DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v196 staff on October 19, 2022

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
brilliantwebdev1125 profile image

Hello everyone. I am Dennis from Canada. You can check my website here.

Now I am looking for a new job opportunity or team or client.
I wanna connect with good people!
Image description

brodev23 profile image

Hey is you use tailwind css with laravel . Are you facing problems to use tailwind css with laravel. Classes are not working properly when using tailwind with laravel. #laraveltailwindissues.

chinekwe_clever profile image
Chinekwe Clever

They do buddy, depends majorly on how you're using tailwindcss in your laravel app. This link should help you with installing tailwindcss into your laravel project Alternately, you could use the CDN and then create a layout file to extend all of tailwindcss classes...

Thread Thread
brodev23 profile image

burt for professional use and deployment of the website CDN is not the solution.

brilliantwebdev1125 profile image

what is the problem. Let me fix. please send message to me.

you can find contacts here

Thread Thread
brodev23 profile image

I just emailed you. Please respond back. if it works . Most of the users facing issues with tailwind and Laravel.

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brilliantwebdev1125 profile image

do you have skype? let's connect in skype

Thread Thread
brodev23 profile image

yes okay

teejay128 profile image
Joseph Taiwo

Hey there Dennis, cool website, I am looking into block chain technology too, nice to meet you

brilliantwebdev1125 profile image

If you want to learn about Blockchain, I will do my best to teach you.

utsob10 profile image
Mehedi Hasan Utsob

Hey Dennis. I'm learning web development. Nice to meet you.

gmausdev profile image

Hiya bro amazing web site

haleks profile image
Alvaro Kadja

Hello from Bali bro, nice to meet you here...

eckdev profile image
Eyüp Can Kayadarçin

hey dennis, if you have a open source project, i can help you. Contact me. Feel free!

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

Hello! I still haven't introduced myself, haha.

I'm Rodrigo from Honduras, I like JS and web technologies, I also love humor and have a good laugh.

Do you have a meme or humorist post? Do you know a good code joke?
Are you proud of a clever code snippet you wrote and made you laugh?

SEND IT TO ME 😑 (please)

If you are interested in JS, I've already written a few articles that might give you a laugh or teach you something (hopefully both).

Hello World!!! 😆

macyang profile image
Mac Yang • Edited

I'm Mac from Taiwan, currently living in Vancouver.
Learnt Node.js, or back-end developmnt.
And are developing my skill for web3-development.
Looking to building some fun web3 side-project, or attend a hackathon.
If you are interested, feel free to connect!
Have a good one!

paintedsky profile image

Vancouver is such a beautiful city, but it's a bit expensive for my tastes, lol!

Welcome Mac :)

chandrashekhar profile image
Chandrashekhar Mehta

Hello everyone I'm Chandrashekhar from India.
I joined dev community 2 years back but from today I became active member in community.
I'm familiar with Python,C,Html5,CSS3,JavaScript and also have a good knowledge in Operating Systems.
right now I'm looking for a projects.
I also do photoshops in free time :)
Thank You for reading!

kalifasenou profile image
Kalifa SENOU


maxit0 profile image

Hello friends
I'm new to the world of programming, I'm very interested in learning to program since I want to make my own games ^^.

I am happy to find a corner where everyone shares the same passion. I hope I can contribute a lot to this community and be able to continue learning along the way.

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

Hello @maxit0 I remember I started with that same idea of developing video games, currently is not what I do, but at the time, I learned one thing or two about it and it was really fun, at some point I ended up liking more web development and it was more a thing for me.

But I hope you learn a lot here and that sooner or later you share about what you've learned and your experience, maybe you stick to video games or who knows, maybe you'll find a different passion, programming is such a beautiful thing in many of it's forms.

