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Sze Ying 🌻
Sze Ying 🌻

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Programming your Telegram bot to fetch Document content with Telegraf API

While working on send4me, a message scheduler bot on Telegram, I ran into the question of how my bot can fetch the contents of a document uploaded by a user. I couldn't find a complete example for this use case anywhere, so I put together what worked for me.

A simple demo for fetching Document content

A simple demo for fetching Document content

The following code snippet recreates the demo above. We will assume that you have already created a bot with BotFather and obtained your bot token.

const Telegraf = require('telegraf');
const axios = require('axios');

const BOT_TOKEN = ''; // TODO: get from BotFather

const bot = new Telegraf(BOT_TOKEN, {
  polling: true,

bot.start((ctx) => ctx.reply("Hello! Upload any document and I'll read it for you~"));

bot.on('document', async (ctx) => {
  const {file_id: fileId} = ctx.update.message.document;
  const fileUrl = await ctx.telegram.getFileLink(fileId);
  const response = await axios.get(fileUrl);
  ctx.reply('I read the file for you! The contents were:\n\n' +;


This should work for simple text files. For more complex files, will need to be parsed before their content is usable.

Top comments (3)

calculusky profile image
Nwankwo Chinedum

Please can you help out. I want a workflow that when my bot receives the file, it will read the data and send a json format

g_shemdoe profile image
Georgie Maricky

Can you explain a little bit about {polling: true} ?

pankajkb profile image
Pankaj Bhadane

how can i use this to read random lines / download random pictures from folder in my telegram bot ?