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Cover image for Javascript: Data type and variables
Temitope Agbaje
Temitope Agbaje

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Javascript: Data type and variables

Data types are concepts to be able to operate on variables.
JavaScript variables can hold Data types like Strings, numbers, arrays, and so on.

Strings are written in double quotes(" ") or single quotes(' ').
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In the image can use a double quote and single quote interchangeably or when using two double quotes or a single quote in a sentence, a backslash can be used in front.
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For the number data type, It is either a negative or a positive number. It can also be a decimal number.
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In boolean, It is either true or false, Yes or no, off or on.
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It is used to store a list of data. Arrays are written using square brackets [ ].
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An array can be written inside another array.Arrays can be accessed by their index. Every array has an index that starts with 0.

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The object is a data type that allows the storage of collections of data. They are denoted using square brackets { }.
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To access the data of an object: ObjectName.keyName
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If a variable has been declared but has not been assigned a value, has the value undefined.
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