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How to Build Apps Like Discord for Group Chat

Are you looking to create a group chat app with features similar to Discord? If so, adding video chat and messaging functionality is crucial. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to incorporate these core components into your application.

We'll cover the technical details of implementing secure, low-latency video conferencing and robust text-based communication. By the time you're finished reading, you'll have a strong understanding of the design principles and development strategies needed to build engaging Discord alternatives.

Whether your target audience is gamers, remote workers, or any other community, these essential features will help create meaningful connections and keep your users coming back. So let’s get into it and make your Discord-like app a reality!

Must-have Features in Chatting Apps Like Discord

When building a group chat app inspired by Discord, there are several key features you'll need to include to create an engaging experience for your users. Let's go over the must-have components:

  • Video chat: At the heart of any Discord-like app is the ability to video chat. Your users will expect high-quality, low-latency video that supports multiple people at once. This is perfect for casual hangouts, team meetings, and community events. Make sure your video chat works smoothly and seamlessly.

  • Text messaging: In addition to video, robust text-based chatting is crucial. Your app should have a responsive messaging interface that lets users send messages, share files and images, and use things like bold, italics, and code formatting. Features like message threads and emoji reactions will enhance the conversational flow.

  • Customizable chat spaces: Give users the power to create, tweak, and moderate their own chat channels. Provide intuitive controls for managing permissions, member lists, and notifications. This allows your communities to tailor their spaces and foster engaging discussions.

  • High-quality voice chat: Many Discord users rely on voice chat for activities like gaming and virtual events. Make sure your app can handle spatial audio with handy features like push-to-talk and volume controls. This voice functionality should integrate cleanly with your video and text chat.

  • Extend functionality with integrations: Finally, consider integrating your chat app with productivity tools, social media, and other relevant platforms. With this feature, you can transform your app into a central hub for your users' online activities, making it an invaluable part of their daily lives.

How to Build Apps Like Discord

Creating a group chat app like Discord requires powerful SDKs and careful integration of features such as user authentication, real-time messaging, media sharing, voice and video calling.

Using ZEGOCLOUD’s SDK, you can develop a high-quality app with these capabilities, delivering seamless communication. Here’s a step-by-step guide to build a Discord-style group chat app:


Before starting, ensure you have:

  • A ZEGOCLOUD developer account with access to your AppID and server credentials - Sign up
  • Node.js installed on your system.
  • Basic understanding of JavaScript or TypeScript.
  • A code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code).
  • A WebRTC-compatible browser (e.g., Chrome or Firefox).

1. Set Up the Project Structure

Start by creating a new project folder and initializing it as a Node.js project. This structure will contain HTML for the user interface, JavaScript for real-time interactions, and CSS for styling.

mkdir discord-clone
cd discord-clone
npm init -y
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Organize your project files as follows:

├── index.html        # HTML structure for app interface
├── index.js          # JavaScript for real-time chat and calls
├── styles.css        # CSS for styling the app
├── package.json      # Manages dependencies
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2. Build the HTML User Interface

In index.html, create the user interface with sections for the chat, video calls, and controls. Design it to support real-time messaging and user interactions for a group chat environment.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Discord-Like Group Chat</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
    <div id="app">
        <h1>Group Chat - Discord Clone</h1>
        <div id="chat-container">
            <div id="messages"></div>
            <input type="text" id="message-input" placeholder="Enter a message">
            <button onclick="sendMessage()">Send</button>
        <div id="video-controls">
            <video id="localVideo" autoplay muted></video>
            <video id="remoteVideo" autoplay></video>
            <button id="toggleCamera">Camera</button>
            <button id="toggleMic">Mic</button>
            <button id="endCall">End</button>
    <script src="index.js"></script>
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Install the necessary SDKs for messaging and video call capabilities:

npm install zego-express-engine-webrtc zego-zim-web
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  • zego-express-engine-webrtc: Handles video calling and media features.
  • zego-zim-web: Manages instant messaging and real-time chat.

4. Import and Initialize the SDKs

Import ZEGOCLOUD SDKs and initialize them with your unique AppID and server credentials in index.js.

import { ZegoExpressEngine } from 'zego-express-engine-webrtc';
import { ZIM } from 'zego-zim-web';

const appID = 123456789;  // Replace with actual AppID
const serverURL = 'wss://your-server-url';  // Replace with actual server URL

const zegoEngine = new ZegoExpressEngine(appID, serverURL);
const zim = ZIM.create({ appID });
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5. Configure Messaging Functions

Login to ZIM (Messaging)

Add a login function for users to join the chat session. This code will log users into ZIM, allowing them to send and receive messages.

async function loginZIM() {
    const userID = 'user_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);  // Generate unique user ID
    const zimToken = 'your_zim_token_here';  // Replace with ZIM token for authentication

    await zim.login({ userID, userName: `User_${userID}` }, zimToken);
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Send Messages

