DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v113 staff on February 24, 2021

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
tiffbouchard profile image
Tiffany Bouchard

Hey! I'm Tiffany and I am a frontend dev from Toronto. I am currently working at a startup and also looking for new opportunities. I am a fairly new dev and just trying to navigate through this industry, spoiler alert, it's kind of hard! I started out trying to do full-stack but found that I was spreading myself too thin and I had more of an interest in frontend so that is what I am focusing my energy on now. I look forward to being part of this community, sharing, and learning from you all!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

tiffbouchard profile image
Tiffany Bouchard

Hahah thanks!

itylergarrett profile image
tyler garrett

Nothing beats a good spider-man gif...

Thread Thread
dianajarenga profile image

fun fact ;)

m05e5 profile image


ridays2001 profile image

Welcome to Dev! Hope you have a wonderful journey in your career! 💙

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Tiffany! I think one thing that is consistent throughout this career is that we're always figuring it out as we go. Good luck finding your new role!

tiffbouchard profile image
Tiffany Bouchard

Yes! You sure are right with that, it can be difficult but so rewarding!

snevs profile image


tiagojdf profile image
Tiago Ferreira

Spoiler alert: It gets easier.

Hi Tiffany! Welcome to DEV :) It feels hard in the beginning to be a dev, especially because everywhere around you everything looks amazing. I think joining a community like this can be a great way to keep up with what's happening around you, without putting to much stress on it.
If at some point you feel like you should be posting more, writing another article, learning another tech; remember that this is not meant to be a second job, but rather a community of nice people to hang around. I remember when I started learning web dev that people around me were writing articles, or trying all the new things; and how that fed my impostor syndrome. Taking it slow is usually the answer. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.

michaelsuggs profile image
Michael Suggs

Hey Tiffany, great to meet you! 👋🏻

What kind of stuff do you find yourself using most in your front-end work? I’ve always struggled with front-end, so I’d love any insight you have!

tiffbouchard profile image
Tiffany Bouchard

Hey, nice to meet you too! I use React most of the time, it makes frontend a lot more fun for me because you can really just get going with building interactive things. I have also begun using SASS for my CSS because it can keep things very clean! I definitely have the same feeling towards backend stuff haha

prodigresser profile image
Laurence Walshe

Hi Tiffany! Good luck on your developer journey!

leopoldo_sanchez_6c8aa785 profile image
Leopoldo Sanchez

Hello Tiffany,

My name is Leopoldo, I am also brand new to dev. I hope to learn more about leveraging frontends and database eCommerce. Best of luck to you in the future, perhaps we will learn from each other.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hi friends! A very warm welcome to the community. I can't wait to read your stories and connect over software development and life in general here on DEV 🌈

itylergarrett profile image
tyler garrett

Hey Gracie, nice to greet you. Hope you're having a great day and successful 2021.

Best, Tyler!

xilenomg profile image
Luis Perez

Hey! I'm Luis Perez and I am frontend dev from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I work for Hotmart Group and I plan to post here some learnings during all my path as developer. I just started writing articles, so please let me know if you like them and I am open for discussions. That's how we learn and growth things nowadays.

I also hope to learn many things based on the tags i am following! =)

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Hackerman from Kung Fury putting on a Nintendo Power glove

madrafj profile image
Ahmad Rafsanjani

Hi, I'm Ahmad. I'm new here too. I willcheck it out definetely

rickyreyes profile image

Hey everyone! I'm Ricky and I live in LA. I'm a front-end web developer who has been learning HTML and CSS for two months and is about to start learning JavaScript. What brought me here were the stickers that I kept seeing on Twitter, as I follow a lot of developers there. I just thought wow, where is everyone getting these awesome stickers? And I ended up discovering this very cool community, luckily. :) I'm here to share as I continue to learn web development, start writing some blog posts, and to learn a lot from all of you. Cheers!

tiagojdf profile image
Tiago Ferreira

Hi Ricky!
Cool story about how you found DEV. I see you are now moving to JS. When I started learning HTML and CSS, the first project I did was creating a github page with just css and html. After that I decided to learn js to make a game. Ended up participating in a ludum dare game jam. Thought it was really fun, highly recommend it :)

rickyreyes profile image

Hey Tiago :) Can you share more about the Github page you created? I'm trying to build as many HTML & CSS projects as I can :) Also, I had never heard of a ludum dare game jam. They sound awesome! I'm going to keep learning JS and maybe I'll participate in the next one!