You can write to me at,, I can give you one tip or two.


m1r4cle profile image

Hey everyone. I am Vatsal from India. I am currently in my college and am interested in artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. I have several work experiences including working at Amazon as an SDE intern and some startups. I want to learn in this community and maybe help people when they need it. It excites me to collaborate with people and I found this out recently in the hacktoberfest which I completed. I am looking forward to learning from people here. If anyone has any cool projects that you need a hand with... do connect with me here ... Peace 😄✌️

plavinchuk profile image
Pavel Lavinchuk

Hello everyone. I am Pavel from Russia. I am retired one now, but still do some job as accountant. My interest lies with WebDev + some Python (as a tool to automotize some workday chores). I am still very much a beginer, but have a hope to learn JS and pop its frameworks and switch a job to IT(at least frontend).
Best regards to everyone here.

lsemlali profile image

hello im lahbib semlali, im 23 , i study computer science at one of 42 campuses

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you lahbib!

kalifasenou profile image
Kalifa SENOU

Hello everyone, my name is Kalifa SENOU from Mali. I'm New in the world of Dev and i'm learning Java 2E (spring and springboot with Angular) with Ionic6, Wordpress !
I am looking for collaborative projects to improve myself and make contacts with the Dev world !
I speak clear French but I get by in English.
And i would like to learn python et some stuff with data science for my self.

fabriziolallo profile image
Fabrizio Lallo • Edited

Hello everybody!
I'm Fabrizio, Software Engineer.
I have published three articles in the last weeks:

So happy to share content on this unique platform with all of you!

berkanterbey profile image
Berkant • Edited

Welcome friends, I am Berkant from Türkiye :) , I'm thinking of writing articles about linux and devops tools. Some of my articles will be in Turkish and some will be in English.

chinekwe_clever profile image
Chinekwe Clever

Hi everyone, I'm Chinewe Clever and am glad with the opportunity to find myself in an environment of like minded individuals. I look forward to creating value and giving back to the community of developers. Currently learning Laravel, I love web development and tech. Anyone who's interested in networking, let's connect via twitter

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everyone!

If you're new here please introduce yourself!

If you haven't yet done so, we highly encourage you to update your "Experience level" in your settings to see slightly more relevant content in your feed.

akmalharith profile image
Akmal Harith • Edited

Hello everyone, I am Akmal from Malaysia.

I am a cloud builder, who loves to build things in the cloud in serverless. An AWS guy, and trying to explore multi-cloud and Web 3 recently.

I just left my ops job to do cloud consultation, so I would like to network here with everyone!

Best regards,

alexxmotta profile image
Alex Mota

Hello Akmal, how long have you been working with cloud


akmalharith profile image
Akmal Harith

Hey Alex, I'm entering my 5th year working in Cloud! Look forward to many more years to learn many more great things.

asad_jajja11 profile image
Asad Jajja

Hi! My name is ** Asad Jajja** and I am from Pakistan, I have started my programming journey recently and I am here to connect with other programmers and learn a lot of stuff about programming. It was my dream to write my own code and make websites, games etc.

narayanadithya profile image

Hello, Everyone.....

Despite having visited the site a ton of times, it is today that I am a part of this. I am not a very active guy on other social media platforms. Hoping to be very active here 😁.

Do checkout my portfolio website:

alaminkarno profile image
Md. Al-Amin

Hello everyone. I am Md. Al-Amin from Bangladesh. Experienc in Mobile Application Developer with Native (JAVA) and Flutter. Actively contributing open-source project & Working on Bangladesh's Largest E-Commerce Platform Rokomari as an Sotware Engineer (Android & iOS)

Want to connect with good people.

LinkedIn: Md. Al-Amin
GitHub: Md. Al-Amin


abhishekiiitr profile image
Abhishek Mishra

Hello everyone!
I am Abhishek Mishra from India. I am the prefinal year student at IIIT Ranchi. I am new here, joined today :). I'm interested in ML / DL and Competitive programming.
I am looking forward to learning new technology and exploring in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

m1ghtymo profile image
Moritz Eckert

Hi community ✌️

I'm a software engineer/cybersecurity expert currently working @ Edgeless Systems.
We're a small team of engineers working on open-source software in the area of cloud security. Our goal is to unleash the power of confidential computing for cloud-native workloads. That means keeping everything always encrypted at rest, in transit, and in use. At the moment, my team and I focus on building the world's first confidential Kubernetes platform that leverages confidential computing to isolate entire Kubernetes clusters from the infrastructure.

Looking forward to engage in the ideas/projects/feedbacks the cloud/security/open-source developer community is discussing here.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!

phoenix0126 profile image

Hi Moritz

I am a web developer and I would like to learn about the cloud.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

nixie profile image

Hi everyone, this is Nixie. 👋🏻
I am a computer science student specialised in web development and AI.
I would love to discuss any exciting things about web dev / AI and make new friends here. 🍻
My GitHub:

rahmathali60 profile image

Hello Fellow DEVS!. I am Rahmath Ali from India. It's Great to join this Community !
Nice to see you all. Currently I'm doing my Last Year of Bachelor's( in IT), Know its a little late but I'm optimistic about Programming and Development.

