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A react project structure or architecture plays an important role in project maintenance. A good folder structure will help developers in the team easy to locate and easy to relate (ELER).
React ecosystem give freedom to developers to structure react project. We can structure it as we like.
However, if you're just starting a medium-to-large scale react project, it can be confusing to structure the project properly so that your team can easy to maintain it later.
So, How to Structure your React Project?
I know, there's a lot of articles out there talking about this in different approaches. To be honest, for me there is no best project architecture that can fit with any projects and programmer coding styles.
What I will show you here is simply an opinionated way to structure a react project. You can adopt some parts or all of them for your project. That's your choice.
So, here is my best react folder structure for scalable applications. I will explain each folder function and the reason why I include that.

Here is the explanation..
1. Assets folder
The assets folder contains images and scss folder for styling. In this project architecture, I am using centralized styling with SCSS files. I am more comfortable with that.
If you prefer to include style in each component, that's not a problem. But, you should consider locating a default or shared styling here.
You can rename it to css or styles if you don't use scss/sass in your project.
2. Components folder
The components folder contains a collection of UI components like button, custom input field, modal, etc that will be shared and used across files in the project.
You can rename it to 'elements' or 'UIs' if you dont like 'components'.
Each component has a test file to help us maintain them because they used widely in the project.
3. Pages folder
The pages folder reflects the routes of the application. Each component inside this folder has its own route.
A page component will contain children from components folder, parts folder, or its own subfolder. It has its own state, and usually call some services as well.
4. Parts
The parts folder is almost the same as components folder. It contains a reusable components that used in the pages.
The difference is that components in parts folder reflect parts of a page, like footer, sidebar, and header, while the components folder contains standalone UI components like button, form, or input field.
Sometime, A component in parts can use some components from the components folder.
5. Services
The services folder is inspired by Angular architecture (well, I am an Angular developer too).
In Angular there is a feature called Dependency Injection that allows us to inject a service anywhere in a project. Most of the time, a service used to manage API integrations. So, it separated from logic in the component.
Service is not a react component. It simply a javascript function to manage API integration based on the type of data.
To be clear, here is how i write a service in most of my react projects.
And, here is how i call it in components.
I am using axios for API calling. To call services in component, I use javascript promise.
You may ask, why bother separate API calling in service. We can just call API with Axios inside components.
Well, what if we need to call API in different components, by different developers?
I bet, the codes won't be standardized, and it can be difficult to maintain if the developers change.
By using services, we can solve this problem by centralizing API calling based on data type. If someone want to use it, just call it with promise in the components.
6. Store (If using Redux)
The store folder will be included if you decide to use redux in your project. Inside it, there are actions and reducers subfolder to manage redux states.
Mostly, the actions and reducers will be called in the page components so they usually named based on pages that use them.
If your application is a small-to-medium scale project, try to maximize the usage of the props and states component before using redux. If that's too complicated, well, you can use redux.
7. Utils
The utils folder is just a place to locate some utility functions that used repeatedly in the project. Files in the utils folder should only contain some functions like date formatting, string conversion, etc.
Do we need to include all the folders from the beginning?
Well, No. You don't have to include all folders from the beginning of the project.
For instance, If you're not sure to use redux or not in your project, you don't have to create a store folder yet.
Services folder is also not necessary if you sure that your project only consumes a small number of APIs.
However, the assets, components, parts, and pages folders are important to be arranged from the beginning to manage better codes.
That's it. What do you think? If you have an opinion, please feel free to comment and suggest your ideas so we can have more thoughts about this.
Happy coding!
Top comments (28)
Not a good folder structure when you want to apply code splitting or doing micro front-end.
Each module should go into its own folder. the module folder needs to have it is own sub-folders of Views/Pages, Redux (Services), API, etc. It is a variation of ducks folder structure we use in our big projects. You can easily grab the folder and split the code of view and redux. You can also put it into another repository to do micro frontend
So, what you're suggesting is a modular architecture. Grouping views and redux folder is a good idea.
Thanks for sharing it.
Yeah just for reference: webpack et al statically analyse the project and use the results of this to build chunks to be loaded. If you aren't using a good structure it can get messy really quick. Reza's suggestion makes that neat.
Any resources on this?
Here's one that I reference. While not limited to the front end it gets the idea out.
You can look up vertical slice architectures.
That's pretty similar to Nuxt's (Vue) default directory structure.
It has assets, components, pages, store, and also plugins, and layout.
Of course, we can easily extend with utils, services or helpers, etc.
Sometimes I use directories like mocks, tests, graphql, lang, resources...
It depends on the project I'm currently working on.
Yap. That's why i said no architecture that can fit to any kinds of project.
suggesting renaming "Parts" to "Layout", as parts is ambiguous
Ah, yes! layout is better. Thanks for your suggestion.
I agree, I used layout too (which I was using in gatsby by the way), but the rest of the structure is very helpful for a React beginner like me, thanks @Syakir.
Thanks for sharing the structure, I had only one issue if we are using Redux Saga then I prefer writing our API calls in saga files, instead of writing in it Services as response from API are stored in the redux state. So it becomes more easier in Saga.
Yeah, that's another case if you use redux saga.
services folder function can be replaced by redux saga, so you dont have to include it anymore.
I find it funny that people make "single page application" and then have multiple "pages" in their one page application. It is akin to building a relational schema in a 'nosql' database.
Awesome architecture , thanks for sharing <3
You're welcome :D
Good one. 🚀
Now try RN project structure with react-navigation v5
Ok, will post it on another article
Ok, thank you.
Really helpful and reminded me that am doing the right thing.
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