Thread Thread
tiagojdf profile image
Tiago Ferreira • Edited

Sure, but I am not very proud of that page nowadays :p
The "portfolio" section was added after the ludum dare and updated once I started working, but the rest of the page was done when I was still learning.
Also be sure to look for meetups or other communities near you :)
I have now started a new site :)

nano1709 profile image
Ignacio Vargas

Hello Ricky,
Welcome on board on this new world that is programming!

destiny01 profile image
Destiny Aigbe

Hi, I'm Destiny Aigbe and I'm currently learning ruby on rails. I am a junior dev and I'm here to share what I learn.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor
destiny01 profile image
Destiny Aigbe


rickyreyes profile image

Hey Destiny! Can you share a bit of what Ruby on Rails is used for? I have heard it mentioned it a lot. Thanks and good luck :)

destiny01 profile image
Destiny Aigbe

Hello Rick, I'm glad you asked. Ruby on rails is a web programming framework of the programming language ruby. It is a full stack web framework and it is used to build website. It's about 70 percent back, and 30 percent frontend. So for jobs and internships, it is more of backend they refer to it as.

metrio profile image

Hello everyone! My name is Demetrio, I am a Full Stack Web Developer who recently graduated from Flatiron School's Software Engineering program. I'm looking for new opportunities as they arise but also looking to continue building my skillsets so any resources or leads are greatly appreciated! I hope that I can make a positive impact on the community and look forward to hearing from all of you.

tiffbouchard profile image
Tiffany Bouchard

Hey Demetrio! Congrats on graduating! I am also in a similar position as you, good luck to us haha

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
tiagojdf profile image
Tiago Ferreira

Hi Danielle,
I can tell you a little bit of what worked for me when I learned web dev. It might not apply at all to your case, but who knows.
When I learned web dev, I had a bit of free time in my hands (was looking for my first job), so I bought myself a 6 month license for codeschool (they've been bought by pluralsight and changed a lot, so I can't really say if they are good or bad nowadays). Having a program, and a structured path for learning really helped me staying focused.
On top of that I did a few projects that helped consolidating all I had learned. The first was building my CV as a github page and after that I challenged myself to make a game. Ended up participating in Ludum dare and making a small game.
A part from that, I started going to meetups, discovering the community around me and learning new things.

daniellejag profile image
Danielle Jag

Hello Tiago,
I appreciate your feedback, thank you! Ludum dare sounds awesome and congrats on the game, I'll have to check it out. Looks like the structure from a good code school helps connect the pieces and fill in any pockets of uncertainty. ...I'll look into the school you recommended.
I've never seen such a supportive community online like there is for coding. I'd love to meet people in my area, I'm sure its extremely fun to work on projects/learn together.

Thanks again for sharing your journey and providing some insight :)

tuanacelik profile image
Tuana Celik

Hello everyone! I'm Tuana, the Developer Advocate at My company is based in Belgium but I'm currently working remotely from the UK. I studied Computer Science and then was a full time C++ developer for a while, but am now doing developer advocacy because it satisfies my social side a bit more :) So far I've been writing on our own company blog and medium, but I'm looking to raise more awareness of our platform so hope to share some content here too. And of course, use this space to learn, see some cool projects!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

That's awesome! Welcome to DEV! 🔥

Yes, that's awesome!

julesparra profile image
Jules Parra

Hi Tuana! How has your experience been writing on Medium (I've been thinking about doing that recently)? And what's your link??

tuanacelik profile image
Tuana Celik

Hi Jules, I quite enjoy it. I write on our company blog (which has a variety of topics not just tech) and re-post on medium too to make that a mostly tech blog. Here's my link: (also company publication:

michaelsuggs profile image
Michael Suggs

Hey everyone! I’m currently a grad student working towards my MSc in Data Science—I did my undergrads in Comp Sci and Mathematics though!

I’m a long-time Python programmer, but I’ve recently been moving on to Rust (which I absolutely adore way more than I ever imagined) and Haskell, and I’m eyeing Scala somewhat longingly. I really enjoy building backend systems and packages, especially stuff that can be used by the FOSS community! And I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for implementing academic-oriented stuff when I can.

One of my biggest guilty-pleasures is in computational logics—in my short PhD stint, I took a course on this and was absolutely enamored! I love learning about different logics and thinking about their applications to concepts, and I really really enjoy the process of drawing out logic proofs. Still haven’t grasped logic programming though—just never wants to fit into my mental model just right. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Long-winded, but hey! It’s me!

tiffbouchard profile image
Tiffany Bouchard

Hey! I hope one day I can delve into more comp sci/backend technologies. It interests me so much, but it is a little harder for me to get good at. I look forward to what you have to share :)

thekiai profile image
Ai Ozaki • Edited

Hello( ˆ-ˆ )
I’m Ai from Tokyo, Japan.
Usually I’m doing big data related job.
I’m looking forward to communicating with you all here in!

mycplus profile image

Hello Everyone! I'm Saqib and I am currently working as Senior Engineer at an EMR company. In my current role I look after a team of few developers. Primary development is done in PHP and frameworks (symfony, CakePHP and Zend Framework). Other than that I have working experience in Java, C# .NET and C/C++. I am a big advocate of C/C++ :).

These days I am trying to get my head around Node.js and couple of other JS frameworks to stay up-to-date with the industry. Please feel free to suggest good starting points for JS Frameworks.

telthem89 profile image
Innocent Tauzeni

I am in love with vue js... Wow

palashmon profile image
Palash Mondal

Hi everyone 👋 I am Palash, a passionate programmer & front-end developer. I like to share HTML, CSS, JavaScript and web development tips & tricks and try to explain them in a simple manner. I also started a small YT channel this year with a goal to share my knowledge & experience with others and also crossed 100 subs a few days back. I am looking forward to learning and growing together as a community. Happy Coding!

aprilltech profile image
April Uzzle

Hi everyone! I'm April and I'm a software engineer based in Chicago. I'm currently working on getting my master's in Computer Science. My experience is mostly in backend development and iOS development.