I am Looking for some good Major Project Ideas 😖, Have done my Mini Project in Web Development i.e., FULL STACK (MERN) Messaging App.

Planning to start working after this year! 😎🥲

Excited😃 to look for new opportunities, guidance, collaboration and much more !

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paulaflavia profile image

Hello nice people. I am a pharmacist, from Brazil, that got in love with web development. Starting a brand new career, looking for a first job experience at 52 yo, looking for people to connect experiences in a good network.

prasadpatil05 profile image
Prasad Patil • Edited

Hello everyone. I am Prasad from India . You can check my website

I'm undergrad student from Pune (2nd year). Currently I'm looking for internship opportunities, If you know anything do dm me for that lets get connected....

my socials are on my above mentioned website...

mhaendler profile image

Hello everyone, Markus from Germany here.

I found the forum because i participated in the hacktoberfest this year. never saw it anywhere else. I am a web developer with 10+ years of experience. Most of the time i refactor legacy code projects and my goal is to write better code every day :)

I have a passion for automating workflows and / or writing bots / crawlers.

develiaskh profile image

Hi everybody
I'm Elias from Iran
Right now I don't exactly what I'm doing here 🤦‍♂️
I honestly didn't really know which part of coding world would suite me
tasting some programming to find the best one for me
Any idea?

rogdex24 profile image
Abu Talha

Hi !, I'm a final year student from India. I really like backend Development and DevOps and managing infrastructure and stuff. Currently I am preparing fro GCP ACE Certification. in order to get my first dev job

aman9113 profile image
Aman Singh

Hello everyone. I am Aman from India. You can check my website here.

Now I am looking for a new job opportunity or team or client.
I wanna connect with good people!

eokwara profile image

Hi guys My name is emmanuel I enjoy building back-end system , leetcoding and I love javascript code and everything related to it

If you wanna have random chat's about coding, related topics or just talk about anime , you can hit me up.

leorv profile image
Leonardo Ruoso Vendramini

Hello, I'm Leonardo from Brazil.
What brought me here was the hacktoberfest challenge.

You can add me here, and if possible, give me a strength on github:

I'm looking for a job, please if you know anything I would really appreciate it.

I'm studying a lot the Angular framework, along with C# and Java for the backend. And I'm also good with SQL.

kevinagithub profile image
Kevin A.

Hello everyone. My name is Kevin and I'm based in NYC. I just finished a boot camp and looking for a career change. I'm currently learning React trying to get my foot in the door as a Web Developer. My goal is to learn enough to become a Full Stack Dev. Would love to connect with other aspiring developers.

Pleasure to meet everyone!

musfiqdehan profile image
Md. Musfiqur Rahaman

Hello Developers,

I have been following and reading articles for the last 3-4 years but never sign up for it. Yesterday, for the first time I was able to complete my Hacktoberfest-2022 challenge and got offer to claim a badge from and a t-shirt from Digital Ocean. So for claiming the badge, I have to sign up in and recently I have also started writing articles. So, why not killing one two birds in one stone.

I am a Full Stack Developer, experienced in both Python3 and JavaScript and currently learning Reactjs and Nextjs.

Please feel free to follow me on GitHub and knock me if you need any help. I will be more than happy to help my fellow devs:

And please star⭐ my GitHub README profile:

I need only 16 stars⭐ to get a GitHub Achievement.
🙏Please help me to achieve that. I know Dev Community is very very helpful.

Love you all.❤️

stark_1392 profile image
Hardik Patel

hey i would love to connect with you...

michelletamar profile image
Michelle Tamar

Hi everyone! My name is Michelle, I am based in Switzerland but originally from Argentina and I am starting my coding journey! I feel like I just entered a whole new world, and I can't wait to see what's next.

