DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v198 staff on November 02, 2022

Welcome to DEV! 🎃 Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or jus...
skwiddevz profile image
T Parker

Hello, Hola, Ahoj, G'day . . I am learning coding for the first time as a mid 30's lifelong tradesman.. this world is fascinating.

lucaswinkler profile image
Lucas Winkler

Hey! Are you trying to switch careers or are you doing it as a hobby? Also what do you want to create?

skwiddevz profile image
T Parker

hello! yes I'm aiming to switch careers.. I've just started a 6 month Full Stack course, and have done a small amount of js previous.. I'm not 100% sure where I want to go but so far really enjoying js the most!

Thread Thread
lucaswinkler profile image
Lucas Winkler

Good luck! I went to college for programming but had some motivation issues a while back. I've been actively trying to improve my skills so I can get this going again.

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skwiddevz profile image
T Parker

Awesome, how is it going, do you have some good resources? I have found YouTube to be an endless source of info

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lucaswinkler profile image
Lucas Winkler • Edited

It's going pretty good. I'm happy with how my new personal website turned out and I'm currently trying to make 2 projects to display on it. Most likely a landing page and then some sort of bigger full-stack application or just implement an API. Not too sure yet.

Unfortunately I can't remember much off the top of my head. I've saved a lot of resources but they're scattered around my bookmarks.

I'll try to list a few though:

CoderFoundry on YT - Great for portfolio reviews, project ideas, teaching you how to get hired, learning full stack development and a lot more.

DesignCourse on YT - If you want to improve your UI/UX skills. Also does portfolio reviews which is great especially coming from a UI designer because he teaches you how to sell yourself using proper layout and good design skills.

Kevin Powell on YT - You'll learn all things CSS. He explains it better than anyone. He keeps up with modern CSS as well.

TheNetNinja on YT - I used to watch him in the past but I haven't recently because I honestly forgot. My friend recommended me this channel a few years ago. Teaches a bunch of technologies mostly backend related I believe? I could be wrong though.

TraversyMedia on YT is also great.

Well turns out these are all YouTube channels. Still great information though! I wish I had more resources to link but I can't think of much at the moment.

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skwiddevz profile image
T Parker

Wow heck yeah this is an awesome list thanks so much man! !

phil_amis1 profile image
Philip Amissah

I want to develop web3 dApp, any guidelines?

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ayo_dejid profile image
Ayo dejid

You can learn the Blockchain tech and ita terms. After that you can go into it's languages. You can use Solidity with Remix IDE or Embark( it allows u to deploy dapps) or Prysm or Truffle to test the frameworks used.

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phil_amis1 profile image
Philip Amissah

Thanks for the knowledge🙏🏽

marcojhb profile image
Marco Agas

Hey T! I'm also in the same boat as you (30s, never coded before, busy learning). It's not easy keeping focused, however, working on some passion projects has really helped me boost my skills.

skwiddevz profile image
T Parker

Hey Marco, awesome - same boat! Passion projects is something I need to get kickstarted properly, I think it will really help.

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marcojhb profile image
Marco Agas

I started with my portfolio, but realised I had no real projects. I made some basic ones, but now I'm trying to build ones that help me either in my personal life or in my career.

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skwiddevz profile image
T Parker

What kind of things are you working on at the moment, is this all with .js?

ezazakhtar profile image
Ezaz Akhtar

Hi Parker! Really happy to know that you're learning to code! Are you starting with Python too?

skwiddevz profile image
T Parker

Hey Ezaz - I actually started with .js last year for a project, and did do some HTML breifly around 1998.
I am learning js/python/Java and some other languages atm :)

lucaswinkler profile image
Lucas Winkler • Edited

Hi I'm Lucas. I'm a front-end focused web developer!

Just finished making my new portfolio (and my new resume but it has old projects from school) and I'm very happy how it turned out.
Currently looking for ideas so I can make some fun projects that will help myself get more experience and also (hopefully) get an entry level job.

If you have any ideas/tips for me I would appreciate it a lot.
Oh also, don't be afraid to connect on my socials (All are posted on my website below)!

Portfolio: (no projects 😔)

Lucas Winkler — Front-End Developer

Lucas Winkler is a front-end developer based in Canada, Ontario who builds captivating web experiences.

michthebrand profile image
Ikechukwu Charles

Hi, Lucas. I am also a frontend focused web developer.

I must say, you really build captivating web experiences. Your portfolio is just too good!!

