This SO question, Key bindings war in my brain, best summarized the problem I'm facing and am trying to solve:
How many key bindings are there in your brain? I personally use Intellij Idea as my primary IDE for development, but sometimes switch to Eclipse and Netbeans a bit, and sometimes I use Jedit, Notepad++, Emacs, Vim.
I am always trying to find a perfect key bindings that I can use crossing all the editors. What's your idea to solve this problem?
The question was asked over 10 years ago, and there is still no perfect solution to the problem. What's worse is that there is now another big player in the field now -- we need to add Microsoft Code to the above long list as well now.
There may be no perfect solution for anyone, but for me, having to constantly switch between Emacs, Jed, Goland, IntelliJ Idea, and Microsoft Code, I'm going to let them all to use the same keyboard mapping and bindings.
The most difficult part is not Goland, IntelliJ Idea, and Microsoft Code, contrary to people might think, but Emacs itself, as Emacs itself has no official standard for key mapping and bindings. For example, the other day I just realized that I have three different way for comment-or-uncomment: C-c ;
, M-#
, and M-;
. Same for indents lines and/or region, I have defined at least three different ways as well.
Both Microsoft Code and IntelliJ has Emacs compatible mode which use Emacs key bindings. This post just collect them into a single place and put them side by side (if is restricting the blog width so you cannot see the full table width, you can also view it here):
Shortcut | MS Code | IntelliJ |
C-' | editor.action.triggerSuggest | - |
C-' | toggleSuggestionDetails | - |
C-/ | undo | $Undo |
C-; | editor.action.commentLine | - |
C-CLOSE_BRACKET | - | EditorCodeBlockEnd |
C-F10 | - | ToggleBookmark |
C-F4 | - | CloseContent |
C-HOME | - | EditorTextStart |
C-M-/ | - | SmartTypeCompletion |
C-M-; | - | Emacs+.CommentDwim |
C-M-CLOSE_BRACKET | - | EditorCodeBlockEnd |
C-M-F7 | - | ShowUsages |
C-M-OPEN_BRACKET | - | EditorCodeBlockStart |
C-M-S-5 | - | Emacs+.QueryReplaceRegexp |
C-M-S-down | - | VcsShowNextChangeMarker |
C-M-S-up | - | VcsShowPrevChangeMarker |
C-M-a | - | MethodUp |
C-M-b | paredit.backwardSexp | EditorPreviousWord |
C-M-backspace | - | Emacs+.KillWordBackward |
C-M-d | - | EditorCodeBlockEnd |
C-M-delete | - | Emacs+.KillWordBackward |
C-M-e | - | MethodDown |
C-M-f | paredit.forwardSexp | EditorNextWord |
C-M-g | - | GotoDeclaration |
C-M-i | - | AutoIndentLines |
C-M-j | - | Emacs+.CommentIndentNew |
C-M-k | paredit.killSexp | EditorKillToWordEnd |
C-M-k | paredit.killSexp | Emacs+.KillWord |
C-M-n | addSelectionToNextFindMatch | - |
C-M-p | addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch | - |
C-M-q | - | AutoIndentLines |
C-M-r | - | Emacs+.ISearchBackwardRegexp |
C-M-s | - | Emacs+.ISearchForwardRegexp |
C-M-s | - | Find |
C-M-space | workbench.toggleSidebarVisibility | - |
C-M-u | - | EditorCodeBlockStart |
C-M-w | - | EditorSelectWord |
C-M-w | - | Emacs+.AppendNextKill |
C-M-w | - | Emacs+.ISDeleteChar |
C-M-y | - | Emacs+.ISYankChar |
C-OPEN_BRACKET | - | EditorCodeBlockStart |
C-S-' | editor.action.triggerParameterHints | - |
C-S-- | undo | - |
C-S-2 | setMarkCommand | EditorToggleStickySelection |
C-S-M-d | - | EditorCodeBlockEndWithSelection |
C-S-M-u | - | EditorCodeBlockStartWithSelection |
C-S-MINUS | - | $Undo |
C-S-backspace | killWholeLine | Emacs+.KillWholeLine |
C-S-down | - | EditorForwardParagraphWithSelection |
C-S-space | - | SmartTypeCompletion |
