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python3.11 latest changes

brief overview of some of the latest changes and features in Python 3.11:

  1. Time Functions with Nanosecond Resolution: Python 3.11 introduces a new set of time functions with nanosecond resolution. These functions include time.perf_counter_ns(), time.process_time_ns(), and time.monotonic_ns().

  2. Positional-Only Parameters: Python 3.11 introduces a new syntax for defining positional-only parameters in function definitions. Positional-only parameters are parameters that can only be specified using their position, and not by using their name.

  3. New Dictionary Methods: Python 3.11 introduces several new methods for dictionaries, including dict.fromkeys_ex(), which allows you to create a new dictionary with a set of keys and a default value for all of the keys.

  4. Improved Error Handling: Python 3.11 includes several improvements to error handling, including the ability to specify a traceback message when raising an exception, and the ability to specify a from_cause parameter when raising an exception from another exception.

  5. Improved Performance: Python 3.11 includes several performance improvements, including faster dict lookups and faster attribute access.

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