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Emmanuel Temitope
Emmanuel Temitope

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CURIOSITY - How it's crucial for you and I as developers

I'm going to go straight to the point and drop no fluffs.

As developers, We should be curious about everything we encounter while learning. I believe it'll go a long way in our journey to building that first project, getting that first job or becoming world-class developers.

Recently, I got caught up in trying hard to get a job and building projects and dropped something that had always been part of me. I wasn't so concerned about the little things anymore. I just wanted to get things done.

Here's what happened.

I got a NodeJS task to solve a test that wasn't passing. I tried debugging this for almost 30 minutes till I took to Google and found that all I needed to do was to change a word. I just needed to change response.body to response.text.

If you're familiar with NodeJS, you'll know that res.send returns the content type of its return value in the response header automatically and res.end returns a text if you don't specify a content type in the header of your API.
Though both methods do the same thing, I could have easily solved this test error if I had just opened Google a few weeks ago and searched for the difference between res.end and res.send when I was still learning Node basics.

And all this boils down to being curious about the little things. If two things do the same thing, why not search for why both exist, if I can get the job done with one of them?

There is a high chance that there's a reason for it.
Also, it goes beyond the scope of what functions and methods do. Ask questions, stay curious, and always find out if there's a reason for something.

I hope this speaks to someone or helps someone.
Much love, guys, peace ❤️✌️

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