Hello, my name is Tevin and I am a aspiring cloud developer. this post is latent as I have been studying software development since August 2023. I started with Python taking the Meta Back-End Professional Certification course on Coursera. I then purchased a year subscription to Codecademy where I started the full-stack developer course. I made it through the front-end part of the course. I completed a couple React projects from Frontend Mentor. By December I took on a small project from scratch and built a hangman web app. After this I took a break due to burn out and second guessing if I wanted to move forward with software development, (all the layoffs started to scare me).
By the end of January I was ready to get back on track. I chose to learn AWS after some research. I took a couple courses on AWS learning platform, and then moved to take the Solutions Architect course on a cloud guru. While taking the course I also read a book named "Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali". I am not a reader nor do I enjoy it. I enjoyed that book so that says something. By the end of Jan I had finished the Solutions Architect course from a cloud guru, and I started to take practice exams and started the Cloud Resume Project.
I finished the Resume challenge around the end of Feb. I started back studying for the Solutions Architect exam when I got a call from a recruiter for role to create export PDF templates for their app. I noticed that Java was a nice to have skill, and it has been a while since I was exposed to Java. For the next three weeks I focused on landing that role. Studying Java and completing the coding exercise. I made it to the final round and was unfortunately not selected for the role. I was devastated, because I did not know what I could have done differently to be a better candidate, but that did not stop me. I went back on the grind studying for the Solutions Architect exam. On April 7th I took the exam and passed it.
After passing the exam I needed to decide on what to do next. I started to browse for jobs but could not find any associate or junior roles where I could get my start. I did some research and found I needed to complete some projects and probably get another certification to stand out from the crowd. I chose to continue learning Java, start studying for the AWS Networking Specialty, Comptia SEC+, and LPIC 1. I feel these certifications will help push me in the right direction.
While also studying for these certifications I will be finishing up a project I started called Rocket Bank. I will explain this project in another post due to it's complexity. I started creating this application to use for deploying complex web apps to AWS for practice.
If you made it this far, THANK YOU for reading my whole post. If you have any pointers of resources for me on my journey please share them.
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