DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v207 staff on January 04, 2023

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey folks, great to have you! Please make an effort to visit a post or two you find helpful and add a comment thanking the author.

joepaulvilsan_7 profile image

Thanks 🙏

azeezhamzat profile image

Sure. Thanks!

pushproductions profile image

Sounds good Ben. Thanks.

betamil profile image


ankitmaurya profile image


evlfahim profile image
Fahim Bin Lokman


nsharmauk profile image
Nayan Sharma

Hey Ben

Thanks for the welcome :)

adesina_ini profile image
Inioluwa Adesina

Okay. Thanks a lot 😊

stephdae profile image

Sure, thanks !

dkoleev profile image
Dmitry Koleev

Of course! Thanks.

idsundev profile image
Cef Syarif

Welcome Ben

sidunn profile image
Si Dunn • Edited

Hello, and thanks for the welcome!

Why am I age 78...dragging along an impressive collection of age-related ailments? Well, my brain still works, and I still enjoy life, learning, and the processes of making things.

Back in the software Dark Ages (the early 1980s), I got jobs writing hardware and software manuals in the telecommunications industry because of my previous work as a photojournalist for newspapers and magazines. I had no clue what I was doing, but I learned by asking questions, reading existing materials, and doing what I could to try to make better documentation. I didn't learn much about actually developing software, however, because I was too busy clarifying gobbledygook and preparing and shipping thick manuals in three-ring binders all over the world.

When I retired from the telecom industry in 2009 (after layoffs at several different companies), I resumed doing photojournalism part-time. But I also realized I missed being in the software world, even though I had never done anything more than interview software engineers, badger them for feedback, and tinker a little bit with BASIC, C, and early Erlang.

Since then, I have been playing around with a lot of different software packages as a hobbyist. I don't call myself a "developer," and no one has ever paid me to write software. I do, however, look at a lot of software books and online classes for beginning and intermediate-level developers. And I go through many of the code examples just to see if I can make them work (or blow them up with bad modifications).

I am here now with no expectations of finding work as a entry-level developer. I am nobody's idea of a programmer. But I do have a sincere desire to get better at the things I am currently able to do (not very well) with a wide range of software languages, tools, test procedures, and so forth. Also, I enjoy helping others, when there's something I can actually help with.

I've always been a reader, a lurker, and a lone wolf, so I've never sought out any software mentors or tried to pose a bunch of questions to busy developers. I learn what I can when I can. And I am already picking up some good tips and information from the posts on

As far as what I am interested in, I'm currently tinkering (just above the "Hello, World!" level) with languages, frameworks, and packages such as Java, JavaScript, Rust, Python, C#, .Net Core, Angular, PostgreSQL, Go, Spring Boot, and one or two others I don't remember at the moment.

What do I expect I will do with what I may glean--and retain--from this digital overload? Nothing much except help keep my brain cells alive and alert as I plunge toward old age. Oh, and some of this software stuff actually is fun, especially since none of it is required to keep a roof over my head and pay my bills.

So, that's me. Hello, world!

toddbradley profile image
Todd Bradley

Greetings! I just joined this site, and expected to be one of the older members. But you've got me beat by over 20 years!

sidunn profile image
Si Dunn

Hey, Todd! Nice to meet you, kid! (Okay, semi-bad joke :-) ) I'm not very good at any language, but Python and Java are two of my favorites. Right now, I'm banging my head against Angular 15. But I'll probably get back to Java and Spring Boot next week, my senility...I forget how to start them up again!

georgechapin44 profile image
George Chapin

What Todd said :-)

azeezhamzat profile image

You are an inspiration, Si Dunn

sidunn profile image
Si Dunn

Thank you!

learicist profile image

What a story! Hello!

sidunn profile image
Si Dunn

Thanks! I appreciate the "Hello!"

Thread Thread
sidunn profile image
Si Dunn

And the "What a story!" comment, too!

julyuly profile image

Hi all. I am currently working in telecom industry, but I want to change to front-end developer. I am learning HTML, CSS and Javascript and hoping to make my portfolio by summer 2023. Lovely meeting you all!

milenamonteiro profile image
Milena Monteiro

Welcome! Good luck in your journey :D

malikhaziq profile image

Welcome man/lady (who you are) 😁. Hope it wil be great journey.

aneeqakhan profile image
Aneeqa Khan

Just wanted to say welcome to everyone new and not-so-new to DEV. 👋

Hope y'all enjoy it here!