C-S-up | - | EditorBackwardParagraphWithSelection |
C-S-x BACK_QUOTE | - | GotoPreviousError |
C-S-z | - | $Redo |
C-a | moveBeginningOfLine | EditorLineStart |
C-b | backwardChar | EditorLeft |
C-backspace | - | EditorDeleteToWordStart |
C-backspace | - | Emacs+.KillWordBackward |
C-c C-c | - | CommentByLineComment |
C-c C-e | - | Diff.KeymapGroup |
C-c C-n | - | StepOver |
C-c C-p | - | EvaluateExpression |
C-c C-r | - | Resume |
C-c C-s | - | StepInto |
C-c C-t | - | ToggleTemporaryLineBreakpoint |
C-c C-u | - | RunToCursor |
C-d | deleteForwardChar | $Delete |
C-d | deleteForwardChar | Emacs+.ISForwardDelete |
C-delete | - | Emacs+.KillWord |
C-down | - | EditorForwardParagraph |
C-e | moveEndOfLine | EditorLineEnd |
C-end | - | EditorTextEnd |
C-f | forwardChar | EditorRight |
C-h | deleteBackwardChar | - |
C-i | executeCommands | - |
C-insert | - | $Copy |
C-j | newLine | - |
C-k | killLine | EditorCutLineEnd |
C-k | killLine | Emacs+.KillLine |
C-l | recenterTopBottom | EditorScrollToCenter |
C-l | recenterTopBottom | Emacs+.Recenter |
C-left | - | EditorPreviousWord |
C-left | - | Emacs+.BackwardWord |
C-n | nextLine | EditorDown |
C-n | nextLine | Emacs+.TWSelectNext |
C-n | selectNextQuickFix | EditorDown |
C-n | selectNextQuickFix | Emacs+.TWSelectNext |
C-n | selectNextSuggestion | EditorDown |
C-n | selectNextSuggestion | Emacs+.TWSelectNext |
C-n | showNextParameterHint | EditorDown |
C-n | showNextParameterHint | Emacs+.TWSelectNext |
C-n | workbench.quickOpenSelectNext | EditorDown |
C-n | workbench.quickOpenSelectNext | Emacs+.TWSelectNext |
C-o | lineBreakInsert | EditorSplitLine |
C-p | previousLine | EditorUp |
C-p | selectPrevQuickFix | Emacs+.TWSelectPrevious |
C-r | editor.action.previousMatchFindAction | Emacs+.ISearchBackward |
C-r | editor.action.previousMatchFindAction | FindPrevious |
C-r | isearchBackward | Emacs+.ISearchBackward |
C-r | isearchBackward | FindPrevious |
C-right | - | EditorNextWord |
C-right | - | Emacs+.ForwardWord |
C-s | editor.action.nextMatchFindAction | Emacs+.ISearchForward |
C-s | editor.action.nextMatchFindAction | Find |
C-s | isearchForward | Emacs+.ISearchForward |
C-s | isearchForward | Find |
C-space | setMarkCommand | EditorToggleStickySelection |
C-t | - | Emacs+.TransposeChars |
C-u | universalArgument | - |
C-u C-M-; | - | Emacs+.CommentKill |
C-u M-. | - | GotoImplementation |
C-u M-; | - | Emacs+.CommentKill |
C-u M-CIRCUMFLEX | - | EditorJoinLines |
C-u M-S-6 | - | EditorJoinLines |
C-up | - | EditorBackwardParagraph |
C-v | scrollUpCommand | EditorPageDown |
C-v | scrollUpCommand | Emacs+.TWScrollUp |
C-w | killRegion | EditorKillRegion |
C-w | killRegion | Emacs+.ISYankNextWord |
C-w | killRegion | Emacs+.KillRegion |
C-x 0 | workbench.closeEditorsInGroup | CloseContent |
C-x 1 | workbench.closeEditorsInOtherGroups | Emacs+.DeleteOtherWindows |
C-x 1 | workbench.closeEditorsInOtherGroups | UnsplitAll |
C-x 2 | workbench.splitEditorDown | SplitHorizontally |
C-x 3 | workbench.splitEditorRight | SplitVertically |
C-x 4 | workbench.toggleEditorGroupLayout | - |
C-x BACK_QUOTE | - | GotoNextError |
C-x BACK_QUOTE | - | GotoNextError |
C-x C-c | workbench.closeWindow | CloseAllEditors |
C-x C-f | workbench.quickOpen | GotoFile |
C-x C-l | transformToLowercase | - |
C-x C-n | workbench.newWindow | - |
C-x C-o | deleteBlankLines | Emacs+.DeleteBlankLines |
C-x C-o | deleteBlankLines | NextProjectWindow |
C-x C-p | - | FileChooser.TogglePathShowing |
C-x C-s | | SaveAll |
C-x C-t | - | Emacs+.TransposeLines |
