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15 Most Watched Frontend Conference Talks In 2023

Hi everyone 👋!

I've recently been heavily into watching conference talks as a conferences seem to be back after pandemic.

At some point, I was looking for the most watched talks across different conferences and meetups to better understand the overall trends. Having this data lets me find talks I wouldn't find otherwise.

Finally, based on that data, I put together a list of the most watched Frontend conference talks in 2023. These include topics like Javascript, Typescript, React, testing, webassemly and more!

I hope you enjoy it ⭐️!

🏆 Most Watched Frontend Conference Talks In 2023

  1. "Locknote: How JavaScript Happened: A Short History of Programming Languages - Mark Rendle"
  2. "Josh Goldberg - Setting Up ESLint and TypeScript for React"
  3. "Deep Dive into Advanced TypeScript: A Live Coding Expedition - Christian Woerz - NDC Oslo 2023"
  4. "The Economics of Programming Languages" by Evan Czaplicki (Strange Loop 2023)"
  5. "Your website does not need JavaScript - Amy Kapernick - Copenhagen DevFest 2023"
  6. "What can't WebAssembly do?" - Katie Bell (PyCon AU 2023)"
  7. "Has TypeScript became the villain he was once supposed to conquer? - Paweł Borecki - code::dive 2023"
  8. "Modern Frontend on ClojureScript and React in 2023" by Yuri Khmelevsky
  9. Architecting Fortresses: A Deep Dive into Advanced Security Measures for ReactJS Apps - Jim Manico
  10. Build Your Mental Model of React’s Rendering Behavior - Charlotte Isambert | React Native EU 2023
  11. Theo Browne – Simple by default (Chain React 2023)
  12. Bjorn Lu - The Complete Guide to packaging Libraries - Vuejs Amsterdam 2023
  13. Marc Backes - Let's Build A Virtual DOM - Vuejs Amsterdam 2023
  14. Dan Neciu - Modern Testing Practices in Frontend Applications - JSWORLD 2023
  15. Markus Oberlehner - Writing (Really) Good Tests - Vuejs Amsterdam 2023

On a side note, I'm building a newsletter on Substack called Tech Talks Weekly where I'm sending a weekly email with recent trending conference talks. If you're into watching the talks, you might be interested!

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