Looking forward to getting to know and learning from you all!

kyleines profile image
Kyle Ines

Hello everyone! My name is Kyle and I just started my coding journey! I am currently on learning html, css, and soon javascript. I'm excited to join this community and I can't wait to start collaborating and contributing!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! Actor Zach Galifianakis giving a thumbs up in a convertible car

yizy profile image

Greetings everyone😊,

My name is Eyobiel and I have been passionate about creating solutions for as long as i can remember. I sided with computers and coding when I got introduced to the internet. Yizy( is my third project and I am joining this community to grow and help my fellow enthusiasts grow in anyway I can. Thank you!

itylergarrett profile image
tyler garrett

Hello world. It's my second day using, it's def catching on and I really enjoy the ease of usage compared to blogging on medium, however it feels very similar to blogging on medium, wordpress latest updates, and also it's a little easier & fells overall "leaner" to get content out there.

Somehow that image upload made me happy and i like how it's a little header service that carries through the content VS having to be within a menu/wizard.

Smart idea that... looks around

'any-who' cool ux kudos aside, im digging this place, a lot.

I wrote a blog already, really enjoyed doing it too;

Alt Text

Connect w/ me! Excited to network and meet everyone.

Mostly, I'm excited to learn more about data science, computer science, and anything data or machine learning related. Lately I've been plugging away a lot in making automated NEWS feeds via RSS, and eager to do more text mining solutions to benefit end users to potentially help spawn a healthy looking press website that people might want to team up with me to engineer into something valuable. When I'm not consulting in data analytics, I'm managing a desktop app that does task scheduling utilizing electronjs & vuejs, and in closed beta - aim to release in next few weeks once everyone catches up after the recent snow storm in austin/dallas texas area.

darwaishfarhan profile image

Hello, my name is farhan and i am working as Software Engineer since 2013. most of my experience on backend. i am trying to explore new backend technologies too. also trying to work on frontend so become a fullstack.
look forward to learning alot of things from you all.

madrafj profile image
Ahmad Rafsanjani

Hello, I'm Ahmad from Bekasi Indonesia.

I'm new here. My current interest is web development especially front-end. My first love is Python. But now I find where I belong in javascript React powered. I'm so excited to join this community. Before, all I could do is just read any post from this community. but now since I join the community, I can do comment, join the discussions, or just making interaction. I'm looking forward to it. Ah right, I also looking forward to do more posts and share it with you guys all.

withinboredom profile image
Rob Landers

Hi. I'm Rob. I've been writing software since I was 8 years old and I'm now well into my 30s. I love what I do, especially software/systems design.

I kind of stumbled onto this site, from a tweet, while looking for something else and set up a profile. This is a pretty awesome community and I'll be writing some posts here in the near future!

skafee profile image

Hi, I'm Skafee, or Antoine of my real name, a young 19 year old developer from the north-east of France. I'm currently mainly doing Web development, with PHP and Symfony. But I'm also very interested in embedded systems. And I'm studying computer science.

themohammadsa profile image
Mohammad S • Edited

Hello to everyone from India!
I am a newbie into the web dev world, currently getting my hands dirty with reactJS. Absolutely love the frontend!

From what I have been binge reading for the last couple of hours, this community is really welcoming and warm. Really looking forward to this new journey on Dev! Oh, and I just wrote my first ever blog here. :D

zenmnky profile image
Justin Hager

Hello Dev community!

I'm here for the community and to practice learning in public.

I'm into full-stack web dev, linux, and acroyoga.


juansantos27 profile image
Juan Santos

Hey! I'm Juan, I'm currently finishing my degree in computer science and I 've just discovered this community. Looks so interesting!

iykecharles profile image

Hi, my software development seniors! I`m Charles and a newbie in web development. I am interested in backend development for now. I have strong interest in Python/django and Golang. I hope to get enough help from the people here.

maia_tae profile image
Maia Taewana • Edited

Hi ! I'm Maia and I am working on a live coding project using the latest web technologies...

live-coding example

I'm here for the community :-)

ioeldev profile image

Hey ! Just discovered Dev, I feel like I'm gonna enjoy the ride !
I'm Yoel a junior Full Stack Developer with the ability to smile in any kind of situations lol.
I did a bootcamp where I learned React, Express, and some Python basic to get familiar with the syntax (for backend cases).
For the story I started an internship in a company where they use Angular in the Front so it's kinda hard to follow but like I said, they found me with a smile 😊
Look forward to be part of this amazing dev community ! ¡'m sure we'll have fun

diegoslts profile image

Hi! I'm Diego Juodziukynas, a games developer from Argentina. I've been programming games for more than 7 years but on 2019 I started to program a GameBoy emulator as a hobby project. That was such an interesting project that now I'm starting an NES emulator and planning to write a lot about that in here. There are lots of amazing resources about the subject but mainly in english, and since my first language is spanish that's what I'll use in my posts.
I'm really happy to be here to share my experience and read yours.