For projects, you can work on creating a chat app with React and Firebase.

lucaswinkler profile image
Lucas Winkler

I could try that out. Currently I'm attempting to make a bug tracker using Next.js, next-auth, tailwind, prisma and whatever else

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michthebrand profile image
Ikechukwu Charles

Wow, a bug tracker?? Is that even possible?

I read on your portfolio that you know you have worked with alot of frameworks. I really want to know how you did it?

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lucaswinkler profile image
Lucas Winkler

Well I haven't done too much. I've messed with a few or used th3m years ago in college. I've just recently started the bug tracker after inspiration from CoderFoundry on youtube. I most likely won't include a ton of features but it all depends. I'll have to see. Just been googling a lot and looking at documentation.

calum_medlock profile image
Calum Medlock

Oh wow, that looks lovely! I really like how simple you made it look

lucaswinkler profile image
Lucas Winkler


marcojhb profile image
Marco Agas

Hi all! I'm busy learning to learn as much front-end as possible, but struggling with accountability. I enjoy this community as there's still a lot I don't know, but it's comforting to see many people in the same boat.

I started my own digital marketing company 3 years ago, but now I'm trying to move away from marketing and focus on the web design aspects.

xtra001 profile image

hi , Hola ,oi , ciao I'm learning to code I'm a high school student
I speak 4 languages C1 English C2 Spanish A1 Italian PRE-A Portuguese
im learning data bases back-end app development

im a web developer now html, css, javascript
currently learning some bootstrap

manelcecs profile image
Manuel Cecilio

Hello hello!!
Nice to be here!

It's amazing the engagement capacity this platform has for newcomers!

I've been interested for a while to write some post about software engineering, development and best practices but wanted to know what you would be more interested about:

  • General software engineering practices
  • Development approach/archetures
  • Development best practices
  • Specific theme (How to .... Using ....)
  • All of the above

Thanks in advance!!!

aurelalb profile image

Hello to all of you, my name is Aurel and I wish to become an FrontEnd Developer. I have studied Informatics for three years at a local university and I am wishing to explore this field as much as I can. I wish that we will all achive our goals!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyo Aurel! You came to the right community for front-end stuff. Really hope ya dig it here! 🙌

klmii profile image

Here to find answers to combining technoligies in business and personal projects. New to coding and want to learn. I'm familiarizing myself with js based frameworks, github, open source tools. Javascript is finally making sense to me, it really is like learning languages. There seem to be languages inside of languages in order to understand the first language you started studying!

wrenzenzen profile image
Lindsay Kerr

Hi, klmll, it's my personal belief that JavaScript is not an easy language for a beginner to learn. At face value, the syntax is deceptively simple, but the code can act in counterintuitive ways when compared to other popular languages. If you are starting to get it, then that's great. I am not sure if you have gone over Kyle Simpson You Don't Know JS (book series) as these helped me to get to grips with the language.

Additionally consider learning Python as it is fairly easy to learn, and it is great for analytics, prototyping and scripting custom business solutions.

klmii profile image

Thanks reading now

wrenzenzen profile image
Lindsay Kerr

Greetings, I am kicking myself for not having found sooner. Anyway, I am a generalist at heart but currently, I am focused on front-end web development to start my career. I enjoy visual creative pursuits, coding and living in the countryside.

raviklog profile image

Hello, Good day to all from India...New to this community...Liked to Learn and share the little programming knowledge i tried to accumulate...Currently more interested towards Data analysis, ML zone...Would be interested to take part in colloborations....(There is no Age to learn Programming or Technology...that's the best part of it...!...Continous lookout and learning

juanescacha profile image
Juan Esteban Camargo

Hello, I'm a Computer Science Student from Colombia 🇨🇴 , i love this world I'm almost in last year but sometimes I feel overwhelmed that I know to little or don't know the paths that I can follow to focus on it.

haabe profile image
Håvard Bartnes

Hi all,

I've been working in web-related industries since the 90s - elearning, news media, marketing to name a few. Currently working as a consultant, mainly doing front-end stuff.

I finally decided to see what has to offer other than being a perfect landing spot for many of my Google searches :)

kimjisena profile image
Kim Jisena


I'm currently working on personal projects while looking for a job (front-end dev). I'm here to network with fellow developers and undoubtedly learn from this amazing community.

I love all things tech though I'm currently learning network programming using python and computer networks in general.

shahardikk profile image
Shah Hardik

Another E&C Student aspiring to be a Developer!

