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Tawhidul Islam Khan
Tawhidul Islam Khan

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CSS Specificity

CSS specificity determines which CSS rule is applied when multiple rules target the same elements. For example, there is a div that has the content "Hello World", we will set a background color to that div. We can set background color in many ways.

  • Inline style
  • Id selector
  • class selector, attribute sector, pseudo selector
  • Element selector

Each way has its specificity hierarchy,

Inline Style: The inline style has the highest specificity and overrides all other styles. For example
<div style="background-color: red">Hello World</div>

Id selector: The id selector has less specificity than the inline style and higher specificity than the class selector and element selector
<div id="box1">Hello World</div>
// in CSS file or style in head
background-color: red;

Class Selector: class selector, attribute selector has medium specificity: for example:
<div class="box">Hello World</div>
// in CSS file or style in head
background-color: red;

Element Selector: Element selector has low specificity, for example:
<div>Hello World</div>
// in CSS file or style in head
background-color: red;

There is an exception: If we use !important, it will override all CSS

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