abhaykhurana1999 profile image

Hello Everyone final year student in the field of Computer Science on the path to enrich my coding and development skills and also looking for the opportunities as front end developer or an Sde intern.

samthatcode profile image

Hello World! I'm Sam. A self-taught and aspiring web developer. I recently found out about the DEV community on my google app and i saw an article, i was moved seeing it and it made me joined this amazing platform of great devs, i need all the help i can get in this journey of becoming a great developer. I already learned HTML and CSS and i am building my portfolio, i built a blog and i really don't know if I'm on the way, although i have seen different post on twitter that says your first code or project might not be good enough but it's a learning process and i agreed they were right. Also, is it okay to look on other project to build, check source code to know how things work, would it be helpful in learning? You can't learn it all or know everything, I haven't started with JS but I'm on the path just that I'm trying to build some log in page like Facebook, Instagram and maybe twitter as projects with my already learned skills. If you ask me, Curiosity led me into coding and it keeps leading me down new paths.. I would appreciate feedbacks, what to do, how to learn more and advice from the great dev community.. I say Thank you all. God bless

stephcyrille profile image
Mebenga Atanga Stephane Cyrille • Edited

I I'm Stephane Cyrille, I'm a Fullstack mobile and web Developer. My technologies stack are Django, react, kotlin, Flutter & dart, Laravel and so on... I'm coming there because I wanted to know more people like me and share any of my experience with everybody, and learn more of cause. I like travel and discovers new things, movies and running.

deepakkumar07debug profile image

Greetings to everyone, this is Deepak from India. Recent graduate from cs background. Currently I'm learning flutter and nodejs. I would like to explore new technology and gain some cool tips and tricks to develop my beginner journey in industry.

deepakkumar07debug profile image
Deepak • Edited

Greetings guys, This is Deepak from India I'm recent graduate learning flutter and nodejs.
I'm trying to learn some cool topics and tips provided by Dev dudes from various regions to improve my beginner journey. I'm trying to become a full stack developer.

ratheeshgh profile image
Ratheesh Kumar

Hi, Ratheesh here from Bangalore, India. I am currently looking forward gain more experience on the full stack development and data science concepts. I would like to gain more knowledge on the cloud development using Azure or AWS.

debashisbarman profile image
Debashis Barman

Hello, world! I'm Debashis and I'm a full-stack web developer from India. I've about 7 years of experience in web development. I'm following this community for quite some time and now I feel it's time I should also join. I'm glad to be a part of this community and looking forward to learning, collaborating, and growing together as a community. Thanks.

rdtrends profile image
Ikoyo Daniel Omovigho • Edited

Heyo, I'm Daniel from Nigerian, I'm a Front End Developer, (the goal is to be full stack tho, I'm currently learning node/express).

I'm delighted to be here officially, articles here have been helping me a lot, I hope to give back to the community also🙂.

I love JavaScripting!!!!😎

catagec profile image
Ceyhun Atagec

Hello everyone! I'm Ceyhun and I'm a self-taught front-end dev from Istanbul, Turkey. I'm here to learn from the amazing people of this community and share what I've learned along the way. Currently, I'm working on mastering my CSS skills. If anyone has good resource advice about overlooked parts of CSS, I'll be happy to hear from you!

quetzakol profile image
Colin Smetz

Hello! I'm Colin and I work as a Software Engineer in Belgium.

I'm an Elixir fan, but I'm interested in many languages such as Rust, Julia or Pony. I love to explore new paradigms.

Other interests include game dev (I've been making games on my free time for more than 12 years), software testing and UX.

I hope to write some stuff here that could be useful to others and discuss and share new ideas.

tiagojdf profile image
Tiago Ferreira

Hi everyone! I am Tiago and I am a Senior Frontend Dev at Sketchfab.
For the past years I have had the chance to work with great people, with whom I both learned and taught a lot of cool stuff. That has inspired me to start my own Podcast, Snippet at
I am looking forward to be part of this community :)
By the way, feel free to reach out if you have any questions

abhishkh_sharma profile image

Hi , I am Abhishekh from India . Recently , graduated in bsc agriculture and I really don't want to pursue my career in agriculture field . However , I recently start taking interest in web development but know where to start so anybody can help me in that . I will be very glad.

anuran profile image
AnuranPal • Edited

Hey, I am Anuran. I work as web developer in a startup company, called Mapline. I came to know about this wonderful community while writing code in codepen. I can't wait to learn from your creative posts and stories. Loving to be a part of this network. Apart from that, I love using html canvas technology. You can find some of my simple work on it here - .

amitsgh profile image
Amit Singh

Hello Everyone, I am Amit Singh, a CS student from India.

  • Like to compete in CP.
  • Trying developing cool ui/ux app with flutter and,
  • Currently involved in backend programming with Django.
  • Growing steadily and learning new and exciting things.

