
Cover image for How to Customize the Pivot Chart in a Vue Pivot Table
Arun for Syncfusion, Inc.

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How to Customize the Pivot Chart in a Vue Pivot Table

Learn how to customize a pivot chart in the Syncfusion Vue Pivot Table component. This video shows how to display and customize a pivot chart in a Vue Pivot Table. It also demonstrates how to customize the axes, labels, and legends. Finally, it shows how to customize accumulation charts.

The Vue Pivot Table is a powerful control for organizing and summarizing business data and displaying the result in a cross-table format. It includes major functionalities: data binding, drilling up and down, Excel-like filtering and sorting, editing, Excel and PDF exporting, several built-in aggregations, field lists, and calculated fields. A large volume of data can be loaded without any performance degradation by using row and column virtualization.

You can easily integrate your Pivot Table with independently rendered pivot data. It has support for more than 20 chart types. Users can perform actions on raw data at runtime, including create, read, update, and delete. Through an interactive user interface, the control provides several edit modes, including inline, dialog, batch, and column.

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