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Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.
Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋
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Top comments (165)
Hello everyone. I am Dennis from Canada. You can check my website here.
Now I am looking for a new job opportunity or team or client.

I wanna connect with good people!
Hey is you use tailwind css with laravel . Are you facing problems to use tailwind css with laravel. Classes are not working properly when using tailwind with laravel. #laraveltailwindissues.
They do buddy, depends majorly on how you're using tailwindcss in your laravel app. This link should help you with installing tailwindcss into your laravel project tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/laravel. Alternately, you could use the CDN and then create a layout file to extend all of tailwindcss classes...
burt for professional use and deployment of the website CDN is not the solution.
what is the problem. Let me fix. please send message to me.
you can find contacts here
I just emailed you. Please respond back. if it works . Most of the users facing issues with tailwind and Laravel.
do you have skype? let's connect in skype
yes okay
Hey there Dennis, cool website, I am looking into block chain technology too, nice to meet you
If you want to learn about Blockchain, I will do my best to teach you.
Hey Dennis. I'm learning web development. Nice to meet you.
Hiya bro amazing web site
Hello from Bali bro, nice to meet you here...
hey dennis, if you have a open source project, i can help you. Contact me. Feel free!
Hello! I still haven't introduced myself, haha.
I'm Rodrigo from Honduras, I like JS and web technologies, I also love humor and have a good laugh.
Do you have a meme or humorist post? Do you know a good code joke?
Are you proud of a clever code snippet you wrote and made you laugh?
SEND IT TO ME 😑 (please)
If you are interested in JS, I've already written a few articles that might give you a laugh or teach you something (hopefully both).
Hello World!!! 😆
I'm Mac from Taiwan, currently living in Vancouver.
Learnt Node.js, or back-end developmnt.
And are developing my skill for web3-development.
Looking to building some fun web3 side-project, or attend a hackathon.
If you are interested, feel free to connect!
Have a good one!
Vancouver is such a beautiful city, but it's a bit expensive for my tastes, lol!
Welcome Mac :)
Hello everyone I'm Chandrashekhar from India.
I joined dev community 2 years back but from today I became active member in community.
I'm familiar with Python,C,Html5,CSS3,JavaScript and also have a good knowledge in Operating Systems.
right now I'm looking for a projects.
I also do photoshops in free time :)
Thank You for reading!
Hello friends
I'm new to the world of programming, I'm very interested in learning to program since I want to make my own games ^^.
I am happy to find a corner where everyone shares the same passion. I hope I can contribute a lot to this community and be able to continue learning along the way.
Hello @maxit0 I remember I started with that same idea of developing video games, currently is not what I do, but at the time, I learned one thing or two about it and it was really fun, at some point I ended up liking more web development and it was more a thing for me.
But I hope you learn a lot here and that sooner or later you share about what you've learned and your experience, maybe you stick to video games or who knows, maybe you'll find a different passion, programming is such a beautiful thing in many of it's forms.
You can write to me at, hello@schemetastic.com, I can give you one tip or two.
Hey everyone. I am Vatsal from India. I am currently in my college and am interested in artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. I have several work experiences including working at Amazon as an SDE intern and some startups. I want to learn in this community and maybe help people when they need it. It excites me to collaborate with people and I found this out recently in the hacktoberfest which I completed. I am looking forward to learning from people here. If anyone has any cool projects that you need a hand with... do connect with me here ... Peace 😄✌️
Hello everyone. I am Pavel from Russia. I am retired one now, but still do some job as accountant. My interest lies with WebDev + some Python (as a tool to automotize some workday chores). I am still very much a beginer, but have a hope to learn JS and pop its frameworks and switch a job to IT(at least frontend).
Best regards to everyone here.
hello im lahbib semlali, im 23 , i study computer science at one of 42 campuses
Great to have you lahbib!
Hello everyone, my name is Kalifa SENOU from Mali. I'm New in the world of Dev and i'm learning Java 2E (spring and springboot with Angular) with Ionic6, Wordpress !
I am looking for collaborative projects to improve myself and make contacts with the Dev world !
I speak clear French but I get by in English.
And i would like to learn python et some stuff with data science for my self.
Hello everybody!
I'm Fabrizio, Software Engineer.
I have published three articles in the last weeks:
So happy to share content on this unique platform with all of you!