Excited to be the part of DEV community! 😄

thatoramphore profile image

Hello World! I am Thato from South Africa, currently learning full stack web development with The Odin Project and I am excited to be here. I look forward to learning, engaging and networking with devs. :)

tomsun28 profile image

Hello everyone! I'm tom, a java dev from Chengdu,China. I work at h3c, outside of work I am hacking on personal project - sureness . I hope can make friends and learn more new things here. And, welcome to China.

prodigresser profile image
Laurence Walshe • Edited

Hello! I am Laurence, a London based bootcamp grad, currently doing a self guided computer science course as OSSU. I think in Python and dream in React.
I'm looking to get my first job as a developer, and this place looks like a great resource to learn from. I hope to also share my wisdom in the future!
See you all around!
print hello world

ovid profile image

Hi there. I'm Ovid. From the US, but now live in the southeast of France. I've written code in tons of languages, including some most haven't heard of, and now specialize in Perl. Also, I ❤️ PostgreSQL.

marcelo-albuquerque profile image
Marcelo Albuquerque

Hello, I'm Marcelo Albuquerque, I'm a front-end developer and I teach on an online platform in Brazil. I read some articles here on that helped me a lot and I hope to be able to contribute in some way.

mac_mac profile image
Luke Mackey

Heya, my name is Luke and I was brought here by Janessa Tran’s episode on the Podcast Code Newbie.
I’m totally new to this world, so play nice, ha. I’m currently learning Python syntax through Udemy.
Looking forward to becoming a part of the community.

_kiki_ profile image

Heyaa ! 🦩
I am an beginner to the web development world.
Learning frontend stuff like javascript and angular.
Meanwhile due some reasons I got to start my python studies.. and I am loving it.
So can't exactly figure out what to say whether m I a frontend or a backed person.
Still exploring and learning.
Reson to join this platform is to initiate and create something with my learnings now.
Wish me luck 🤞

varjmes profile image

I guess I've been here before but I'm back after a long hiatus.

I'm James and I'm a Senior Software engineer at the Financial Times. I love JavaScript, full-stack development and I'm currently teaching myself GraphQL. Outside of work, I'm teaching myself Math(s) :)

I'm also sort of a MOD here.

viorelmocanu profile image
Viorel Mocanu

Hi! Viorel from Romania here. I've been a quiet stalker for some time now, and it's about time I joined the community and got started on a few articles I've been brewing for the past few months.

I have about 18 years of experience in design, front-end development, and digital marketing, and in the past few years, I've also lead teams and held management positions in various organizations. This inspired me to become a content creator and share my knowledge with the world. For now, I just have a Romanian YouTube channel focused on convincing more of my countrymen to get started with a career in digital / IT, and I'm planning a second channel in English in a few months, which will tackle both entry-level and strategic senior-exec level issues in the web and digital industry.

mihara17 profile image
Michelle Te Whata

Kia ora Koutou Whanau
My name is Michelle and have only became interested in networking since Covid Lockdown in March. Wow in that time I have learnt and read so much how to start your own business online for free, Cryptocurrencies Investments the Blockchain and so much more.. I recently resigned from my job to focus on my four nephews and hope to start my own business online. My first experience using apps place it, gimp Canva so many ideas it was exciting. I designed my own brand for Apparel and accessories. .. on Tee spring and Redbubble.. I also created a Word press website which made me wanting to learn so much more, how to use the tools is the key to creation. a language of Technology. Being amongst PRO DEVELOPERS I look forward to being educated from the BEST, Thank you Michelle from NZ

arezazadeh profile image

Hi everyone! i am Ahmad, i am actually a IT network engineer, but its been a year i have been getting myself into coding (python/django/javascript/node/express) i pretty much new to this world. i am hoping i can learn from you guys.

nano1709 profile image
Ignacio Vargas

I'm Ignacio and I'm a full stack developer from Costa Rica.
I'm working on a company as an outsource or 3rd party if you will. Right now I'm working on react + .net (microservices basically).
I really enjoy coding and reading (blogs, websites, books). Hopefully you will see a post from me in a near future :)
I'm always interested in new opportunities to learn something or even reach out to anyone that wants to talk about coding.
Happy to be in this community!

smarkinginc profile image

Hello, my name is Boris, and I've recently joined Smarking, a startup that makes car parking interesting. Based on my recommendation, we started a company technical blog which would have contributions from me and other devs from Smarking. My personal background is in web application security and end-to-end encryption, so many of my posts will be focused on that. Smarking is different than most places I worked at during my twenty years career, since it has many third parties to retrieve data from (ETL), each with its own peculiarities.

ardianperlaska profile image
Ardian Perlaska

Hi all, I'm Ardian from Kosovo, working & living in Munich, Germany.
I've been professionally writing UI code since 2011.

I have a great interest in UI, particularly designing interfaces with SCSS, as well as building Angular components, reusable concepts, style architectures, and more.

I'm currently getting deeper into WCAG Guidelines for Accessibility.

I love music, movies, and life.

