the boiler plate code when binding with a service.
  • ServiceConnector handles binding to services and manages retries when the server crashes or stops. It provides a getService method that ⁣suspends until a connection is established or a timeout occurs.
  • This will come in handy when the server app crashes/stops due to some reason. The next time we call the getService method, it takes care of binding with the service and returns the binder interface.

Let’s see some code

Step 1

  • Create an AIDL interface The files should have .aidl extension and should be placed inside a src/main/aidl folder
package com.gandiva.aidl.remoteservices;
import com.gandiva.aidl.remoteservices.SensorDataCallback;

interface SensorDataLoggerService {
    String getSpeedInKm();
    int getRPM();
    void startLogging(in SensorDataCallback callback);
    void stopLogging(in SensorDataCallback callback);
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package com.gandiva.aidl.remoteservices;
import com.gandiva.aidl.remoteservices.model.SensorData;

interface SensorDataCallback {
    // Create a SensorData class, which should implement android.os.Parcelable interface, and placed in java/kotlin package.
    void onEvent(in SensorData data);
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  • Create a SensorData class, which should implement the ⁣android.os.Parcelable interface, and place it in the Java/Kotlin package.
package com.gandiva.aidl.remoteservices.model

import android.os.Parcelable
import kotlinx.parcelize.Parcelize

data class SensorData(val sensorID: Int, val value: Int) : Parcelable
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  • We need to share this interface with both applications, so it would be advisable to create a library module and share the interface with the two apps. Take a look at this Android library module for reference.

Step 2

  • Create an Android Service to expose the Binder interface implementation from onBind method
class SensorDataLoggerServiceImpl : Service() {

  companion object {
    const val SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER_BIND_ACTION = "com.gandiva.aidl.server.action.BIND_SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER"

  override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder? {
    if (intent.action != SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER_BIND_ACTION) return null

    val binder = object : SensorDataLoggerService.Stub() {
      override fun getSpeedInKm(): String {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

      override fun getRPM(): Int {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

      override fun startLogging(callback: SensorDataCallback?) {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

      override fun stopLogging(callback: SensorDataCallback?) {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")
    binder.linkToDeath(DeathRecipient { Log.d("SensorDataLoggerService", "**** Service died") }, 0)
    return binder
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For brevity, the methods just have TODO; actual implementation can be found here

Step 3

  • The client can try to bind the exposed service from the server app using explicit intent.
  • Once the service is connected, we can typecast the IBinder instance to the AIDL interface type, which both apps agreed on step 1.
class SensorDataLoggerViewModel @Inject constructor(val appContext: Application) : AndroidViewModel(appContext) {

  companion object {
    const val SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER_PKG_NAME = "com.gandiva.aidl.server"
    const val SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER_SERVICE_NAME = "com.gandiva.aidl.server.sensor.SensorDataLoggerServiceImpl"
    const val SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER_BIND_ACTION = "com.gandiva.aidl.server.action.BIND_SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER"

  private var sensorDataLoggerService: SensorDataLoggerService? = null

  var isServiceConnected by mutableStateOf(false)
    private set

  private val serviceConnection = object : ServiceConnection {
    override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName?, service: IBinder?) {
      isServiceConnected = true
      sensorDataLoggerService = SensorDataLoggerService.Stub.asInterface(service)

    override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName?) {
      isServiceConnected = false

  fun disconnectService() {
    isServiceConnected = false

  // Should call this method before accessing [sensorDataLoggerService]
  fun connectToService(appContext: Context = this.getApplication()) {
    val bindIntent = Intent().apply {

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
      appContext.bindService(bindIntent, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE, appContext.mainExecutor, serviceConnection)
    } else {
      appContext.applicationContext.bindService(bindIntent, serviceConnection, Context.BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND)

  fun showSpeed() {
    val speedInKm = sensorDataLoggerService?.speedInKm // Assume service is connected
    Toast.makeText(appContext, "Speed $speedInKm", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

  fun showRpm() {
    val rpm = sensorDataLoggerService?.rpm // Assume service is connected
    Toast.makeText(appContext, "RPM $rpm", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
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  • In the above code, we have to explicitly call the ⁣connectToService method to initialize the connection, and post connection only, we should call any method from the (AIDL) binder instance.
  • So our code works under the assumption that when a showSpeed method is called, it tries to call the AIDL API irrespective of the connection. This works in the best-case scenario, but the real world will be far from the best-case scenario. The server app can crash or stop, post-initial connection, leaving the last obtained AIDL binder instance as obsolete.
  • So, we should have a way to call the API only when the service is connected; we can modify the showSpeed method like below to call the API when the service is connected, or call connectToService and wait for the service connection; post we are eligible to call any API.
 fun showSpeed() {
  if (isServiceConnected) {
    val speedInKm = sensorDataLoggerService?.speedInKm
    Toast.makeText(appContext, "Speed $speedInKm", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
  } else {
    connectToService() // Async operation
    // Wait for service to connect then call API
    val speedInKm = sensorDataLoggerService?.speedInKm
    Toast.makeText(appContext, "Speed $speedInKm", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
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  • But we have to follow the same approach everywhere before calling the AIDL API to handle the worst-case scenario. But if we do that, it will introduce a lot of boilerplate code.
  • The best way to deal with this is to create a utility class that takes care of this complexity. Following is one example (i.e., ServiceConnector)