Right now I am learning HTML and CSS. I wanna connect with cool people :) Cheers!

porkchoppy profile image
Christin Carter

Hi there! I'm Christin and just recently started a web dev bootcamp through the University of Denver. We are flying through topics - so far we have covered HTML, CSS, and we are now dipping our feet into JS. I am excited to see what areas I excel in and am looking forward to switching careers from management/admin to tech!

irecablu profile image
irecablu • Edited

Day 2- Day 2
I am just barely starting day 2 and learning so much already. I feel like I just entered a whole new world, and I can't wait to see what's next.
So far, I have learned the basics, such as what is an OS vs server's vs browser vs search engine… yes… I knew/know that little. I was never taught any of this. How would one expect someone to learn anything without a little guidance. Even with internet access, it's hard to determine what goes where and how to piece it all together. Happy to be learning and I am unashamed. :)
More to come later!

chopstyx5 profile image

Hello everyone, i am Alex from Nigeria. Just finished school and in search of job opportunities (internships would also be great!). Been learning flutter for about a year now and i just want to connect with a lot of great people on here!

paintedsky profile image

Hey all, I'm a designer/developer from Canada. Interested in all things development and design, one of those "art + code" kinda weirdos. Also really interested in game development as well. Feel free to check out my profile for more details, or AMA! 😊

mysta3dev profile image

Hello from Southern California!

I love learning new things, currently working on diving deeper into the React Ecosystem through capstone projects and such. I am looking to get more into Open Source projects and connect with good people!

Currently working with React & Ruby on Rails but have been exposed to the MERN stack, Python ,SQL as well as AR.js for some Augmented Reality fun!

eduardoraymondbeniste123 profile image
Eduardo Raymond Beniste

Oi galera eu me chamo Eduardo Raymond Beniste tenho 49 anos de idade
sou formado como analista e desenvolvimento de sistema na Universidade
Estácio de Sá eu estou aprendendo html5 css3 javascript e dom

dmikhr profile image

Hello everyone! My name is Dmitry and previously my work has been mostly related to data analysis and mathematical modeling with Python. Now moving towards projects related to microservices and API. In a free time I like to work on my personal open source project. Exited to learn from this awesome community and share my own journey as software developer.

haenelt profile image
Daniel Haenelt

Hi, I am Daniel from Germany. You can find more information about me here:

I am a researcher, more and more interested in software development. So, I am excited to see what I will find here.

bcinteractive profile image

Hello, Ben here.

This is a new kind of forum I stumbled into. Normally, I just register into forums just because I have some things I'd like to learn about but found it difficult to get/understand just by using a search engine.

When I first entered into this site, I was 'shocked' for lack of better description. There's a button right beside my avatar 'Create Post'. Normally, it means to write my query or my problem -- right? I was surprised it opened up a blog post type form - do I write my problem here or am I suppose to write a blog (which I haven't done successfully for the longest time)

So there, I hope to learn React from this site - but obviously - this site is much more than react. And yes, maybe, one day - participate in a more productive project or a fun project.

milan_lakhani profile image

Hello everyone, I am Milan Lakhani. I have some experience making web apps using react and node. I am excited to be a part of this community. I am here to learn and share everything I know.

I gave a shot to making my portfolio website. it is still in initial phase, I gave like a day or two. Please take a look at it and let me know what you think about it.

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

Hello Milan! I checked that page and seems like you have experience.

I currently code in vanilla JS, what technologies would you recommend to learn to land a frontend job? (This might could be a good first article BTW), Or how did you got you first project to work with a company?

anpscp profile image
Anupam Sharma

Hello everyone!!!. I am Anupam. Came to know about from hactoberfest 22.

Currently, I am working on a small utility for Django REST Framework. And I am looking for collaboration.


mourinha1994 profile image
Erick Moura

Hi everyone. I'm Erick from Brazil.

I'm currently working as a Software Engineer developing solutions for Fraud Prevention on B2B and B2C transactions. I'm focused on C#/ .NET Core development. I also have some experience in the FrontEnd with ReactJS and Angular..

I hope to learn a lot from my fellow developers and also contribute with the knowledge I got along the years in the IT industry..

Best Regards! :D

alexxmotta profile image
Alex Mota

Hi Erick I'm also Brazilian :)

alexxmotta profile image
Alex Mota

Hi guys, my name is Alex, I'm 20 years old and I'm Brazilian, I want to meet more people in the DEV area and learn new technologies :)
My Instagram -
My Linkedin -

sambr00ke profile image
Sam Brooke

Hello everyone, it's Sam from the UK (nr Manchester).

I'm currently attending a 16 week long Skills Boot Camp in Front-End Web Development. Prior to this I've self-taught myself some of the basics of web dev. working to to add to my skill set and immerse myself in the developer scene and add to my network.

