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Suraj Warbhe
Suraj Warbhe

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Deploying Multi-Node Kubernetes Cluster on AWS Using Ansible Automation


  1. Create Ansible Playbook to launch 3 AWS EC2 Instance
  2. Create Ansible Playbook to configure Docker over those instances
  3. Create Playbook to configure K8S Master, K8S Worker Nodes on the above created EC2 Instances using kubeadm

Pre-requisite: (FOR RHEL-8)

  1. Controller node should be setup with ansible installation and configuration, when controller node is RHEL8
  2. Create one IAM user having Administrator Access and note down their access key and secret key
  3. Create one Key pair in (.pem) format on AWS Cloud, download it in your local system and transfer it over RHEL-8 through WinSCP.

STEP 1 : Ansible Installation and Configuration

Install Ansible on Base OS (RHEL8), configure ansible configuration file.
To do this use below commands-

yum install python3 -y

pip3 install ansible -y

vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
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NOTE: Python should be installed on your OS to setup Ansible.
Write below commands in your configuration ansible.cfg file. For this you can prefer any editor like vi, vim, gedit-

inventory=/root/ip.txt  #inventory path
roles_path= /root/roles      #roles path
force_valid_group_names = ignore
private_key_file= /root/awskey.pem   #your key-pair 


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STEP 2 : Create Ansible Roles

πŸ”Ά Go inside your roles workspace

cd /roles
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Use Below commands to create 3 different roles

  1. For Kubernetes Cluster
  2. For Kubernetes Master
  3. For Kubernetes Slaves
# ansible-galaxy init <role_name>

ansible-galaxy init kube_cluster
ansible-galaxy init k8s_master
ansible-galaxy init k8s_slave
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STEP 3 : Write role for Kubernetes Cluster

πŸ”Ά Go inside the tasks folder. We have to write entire tasks inside this folder

cd /roles/kube_cluster/tasks

vim main.yml
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πŸ”Ά I am going to create cluster over Amazon Linux instances.
Write below source code inside it-

- name: Installing boto & boto3 libraries
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
  loop: "{{ lib_names }}"

- name: Creating Security Group for K8s Cluster
    name: "{{ sg_name }}"
    description: Security Group for allowing all port
    region: "{{ region_name }}"
    aws_access_key: "{{ access_key }}"
    aws_secret_key: "{{ secret_key }}"
    - proto: all
    - proto: all

- name: Launching three EC2 instances on AWS
    key_name: "{{ keypair }}"
    instance_type: "{{ instance_flavour }}"
    image: "{{ ami_id }}"
    wait: true
    group: "{{ sg_name }}"
    count: 1
    vpc_subnet_id: "{{ subnet_name }}"
    assign_public_ip: yes
    region: "{{ region_name }}"
    state: present
    aws_access_key: "{{ access_key }}"
    aws_secret_key: "{{ secret_key }}"
      Name: "{{ item }}"
  register: ec2
  loop: "{{ instance_tag }}"

- name: Add 1st instance to host group ec2_master
    hostname: "{{ ec2.results[0].instances[0].public_ip }}"
    groupname: ec2_master

- name: Add 2nd instance to host group ec2_slave
    hostname: "{{ ec2.results[1].instances[0].public_ip }}"
    groupname: ec2_slave

- name: Add 3rd instance to host group ec2_slave
    hostname: "{{ ec2.results[2].instances[0].public_ip }}"
    groupname: ec2_slave

- name: Waiting for SSH
    host: "{{ ec2.results[2].instances[0].public_dns_name }}"
    port: 22
    state: started

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Explanation of Source Code:

  1. We are using pip module to install two packages β€” boto & boto3, because these packages has the capability to contact to AWS to launch the EC2 instances.

  2. ec2_group module to create Security Group on AWS.

