DEV Community

Ilya Belous
Ilya Belous

Posted on

πŸ’» Seeking Feedback on My Developer Portfolio πŸš€

Hey community! πŸ‘‹

I've just launched my developer portfolio, and I'd love to get your honest (but gentle, please πŸ˜…) feedback from the dev pros out there. It features my journey so far, showcasing a mix of JavaScript projects, design work, and some cool real-world coding adventures.

What I'm Looking For: πŸ”
Page Quality: Does my page look clean, or does it scream β€œcopy-paste from StackOverflow”? πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Any tips to improve structure?

Design & UX: Does the layout make you want to click everything, or does it feel like navigating Windows Vista? 😜 What could make the user experience smoother?

Project Showcases: Am I showing off my projects the right way? πŸ› οΈ Would you swipe right on my portfolio if it was a dev Tinder? πŸ’»

General Advice: Got any pro-tips for leveling up my portfolio game? πŸ•ΉοΈ I want it to look less β€œfirst project” and more β€œhire this dev ASAP.”

A Little About Me: 😎
I’m all about front-end development, especially mastering the trifecta of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I’ve been geeking out on DOM manipulation, responsive design, and building cool interactive features. One day I plan to dive into app development and join the ranks of sleep-deprived app devs. πŸ±β€πŸ’»

Check out my portfolio here and let me know what you think! All constructive feedback is welcomeβ€”even if it's just to point out my inconsistent indentations... πŸ˜…

Thanks in advance, dev fam! πŸ™Œ

(Oh, and if anyone can figure out how to get my pig game to actually line up on mobile screens, I’ll owe you a lifetime supply of virtual high-fives. πŸ™Œ I’ve been this close to chucking my laptop out the window at least three times in the last 3 hours. What you see now is the result of me wrestling with zero responsiveness to...well, slightly less zero responsiveness. πŸ˜‚ Please send CSS prayers and media query magic my way!
Pig Game Repository)

Top comments (1)

st3adyp1ck profile image
Ilya Belous

nobody 😒 ... is it THAT bad?