Set up a function for sending messages, and ensure it dynamically updates the chat interface.

async function sendMessage() {
    const messageInput = document.getElementById('message-input');
    const content = messageInput.value;

    if (content.trim()) {
        await zim.sendMessage({
            conversationID: 'group-chat',
            conversationType: ZIM.enums.ConversationType.GROUP,
            message: { content }

        displayMessage(`You: ${content}`);
        messageInput.value = '';  // Clear input after sending

function displayMessage(message) {
    const messagesContainer = document.getElementById('messages');
    const messageDiv = document.createElement('div');
    messageDiv.textContent = message;
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Receive Messages

Use an event listener to handle incoming messages, allowing messages from other users to appear in the chat.

zim.on('receiveMessage', (msg) => {
    const messageContent = msg.message.content;
    displayMessage(`Friend: ${messageContent}`);
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6. Group Chat Setup

After logging in to the Zim SDK, you can implement various group setups, similar to platforms like Discord. Here are some key setups:

6.1 Group Creation

You can use the createGroup method to create a group with specific configurations. This method allows you to assign an owner, set a maximum member count, and configure joining permissions.

var groupInfo = { groupID: '', groupName: '', groupAvatarUrl: '' };
var userIDs = [];
var config1 = {
    joinMode: 1,       // 0: Anyone can join; 1: Approval required; 2: No one can join
    inviteMode: 1,     // 0: Any member can invite; 1: Only owner/admin can invite
    beInviteMode: 1,   // 0: Auto-join; 1: Consent required to join
    maxMemberCount: 100 // Max 100 members

zim.createGroup(groupInfo, userIDs, config1)
.then(({ groupInfo, userList, errorUserList }) => {
    // Operation successful
.catch((err) => {
    // Operation failed
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6.2 Joining a Group

To join an existing group, call the joinGroup method with the group’s ID. This works if the joinMode is set to 0 (open to all) or if approval is not required.

var groupID = ''; // Group ID to join

    .then(({ groupInfo }) => {
        // Successfully joined group
    .catch((err) => {
        // Failed to join group
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If joinMode is set to 1 (approval required), use the sendGroupJoinApplication method to send a join request.

var config = { wording: 'User wants to join the group' };

zim.sendGroupJoinApplication(groupID, config)
    .then(({ groupID }) => {
        // Application sent successfully
    .catch((err) => {
        // Application failed
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6.3 Inviting Users to a Group

To invite users to a group directly, use inviteUsersIntoGroup. This will bypass approval if beInviteMode is set to auto-join.

var userIDs = []; // IDs of users to invite

zim.inviteUsersIntoGroup(userIDs, groupID)
    .then(({ groupID, userList, errorUserList }) => {
        // Invitation successful
    .catch((err) => {
        // Invitation failed
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Alternatively, if the invitee's approval is needed, use sendGroupInviteApplications.

var config = { wording: 'Invite to join the group' };

zim.sendGroupInviteApplications(userIDs, groupID, config)
    .then(({ groupID, errorUserList }) => {
        // Invitation application sent successfully
    .catch((err) => {
        // Failed to send invitation
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6.4 Managing Group Info

To manage group information, such as name and avatar, you can use the following methods.

Get Group Info:

    .then(({ groupInfo }) => {
        // Retrieved group info successfully
    .catch((err) => {
        // Failed to retrieve group info
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Update Group Name:

var groupName = 'New Group Name';

zim.updateGroupName(groupName, groupID)
    .then(({ groupID, groupName }) => {
        // Group name updated successfully
    .catch((err) => {
        // Update failed
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Update Group Avatar:

var groupAvatarUrl = '';

zim.updateGroupAvatarUrl(groupAvatarUrl, groupID)
    .then(({ groupID, groupAvatarUrl }) => {
        // Group avatar updated successfully
    .catch((err) => {
        // Update failed
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6.5 Get Group Member List

To retrieve the list of members in a group, use the queryGroupMemberList method. This method retrieves up to 100 members per call. The ZIMGroupMemberInfoQueriedResult callback returns the result upon success.

// Get a group member list.
var groupID = '';
var config = { count: 10, nextFlag: 0 };

zim.queryGroupMemberList(groupID, config)
    .then(function ({ groupID, userList, nextFlag }) {
        // Query successful.
    .catch(function (err) {
        // Query failed.
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6.6 Get Group Member Info

To fetch specific member information after joining a group, call the queryGroupMemberInfo method. Results are returned through the ZIMGroupMemberInfoQueriedResult callback.

// Get info of a specified group member.
var groupID = '';
var userID = '';
zim.queryGroupMemberInfo(userID, groupID)
    .then(function ({ groupID, userInfo }) {
        // Query successful.
    .catch(function (err) {
        // Query failed.
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6.7 Set an Alias

After joining a group, you can set a member's alias using setGroupMemberNickname. Only the group owner can set aliases for all members; members can set their own aliases.

