Recap of Day 4
Git Merge – Combining changes from one branch to another.
Git Switch – Switching between branches easily.
Git Branch – Creating and managing branches in a repository.
Today's Learning: Git Sash,Rebase, and Cherry-Pick
step 1: your project folder(bankaccound)
.git file
1..git local and remout connect point.
2.right click open terminal.
step 2:
1.Checking available branches
comand:-> git branch
this a command list all branch:
$ main (default branch)
$ indian-bank
$ sbi-bank
2.Creating and switching to a new branch.
command:-> git checkout -b RBI
$This creates a new branch named RBI and switches to it.
3.Trying to use incorrect command mistake guys
comand:-git Governor
$ here,you mistakenly typed git Governor,but Governor is no a git comand.
$ Git showed error message.
4.Creating a new file
command:-> touch file names
$ This comand creates an empty file names
5.Adding the file to the staging area
command:-> git add .
6.Checking the git status
command:-> git status
$This shows the current state of your working directry.
7.Using git stash **
command:-> **git stash
$ This temprorily saves(stashes) your changes and cleans your working directory.
$ ->>Your changes not lost.but they are stored in a hidden area.
step 3:
1.Listing stashed changes
command:-> git stash list
$ This shows a list of saved (stashed) changes.
$ you stash all files list files.
2.Applying and Removing a specific stash
command:-> git stash pop 1
$ This applies the changes from **stash@{1} and remove the stash list.
3.using an incorrect command
$ git pop is not valid command.
4.Applying and removing another stash
command:-> git stash pop 0
$ This applies the changes from **stash@{0} and removes them stash list.
step 4:
1.staging and committing changes
$ git stash pop 0 - all files stash area removing.
command:-> git add .
-> **git commit -m"Rbi files update".
2.Rebasing RBI Branch with main
command:-> git rebase main
$ This applies all the chenges from the main branch to the RBI branch.
3.Switching to the main branch
command:-> git checkout main
$ This switching to the main branch.
4.Rebasing main with RBI
command:-> git rebase RBI
step 5:
1.Two files add and commit and main branch.
2.git log shwos commit history with details.
3.copy commit id.
4.git cherry-pick This applies the commit id (paste) the current branch.
git log all history
Cherry-picking commits
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