Hey Everyone,
I started my coding journey with Java and recently finished HTML & CSS.
I am Learning JS right now.

Also, how does anyone be good at CSS? and what is Tailwind? Do I have to master CSS to learn Tailwind CSS?

kshubhamm profile image
Kumar Shubham

Having plenty of free time(about a year).
A freshmen out of college having to join my company next year.
Looking to learn from wherever I can!!.

Completely open for any collaboration and group learning.

maximecheramy profile image
Maxime Chéramy

Hey everyone, I decided to join the DEV community to share technical articles. I'm an Engineering Manager / Lead Developer with 10+ years of experience. I'm interested in front, back and even infra: TypeScript, React, Node, Java, Python, PostgreSQL, AWS, Gitlab CI, Docker, Terraform, Ansible, Linux, etc.
My native language is French but I will communicate in English.

hrcodes profile image
Helder Ramos de Oliveira

Hi everyone!
I'm Helder from Brazil - São Paulo!
I'm a front-end developer working with Vue.js for the last 2 years, and studing React for now.
I love to code, but I've been as a Product Manager for 3 years. Now I'm back to the black side of the screen. xD
Nice to meet ya!

nick_loves_devto profile image
Nick Amoiridis

Hello everyone! Hope you are having an amazing day!
I am a high school student in Greece and I am currently learning AWS!
My biggest dream is to study computer science and be a cloud architect or a software engineer at a big company (Google or AWS). Thanks for reading these! Take care!

khulood profile image

Hey everyone!

Fun fact about me: I am an extremely extroverted person, however, when it comes to online communities, I shy away and don't know how best to approach people so here I am stepping out of my comfort zone!!

starciad profile image
Starciad • Edited


My name is Davi Fernandes (better known by his nickname "Starciad"). I am passionate about programming and technology-related topics. Currently, I treat programming as a hobby, but I am paving my way in this vast world of technology.

anton_scheving profile image
Anton Scheving

Hi I am about to start a 4 month front-end development bootcamp with no prior experience with HTML or CSS development. I have however built websites using builders such as Wix and Divi builder. That's how I built my own website I am in my mid 30's and have a family so I have a feeling that the next 4 months are going to be intense.

fordperfect profile image
Ford Perfect

Hi I’m a software engineer student and I work as a software engineer (Stonks!)
I read this site a lot of time, sharing your post with my colleagues, finally I’ve decide to subscribe with an account :)

lucyanovidio profile image
Lucyan Ovídio

Hi everyone 🙋🏾‍♂️,

I’m a brazilian early-stage web dev trying not to make bugs in life. Currently front-end focused and exploring the wonderlful world of javascript. Also a coffee lover.

Find me here:

kumarutsav1123 profile image
Kumar Utsav

Hey hello.
Myself Kumar Utsav, a CS undergrad from India. I'm a beginner currently learning Android(Kotlin). And also DSA in C and OOP in C++.

Any word of advice from you will surely do a lot of help for me.

kassandra_rojas_660a68018 profile image
Kass R

Hello! I graduated in 2020 with my Bachelor's of Science in Kinesiology and have decided to embark on a career change. I will be starting a full stack coding bootcamp next Monday (doing some prework rn)! I am very new to everything, a little nervous for the influx of information, but more than anything, excited to learns some things!

rtstreamingapps profile image
Fred Patton

Hi, everyone, great to be here! I'm a hands-on architect, generalist, and dev/tech evangelist with a passion for streaming applications, distributed computing, product, domain-driven design, event processing, event sourcing, actor models, and functional programming. Have a look at the simplest interactive hello world for real-time, interactive, end-to-end streaming, ideally from mobile where you can tap and drag:
Ttys, everyone!

rclabo profile image
Ron Clabo

Hey everyone, I just learned of the DEV community through a friend. We both earned a DEV badge for our Hacktoberfest open source contributions. So we decided to learn more about DEV.

I've been writing code since I was in high school in the 80's and chasing entrepreneurship since before that. I enjoy the process of building things -- whether that's software, marketing campaigns or companies. Currently, I'm working hard on and also contribute to the Apache Lucene.NET project which is an awesome open source full text search library for .NET developers.