This is a portfolio of my self-taught projects prior to Boot Camp

Best regards

joseph45241391 profile image

Hi Everyone. I am Chizu Joseph a first year student at the University of the People pursuing an Associate Degree in Computer Science. My passion for programming is what brought me here and I am expecting to learn more from my collegues.

nobertoferreirafilho profile image
Noberto Ferreira Filho

Hi everyone, I'm Noberto and i'm new at coding My focus is FRONTEND REACTJS and I just made my first reactJs app, it's a Pokedex Web App. Would you all mind taking a look and evaluating? Tks

theadeyemiolayinka profile image
Olayinka Adeyemi

Hello World!
I'm Olayinka from Lagos. I'm a Full Stack Developer, you can check my portfolio

I'm looking forward to working with you on your projects and to build my developer network.


omegamaxy profile image

Hello everyone

Heya! I'm a student from Belgium, programming for 9 years.
I'm eager to learn, and looking for project collaborations to showcase!

Connect with me!

My personal website

sukarayamjanjua profile image
Sukarayam Janjua

Hello folks I've just landed on DEV. My name is Sukarayam and I'm an engineering student in India...always keen to learn and explore new things rn I've hands on web dev, game dev and bit of ethical hacking
learning DSA nd android

thyamews profile image

Hi everyone,
I run away from creative industry and now I python. Will happily code for money, mentorship, learning, as well as help with os projects.
Any one who'd like to take a little minion under their wing, please let me know. I bake awesome cookies.
When not learning, I'm helping shelter dogs with behavioral issues.
Now back to leetcode.

njimariette profile image

Hello everyone. I am Nji Mariette from Cameroon . I’m an Undergrad Computer Engineering student in one of our State Universities.
Learning Frontend Web Development alongside Python and also familiar with various Microsoft office Products such as Microsoft PowerPoint,excel,word.
I just joined Dev Community and hoping to meet marvelous people and also learn new skills
Thanks for reading!

smithjohn45 profile image

Hi to all Community Members, best wishes to all...
i was working in Oracle Forms & Reports, then come to Oracle Apex for web apps and now i am trying to real web + mobile developments, after some search results i found to start learning React is better. i found ReactJS and React Native which is confusing me and want to know the diff and want help from seniors for the resource to start learning. i am more interested in database driven apps for both web and mobile. please share the links as i already told i am confused in ReactJS and React Native terms people using. i have installed Node JS and VS Code 1.7.20
C:>node -v

C:>npm -v
using both browsers Chrome and Firefox. can somebody help me which extensions i have to use in vs code to help me better and fast coding?
thanks with kind regards to all community members.

adrianalara profile image
Adriana Lara

Hello! My name is Adriana and I'm from the US. I've been learning HTML and CSS for a couple years now and I'm barely putting in any effort to create something of my own (impostor syndrome, anyone?).

I'm looking to meet new people here and hopefully makes some friends along the way.

preciousxploit profile image

Hi everybody
Am Precious Xploit from Delta State Nigeria. Currently going through a software engineering course. And I would really appreciate if anyone can help me in my course of learning. Thank you 😊. This is my email just for contact.

patmallen profile image

Hello All, My name is Pat, I am very new to the world of Software Development! I am currently learning Coding at the University of Ohio St and I'm looking forward to growing and learning from you all! I started learning code because want to work in a career that will help me provide !

Fun Fact

Im a former D1 Athlete

ginacamelia profile image

Hello everyone. I am Gina and I currently live in the UK, but was born and raised in Romania. I took a leap of faith into the world of developers by signing up to paid workshops through SheCodes (aimed at female aspiring developers) and I loved it so much, I decided to turn it into a career. I still have a long way to go but, I am delighted to be here.

I have a basic website showcasing my work. I can only hope to improve my newly aquired skills. You can check it here.

cykotech profile image

Hello. I am Jonathon from Pennsylvania. I am currently following the Full-Stack career path on Codecademy. I am looking for a place to write down the topics I learn as a place to reflect upon.

As I've made this decision a bit into my self-education, I will be back tracking to refresh my memory.