// Set an alias.
var groupID = '';
var forUserID = '';
var nickname = '';
zim.setGroupMemberNickname(nickname, forUserID, groupID)
    .then(function ({ groupID, forUserID, nickname }) {
        // Operation successful.
    .catch(function (err) {
        // Operation failed.

// Listen for alias update callback.
zim.on('groupMemberInfoUpdated', function (zim, { groupID, userList, operatedInfo }) {
    console.log('groupMemberInfoUpdated', groupID, userList, operatedInfo);
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6.8 Set a Role for a Group Member

The group owner can assign roles to group members using setGroupMemberRole, allowing members to be set as administrators or regular members.

// Set role for a group member.
var groupID = '';
var forUserID = '';
var role = 2;
zim.setGroupMemberRole(role, forUserID, groupID)
    .then(function ({ groupID, forUserID, role }) {
        // Operation successful.
    .catch(function (err) {
        // Operation failed.

// Listen for role update callback.
zim.on('groupMemberInfoUpdated', function (zim, { groupID, userList, operatedInfo }) {
    console.log('groupMemberInfoUpdated', groupID, userList, operatedInfo);
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6.9 Transfer Group Ownership

To transfer ownership, the current group owner can use the transferGroupOwner method. All group members are notified of the ownership change through the groupMemberInfoUpdated callback.

// Transfer group ownership.
var groupID = '';
var toUserID = '';
zim.transferGroupOwner(toUserID, groupID)
    .then(function ({ groupID, toUserID }) {
        // Operation successful.
    .catch(function (err) {
        // Operation failed.

// Listen for ownership change.
zim.on('groupMemberStateChanged', function (zim, { groupID, state, event, userList, operatedInfo }) {
    console.log('groupMemberStateChanged', groupID, state, event, userList, operatedInfo);
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6.10 Query the Number of Group Members

To check the number of members in a group, use the queryGroupMemberCount method. Results are returned through ZIMGroupMemberCountQueriedResult.

// Query number of group members.
var groupID = '';
    .then(function ({ groupID, count }) {
        // Operation successful.
    .catch(function (err) {
        // Operation failed.
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7. Set Up Video Call Functionality

Now that we’re done with messaging and group setup, let's configure video call functionality with the ZegoExpressEngine SDK.

const localVideo = document.getElementById('localVideo');
const remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo');

async function startVideoCall() {
    const userID = 'user_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9); 
    const token = 'your_video_token_here';

    await zegoEngine.loginRoom('group-room', token, { userID, userName: userID });

    const localStream = await zegoEngine.createStream();
    localVideo.srcObject = localStream;

    zegoEngine.startPublishingStream('streamID', localStream);

    zegoEngine.on('roomStreamUpdate', async (roomID, updateType, streamList) => {
        if (updateType === 'ADD') {
            const remoteStream = await zegoEngine.startPlayingStream(streamList[0].streamID);
            remoteVideo.srcObject = remoteStream;

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8. Add Call Controls

Add camera and microphone toggle options to give users control over their video and audio during calls.

function setupCallControls(localStream) {
    const toggleCamera = document.getElementById('toggleCamera');
    const toggleMic = document.getElementById('toggleMic');
    const endCall = document.getElementById('endCall');

    let isCameraOn = true;
    let isMicOn = true;

    toggleCamera.onclick = async () => {
        isCameraOn = !isCameraOn;
        await zegoEngine.mutePublishStreamVideo(localStream, !isCameraOn);
        toggleCamera.textContent = isCameraOn ? 'Turn Off Camera' : 'Turn On Camera';

    toggleMic.onclick = async () => {
        isMicOn = !isMicOn;
        await zegoEngine.mutePublishStreamAudio(localStream, !isMicOn);
        toggleMic.textContent = isMicOn ? 'Mute Mic' : 'Unmute Mic';

    endCall.onclick = async () => {
        await zegoEngine.destroyStream(localStream);
        await zegoEngine.logoutRoom();
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9. Implement Cleanup Functionality

Create a cleanup function to release resources when users exit a chat or call, reducing the risk of resource leaks.

function cleanup() {

// Call cleanup function when ending session
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10. Style the App

Add basic styling to styles.css to enhance the user experience with an intuitive layout.

#chat-container, #video-controls {
    margin: 20px;
#messages {
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
    padding: 10px;
    height: 300px;
    overflow-y: auto;
input[type="text"], button {
    margin-top: 10px;
video {
    width: 45%;
    height: 250px;
    background-color: black;
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Building an app with group chat features similar to Discord is easier with the right approach and tools. By using ZEGOCLOUD’s SDK, developers can efficiently set up core features like user authentication, real-time messaging, and flexible group management.

This SDK makes it straightforward to handle group creation, message delivery, and user interactions. Plus, it allows for customizations like group joining rules and updating group details. With these tools, developers can quickly create a high-quality, interactive group chat app—saving time, reducing complexity, and offering users a smooth and engaging experience.

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