CSS is very important in front-end development. CSS can make a website beautiful or horrible. CSS positions are the most important property. Position property is used to specify element's position. It's value can be
- Static
- Relative
- Absolute
- Fixed
- Sticky
Let's see them is more detail.
1. Static
position: static;
This is the default value for the element. The element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document. Properties like left, top, right, bottom and z-index do not affect the element having positon static.
2. Relative
position: relative;
Element with position relative remain in the normal flow of the document. And Properties like left, top, right, bottom and z-index affect the position of the element.
3. Absolute
position: absolute;
Elements with position: absolute are positioned relative to their parent elements.The other elements will behave as if that element is not in the document.The values of left, top, bottom and right determine the final position of the element.
4. Fixed
position: fixed;
Position fixed is same as position absolute. The only thing to note is that fixed elements are not affected by scrolling. They always stay in the same position on the screen.
5. Sticky
position: sticky;
position: sticky is a mix of position: relative and position: fixed. It acts like a relatively positioned element until a certain scroll point and then it acts like a fixed element. And you have to give one of these top, left, bottom, right value to the element.
That's it. I hope you understood each and everything. If you have any question feel free to ask me in comments.
You can also learn CSS flex box
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Top comments (10)
Elements with position: absolute are positioned relative to their parent elements. --> not the parent but the first positioned ancestor and it's not necessarily the parent element.
position also requires one of thetop
properties, otherwise it will not work.Yes true. My bad I forgot to mention.
This was a really helpful piece of information. Thanks.
Awesome guide, thx!!
New subscriber. Thanks!
Glad to hear βΊοΈβΊοΈ
Please explain at media
Didn't understood "positioned relative to parent"
It means if you have a relative positioned element with top 500px for example then, if you set its child to absolute position then for that element, this 500px is equal to 0. And the top property behave like margin top.
I hope you understood now. Let me know in comments.