  3. ec2 module to launch instance on AWS.

    register keyword will store all the Metadata in a variable called ec2 so that in future we can parse the required information from it.

loop which again using one variable which contains one list.

item keyword we are calling the list values one after another.

add_host module which has the capability to create one dynamic inventory while running the playbook.

hostname keyword tells the values to store in the dynamic host group.

wait_for module to hold the playbook for few seconds till all the node’s SSH service started.

access key and secret key are stored inside vault files to hide it from other users.

πŸ”Ά Go inside the vars folder. We have to write entire variables inside this folder.

We can directly mention variables inside tasks file but it is good practice to write them inside vars files so that we can change according to our requirements.

cd /roles/kube_cluster/vars

vim main.yml
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Write below source code inside it-

        - master
        - slave1
        - slave2

        - boto
        - boto3

sg_name: Allow_All_SG
region_name: ap-south-1
subnet_name: subnet-49f0e521
ami_id: ami-010aff33ed5991201
keypair: awskey
instance_flavour: t2.small
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STEP 4 : Write role for Kubernetes Master

πŸ”Ά Following are the steps which have to include in role for configuring the k8s master-

  1. Installing docker and iproute-tc

  2. Configuring the Yum repo for Kubernetes

  3. Installing kubeadm, kubelet & kubectl program

  4. Enabling the docker and Kubernetes

  5. Pulling the config images

  6. Configuring the docker daemon.json file

  7. Restarting the docker service

  8. Configuring the Ip tables and refreshing sysctl

  9. Starting kubeadm service

  10. Setting HOME directory for .kube Directory

  11. Copying file config file

  12. Installing Addons e.g flannel

  13. Creating the token

  14. Store output of token in a file.

πŸ”Ά Go inside the tasks folder. We have to write entire tasks inside this folder

cd /roles/k8s_master/tasks

vim main.yml
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Write below source code inside it-

- name: "Installing docker and iproute-tc"
         - docker
         - iproute-tc
     state: present

- name: "Configuring the Yum repo for kubernetes"
     name: kubernetes
     description: Yum for k8s
     enabled: yes
     gpgcheck: yes
     repo_gpgcheck: yes

- name: "Installing kubeadm,kubelet kubectl program"
        - kubelet
        - kubectl
        - kubeadm
     state: present

- name: "Enabling the docker and kubenetes"
     name: "{{ item }}"
     state: started
     enabled: yes
        - kubelet
        - docker

- name: "Pulling the config images"
  shell: kubeadm config images pull

- name: "Confuring the docker daemon.json file"
    dest: /etc/docker/daemon.json
    content: |
      "exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"]

- name: "Restarting the docker service"
     name: docker
     state: restarted

- name: "Configuring the Ip tables and refreshing sysctl"
    dest: /etc/docker/daemon.json
    content: |
      "exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"]

- name: "systemctl"
  shell: "sysctl --system"

- name: "Starting kubeadm service"
  shell: "kubeadm init  --ignore-preflight-errors=all"

- name: "Creating .kube Directory"
     path: $HOME/.kube
     state: directory

- name: "Copying file config file"
  shell: "cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config"
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: "Installing Addons e.g flannel"
  shell: "kubectl apply -f"

- name: "Creating the token"
  shell: "kubeadm token create --print-join-command"
  register: token

- debug:
       msg: "{{ token.stdout }}"
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Explanation of Source Code:

1.We need to install kubeadm program on our master node to setup K8s cluster.

  1. We are installing Docker, Kubeadm & iproute-tc packages on our Master Instance.

  2. service module is used to start the docker & kubelet service.

  3. command module to run kubeadm command which will pull all the Docker Images required to run Kubernetes Cluster.

  4. We need to change our Docker default cgroup to systemd, otherwise kubeadm won't be able to setup K8s cluster. To do that at first using copy module we are creating one file /etc/docker/daemon.json & putting some content in it.

  5. Next using command module we are initializing the cluster & then using shell module we are setting up kubectl command on our Master Node.

  6. Next using command module I deployed Flannel on the Kubernetes Cluster so that it create the overlay network setup.

  7. Also the 2nd command module is used to get the token for the slave node to join the cluster.

  8. Using register I stored the output of 2nd command module in a variable called token. Now this token variable contain the command that we need to run on slave node, so that it joins the master node.

