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How to ship good code to production

In my experience as a system developer, I’ve realized just how important security is—and it’s not something you can afford to overlook. 

Recently, I witnessed a situation on X, when devs began discovering loopholes and vulnerabilities in a system that have been overlooked, and gone unnoticed for years. These weren’t just minor bugs; they were potential security risks, and they revealed just how vulnerable a system can become when tech debt piles up unchecked.

What started as a few issues quickly turned into a full-blown saga, with more and more security gaps being uncovered. Seeing this unfold firsthand made me reflect on how crucial it is to stay vigilant about security, especially with the rise of AI-generated code.

Developers are under more pressure than ever to ship code quickly, but that rush often leads to oversights. Rushed, untested code can open the door to attacks compromising a system’s integrity.

Bad codes are being shipped to production without thorough scrutiny, exposing the systems to various attacks.

From my own experience, I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of pushing code into production without enough scrutiny. But security issues, if not caught early, can escalate into serious problems. That’s why I’ve come to appreciate the importance of a structured, thorough code review process. It’s an essential part of ensuring that the systems I build are not only functional but also secure and resilient against potential attacks.

After watching the chaos unfold on X from the security vulnerabilities exposed, I felt the need to share a process that has helped me in my projects. It’s a straightforward approach that reduces the chances of bugs slipping into production by making sure every change to the codebase is carefully reviewed and aligns with best practices—especially when integrating new code into an existing system.

Effective Code Review Practices I Rely On:

• Keep Pull Requests Small: Small, focused pull requests are much easier to review and far less likely to introduce hidden issues. Large changes can be overwhelming and are more likely to cause problems that go unnoticed.

• Provide Clear Feedback: It’s important to give feedback that’s actionable and respectful. Instead of simply pointing out what’s wrong, suggest improvements. For example, instead of saying, “This is incorrect,” you might say, “Consider this approach for better scalability.” This keeps the discussion focused on improving the code rather than placing blame.

• Enforce Coding Standards: Using automated tools like ESLint and Prettier has helped me maintain consistency across my codebases. By handling style and formatting automatically, code reviews can focus on more significant issues, like functionality and security.

3 Key Reasons to Review and Test Code Before Shipping to Production:

  1. Catch Bugs Early: Code reviews help identify bugs and performance issues before they reach production, saving you from bigger problems down the line.

  2. Knowledge Sharing: When team members review each other’s code, it encourages collaboration and shared ownership of the codebase, which leads to stronger, more reliable systems.

  3. Improve Code Quality: Code reviews enforce coding standards and best practices, ensuring that new code maintains the quality of the overall project.

In the systems I’ve worked on, following these practices has not only helped catch bugs early but also significantly improved security and overall code quality.

It’s about more than just preventing bugs—it’s about building systems that are reliable, scalable, and secure from the ground up. I hope these insights help you build stronger, more resilient systems in your work.

If you would like to collaborate with me on your project, reach out to me on X

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