I love learning and helping others. I'm on StackOverflow as RonC and am ranked in the top 1% of developers there. I tweet on software development on twitter via @dotnetcore and tweet on marketing and entrepreneurship via @ronclabo I'm excited to learn more about DEV and it's large community of software developers.

thatsameer profile image

Hi. I've been working/studying with JS, TS, React and AWS for the past 2 years and using PowerShell in my job for the past 5. Now I'm actively making moves to shift into the JS/TS space at work!
What bought me here is I would occasionally see posts on my Google feed and would really like the articles here. Lo and behold, I am now a member.

johnatpheasantville profile image
John Barrow

Hi, now retired, I used to be the System Architect for a property management solution and, having been focused on specific commercial objectives, I now find I can explore new languages and specifically focus on creating personal projects for the web. Originally focused on Pascal. For the backend, I am using Java Servlets (I appreciate the simple interface that perfectly matches REST APIs without any of the overhead and Tomcat, the Java focused minimalist web server) and T-SQL (specifically MS-SQL as free for Developer Edition). For the frontend and Typescript (can't fathom why anyone would use JavaScript with no static typing, having to guess the types of data carried with each variable / method) and HTML 5 / CSS 3. I am lucky to have come into this quite late so the pure languages are mature and I haven't found a reason to complicate development with any framework.

adityam31 profile image
Aditya Mahajan

Hello everyone,
New to this community!
I am skilled in Java and PostgreSQL. I also have a keen interest in OOP and Software Design. Also, currently looking to pick-up another lightweight back-end language (leaning towards go-lang) for personal experimentation.

Looking forward to contributing and reading a lot of great posts here.

cisnoral profile image

hello every one. coding is somehow difficult. but if you have any problem you can learn from any mentor as i have learnt and started my software house. i am offering mobile reparature berlin too

zb333zb profile image
Oleksandr Bereziuk

Hello everyone! I am a simple mid 20's worker. Coding is my new hobby.

I started my journey just a month ago with Responsive Web Design from freeCodeCamp. I already got my first certificate in life and created my web page.

I like it. It’s cool. I plan to continue on.

zb333zb profile image
Oleksandr Bereziuk

Hello everyone! I am a simple mid 20's worker. Coding is my new hobby.

I started my journey just a month ago with Responsive Web Design from freeCodeCamp. I already got my first certificate in life and created my web page.

I like it. It’s cool. I plan to continue on.

zb333zb profile image
Oleksandr Bereziuk

Hello everyone! I am a simple mid 20's worker. Coding is my new hobby.

I started my journey just a month ago with a Responsive Web Design course from freeCodeCamp. I already got my first certificate in my life and created my web page.

I like it. It’s cool. I'm going to move on.

zb333zb profile image
Oleksandr Bereziuk

Hello everyone! I am a simple mid 20's worker. Coding is my new hobby.

I started my journey in the world of coding just a month ago as an absolute beginner. It was a Responsive Web Design course from freeCodeCamp. I already got my first certificate in my life and created my web page.

I like it. It's cool! I'm going to move on.

kristenseog profile image
kristenseog • Edited

Hello DEV community!

Just starting to learn how to code and what coding is! I hope to learn a lot from community and share what I learn as I progress through this new coding journey:)

Today is officially my Day 1.

Please feel free to check out my weekly posts!

New awesome community member learning from scratch,

cimsgit profile image
Csaba M • Edited

Hello everyone ;)

I hope you are all doing well.
A little about me:
I am in my late 20's and just recently joined a Bootcamp in Front-end web development.
I am very much interested in a future career change to get into the tech industry.
As a start I am looking forward to be an active part of the community.
See you all around :)

Kind Regards,

martinigv profile image
relaxed Ball

Hello~!, I am Korean student and I hope to make the delighting games so, I am learning about C++ firtst to use Unreal engine 4/5 but I am also interested in Unity!. I'm not good at I'm studying English too.

adityaacse profile image

Hello everyone, I finally become the member of dev community after successfully completing Hacktoberfest 2022. I know React JS, JAVA, HTML, CSS, SQL. Currently looking for a React Developer position. Excited to work with you on some good React projects.

engerationz profile image

Hiii everyone! my name is Kira, and after a few years of being shy and not really having an online presence I've decided to start putting myself out there. I started writing, and building stuff, and I have no idea where it's going to go but I'd love to connect with people here or on Twitter :) cheers my friends

engerationz profile image
Kira • Edited

I am self-taught and the first thing I did was write about my story. Would love to hear feedback!

