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ReactJS Roadmap 🗺 For Developers 💻

The React JS or React is an open-source, front-end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. It has grown as one of the best libraries in recent years for component-based GUI development.

Although, there are other front-end frameworks like Angular and Vue.js available, what sets React apart from others is, it just focuses on component-based GUI development and doesn’t invade other areas.


Roadmap to becoming a React developer:

Below is the chart demonstrating the paths that you can take and the libraries that you would want to learn to become a React developer. This chart is made by Adam Gołąb.

Note: This roadmap will give you an idea about the landscape and guide you if you are confused about where to begin or what to learn next. In the end, it depends on your experience as you will grow some understanding of why one tool is better suited for some cases than the other one. It is not necessary that a handy and trendy one is always perfect. So, go through the map and start developing.


React roadmap

by Adam Gołąb


1. Basics: HTML, CSS & JS

i. HTML: The first pillar & the most important skill for web developers as it provides the structure for a web page.

  • Learn the basics of HTML
  • Make a few pages as an exercise

You can check Tutorial For HTML.

ii. CSS: Second pillar of web development and used to style web pages so that they look good.

  • Learn the basics of CSS Style pages from the previous step
  • Build a page with a grid and flexbox

You can check Tutorial For CSS.

Check out the free Tailwind Components Library

FlyonUI Tailwind Components Library

iii. JS Basics: Third pillar of web development and used to make your web pages interactive.

  • Get familiar with the syntax Learn basic operations on DOM
  • Learn mechanisms typical for JS (Hoisting, Event Bubbling, Prototyping)
  • Make some AJAX (XHR) calls Learn new features (ECMA Script 6+)
  • Additionally, get familiar with the jQuery library

You can check tutorials for JavaScript

2. General Development Skills

  • Learn GIT, create a few repositories on GitHub, share your code with other people
  • Know HTTP(S) protocol, and request methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS)
  • Don't be afraid of using Google, Power Searching with Google
  • Get familiar with the terminal, and configure your shell (bash, zsh, fish)
  • Read a few books about algorithms and data structures
  • Read a few books about design patterns

Also check the Sneat React Admin Template
Sneat MUI React NextJS Admin Template
An Ultimate Next Js Admin Template with both JavaScript and TypeScript support.

3. Learn React on the official website of ReactJS or complete some courses

4. Get familiar with the tools that you will be using.

To become a React developer, you should spend some time on learning tools that you will use as a web developer like built tools, unit testing tools, debugging tools, etc.

Here are some of the build tools:

i. Package Managers


ii. Task Runners

-npm scripts

5. Styling

i. CSS Preprocessor

A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor's own unique syntax. preprocessors can make CSS code more organized.


ii. CSS Frameworks

CSS framework is a code library that abstracts common web designs and makes the designs easier for a developer to implement in their web apps. In simple terms, a CSS framework is a collection of CSS style sheets that are prepped and ready to use.

-Materialize, Material UI, Material Design Lite
-Semantic UI

You can check this comprehensive guide on Best CSS Frameworks In 2020 for detailed info.

iii. CSS Architecture

-CSS Modules

iv. CSS in JS

-Styled Components

6. State Management

i. Component State/Context API

ii. Redux

a. Async actions (Side Effects)
-Redux Thunk
-Redux Better Promise
-Redux Saga
-Redux Observable

b. Helpers

c. Data persistence
-Redux Persist
-Redux Phoenix

d. Redux Form

iii. MobX

iv. Recoil

It is always advisable to use React Admin Dashboard to create progressive, modern, and responsive web apps

7. Type Checkers

8. Form Helpers

9. Routing

Components are the main part of React's powerful, responsive programming model, and Routing components are an essential part of any application.

10. API Clients

You can create something that communicates with other applications using APIs like REST and GraphQL.


ii. GraphQL

11. Utility Libraries

Makes your work easier.

12. ReactJS UI libraries and frameworks:

The following are some of the best ReactJS UI libraries and frameworks.

For more detailes visit ReactJS UI Frameworks

13. Testing

It is a vital skill for React Developers.

i. Unit Testing

-React testing library

ii. End-to-End Testing


iii. Integration Testing


14. Internationalization

Both these libraries offer React components, and an API to format dates, strings, and numbers, including handling translations and pluralization.

15. Server Side Rendering

React components are rendered on the server, and the output HTML content is delivered to the client or browser.

16. Static Site Generator

You can use Gatsby to create a personalized, logged-in experience website. They combine your data with JavaScript and create well-formed HTML content.

For more details about SSG check out our detailed guide on Best Static Site Generator

17. Backend Framework Integration

It integrates Rails with (server rendering of) Facebook's React front-end framework. It provides Server rendering, which is often used for SEO crawler indexing and UX performance, and is not offered by Rails/webpacker.

18. Mobile

The standard way to develop a mobile application in JavaScript is with the native look and feel.

19. Desktop

Allows you to build native UWP and WPF apps with React.

20. Virtual Reality

  • React 360: Allows you to be exciting 360 and VR experiences using React.

Other Useful Resources and Collections:

Check out the Materio – MUI React Next.js Admin Template.
It is the most developer-friendly 🤘🏻 & highly customizable✨ React Admin Dashboard Template based on React. If you’re a developer looking for the Best React Admin Template that is enriched with features, and highly customizable look no further than the Materio 🤩.

