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Something about us: is an italian [open source, succint, vaporwave, material-design] based URL shortner, written in ReactJS.'s name come from an italian verb which means 'to extend', we choose it to create the domain hack and obviously the wordplay. is against racism, women harassment, pineapple bacon pizza and, of course, light themes in IDEs.

Feel free to use to shorten your url, but remember that we are in beta, so be patient if something doesn't work properly: open an issue on our Github repo, we'll work on it ;)

Top comments (11)

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

What made you go with a shortner that was JS powered? Since this method will make hitting "back" impossible.

testdotcom profile image

Well we choose JS (specifically React) because

  1. it's easy to pick and use
  2. this webapp is computationally inexpensive, almost every client can run it

As the back button history, I don't see the issue. After you expand an URL where should you "go back to"? (or maybe you mean something else?)

Best regards :)

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

Consider a user on twitter interacting with a tweet that has a link from your site. Clicking on this link will result in an HTTP 200 response for the page which will then redirect to the next link in the chain, which will hopefully also return a 200.

Where as, if this was a server side app you would not return a 200 but a 301 making it so that when the user is on site B and hits β€œback then they would go back to twitter and not your app and get caught in an infinite loop.

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testdotcom profile image

Honestly, I did not think about it. But, if I recall correctly, with React-Router you can manage the browser history.
Do you have any tip?

PS: tried it on twitter/gmail and the default behaviour is to open my link on a new tab

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nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

you are correct and it does in fact actually work, that's my bad. in that case, making this server side would only increase load time, but cool project overall :)

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testdotcom profile image

Glad to know it works well! And thanks for your interest

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy • Edited

" is against...pineapple bacon pizza..." You have my un-dying loyalty. :D

testdotcom profile image

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy • Edited

Existed in the same plain of reality. :)

gijovarghese profile image
Gijo Varghese • Edited

If you don't want "Analytics", checkout my blog post - How to Create Your Own Private URL Shortener for Free

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

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