My eventual goal, however, is to leave the restaurant industry and start a new job in tech. So I hope to make new connections with current and future developers.

lisamlorenz profile image

Hey all! Lisa here from Manchester. I'm super new to coding and currently in the very beginning of my journey to complete a Bootcamp with edX / Trilogy in front-end development. I have a background in graphic design and publishing - and am super excited to see where I'll be in a year's time!

cyrilkevin profile image
Cyril kevin

Hello Everyone. I am kevin from Pondicherry, India.
I'm a Machine learning enthusiast, practicing DSA, learning Web Dev.

Feel free to connect on my socials 👋 🙂
LinkedIn :
GitHub :

warmate1 profile image

Hello comrades, I'm Warmate (War-mate) and a fresher on here. Open and willing to learn from scratch. Tell me, how do I brace up?

Image description

infomagick profile image

I am Edward from California and hope to get help here with programming and be as useful as I can to others.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyo Edward! 👋

Welcome to DEV and really hope ya find the community helpful to ya!

orbanlevi profile image
Levente Orban

Hello, community members!

I'm Levente from Hungary, cofounder of which is a PaaS-like low-code dev tool to easily build up your continuous delivery channels on your own cloud no matter whether you would like to use Kubernetes or simple containerization.

I am an enthusiast about cloud, k8s, release management, and so on. I'm open-minded friendly so contact me about anything.

[1]: repository:
[2]: twitter profile

gmausdev profile image

Helo , Jorge from Spain. Actually working as backend for sweden company (.net in the majority). Looking a future in Canada but with no hurry :P , remote work in spain its a hidden gem. If somebody need help , stay in touch!

vikash9932 profile image
Vikash Kumar

Hello everyone, I'm a Front End Web developer with expertise in React js. You guys can checkout my portfolio website here

I'm currently looking for a job opportunity.
I'm looking to learn (which never stops) from this community so hoping this platform to be an awesome place.

johnchristotle profile image
Christotle Agholor

Hello great dev community, I am Christotle from Nigeria.

To be brief, I would say I am a MERN Stack Technologist. I love to think out of the box sometimes: analyzing the little pieces that make up the bigger picture in order to understand how things work. My work style.

malavi1 profile image

Hey There !
I am final year graduate from India.I am here to explore the new know the good work that the people doing around the world .Just trying to do good and decent projects on my own!

ohchloeho profile image

hey everyone! I'm Chloe, 22, a self-taught beginner programmer from Singapore. I’m still pretty new to tech, as I’m also in university for business management.

i’m learning app development, so i’m open to collaborations, potential partnerships, team projects, or any job opportunities that are related!

as i’m also a spotify artist, all of my friends aren’t really into tech, so i really want to connect with anyone who’s interested!

phoenix0126 profile image

Hello. I am interested about you.
I would like to communication with you.

nehavns profile image
Neha Kumari

Hey Folks. I am Neha Kumari from India. I recently participated in this contest #hactoberfest and unlocked contributer level 4.

This is a new community and I would like to connect with like minded people.

kirillzhilko profile image
Kirill • Edited

Hi. My name is Kirill and I am a game developer! I am here to build a community of motivated people, who want to learn how to create products other will be inspired of. I will be teaching you how to create awesome game mechanics, what to learn to become a real specialist, which mindset to construct to succeed! If you are interested in such technologies like: C++, C#, Unity, Unreal Engine - invite you to take a breathtaking journey towards you dreams!

alexxmotta profile image
Alex Mota

A very good proposal for the community, congratulations.

joseph004full profile image
Joseph David

Hello everyone. I am Joseph from Colombia.

Now I am learning Python, Java, C# and JavaScript. I am a beginner in this world of the programming.

Up to now, I'm building my portfolio. I look to forward to learn much of you and of this world of the programming.

Good, a big greeting for everyone.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Welcome to DEV!

umop3plsdn profile image
David Grindle

Can't believe I haven't heard about this community until hacktoberfest. Just seems like things slip through the cracks at times... But i'm glad I ended up stumbling across it to connect with my peers!

ctp0941 profile image
Christopher Purnell

Hello! I am kind of new to coding but excited about it. Currently working on lots of CSS and how to style web pages. Soo much information and sometimes Soo many questions.

vibin profile image

Hi all, glad to have stumbled on the community!

print("Hello World of!")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
kidkib profile image

Hello everyone I'm Rokib, I'm a junior web developer.
I'm very excited to join your community :-)

akbardwi profile image
Akbar Dwi Syahputra • Edited

Hello everyone. I'm Akbar from Indonesia. I have experience in web backend development. You can check our profile website here.

ireehale profile image
Iree Hale • Edited

Hi there everyone I'm Iree Take a look at my portfolio when you get the chance. here

enda_rae profile image
Blessed-Agboola Jesujoba J.