I like learning new things, sharing knowledge and want to start contributing more for the community.

carlosio profile image

Hello, my name is Carlos and I'm a a relatively new linux sysadmin after having worked as a database administrator for a number of years. I love all things linux!! Feel free to drop a comment if you're really into information security, linux, rust, devops, and python as these are my main interests right now.

karan4c6 profile image

Hello Devs
I'm Karan Sharma. I am an Android Developer and am excited about using Kotlin to develop apps for Android and KMM. Have recently participated in Jetpack Compose Dev Challenge.
I stumbled upon this beautiful community/website from this article, again about Kotlin:
Hope to learn new things here and maybe make some new friends ! :D
Peace out !

karan4c6 profile image
Karan • Edited

Hello Devs
I'm Karan Sharma. I am an Android Developer and am excited about using Kotlin to develop apps for Android and KMM. Have recently participated in Jetpack Compose Dev Challenge.
I stumbled upon this beautiful community/website from this article, again about Kotlin:
Hope to learn new things here and maybe make some new friends ! :D
Peace out !

bijan profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Bijan and I just recently graduated college and got a job as a web developer. I'm still new and learning but it feels a lot easier being a beginner after finding dev. It's nice to see a community like this that's here to support each other and I'm super excited to be here! :)

il_viula profile image

Hi there! I'm Andrea from Asti, Italy (yes... Asti like "Asti Spumante" wine :-D).
After several years as business analyst, I currently works as Scrum Product Owner in a little software house based in Turin.
I've experience in Python, but recently I've switch to .NET. My interests are web development (Angular, ASP.NET, Django, Flask), Machine Learning and NPL (I forgot photography ... but this is another story)
Nice to meet you devs!

rizkimcitra profile image
R. Maulana Citra

Hello! im Rizki and i am a student who very interested about Internet and Programming stuff, currently i learn about basic CSS and JavaScript, I look forward to being part of this community, thank you!

annoske2 profile image

I'm Anno from Japan.I'm currently working at a electric company as Web Developer! I'm learning React,Next.js,Recoil and so on.(React state management is so difficult...)
I expect that I grow up as Web developer here.

mateojorgee profile image
Mateo Estrada

Hello everyone! I’m Mateo from Long Beach CA, I’m currently working part-time as a tutor for Oregon state University (OSU) and I’m a CS student online at OSU. I’m looking forward to meeting new people online and to learn from y’all some neat coding techniques to continue growing as a student. And hopefully to share some of my knowledge as well. I liked the platform and find the tutorials very useful so thanks to everyone!

andyomos profile image
Anderson Omoragbon

Hello everybody in the community.
My name is Anderson O. (Andy for short).
I reside in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

I was at work and decided to code on my phone today. I was refreshing coding React useState. I decided to do some research then I stumbled on this platform. I hope to learn/practice more through what I've seen so far on (this) community since I'm not yet working within tech environments.
Areas of specialization: Html, Css, Javascript, Php.
Framework: React.
Runtime: Node express using ejs.

jjlaenen profile image

Hi all! I'm Joris, and I'm currently graduating in Industrial Design in the Netherlands! So I don't have a formal development background, I honestly mainly develop to bring my ideas to life. Still, I really enjoy the feeling of FINALLY solving a problem in my code and being able to show the result to the people around me! Currently, I'm diving more and more into React Native with Typescript, but I wouldn't call myself a professional by any means (yet). Looking forward to what this community can teach me!

lorenzoblog profile image

Welcome to everyone new here on!

zinoviy23 profile image
Aleksandr Izmaylov

Hi! I'm Sasha and I am Kotlin/Java developer working in some obscure company on some desktop app. I love programming languages and video games. I wish to share my thoughts on and read more bright ideas here🙂.

moxteria profile image

Hello! I'm mox from Bali🌴 and I am still learning to become a fronted dev also I'm interested in working at a startup. now I am currently trying to get my bachelor's in technology information and improve my English. I'm happy to being part of this community and I hope can make a new friend also learning new things from you all!✨

somasundaram_rangasamy profile image
somasundaram rangasamy

Hey! I'm Soma!

Searching for good fix with new MACBook Pro M1 - not able to run Android Emulator as it is depending on Intel!

I thought this thread may help me out

would like to check further in/with this community on this

alikleitcr7 profile image
Ali Kleit

Hii everyone, hope you're having a good day! I've been scrolling and found lots of good topics around here. so I wished to join and be a part of this community.


bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there 👋, Welcome to the DEV community!

sksaikia profile image

Hello There! Myself Sourav. I am an Android Developer, currently learning Spring. I am thinking of writing some blogs related to Leetcode, Android and many more things. Hoping to find a very friendly community and learning a lot from you all! Maybe sometimes we can have a Leetcode session or work on some cool project.

jonathanpy profile image
Jonathan Sosa

Hi there! I'm Jonathan and I am from Mexico. Currently I've been studying Python for a while and what brought me here is the community, I am pretty sure that I will learn a lot from all of you and likewise I'll do my best to contribute to the community.

syncrofosatron profile image
Neeraj Mishra

Well, hello there.

  • General Kenobi. Sorry, I always remember this whenever I try to say hello. XD I am a student, learning and working on games and websites) I hope that I'd share my wisdom here as I learn and contribute to the world of developers! Oh, starting from this post which I thought I should write to introduce myself :) Here's the Link.
Thank You!
luengpaul profile image

Hello! I'm Paul. I am a full stack engineer from San Francisco. I am fairly new to the industry and am trying to get into the gaming industry. I look forward to being part of this community, sharing my experiences, and learning more from experienced developers!

amitsgh profile image
Amit Singh • Edited

Hello Everyone, I am Amit Singh, a CS student from India.