kkcdp profile image

Hello everybody!
I joined the Community as beginner, now learning WEB development by myself and in various courses. The goal is to switch career to full stack web developer. At the moment still deal with road transport and logistics. I'm 52 y.o.
My satisfaction is, when some stage of project successfully operating :-)

pkfresh13 profile image
Patrick K

Hello everyone, I'm pat., I'm 25 and am doing nothing with my life,, I don't know much that I really like to do for living cause I was always stuck in a fantasy of wanting to be a musician and make it big..never happened! Haha, held myself back from reality for too long and now trying to find myself, make something of my self., I'm not sure this is where I will do so, cause I'm really not smart like that and never was great at computers and such, but recently discovered the communities of NFT, stocks trading, 3D animation, Virtual Reality, and just all the real look creations, and world's you could design, and well..I just am very interested in game design and wherever far it goes, it just really got my attention, and it seems like something I could have fun doing at the same started from a secret VIP pass I found in a hidden spot on a app called ("bubblehouse") "from there i was invited to a secret and private vip community of stocks trade and NFT of all kinds.. it's like a whole new world I never knew existed, I was puzzled and amazed filled with curiosity! This was about only a month and a half ago, so still trying to understand, and figure out all the different mysteries, communities, and Hobbes I discovered but am very willing to try to learn as much as I can and absorb the knowledge that is found or kindly given to me., I know I wrote more than probably anybody on here, so I'll end it here., Just wanted to explain my intentions, and will appreciate "any" given "assistance, "knowledge, "teachings, "wisdom, and just the "time of any, helping hand that decides to throw me a bone, anytime in the future., It would mean plenty, and will try to my best not to waste any of your time. Thanks! 😇🙏

shivaiinc profile image

Hello , Shivai this side i am a software company started by a CS student focusing on Machine Learning , Deep Learning and Flutter.

We can connect on socials below.


thinhtran130290 profile image
Thinh Tran

Hello, World !
I'm a fellow beginner and really interested in C, Ada, Haskell, Elm, Kotlin, Java, Ruby, JavaScript, and PHP.
I urge to learn and share more knowledge to other fellow beginners.
Thanks for you so much for any help in my learning progress here.

engraya profile image

Hey there!
I am Ahmad, programming and tech enthusiast, i have may hands laid on python as my first language, found the journey interesting and fascinating, hope to have good reviews and advices from great minds out there in the community
Happy to be here!
Chill ☺️

abhiiidev profile image

Hello developers, I am currently learning web development and inside it currently studying react.js . My journey of Open source just began this year only.
I joined the community to learn from all your experiences and other's journey .
#beProductive Devs

tielson profile image
Filipe Tielson C. M. Ramos

Meu nome é Filipe Tielson, sou tecnico em mecânica, cursando engenharia mecânica pela UNIFAN - Centro Universitário Nobre, estou no nono semestre. Estou em transição de carreira e sou apaixonado por tecnologia e desafios, um prato cheio que encontrei como desenvolvedor JavaScript.

kuangyan profile image
kuangyan • Edited

Hello everyone. I am not a beginner of programming. I just enter in the community by a blog introduce how to test vuex with cypress.I am amazed at the quality of this article.I think it may be a good start for my further learning.

tryu profile image
Takeshi Ryujin

Hello everyone. I am also new to coding and joined the 6 month coding bootcamp program. I was going to school for medicine, but decided to go another route for more entrepreneurial opportunities. I find this world of coding and development to be very interesting.

robert1745 profile image
Naveen kumar

hola, i recently started my developing journey . It is wonderful to be part of this community and i am excited to be there, i will try my best to enrich the community in the near future with my posts and contents.

akshat2203 profile image
Akshat Shah

Hello, i'm Akshat from India,
i'm a Python Django Developer.
I live for tech, I'm always curious to learn something new. I'm quite geeky, but that's my passion. 😎 🤟
Enthusiast in Open Source, Cloud Technology and Artificial Intelligence.
I believe, a perfect cup of coffee can be the ultimate solution for any stress. Coffee <-> Code.

jml_39 profile image
John Laine

Hello community! I'm a neophyte in the realm of coding but I'm a businessman with a lot of experience in management and culture training for several corporations. I'm pivoting to leverage the power of the internet as a personal resurgence and new career endeavor. I'm here to learn, share, experiment and grow. Thank you for having me 😎

user_6d57f74243 profile image

Hello, My name is Willibrod. And I’m excited to be here. What brought me here was the quest to find like minded people to build a blockchain startup. I’ve got the idea and I am a leader. I have had experience as a scrum master in the IT space across industries and will like to build some life changing with like minded people. If you want to be a part of this please let me know.

