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Introduction To HTML

War is the father of all desperate technological advancement at least that how it was in the past century. In the wake of WWII when the soviets launched the Sputnik in to the space, American defence agencies were frightened as they were taken by surprise by the sudden technological advancement showed by then rival USSR. Desperation drove them to establish an agency that would never let a foreign entity gain technological advantage over them ever again. DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) was created and was tasked with the mission to develop a computer communications system that could survive a nuclear war! The early version of Internet was developed, the ARPANET. Given the cost of a computer at the time only government agencies, universities and research scientists working in organisations with huge fundings were only the ones able to work upon the development and could communicate using the now developed Internet. As more and more of these entities joined the network the internet grew bigger and bigger and more intricate with every node (computer) that joined the network. Algorithms that facilitate the communication between nodes; routes and error handling methods were developed were put in place as the basic communication protocols. A whole new academic discipline was formed (Computer Network Architecture) and began developing since. Among the many a protocol responsible for communication between a web browser and web server is HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Today the web as we know it is a vast network of webpages; documents that contain hypertext ( text document containing links to other documents) and hyperlinks (clickable text that is a reference to other document or data within the document itself) which we access through the HTT protocol over the Internet. The computer language that is used to format those hypertext and hyperlinks that we see in the form of plain text and multimedia on any website is known as HTML markup language.

HTML is arguably the simplest markup language there is. I say markup because that is what is; it a markup system. Just as any human language, there is a syntax and grammar protocol which adds meaning, a semantic value to the entire structure as a whole and in parts too. HTML too has such a protocol, markup protocol.

Imagine writing an entire essay furnished with images and references, now if you were tasked to publish that essay on a website how would you do it? You can simply follow a HTML template to learn the formatting style of a webpage and you’re done. It is that easy. Following is a list of tags that are quite intuitive and therefore easy to understand, a simple text document could be saved as an HTML and formatted using the HTML tags and published (opened) in your browser as a webpage!

Image description

As you may have observed that HTML is solely concerned with the arrangement of the content of your website whereas the look is determined by CSS and functionality is attained through Javascript.

Now that I am confident about my grasp of HTML an its basic concepts I will begin learning CSS. I hope my article has been helpful and hopefully a step in the right direction.

Thank you for your time and attention.

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