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Sylvain GIROD
Sylvain GIROD

Posted on

Willing to become a Java Backend developer, what course to choose ?

I've got 2 years professional experience on Android, using mostly Kotlin and all the fun tools that everybody uses (Dagger, Coroutines, Jetpack, etc...) and I want to switch to a backend developer role.

As I am confortable developing on top of the JVM, I think that becoming a Java developer could be a cool move, which won't take me years to achieve.

Do you know any course I could follow on my own (I can't quit my job to study full time) ?

Top comments (5)

brunodrugowick profile image
Bruno Drugowick

Hello, fellow dev. Since you're already comfortable with Java I'd suggest the Spring framework.

Start by the official documentation. Yes, there are lots of courses on learning platforms, but the framework is huge, so start reading the documentation and the 15 minutes tutorials. After that maybe you'll know better what to look for in an online course.

I love backend and the best course I know I can't recommend since it's in Portuguese, but it includes HTTP basics, RESTful, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, JPA, exceptions etc.

I'll look for a good starting point and link in a minute...

brunodrugowick profile image
Bruno Drugowick

I didn't forget, here you go:

Although this uses "old-fashioned" server-side rendering, it's a good starting point, I believe.

brunodrugowick profile image
Bruno Drugowick

Hello, Xará!

I was talking about the ESR from Algaworks. Note that I haven't finished, but I still recommend it.

In the series I'm writing about Spring Data JPA I linked the course:

brunodrugowick profile image
Bruno Drugowick • Edited

Well, it'll take 10 years to reach a "pro" level: =)

The company I work gives access to Alura and I took a few courses there also (mostly related to what I needed at work at the time). I like it, though I believe Alura and Algaworks have different approaches and may complete each other.

  • Alura: many shorter and focused courses.
  • Algaworks: fewer but complete and lengthy (not tedious though) courses.

This difference also shows in how they charge you and affect your commitment to the course. I'd say:

  • if you're sure you want to commit with Java and is capable of organizing your life to really put in the hours, go with Algaworks.
  • if otherwise you want to have options, learn quick and maye need some additional training later, go with Alura.

Or, like me, have the luck to have access to both! ;)

jai555 profile image
Jayavignesh R

Start with Servlet and JSP it will give an idea about how the web application architecture works.
Then you can get to work with the application using spring framework.
There are lots of videos to get started with application developed on Web.
Later you can move on API.