We are always having issues renaming a folder to lower case because git does not tend to understand the difference even if we change the folder.
The way we would rename is:
First move the folder to another temp. folder
git mv src/Home src/homes
Then move the folder to the desired folder name:
git mv src/homes src/home
Finally commit the change
git commit -m "rename folder from Home to home
If you are running windows, the rename may not reflect on the windows explorer so we follow similar approach. -> rename to temp folder and rename it back again
Rename-Item Home homes
commit the changes and again run
Rename-Item homes home
and finally push your changes.
We run webpack so sometimes it caches the build so have to run a build for prod and then again switch back to the local dev build.
Top comments (4)
I've been using this:
Sorry, I know this is late to the conversation!
Thank You So much
I was struck with an issue due to this exact thing, thanks for writing this article ๐