  • Like to compete in CP.
  • Trying developing cool ui/ux app with flutter and,
  • Currently involved in backend programming with Django.
  • Growing steadily and learning new and exciting things.

Excited to be the part of DEV community! 😄

blaccsnow001 profile image

Hi...... I'm Uche, from Nigeria.......I'm 18 and I'm just starting out as a developer, just learning the basics, I guess I just need an environment with like minded people to help me with my motivation all that.... Anyways, wish me luck

wesdlcrz profile image
Wesley Dela Cruz 🌱

Hi I'm Wesley and I'm an aspiring Software Engineer through Avion School (YC W21) here in the Philippines. I'm currently learning Ruby on Rails with them and I'm having a hard time tying all the concepts together. I've been reading through the documentation as most senior engineers on Twitter would advise. I joined this community to find more helpful content with my journey. Glad to be here!

julesparra profile image
Jules Parra • Edited

hil!! I'm jules, a business information systems student and web developer from md. i'm interested in working in product management/tech consulting and am always looking to improve my technical skills. i have a lot of project and team experience working on website frontend, but am taking on a new role leading developers so i want to get more comfortable with git, npm, JavaScript, and more. i'm also particularly interested in accessible design and development right now and looking for ways to incorporate those practices into my projects. looking forward to connecting with and learning from y'all! 🤠🤠🤠

dalmasjunior profile image
Paulo Dalmas

Hello strangers!
I'm a backend developer from Brazil.
Actually I'm working with python, but I have eyes on Golang.
I'll try to create some articles and I hope that every body enjoy them and give me some feedback.
That's all folks.

snevs profile image

Hi all. I'm new to the community and am just following through the welcome steps.

developingchloe profile image

Hello everyone! I am Chloe from Hong Kong. I am currently enjoying my last semester of university life. I am joining ReactBootcamp to build an social media App. Hope to explore more in this community and keep on my learning goals!

ahadjizin profile image
Andreas G. Hadjizinoviou

Hello I am Andreas. I tried many times to learn code but i always gave up at the first difficulty. Now i code for 3 months. I hope to be a real dev someday.

sharmarakesh profile image
Rakesh Sharma

Hi, I am Rakesh. I am new to Dev and I look forward to being part of this community, sharing, and learning from you all!

wondger profile image


ankurgohite profile image
Ankur Gohite

Hey! I'm Ankur Gohite, I am a blogger and affiliate marketer and I'm here to share some awesome bogging, and SEO tips.

abdul909194 profile image

Hey there I'm a newbie to programming. I am glad to become a member of this platform.
Thanks! team

adamu59png profile image

Hey! My name is Zulaihat, an undergraduate student of Bayero University kano. I am a bloger, a digital marketer. I am passionate about technology. I look forward to this community, sharing, learning.

dyha_dev profile image

Hello Dev, I'm Hady I am full-stack dev (JS) from Paris in France. I hope to share knowledge with the Dev community. :)

swallz profile image
Saheed Olamilekan

Hi, I'm Lekan a pro forex trader and a python developer....wanna dive into software development with python...I'd appreciate any help I could get from here

manu5305 profile image

Hiiii all may good

benejxs profile image
Bene Xavier

hey! guys

nko_the_great profile image
Nko The Great🇿🇼🇿🇼

Hie guys, I'm Nkosilathi Chigumbu from Zimbabwe, I'm still a student doing data science, i came here to learn python programming

behradkhadem profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Behrad. A mechatronics engineer that also makes apps using flutter and writes code in python and thinks that people must give some shit about philosophy

kayla1source profile image

Hey! Iam Helen, just started to learn code. Iam on day #45 of code and hoping to do some amazing work before end year.
Great Community by the way.

mihara17 profile image
Michelle Te Whata

Hi Helen, being on this website will help us both. so much info and help on here. Have a good one

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Hello folks ☺️

laurentdarl profile image

I am Darlington from Nigeria. New to web development and open to connect and learn from other web developers from around the world.
Please I need you to grow optimally.

abe1n0riega profile image
Abel Noriega

Hello everyone, my name is Abel.
I'm a Full-Stack developer.
I love to keep learning new technologies.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this great community!

tilkinsc profile image
Cody Tilkins

Hello! I am the LuaConsole developer! I've been programming for at least 12 years.

prakash16361591 profile image
Prakash Bhattarai

Hello dev community! here to build some contact.

mommatopaz profile image
Cee Gee

Hey everyone. I'm new.

ezimohaobi profile image

Hello, I am a python developer (beginner), and I am new to this organization, nice meet you all.

sebastianstrzelecki profile image


veradouye profile image
Vera Douye

Hi, I'm Vera, a junior frontend developer, who's trying to fully understand Reactjs and other js frameworks.

