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Mma Obiora
Mma Obiora

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How I solved a problem I encounter as a backend developer

Growing up, I have always been fascinated by technology. How they work, how they are made, I just want to know how things work, I would open up spoilt radios just see what was inside it and how it works. I remember my brother used to have an electric teddy bear that talked and I was curious about it so one night I tore it open and I brought out the element.

P.S: The next day I almost met my maker, if you know you know

Anyway, that curiosity died (died is a strong word, let me say me subsided) from the hands of long hours in the classroom just talking theory. I used to hate computer as a subject, all we did was talk about computers all long without using the computer.

My curiosity was ignited when I saw my neighbor coding, I did not understand what he was doing but then again I was curious and he explained to me what he was doing. Fast forward, my neighbor introduced me to HTML, Css and JavaScript, he gave series of courses to watch.

One of the first projects i built was a Sign-up website. It was a static website, it was not really doing anything special other than users inputting their details. So I did my research and I was going to add authentication to my Sign-up page
I found a tutorial on YouTube and followed the tutorial step by step and boom, I had written my first backend code even though I didn’t understand what I wrote.

I was so excited about my code and was going to test on the frontend

But then I encountered an error

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I had to watch the tutorial all over to ensure I didn’t miss something, of course I did not miss anything, it was not in the tutorial

After 1 hour spent searching Google and reading articles. Voila! I found it, speak of the devil

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How I solved the error
The port that the frontend was running on has to be given the access in order for the backend to work

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About Me
I am a Frontend developer with little experience in backend development and I would love to explore backend more. One of the traits of a curious person is the thirst for knowledge. I love to learn more

My Expectations of the HNG Internship:
My expectations include learning to write clean, effective and efficient codes, learning best practices of writing code, learning to function and think under pressure also, learn how to work in a team and also, learning leadership skills
My ultimate expectation is to come out of my comfort zone.

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