DEV Community

Jeff McHale
Jeff McHale

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Weekly Round-up #1

Good Evening!

Welcome to my first blog post ever. I am starting a "Weekly Round-up" with some people on the Let's Code Discord server. A few people on that server recommended as a good place to start blogging, so here I am.

This week, the main thing I focused on was figuring out flexbox. Flexbox is hard. I have figured out that it makes life easier, especially in today's technology world with all of the different screen sizes. Figuring out how to USE flexbox, however, is not that easy.

Here is a breakdown of how my week went:

  • Monday night I went back over some "What the Flexbox!?" videos by Wes Bos. Those videos are very helpful when you are trying to get the basics down.
  • Tuesday was packed with family things. No coding, but fun was had by all.
  • Wednesday night was packed full of information. I participated in some pair programming with someone that I met another Discord server. He took me on a deep dive of flexbox with some coding examples. He also used his own web app, Flexbox PLayground, that provides a visual of the different properties work. I learned so much from that.
  • Thursday night we celebrated my 4 year graduating from her preschool class.
  • Tonight (Friday), I am blogging for the first time.

Follow along as I continue to learn, and grow, as a coder. My goal is to become a Fullstack Web Developer. I know I have a long journey ahead of me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Let's Code < Awesome community for beginners.

What the Flexbox!? < Great resource by Wes Bos

Flexbox Playground < Check it out!

Top comments (2)

cball1990 profile image

congratz on you're first post, keep up the good work :)

the_rhithik profile image
Jeff McHale
