DEV Community

Victor Okonkwo
Victor Okonkwo

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Running a Multi-Container Web App with Docker Compose

Using Docker Compose, this tutorial shows you how to launch a full-stack web application. The program is composed of distinct services for the database (PostgreSQL), frontend (React), and backend (Python). Nginx serves as a security and efficiency reverse proxy.

This is a DevOps project for my HNG internship and was done with a provided Git repo

Understanding the Services:

  • Backend: Built using Python (uvicorn), served on port 8000.
  • Frontend: Built with React, served on port 5173.
  • Database: PostgreSQL, configured with username, password, and database name.
  • Traefik: A reverse proxy for managing traffic and routing requests.


  • A cloud instance (e.g., EC2) with Docker installed.
  • The instance has npm and Node.js installed.
  • An account on Docker Hub.
  • A unique domain name (free from


  1. Fork the provided repository and clone it to your instance.
  2. Configure the Frontend:

    • Install Node.js and npm.
    • Modify the vite.config.ts file so that port 5173 is accessible.
    • Execute npm run dev and npm install.
    • Configure the security group for your instance to accept incoming traffic on port 5173. Using port 5173 and your instance's public IP address, access the frontend.
  3. Containerize the Frontend:

    • In the frontend directory, create a Dockerfile. Build the React application, expose port 80, install dependencies, use the official Node.js image, and copy the application code.
    • Use docker build to create the Docker image.
  4. Build a Backend Container:

    • In the backend directory, make a Dockerfile.
    • Install Poetry and its dependencies, use the official Python image, copy the application code, configure environment variables, and open port 8000.
    • Make a .dockerignore file to remove files from the image that aren't needed.
    • Use docker build to create the Docker image.
  5. Create a Docker Compose file (docker-compose.yml):

    • Specify the frontend, backend, database, and Traefik services.
    • For routing requests, use Traefik as a reverse proxy with labels.
    • Set environment variables to configure the database service's connection details.
    • Configure the database URL's environment variables in the backend service.
    • To define paths for producing frontend and backend images, use the build context.
    • Establish networks for service-to-service communication.
  6. Configure Your Domain Name:

    • Make a subdomain using a free DNS provider. Set the subdomain's address to the public IP address of your instance.
    • For the frontend service, update the docker-compose.yml file with your domain name.
  7. Run the application:

    • To create and start all services in detached mode, run docker-compose up -d.

Advantages of Docker Compose usage:

  • Simplified Multi-Container Management: Defines and runs all services in a single configuration file.
  • Scalability: Easily add or remove containers as needed.
  • Reproducibility: Ensures consistent environments across development, testing, and production.

This approach provides a solid foundation for deploying web applications using Docker containers and a reverse proxy for enhanced security and performance.

Check out the full project on GitHub: Explore the Code

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