DEV Community

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor

Posted on


Hello to all! This is my first official post on the platform. I wanted to introduce myself and share my journey with devs around the world.

Top comments (3)

hendrikras profile image
Hendrik Ras

Just wanted to say welcome to everyone new and not-so-new to DEV. 👋

Hope y'all enjoy it here!

If you're wondering how to get started with posting a post, then consider checking out this article here.

To learn more about writing on DEV, check out our Best Practices for Writing on DEV series. 😀

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen • Edited

Hello there! 👋
Did you know that you can schedule your post to get published on a different day and time? Just click on the ⚙️ image after you have clicked "Create Post" on the upper right side of your screen, (it will say "post options" when you hover the gear image) and then set the date and time of your choice.

Much welcome to DEV!

softwaredeveloping profile image