Hello, everyone. I'm Jesujoba, a frontend developer and a student.

I'm open to collaboration and internship opportunities.
Here's my GitHub Portfolio

nawam727 profile image
Nawam Sahasra Mandara Denawakage • Edited

Hello everyone. I'm Nawam Sahasra from Sri Lanka. You can check my LinkedIn here and I'm a Software Engineer undergradute.

cutespot3200 profile image
Idayat Sanni

Hello everyone! i am Motunrayo from Nigeria. i am new here. Presently learning web development. i would love to connect with good people.

rupali0622 profile image

I'm Rupali from India. It's great to join this Community. I like HTML, CSS or Front-end development.
I also love Art and Craft. right now I'm looking for projects.
Best regards,

jimbusinge profile image
Jimmy Businge

Hello everyone. Am Businge Jim Bisanga, a junior frontend developer with React, Nextjs. Looking forward to a great learning experience here

pirothat profile image

I now find this and joined!

devtolove profile image

Hello :)

viistorrr profile image
viistorrr • Edited

awesome! Nice to meet you all, Im @viistorrr a ftontend dev.👨🏾‍💻

glad to be here and hope to growth with tech community

koko profile image
Koko Yankov


viistorrr profile image

sup bro! welcome!

devfaoed profile image
Adedokun Faith

Hello everyone. I am Faith from Nigeria .

Now I am looking for a new job opportunity or team or client.
I wanna connect with good people!

ben_murray_c3d36ec4163354 profile image
Ben Murray

Hey everyone! I'm just starting out on my learning journey and can't wait to get stuck in!

phoenix0126 profile image

Hello everyone.
I am a web developer who want to learn more and looking for a new job.
I like communication with many people.
Anyone contact me.
Welcome. lol
skype id: live:.cid.91c326970cf99c7

codablack23 profile image
Edih Goodluck

Hello Everyone I am Goodluck Edih from Nigeria

I really love coding and I want to share mutual interest with the world and explore the new opportunities

reactporiyalar profile image

Hello Dev's . I am Vijay from Hamburg. I'm constantly on a lookout to collaborate on open source projects .

Check out my website here

mbayahub profile image

Am Miriam from kenya

ogunniranjerem1 profile image


I'm Ogunniran Jeremiah from Nigeria

I'm a product designer

I am open for connection

amanydv72 profile image
Aman Yadav

Hello Everyone,
I am Aman Yadav, I am an enthusiast in the field of software engineering and a deep interest in software development

haleks profile image
Alvaro Kadja

Hello everyone, I am Alvaro from Bali, Indonesia.. Now I learn react...

haasjaalo profile image
El Hadji Ousmane Diallo

Hello everyone. I am Ousmane from Senegal. You can check my website (

I wanna connect with people using .NET technologies!

danny57315922 profile image

hi all, i m danny

qcandag profile image
Bünyamin Can Dağ

Hi!. I am Can from Turkiye. You can check my github profile:

I'm currently working on NodeJs Backend Development and RTC.

Have a good day!

eckdev profile image
Eyüp Can Kayadarçin

Hello folks! I am Eyup Can from Turkey. You can invite me any Javascript project , I want to help you what ever i can do.


Best Regards

zeuhzdroid profile image
David A.

Hello, I am zeuhz
it's nice to be here and meet everyone

umar_zahoor profile image
Umar Zahoor • Edited

Hi there! Umar from Pakistan. I am here to test products and offer my services as a Test Engineer or SQA Engineer.