prathamsm7 profile image

Hello, I'm Prathamesh from Mumbai India, My goal is to be full stack dev, I'm currently learning advance js / reactjs.
Looking forward to getting to know and learning from you all!

hd4y2t profile image
Muhammad Hidayat

I'm hidayat and i am a junior backend dev from palembang, indonesia
i'm student in UIN Raden Fatah palembang,

pantunes profile image
Paulo Antunes

Hey everyone! I'm Paulo a Backend developer from Lisbon but living in The Netherlands. Looking forward to share, learn and be engaged with this great community (as I heard before) :)

zhiemy profile image
Aji Mulyana

Helo from indonesia!

linux369 profile image
Shikhar Singh • Edited

Hi ,
I got to know about this platform from a famous Youtube Web Developer.I am a fairly new dev and cse undergrad working on startup and freelancing.

williamug profile image

Hey! My name is WilliamDk a backend developer(PHP/Laravel) working as a CTO as startup here in Kampala, Uganda

punitchoudhary profile image
Punit Choudhary

Hello World!
This is Punit from India, i am 17 year old Geek..

pandhuwibowo profile image
Pandhu Wibowo

Hi, I am Pandhu and I am a Software Engineer from Jakarta, Indonesia. Nice you (e-)meet you guys

nimnas_ahamed profile image
Nimnas Ahamed

Hi!! I'm Nimnas Ahamed

wamka80 profile image

Hi am Walter I am interested to learn wed development looking forward to gaining knowledge here

it718 profile image
IT Solutionist, Specialist

Hi, Thanks for your reply in advance. I am currently working on projects using JS, PHP, DB, etc.
Also, I prefer discussing.

flipch profile image

Hey! Just joined and I can't wait to start reading about anything dev that I feel is interesting

kunalgharate profile image
kunal Gharate

Kunal from india. I can help in android

telthem89 profile image
Innocent Tauzeni

I can't wait to see you guys mentoring us

myblood profile image
Alexandr Vasilyev

I'm just a regular guy from Russia=)

mdisamail profile image

Iam from India

mdisamail profile image

Hi iam MD ISMAIL iam working as a junior developer in code igniter. So iam looking job in Canada

chris_with_h profile image
Christian (with H)

Hi! Chris here!
I'm a guy that does frontend and also product management.
Came here to learn and to share knowledge!

winsydeny profile image

It‘s awsome!! I'm a frontend develop from china. I think I will learn a lot from

ricardorodrigomm profile image

Hello, I'm from Brazil!

manojrayar profile image
Mallikarjun Rayar

Hye... it's Mallikarjun, i am backend developer, more focused on mobile development. Currently i am student,this is my last year of bachelor's degree. Want to work in IT industry after graduation.

jiroro profile image
Williams Lee


sanaullahkhan9943 profile image

Hi, I'm Sanaulla and I'm currently learning Angular. I am a junior dev and I'm here to share what I learn.

alg2 profile image
AL G • Edited

Hi my name is AL and I just joined after reading some interesting threads here. I develop in just about anything, so I hope that I can contribute.

darlingtonokoriec profile image
Darlington Okorie

Hi I am Darlington from Nigeria. I am a software developer with the MERN stack, Laravel and Vuejs. I am here to learn as much as to write. Do help me get started.

phoohtoo profile image
Htoo Aung

Hi.. Everybody, I am now working in a big IT Company. I am thinking about build my own startup after my employee time. Please suggest me how to do startup.

elim1977 profile image

I am just a newbie here l want explore.

suryanshsaraswat01 profile image

Hi guys, i am Suryansh Saraswat and i am full stack web developer, i have been doing web dev for 3 years now i have had many internships in this with a few startups and other companies

nzaih1999 profile image

Hello, Steve here from Nairobi, Kenya. I am more interested in backend and maybe ML on the future.. It feels good to be here😊

leticiacabral profile image
Letícia Cabral

Hi, I'am Leticia and I am a junior web developer front-end and analyst

fatimasenouci profile image
Fatima Senouci

heyy!! i am sudent in camputer science and i work for project #freeRTOS thank you

vaibhav3099 profile image

Hey everyone, I think its a nice thing to be in the community and learn new things. What you say!

tiberiusls profile image

Hello! I'm Emeka, a Junior Frontend engineer. nice to meet you all and I look forward to working with you all.

joncasino profile image

Hello everyone, I´m Jonathan, Web Dev, from Venezuela, currently in Argentina, i like mobile dev, today i started building an app in react native, soo... we'll see what happens

prakhar2712 profile image
Prakhar Gupta

I am Prakhar Gupta, living in India, learning coding to become hokage one day to look after my peole

raymondkingz profile image

Hi everyone I'm here to learn new still on my learning phase....

nithinchowdary007 profile image

henrikobsen profile image
Henrik Obsen

Hi, Henrik here full stack developer and teacher from Denmark.

rsalcido7 profile image

Suuuuuup! i have just find this community hope to find excellent people and topics!

yjgsdev profile image

Hi, I am Yordi. I am a backend developer from Mexico.

aligraboski profile image

hi everyone, here to learn and leave a mark

tyga76 profile image

Taygan ..Love all things tech. From Johannesburg, South Africa...