troymc profile image
Troy McConaghy

A fun fact about myself: I grew up in Canada and my parents made me play hockey, but I was very bad at it and never enjoyed it. I much preferred learning to write computer programs in BASIC by reading reference manuals and the magazines from RadioShack. These days there are more ways to learn to code.

amishakumari21 profile image
Amisha Kumari

Hello everyone :)

This is Amisha. I'm a mechanical engineer and a technology enthusiast.
I started my coding journey with C and javascript language.
What brought me here is I was just exploring the world of open source community like Hacktober fest.
Then I found about Dev.
Hoping to learn something from here also 🙂

mewmew88 profile image

Hi everyone!
First time learning how to code. All I can say right now is, hi5 and bebo coding (yes, you can guess my age lol) was as easy as 1, 2, 3- a simple ctrl+f and replace the background image.
Time to up my game and move with the times!
Let's Go Go Go

onyejiteamwork profile image
Sam Onyeji

Hello everyone! Good to be here. I'm a Beginner Software Engineer. Just learning to code for the first time. Not really finding the whole stuff easy but I'm determined to become competent in it.

cimsgit profile image
Csaba M

Good luck with your coding journey :)

onyejiteamwork profile image
Sam Onyeji

Thank you

aruapraise profile image

how nice one i am currently learning javascript programing language but u with php , laravel experience . nice to meet you

iagodegobic profile image
Iago Degobi

the pleasure is all mine!

iagodegobic profile image
Iago Degobi

Bem vindo Seung!

alexdysco12 profile image

Hey ! New on DEV, I study computer science in Camerino, I like to be creative on code and learn new programming languages. Right now I'm studying Flutter ( Dart ). Good job!

calum_medlock profile image
Calum Medlock

Hello there, I am running my web design business. I have recently signed up for a Bootcamp course to improve my web dev skills. Nice to meet you all!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
bernisr profile image

Hola soy Bernis Rios un Estudiante de la carrera de Ingenieria Informatica

douhgn profile image

Hi every1 I'm new and I'm very open and willing to learn

praizee profile image
Stephen Adeniji • Edited

I'm Stephen, a Front-end developer with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TailwindCSS and React.js
Currently learning Typescript... 💻🔥
I'm excited to be here! 😊

lniranjan profile image

I'm here to add another role in addition to my present role
Need to get expertise in DevOps Engineering

poundjd profile image
Jeffrey David Pound

Hello everyone!

saizaku profile image

Hello, everyone!
I'm learning English and JavaScript especially React/TypeScript. I work at SaaS Company in Japan.
I'm hoping to create web apps and sites which is entertain people.

mightyfyseocontent profile image
MightyfySEOContent • Edited

Hey there.

I am Happy about finding this Community.
Is there anyone WHO can explain how to learn Javascript with best results?

tazuddinleton profile image
Taz Uddin

Hey there!

trlrizu profile image

G'day to everyone! :) a newbie to Still a high school student here. This is cool

susajjit profile image

Heyyy everyone, i am so honoured and excited to join this community of genius,creative minds and people with a great passion for learning.

sagarkapoor profile image
Sagar Kapoor

Started my journey with a Python scraper and WordPress. Working towards attaining the full stack path.

iagodegobic profile image
Iago Degobi

Olá! É um prazer estar aqui, espero poder contribuir com o pouco que sei, e aprender sobre o muito que não sei! Abraços! Lets CODE!

ashukumar40 profile image
Ashu Kumar

Hii, I'm a web developer. let's learn, build, and grow together.

ultra profile image

Hello, Hola, Oi. I'm self taught and I know 5+ coding languages. Looking for collabs!

bibbleboopz profile image

Hi Everyone
Looking forward to understanding this new world when I start my bootcamp next week. Life Goals, Career Change .. Lets Go!!

bibbleboopz profile image

Hi Everyone
I'm looking forward to understanding more of this during my bootcamp. Life Goals, Career Change, Never too old to learn (even in my 50s)

spiceydev profile image
Adam Spice

Hi I’m Spicey. Long time reader first time poster. Decided to get more active here as I have just deleted my twitter account and need somewhere to interact with other members of the dev community.

nemila profile image

Hi I am a web developper who can't seem to choose between TailwindCss and Styled-components. Nice to meet you

tonwareemi profile image

Hi, I am trying to start a programming blog , and where else to start than a dev community

phyowaiyan profile image

Hi, it's me Phyo Wai Yan from Myanmar. I'm Mobile App Developer. I love coding.