Connect me on[(]

jhonoryza profile image
fajar sp

hello i am new here, glad to join here :)

metaumetaverse profile image

Hello everyone. I am Randy from Asia. You can check my social page in twitter.That is related blockchain technology

Now I am looking for team or client.
It would be glad if you join us!

sankar_silvam_e1fd33a61d1 profile image
sankar silvam

Hello everyone I am sankar from Malaysia, nice to be a part of the team 😊

prajak002 profile image

Hi.. I am prajak.. from India..I am searching opportunities for blockchain and cryptography .and AI based developments

pyrocket profile image

Hello developers!This is the founder of pyrocket.Pyrocket is a community for all python developers .So let's make a python world together!

chiemenagodswill profile image
Chiemena Godswill

My name is Godswill for Nigeria, am learning web development hope to meet great developers that can impact more in me.

qubadoff profile image
Siyasat Gubadov

Hello ))

nobertoferreirafilho profile image
Noberto Ferreira Filho

Hello, I'm new at coding and a just made my first reactJs app, it's a Pokedex Web App. Would you all mind taking a look and evaluating? Tks

harnas_20 profile image
Andrzej Gołąbek

Hi everyone, my name is Andrzej Gołąbek, I am from Poland. Actually I am a IT Project Manager/Software Developer. I am mainly interested on c# .net and umbraco.

aryabhat1 profile image
Sushant Prusty

Hello All, this is Arya. Good to see you all.

mikeytomm profile image

Hello Guys. I am a Web developer/Quality assurance analyst. My interest ranges from Python, Test Automation .
I want to see myself as hilarious and I'm looking to connect with good people

dot_nation profile image
Aderinto Adedotun

Wow. You are welcome

namitto profile image

Hey guys, new to here. BTW, how to add emoji here? I used to like typing :, but there's no reaction.

sudhanshu179 profile image
Sudhanshu Sharma

Hey, just here to learn

patiwagura profile image
Patrick Wagura

Hello everyone. I am patrick from Kenya. I am looking for Android developer opportunity. currently learning Spring Boot and Laravel.

astraqueen profile image

Hello Everyone, my name is Esther and i'm new to web development.
I'm hoping to learn alot from this platform

transformed27 profile image
David Emeka Kelubia

Hi, everyone I'm David from Nigeria
A freelancer, graphic designer and a digital artist
I will also be dropping posts of some of these freelancing platforms from time to time.

vorpalslade profile image
Kester Grieve

Hi all,
Just started a web development course with no previous background in coding or computers, wish me luck! I'm sure I'll be back to ask for help :')

ishahriaar profile image
Shahriar Amin


how are you all ?

saimanoj22 profile image
Etcherla Sai Manoj

Hello everyone, I am Sai Manoj from India. Getting started today with being part of Dev Community. I am really excited to learn some interesting stuff from here and hone my skills.

gcejiogu profile image
Gideon Ejiogu

Hi everyone, my name is Gideon I'm a excited to join this community. I'm a tech newbie and I need all the support I can get to build my experience. cheers

ifennamonanu profile image
Ifenna Monanu

Hello everyone I am Ifenna from Nigeria, really nice to be here. Open for learning and growth.

yash12 profile image

Hey everyone. I am Yash from India. Currently I am learning Android development.

asladeofgreen profile image
Mark A. Greenslade

Hi. I'm Mark a full stack, clean-code, polyglot technologist with deep open-source agile exposure.

aoda profile image

Hello my programmer friends , i am from China , and i am a fronted developer,very nice to meet you , my foreign friends,let us keep active here to make the world better!

adrnpy profile image

Hi! I'm Adrian. I'm a web developer. Nice to be here!

suerpdev profile image

Hi there I made an account on to hopefully share my programming journey! Fun fact: I like to waste lots of time customising my terminal

koth9_ashok profile image
Ashok Reddy Kothapally

Hello everyone. I am Ashok from India. I am hear to tell about SSRS Reports.

Now I am looking for learn new course's like Angular or React to become full stack developer.


iamitpal profile image
Amit Sarah Pal

Hello Devs , I'm Amit Pal and I am currently learning MERN stack. Thank You

theansweris42 profile image

Hej there, just looking for fun reads and projects TODO, maybe I'll write a post someday.

tharindu37 profile image

Hello everybody!

I'm Tharindu Lakshan. I'm currently studying as a Student at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. I like coding, software development, and web development.

codewithsarabjit profile image
Sarabjit Singh

Hello all!
I'm Sarabjit Singh, Full Stack Developer based in Winnipeg, Canada.
Happy to join this dev community.
Looking forward learn, grow and contribute to the community to make a positive impact.

moh75 profile image

My name is Mohand and i'm a full stack web developer
Glad to join your community :)

arisamiga profile image

Hello! I am Aris I am a student with a passion for Software engineering and who is obsessed with programming. Nice to meet you all :D

teejay128 profile image
Joseph Taiwo

Welcome Ari's, nice to know there are more students here, nice to meet you