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Day 6 of #100DaysOfcode hello javascript


this is my 6th article following the previous ones, for a quick recap, i'm a web development student who's been on and off the learning to code path for the past year, i came across the famous #100DaysOfCode challenge and decide to finally focus solely on webDev, learning the fundamentals through TOP's curriculum, i decided to stay committed this time by writing articles for every day of the challenge.

Where i left off

Yesterday i started working on a landing page project from the foundations course, i won't say it was pretty easy but considering i'm already familiar with html and css, it was really nice to work on, i did struggle a bit with lining up things correctly in the html, and some styling but i believe i did solidify my knowledge a bit considering all that flexbox training from the previous days of challenge, it really comes in handy i cant not recommend it, so i did finish through most of the landing page with just one more section to work on and lastly the footer, it took me a day to complete it, i know i know, it's pretty slow and unimpressive but i still very much consider myself a beginner and taking this slowly to solidify my knowledge and not make the same mistakes during last year, where i kept jumping from course to course, resource to another, to this code challenge, learning php here and javascript there, which ultimately only left me really confused with no real fundamental knowledge, but here we are now.

what i did

as i mentioned in the last section i had to work on the next section followed by the footer, it was a bit easier compared to the other sections of the page, if i'm being honest working on the header was the hardest part even though it does look like a real simple header at first i still did struggle and it took me the most time to complete, nevertheless i was pretty proud of myself for what i could accomplish on my own, it was the first time i felt that i built something for real without following the course instructor, for this very reason i'm growing fondly of TOP's way of teaching, no hand holding no walkthrough tutorials, just you and a text editor and a ton of resources, now let's drift back i worked for an hour on the last section and the footer, and i was so excited to move to the next lesson on the foundations course, a lesson that introduces you to javascript, now the real fun begins and i can't wait to progress more in one of the web biggest pillars, i'm going back to my hometown this weekend and i can't wait to be home and solely focus on this part of the course, i started reading a bit about Variables in javascript and naming conventions, then followed up by arithmetic operations, i really appreciate all the resources TOP is able to be provide, gotta love something that's built by the community for the community.

today's plans

i know that this article should have been posted yesterday,but i'll try to do better and stick to posting on the challenge day, for today i'm going to go over the rest of the lesson, and try to work on the assignments that are usually attached by the end of each lesson to check one's knowledge and solidify it, if i have some time left i will watch the rest of cs50 lecture that i started, and finally play some more flexbox zombies just to make sure i covered all that is there to cover regarding flexbox, i will keep you posted and as always Happy coding!

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