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Dimitris Vlachakis
Dimitris Vlachakis

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How to move from Software Engineering to Gamedev?

Hello everyone,

I have been working in the Software Development industry for the past 7 years. In that time I've worked with multiple technologies and been part of many different teams.

Recently I've realized I don't enjoy the field and I would like to be a Game Developer instead. The problem is that I have no idea to what extent I can "market" the skills I already have.

I understand that I'd have to start from a Junior position most likely but do you think my background as a Software Engineer will be worth something? Should I try to focus on that during interviews or in my resume?

Has anyone done any similar "jump" between career paths?

Top comments (6)

stargator profile image

Definitely leverage what you know and demonstrate how it would benefit the company. What role do you want in the gamedev industry? There's engineers that work on the audio, video, mechanics, databases, and backend.

thecrafter profile image
Dimitris Vlachakis

You're right, thanks!

loiclefevre profile image

Famous online games have a backends...

thecrafter profile image
Dimitris Vlachakis • Edited

True but I'm not sure how working on a backend for an MMORPG for example would be any different from regular backends I'm already working on. I mean, would that even be considered game development?

Aircrafts have software. Are the programmers who write said software considered pilots? No. (stupid example to illustrate my point)

loiclefevre profile image

this was just an idea for a smooth transition...

Another way, depending on your background would be to look at Unity 3D and its ecosystem: creating assets store, learning from the community and leveraging c# or JavaScript (looks like UnityScript)...

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thecrafter profile image
Dimitris Vlachakis

Hmm okay yeah that makes much more sense! Thanks for clarifying