Besides, the highest industry standards are considered to bring you one of the best React Admin Templates.

Materio MUI React Next js Admin Template

It is not just fast 🚀 and easy to use, but highly scalable. Furthermore, it offers ultimate convenience and flexibility, you’ll be able to build whatever application you want with very little hassle.

Materio also offers invaluable features that aim to help you create premium quality single-page apps exactly as you imagine them🤘🏻. Furthermore, it comes with unique and useful tools such as fuzzy search, Dark, Semi-Dark & Bordered layout options, Advanced cards, and Charts. In addition, it offers amazing features as follows.


  • Pure ReactJS, No jQuery Dependency
  • Built with Next.js & MUI
  • Utilizes NextJS, React router
  • Based on functional components & React hooks
  • Includes Both TS & JS Versions 🎉
  • AUTH & ACL Support
  • Internationalization/i18n & RTL Ready
  • Code Splitting, Lazy loading

Demo Download

Also, available in Bootstrap Dashboard Version.

Materio Bootstrap HTML Adin Template


If you think the roadmap can be improved, please open a PR with any updates and submit any issues on the original git repo, Adam Golab's React-developer-roadmap.

That's all about The ReactJS RoadMap For Developers. It's very comprehensive for sure, but there is a good chance that many of you may already know most of the stuff. Even if you don't know, no need to be confused or overwhelmed by this roadmap; you can start small and then follow along.

Apart from this, there is an article on the best ReactJS UI Frameworks and component libraries which will be helpful, too.

There are many ways to become a React Developer and if you already know React, you can surely find some more tools and technologies to add to your kitty and become an even better React Developer in 2022.
You can also download the Free Admin version of Materio.

Image description

About us:

We, at ThemeSelection, provide selected high quality, modern design, professional and easy-to-use premium and free VueJS Admin Templates, Bootstrap admin template, and Free UI Kits.

Also, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more cutting-edge web design and development-related articles and content.

Written by @abhidave001

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Top comments (37)

jaca22 profile image
Jacek Dunikowski • Edited

Very nice content, thank u.

But are u sure moment.js should be listed here?
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Another common argument against using Moment in modern applications is its size. Moment doesn't work well with modern "tree shaking" algorithms, so it tends to increase the size of web application bundles. If one needs internationalization or time zone support, Moment can get quite large. Modern web browsers (and Node.js) expose internationalization and time zone support via the Intl object, codified as ECMA-402. Libraries like Luxon (and others) take advantage of this, reducing or removing the need to ship your own data files.

Alternative with same API:
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theme_selection profile image

Agree...!! 👍Thank you very much for your appreciation and feedback. We are adding Day.js 🙂

rowemore profile image
Rowe Morehouse

@themeselection ⇨ What did you use to create the roadmap / diagram?

theme_selection profile image

It is created by Adam Gołąb. We have mentioned his Github repo. He has made this map using

thewdhanat profile image

I think React Testing Library is taking over Enzyme. You might also consider mentioning Jamstack.

theme_selection profile image

Thank you very much for your appreciation and feedback🙂. We are adding it. 👍

thewdhanat profile image

Thanks for the updates. However, Jamstack is not a testing framework. It is an architecture design. It might be in “2. General development skills”

Thread Thread
theme_selection profile image

Thanks for informing us, That's by mistake. We've added Jamstack in Static Site Generator.

pra3t0r5 profile image

I've been learning and developing a large project in React the las two and-a-half months and man, the satisfaction that i felt reading this!

Althrought I consider most Javascript-based environments quite captivating to develop with, they have this tendency to make you wonder a lot if you are implementing things the best way. That's because every problem has already from dozens to thousands of solutions (some very distinct, many others very similar).

That begin said, i've been following almost the same path by mostly gut feeling. The only difference is that i started learning the whole framework by using React Native.


theme_selection profile image

Thank you very much. We are glad that you like this article.🙂

stephenwhitmore profile image
Stephen Whitmore • Edited

@kragon741 this is right up your alley

matthewkohn profile image
Matthew Kohn

Already bookmarked and in progress! Thanks. I have so much to learn, and I love it.

theme_selection profile image

Thank you very much for your appreciation. We are glad that you find this article useful.🙂

garethbrown82 profile image
Gareth Brown

Great road map! It might be worth mentioning Recoil as an up and comer for state management.

theme_selection profile image

Thank you very much for your feedback. We are adding it.👍

benfaught profile image
Benjamin Faught

Frontity. Server Side Rendered -> React for Wordpress - Framework

theme_selection profile image

Thank you very much for your Feedback 👍. We are adding it. 🙂

kooin profile image


I am very impressed on this! Very simple and kind guide for me!

theme_selection profile image

Thank you very much for your appreciation.🙂
We are glad that you find this article helpful.

nikhilroy2 profile image
Nikhil Chandra Roy

everything you added there will be missing and updating day after day, so keep learning and finding new source to figure out more, thanks for this post man.

theme_selection profile image

Yes, learning is the key👍. Thank you very much for your appreciation.🙂

jivkojelev91 profile image
JivkoJelev91 • Edited

What about StoryBook ? I think he is great for documentation.

theme_selection profile image

Thank you very much for your suggestion👍. We have added it.

kelvince profile image


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