C-x C-u | transformToUppercase | - |
C-x C-v | - | ReloadFromDisk |
C-x C-w | workbench.files.saveAs | - |
C-x C-x | exchangePointAndMark | Emacs+.ExchangePointAndMark |
C-x EQUALS | - | Emacs+.WhatCursorPos |
C-x ` | | - |
C-x b | workbench.showAllEditorsByMostRecentlyUsed | Emacs+.SwitchToBuffer |
C-x ctrl-k | workbench.closeAllEditors | - |
C-x h | editor.action.selectAll | $SelectAll |
C-x j | workbench.togglePanel | - |
C-x k | workbench.closeActiveEditor | CloseContent |
C-x n | - | Diff.NextChange |
C-x n | - | NextTab |
C-x o | workbench.navigateEditorGroups | Emacs+.TWInterrupt |
C-x o | workbench.navigateEditorGroups | NextSplitter |
C-x p | - | Diff.PrevChange |
C-x p | - | PreviousTab |
C-x r | startRectCommand | - |
C-x r M-w | copyRectangleAsKill | - |
C-x r c | clearRectangle | - |
C-x r d | deleteRectangle | - |
C-x r k | killRectangle | - |
C-x r o | openRectangle | - |
C-x r y | yankRectangle | - |
C-x s | workbench.files.saveAll | - |
C-x space | rectangleMarkMode | ToggleLineBreakpoint |
C-x u | undo | - |
C-x v | - | Vcs.QuickListPopupAction |
C-x x | - | EditorSwapSelectionBoundaries |
C-x z | workbench.toggleZenMode | - |
C-y | yank | $Paste |
C-y | yank | Emacs+.ISYankLine |
C-y | yank | Emacs+.Yank |
C-z | - | EditorPageUp |
F2 | - | GotoNextError |
F2 | - | GotoNextError |
F3 | - | FindNext |
HOME | - | EditorLineStart |
M-. | - | GotoDeclaration |
M-. | - | GotoDeclaration |
M-/ | editor.action.triggerSuggest | CodeCompletion |
M-/ | toggleSuggestionDetails | CodeCompletion |
M-; | editor.action.blockComment | CommentByLineComment |
M-; | editor.action.blockComment | Emacs+.CommentDwim |
M-AT | - | EditorSelectWord |
M-BACK_/ | - | Emacs+.DeleteHorizSpace |
M-CIRCUMFLEX | - | Emacs+.DeleteIndentation |
M-F3 | - | Find |
M-F7 | - | FindUsages |
M-F7 | - | FindUsages |
M-GREATER | - | EditorTextEnd |
M-GREATER | - | Emacs+.TWEnd |
M-LESS | - | EditorTextStart |
M-LESS | - | Emacs+.TWBegin |
M-MINUS C-k | - | EditorCutLineBackward |
M-MINUS C-k | - | Emacs+.CutLineBackwardKey |
M-S-, | beginningOfBuffer | - |
M-S-. | endOfBuffer | EditorTextEnd |
M-S-. | endOfBuffer | EditorTextEnd |
M-S-. | endOfBuffer | Emacs+.TWEnd |
M-S-2 | - | EditorSelectWord |
M-S-5 | editor.action.startFindReplaceAction | Emacs+.QueryReplace |
M-S-5 | editor.action.startFindReplaceAction | Replace |
M-S-6 | executeCommands | Emacs+.DeleteIndentation |
M-S-COMMA | - | EditorTextStart |
M-S-COMMA | - | EditorTextStart |
M-S-COMMA | - | Emacs+.TWBegin |
M-S-MINUS | - | $Redo |
M-S-[ | backwardParagraph | - |
M-S-] | forwardParagraph | - |
M-S-g | - | GotoClass |
M-S-left | - | PreviousEditorTab |
M-S-m | - | CompileProject |
M-S-o | - | SelectVirtualTemplateElement |
M-S-p | - | ParameterInfo |
M-S-right | - | NextEditorTab |
M-S-s | - | FindUsages |
M-S-s | - | ShowUsages |
M-b | backwardWord | EditorPreviousWord |
M-b | backwardWord | Emacs+.BackwardWord |
M-backspace | backwardKillWord | EditorDeleteToWordStart |
M-c | transformToTitlecase | $Copy |
M-c | transformToTitlecase | Emacs+.CapitalizeWord |
M-c | transformToTitlecase | Emacs+.ISCase |
M-d | killWord | EditorDuplicate |
M-d | killWord | EditorKillToWordEnd |
M-d | killWord | EditorKillToWordEnd |
M-d | killWord | Emacs+.KillWord |
M-delete | - | EditorKillToWordStart |
M-delete | - | Emacs+.KillWordBackward |
M-down | - | MethodDown |
M-f | forwardWord | EditorNextWord |
M-f | forwardWord | Emacs+.ForwardWord |
M-g | - | GotoLine |
M-g M-g | workbench.gotoLine | GotoLine |
M-g M-n | | GotoNextError |
M-g M-p | editor.action.marker.prev | - |