Service connector

  • ServiceConnector exposes a getService suspend function, which will suspend until a connection is made or timeOutInMillis expires.
  • This handles the service connection and retry logic internally, so clients don’t have to worry about the service connection or retry in case the server died or crashed.
interface IServiceConnector<T> {
  suspend fun getService(timeOutInMillis: Long = -1): T?

  suspend fun unbindService()

  fun onServiceConnected() {}

open class ServiceConnector<T>(
  private val context: Context,
  private val intent: Intent,
  val transformBinderToService: (service: IBinder?) -> T?,
  private val allowNullBinding: Boolean = false
) : IServiceConnector<T> {

  private var serviceConnected = false

  private var service: T? = null

  private val mutex = Mutex()

  private var lastServiceConnection: ServiceConnection? = null

  private val logTag = "Service :: ${this.javaClass}"

  override suspend fun getService(timeOutInMillis: Long): T? {
    // If allowNullBinding is true don't care what service object is
    if (serviceConnected && (allowNullBinding || service != null)) {
      return service

    if (timeOutInMillis < 0)
      return mutex.withLock { bindAndGetService() }
    return mutex.withLock { withTimeoutOrNull(timeOutInMillis) { bindAndGetService() } }

  private suspend fun bindAndGetService() = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
    val serviceConnection = object : ServiceConnection {
      override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName?, binder: IBinder?) {

      override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName?) {

      override fun onBindingDied(name: ComponentName?) {

      override fun onNullBinding(name: ComponentName?) {
        if (allowNullBinding) resumeWithServiceInstance(null)
        else cleanUpAndResumeIfRequired()

      private fun resumeWithServiceInstance(binder: IBinder?) {
        service = transformBinderToService(binder)
        serviceConnected = true
        if (continuation.isActive) continuation.resume(service)

      private fun cleanUpAndResumeIfRequired() {
        service = null
        serviceConnected = false
        if (continuation.isActive) continuation.resume(null)


      intent, serviceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE

    lastServiceConnection = serviceConnection

  override suspend fun unbindService() {
    serviceConnected = false
    service = null
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  • Extend the ServiceConnector and provide necessary information about the service to which we want to connect and the type of the binder interface.
  • context Context used to bind the service.
  • intent Explicit intent describing the service to connect.
  • transformBinderToService callback function called to transform the generic IBinder instance to the client-specific AIDL interface.
  • allowNullBinding Pass true to indicate to keep the server connected even if the server returns a null IBinder instance from the onBind method.
class SensorDataLoggerServiceCoordinator(context: Context) : ServiceConnector<SensorDataLoggerService>(
  context = context,
  intent = bindIntent(),
  transformBinderToService = { binder: IBinder? -> binder?.let { SensorDataLoggerService.Stub.asInterface(it) } },
  allowNullBinding = false
) {

  companion object {
    private const val SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER_PKG_NAME = "com.gandiva.aidl.server"
    private const val SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER_SERVICE_NAME = "com.gandiva.aidl.server.sensor.SensorDataLoggerServiceImpl"
    private const val SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER_BIND_ACTION = "com.gandiva.aidl.server.action.BIND_SENSOR_DATA_LOGGER"

    fun bindIntent(): Intent {
      return Intent().apply {

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  • To use create an instance of SensorDataLoggerServiceCoordinator and use the getService method to obtain the binder instance
class SensorDataLoggerViewModelV2 @Inject constructor(val appContext: Application) : AndroidViewModel(appContext) {

  private val sensorDataLoggerServiceCoordinator: SensorDataLoggerServiceCoordinator by lazy {
    SensorDataLoggerServiceCoordinator(context = appContext)

  fun showSpeed() {
    viewModelScope.launch {
      // Suspend till service gets connected.
      val speedInKm = sensorDataLoggerServiceCoordinator.getService()?.speedInKm
      Toast.makeText(appContext, "Speed $speedInKm", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

  fun showRPM() {
    viewModelScope.launch {
      // Suspend till service gets connected. or at max 1500 ms. which ever comes first.
      val rpm = sensorDataLoggerServiceCoordinator.getService(1500L)?.rpm
      Toast.makeText(appContext, "RMP $rpm", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

  fun disconnectService() {
    viewModelScope.launch { sensorDataLoggerServiceCoordinator.unbindService() }
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