STEP 5 : Write role for Kubernetes Slaves

πŸ”Ά Following are the steps which have to include in role for configuring the k8s slaves-

  1. Installing docker and iproute-tc

  2. Configuring the Yum repo for Kubernetes

  3. Installing kubeadm,kubelet kubectl program

  4. Enabling the docker and Kubernetes

  5. Pulling the config images

  6. Configuring the docker daemon.json file

  7. Restarting the docker service

  8. Configuring the IP tables and refreshing sysctl

  9. Copy the join command which we store while configuring master

πŸ”Ά Go inside the tasks folder. We have to write entire tasks inside this folder

cd /roles/k8s_slave/tasks

vim main.yml
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Write below source code inside it-

- name: "Installing docker and iproute-tc"
         - docker
         - iproute-tc
     state: present

- name: "Configuring the Yum repo for kubernetes"
     name: kubernetes
     description: Yum for k8s
     enabled: yes
     gpgcheck: yes
     repo_gpgcheck: yes

- name: "Installing kubeadm,kubelet kubectl program"
        - kubelet
        - kubectl
        - kubeadm
     state: present

- name: "Enabling the docker and kubenetes"
     name: "{{ item }}"
     state: started
     enabled: yes
        - kubelet
        - docker

- name: "Pulling the config images"
  shell: kubeadm config images pull

- name: "Confuring the docker daemon.json file"
    dest: /etc/docker/daemon.json
    content: |
      "exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"]

- name: "Restarting the docker service"
     name: docker
     state: restarted

- name: "Configuring the Ip tables and refreshing sysctl"
    dest: /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf
    content: |
      net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
      net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1

- name: "systemctl"
  shell: "sysctl --system"

- name: joining to Master
  command: "{{ hostvars[groups['ec2_master'][0]]['token']['stdout'] }}"
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STEP 6 : Write Ansible Vault Files

πŸ”Ά Go to your roles workspace
πŸ”Ά Run below command and create vault file

# ansible-vault create <filename>.yml

ansible-vault create cred.yml
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πŸ”Ά It will ask to provide one vault password & provide as per your choice.
πŸ”Ά Then, open it with editor, create two variables in this file & put your AWS access key & secret key as values.
For example:

secret_key: abcdefghijklmn12345
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πŸ”Ά Save the file with command (:wq).

STEP 7 : Create Setup file

Now it's finally the time to create the setup.yml file inside same workspace which we gonna run to setup this entire infrastructure on AWS.

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
         - cred.yml
         - name: "Running kube_cluster role"
                name: kube_cluster

- hosts: ec2_master
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Running K8s_Master Role
        name: k8s_master

- hosts: ec2_slave
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Running K8s_Slave Role
        name: k8s_slave
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πŸ”Ά Write proper hostname, vault file name and role name.

STEP 8 : RUN your Ansible Playbook

πŸ”Ά use below commands to run your ansible playbook.

ansible-playbook setup.yml --ask-vault-pass
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πŸ”Ά Next it will prompt you to pass the password of your Ansible Vault (cred.yml file), provide your password.

root@localhost__roles 01-09-2021 02_48_38 PM
root@localhost__roles 01-09-2021 02_49_15 PM
root@localhost__roles 01-09-2021 02_49_46 PM


Connect to instance _ EC2 Management Console - Google Chrome 01-09-2021 02_57_17 PM


πŸ”Ά Now lets check our multi-node cluster is using below commands

kubectl get nodes
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Select root@ip-172-31-35-184_~ 01-09-2021 02_53_32 PM

πŸ”Ά Here we can see our who cluster is launched successfully and our all nodes is ready phase.

πŸ”Ά Now lets create a deployment on master node

kubectl create deployment myd --image=httpd
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root@ip-172-31-35-184_~ 01-09-2021 02_57_06 PM

πŸ”Ά here we can see our deployment is created successfully

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