miguelargentina profile image
Miguel Ricardo Gomez

Hello folks! A guy in his 40s who in the past years become a passionate rubyist and a software developer!
See you all around!

cimsgit profile image
Csaba M

Hello Miguel,

See you around :)

herve176 profile image

Am jean from german .am a electrical engineer student. i code with c++.object,class,polymorphism are which am familiar with on c++.but now i want to enter fullstack development world

asyhalo profile image

Hey everyone I'm a college student.... pretty new to coding
I'm just trying to explore this space to see what interests me

aleksi7778 profile image

hi my name is alexi i like this community thanks for the pointers

elserby profile image
Ahmad Jabakhanji

I'm just 16 and am already learning for my future as a programmer

idseefeld profile image
Dirk Seefeld

Hi, I read an article about another developer and this mentioned Currently I am interested in web components and the future of frontend development.

pcabreram1234 profile image
Phillip L. Cabrera M.

Hi 👋🏽 after complete the Hacktoberfest 20222 I won a beautiful badge. I hope use this space to know more developers and collaborate with them.

joyin2 profile image
Joyin Mahmmad Aslam Laskar

Joyin Mahmmad Aslam Laskar from India , working as Full stack developer

mrinmoypaul12 profile image
Mrinmoy Paul

Hello everyone, new here.
Just started learning to code. Mostly related web development.
Will try to share what I'm going to learn
That's all

inquisitiverishi profile image

I'm 24 y/o currently learning Full Stack Web Development (MERN) from The Odin Project.

This new world of mine is fascinating.....hope to learn many new things.

xpressdigital profile image

Hello Guys ... I'm learning JavaScript

zan profile image

Hey, my name is Zan and I’m from Europe. I love building and creating new things. Currently I’m working on a Craft notes app extension for book highlights.

oabdulhamid profile image
oduola abdulhamid


I'm am an entry-level web developer that's activily learning. Open to learn more and contribute to the community. Really glad to be here.

lniranjan profile image

Hello I'm here to enhance Python programming and get more hands on
And I wish to join python projects please give a chance

saggitus007 profile image

Hi l am Daniel learning coding nextjs to be precise for the first time 30 already so please would all the help l can get right now l'm stuck in loop on my app not routing to the specific page

oluwaseun_akinsanya_b2f17 profile image
Oluwaseun Akinsanya

Hi, I’m Oluwaseun, I have learnt html and css. I’m learning into JavaScript next.🌚

asiimwe profile image
Anthony Asiimwe

Hello, I'm Anthony from Uganda. I'm an entry level developer. I joined because the posts from this platform always provide a lot of value. I hope I can make connections here.

steve_balogh_83d4c80adb49 profile image
Steve Balogh

hello im as new as it gets retired army paratrooper interested in technology no prior experience just willing to learn

rayeesrather99 profile image
Rayees ahmad rather

Hello everyone this is Rayees Rather a hardworking and self motivating front end developer and i came here because I am always interested to learn new things about tech so that's why I am here : )

rabiul7772 profile image
Rabiul Akand

I'm Rabiul learning web design and development

mazuzej profile image
Joao Mazuze

Hello, I am so glad to join into this great community. So excited to learn and contribute in various aspects regarding software development. Started coding since I finished my computer science course.

nomadts profile image
Arman Murzabulatov

Hi all!
I'm here to share my experience with the community by writing and posting. Hopefully at least once a week :)

ezazakhtar profile image
Ezaz Akhtar

Hey everyone! I'll be learning Machine Learning and all about it from today! Let's see what happens! :)

graphix45 profile image


gsecret054 profile image
Bruno Li

I'm a full-stack web developer with 10+ years' experience.

5kookiigrubba profile image
Chris White Sr

how can i help?

shivamdangi7 profile image
Shivam Singh Dangi

Hey , Everybody i completed the hacktoberfest 2022. I am happy to share with you my badges.
Image description

kabirshuvo profile image

Hi, I'm Kabir From Dhaka Bangladesh. I started my programing journey at the age of 39.
started with JavaScript at freecodecamp. wish to hear from you.