M-g g | workbench.gotoLine | GotoLine |
M-g n | | GotoNextError |
M-g p | editor.action.marker.prev | - |
M-i | - | EmacsStyleIndent |
M-j | - | Emacs+.CommentIndentNew |
M-l | transformToLowercase | Emacs+.DowncaseWord |
M-left | - | Diff.PrevChange |
M-left | - | Emacs+.BackwardWord |
M-left | - | PreviousTab |
M-m | backToIndentation | EditorLineStart |
M-m | backToIndentation | Emacs+.BackToIndentation |
M-m | backToIndentation | Emacs+.ISMultiLine |
M-n | - | Emacs+.CommentNextLine |
M-n | - | Emacs+.ISearchHistoryNext |
M-p | - | Emacs+.CommentPreviousLine |
M-p | - | Emacs+.ISearchHistoryPrevious |
M-r | - | Emacs+.ISRegex |
M-r | - | FindPrevious |
M-right | - | Diff.NextChange |
M-right | - | Emacs+.ForwardWord |
M-right | - | NextTab |
M-s | - | FindInPath |
M-s | - | FindNext |
M-space | - | Emacs+.JustOneSpace |
M-t | - | Emacs+.TransposeWords |
M-u | transformToUppercase | Emacs+.UpcaseWord |
M-u | transformToUppercase | SynchronizeCurrentFile |
M-up | - | MethodUp |
M-v | scrollDownCommand | EditorPageUp |
M-v | scrollDownCommand | Emacs+.TWScrollDown |
M-w | copyRegion | EditorKillRingSave |
M-w | copyRegion | Emacs+.SaveRegion |
M-x | workbench.showCommands | GotoAction |
M-y | yank-pop | Emacs+.YankPop |
RET | - | Console.Execute |
RET | - | EditorChooseLookupItem |
RET | - | EditorEnter |
RET | - | Emacs+.ISEnter |
RET | - | NextTemplateVariable |
S-F2 | - | GotoPreviousError |
S-F3 | - | FindPrevious |
S-delete | - | $Cut |
S-insert | - | $Paste |
TAB | - | EmacsStyleIndent |
delete | - | $Delete |
down | nextLine | EditorDown |
down | selectNextSuggestion | EditorDown |
down | showNextParameterHint | EditorDown |
end | moveEndOfLine | EditorLineEnd |
escape | cancel | - |
escape | cancel | - |
escape . | - | GotoDeclaration |
escape . | - | GotoDeclaration |
escape ; | - | Emacs+.CommentDwim |
escape BACK_/ | - | Emacs+.DeleteHorizSpace |
escape C-b | - | EditorPreviousWord |
escape C-backspace | - | Emacs+.KillWordBackward |
escape C-delete | - | Emacs+.KillWordBackward |
escape C-f | - | EditorNextWord |
escape C-j | - | Emacs+.CommentIndentNew |
escape COMMA | - | EditorTextStart |
escape b | - | Emacs+.BackwardWord |
escape backspace | - | EditorDeleteToWordStart |
escape c | - | Emacs+.CapitalizeWord |
escape d | - | EditorKillToWordEnd |
escape d | - | Emacs+.KillWord |
escape delete | - | Emacs+.KillWordBackward |
escape escape | - | EditorEscape |
escape escape | - | EditorEscape |
escape f | - | Emacs+.ForwardWord |
escape g | workbench.gotoLine | - |
escape j | - | Emacs+.CommentIndentNew |
escape l | - | Emacs+.DowncaseWord |
escape left | - | Emacs+.BackwardWord |
escape m | - | Emacs+.BackToIndentation |
escape n | - | Emacs+.CommentNextLine |
escape p | - | Emacs+.CommentPreviousLine |
escape right | - | Emacs+.ForwardWord |
escape space | setMarkCommand | Emacs+.JustOneSpace |
escape u | - | Emacs+.UpcaseWord |
escape u | - | SynchronizeCurrentFile |
escape w | - | $Copy |
escape w | - | Emacs+.SaveRegion |
escape x | - | GotoAction |
escape y | - | Emacs+.YankPop |
home | moveBeginningOfLine | - |
left | backwardChar | EditorLeft |
pagedown | scrollUpCommand | EditorPageDown |
pageup | scrollDownCommand | EditorPageUp |
right | forwardChar | EditorRight |
up | previousLine | EditorUp |
up | selectPrevSuggestion | EditorUp |
If you are interested in how these key bindings are collected, check out
- Collecting Awesome-Emacs Keymaps, and
- Collecting IntelliJ-Emacs Keymaps which covers combining the two as well
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