3x1io profile image
Fady Mondy • Edited

👋 hi there, i'm Fady Mondy, Senior VILT/TALL stack Developer, from Egypt,Cairo

cheesecake87 profile image

I've had to much coffee today, and I think I'm crashing. I've been staring at the gif in this post for about 5 mins now XD

poorab_202 profile image
Poorab Patel

Hey there! I'm an intermediate level programmer. I'm have just joined this DEV community and seeking to get some insightful connections, knowledge and experience.

m04774m profile image
m04774m • Edited

Hey folks, I am a Information Technology Engineer.

sureshpandiyan1 profile image
Suresh P
aruapraise profile image

Hello, I am learning programing now for the first time , and am a student in ALX online school learning SOFTWARE ENGINEERING .

aminataariq profile image

hey Im Amina Im learning frontend web development.

fridayblessed007 profile image

I am a 23 years old guy from Nigeria, I am learning
front-end web development, I wish myself success in this journey, I know it won't be easy, but it will be worth it

kipngeno7664 profile image
Kevin Kipngeno

I am learning IOT and javascript

jtempra profile image
Josep Temprà

Hello from Catalonia!
Trying to learn from the pro's.
Keep coding.

lincoln profile image
Lincoln Tran

Hi guys, I'm Lincoln and having 2+ .NET development. I'm looking for new friends and new challenging which is supporting Remotely style working. Thanks all guysss. Love Code =my life 💕

duongchibinh profile image

Hello friend!

trillastrobuzz profile image
Trill Astro Buzz • Edited

Hello everyone, this is Trill Astro Buzz. Space City's AI representative, Oneseco Media's unofficial spokesperson and Pinterest favored community builder.

aruapraise profile image

thanks' are you in whatsapp or instagram

celebhubinsightslive profile image


kanhapathak99 profile image
Krishna Pathak

I am learning Web development

mrkinfosec profile image
Abdul-Rahman Adel

Hello I want' to be prefix er ;) in the Code Society

big_mitchey profile image

Hello 👋🏾
I’m new here and also kinda new to coding/web-dev. I really hope to get the right mentor here to help build and boost my coding skills. Thanks!

odongotho profile image

am Jonathan from Uganda, just started web development and javascript journey, en i thought it would be of great help joining like-minded people over here

omesha profile image
Umesh Sharma

Hello Devs I'm Umesh great to be here excited to learn new things.

komalioruganti profile image

Hello! I am a web development enthusiast . I have recently started learning about various frontend and backend technologies.

infodsagar profile image
Sagar Dobariya

Hello Gang, I am learning front-end coding. Would love to disscuss anything abt JavaScript.

muchamadfaiz profile image
Muchamad Faiz

Hello all, i join this community because i want to switch career as programmer .., have nice day all !

soaib profile image
Mohd Soaib

Hey i am developer at one of the it firm was looking for people who work on similar domain like me…was googlin around for comms which got me here…:)

szczypiorofix profile image

Hello there,
I'm new here. Cheers!

ashishvats028 profile image
Ashish Vats


I am a beginner learning frontend development.

gabrielmenezes profile image
Gabriel Soares

Hey!!! New here!!! Amazing community!

sagasanga profile image
Reckson Zirsangzela Khiangte

Hi, I'm Reckson. I'm from India. Currently learning Web Dev.

ohmarx_p profile image
Ohmarx Paniagua

Hello everyone, my name is Ohmarx. I will start a Full Stack Developer Bootcamp this coming December. I did some Visual Basic and PLC when attending college, it's been a while since then.

kamiyabansal profile image
kamiya bansal

Hello ,I kamiya bansal. I am currently learning dsa and I am here to contribute and gain knowledge.
Happy to be here.

lisetpalacios profile image

Hey guys! Just enrolled in a coding bootcamp and determined to make this coding thing into a lifelong passion. Very new to all this and would love to be pointed to some good follows. Thanks :)

raissacardoso profile image
Raissa Cardoso

Hi, I'm in career change. I'm already doing an internship at a startup and I'm interested in frontend (mainly react)

reach2rishab profile image

Hello all
I am web developer

asp profile image
Amit Singh Phartiyal

Hi, Amit(Mobile Application Developer) from India.

ashiqalit profile image

Hai... I started to learn Flutter

meuwuyou profile image
Kabeer Latane


username_edord99 profile image
username _edord9


tfs007 profile image

Glad to be here!

aliceinwonderland profile image

Hey im learning web development for sometime and i thought why not benefit from other learner's experiences.. so here i am. Hope i can learn from it and share my experiences along the way.

enbgyau123 profile image


prinshukumar22 profile image
Prinshu Behera

Hello everyone !

techdude16 profile image
Joseph Deblasio

Hello all, happy coding!

phil_amis1 profile image
Philip Amissah

Finally, I think web3 app development might be my favorite. Started reading about blockchains and DeFi any assistance to narrow my journey as a beginner!!