If you're wondering how to get started with posting a post, then consider checking out this article here.

If you're wondering anything else, don't hesitate to reach out and ask. 😀

zoefoliage profile image

Thank you Aneeqa!

dinerdas profile image
Diner Das

Welcome everyone!

jmhupfer profile image

Thank you!

nishanka profile image


I am here with 2+ years career break due to covid-19 pandemic situation, parenting and some other reasons.

Currently I'm upskilling myself to enter the workforce again as a Senior Front End Developer.

Hoping to improve my tech knowledge while contributing to this community as much as I can.

Thanks for amazing people who read this short note about me.

Nice meeting you all!

malikhaziq profile image

Hey this is Haziq, It's mine pleasure to join this community. I am Here to expand my skillset and help others do the same.

I believe that the key to success is constant learning and sharing that knowledge with others

ankitmaurya profile image

Hi there! My name is Ankit and I am a Student in Mumbai University. I am currently enrolled in a computer science degree program. I stumbled upon this platform while searching for information online. In my free time, I enjoy Walking.

asksouley profile image
Souleymane. Tiendrebeogo

Hello everyone
Been here for about 1 years and wish I joined longtime ago . I always wanted to to blog and share what I have learned so far in my career but was reluctant to start. Joining the AWS community Builders gave me the boost I need .

Kudo to @ben and his team for building such an amazing tool . I have a whole list of topic that I plan on writing a blog about this year.

milenamonteiro profile image
Milena Monteiro

Hello! I've been reading posts here for a while but never been active. Recently I decided to start writing what I learn along the way and made my first post here :) Glad to be part of this community, hope we learn and grow together even more in this new year!

analudribeiro profile image
Lulu_ana • Edited

Hello word , faço analise de sistemas porém ainda não sei muito de linguagens. São tantas opções que as vezes me perco querendo ver todas. No momento trabalho como suporte mas quero mudar para o desenvolvimento. Sei o básico de C, C++, Java, HTML, estou procurando focar mais em XML e Javascript atualmente pois são os mais usados aqui.

dipashachaturvedi profile image
Dipasha Chaturvedi

Hi Guys! I am just a very confused 19 year old student who is taking baby steps in building her career in AI and Data Science. While I might not be too sure in what I am doing, I know my love for machine learning, coding and just learning is just solid. I don't know about you guys but a youtube video by fireship brought me here. Looking forward to connect with you guys and gain great insight from this amazing community.

akanpatrick profile image
Akaninyene Akpan

It's so good to be here. I hope to meet some cool devs and make good friends. I love learning new things and I hope I'll get that here. I love coding even though I know so little. I will keep learning.

graememcrae profile image
Graeme McRae

Hello, everyone, I'm looking forward to some interesting discussions.

I'm an old IBM mainframe systems programmer, and for those of you who know this job title, the word "programmer" is usually a bit of a misnomer, but in my case, I did a lot of programming in my career. I learned the IBM assembler in College, and read the Principles of Operation (POP, in the vernacular) from cover to cover. As a systems programmer, I volunteered to do the early morning checkout, where I would check to see if any core dumps were taken over the previous night, and I would scour LOGREC for abends. I would open core dumps in IPCS, follow the ASCB's and TCB's to the failing module, and disassemble the hex machine language into assembler instructions so when I checked RETAIN or called IBM support, I would be able to lead them to the exact issue, often being the very first one to discover this particular problem (or, more likely, the first one to document it sufficiently thoroughly to write an APAR).

So why am I telling this war story? Because there's no way I could have done all this core dump reading without some automation. They say necessity is the mother of invention. Well, laziness is the father of invention. So, over time, I developed a robust suite of REXX execs that not only read and formatted core dumps, but also read and formatted the common memory of the running mainframe so the LOGREC entries could be formatted (and even disassembled) the same way even in the absence of a dump. To sum it up, I was a systems programmer who actually did some programming.

Then I got into management, and gradually stopped doing so much programming for work. But then I discovered and this provided a fresh set of challenges which I met with Excel VBA code, which people have told me is a kind of torture, LOL, but is a language I know well from being known an "Excel guru" everywhere I've worked.

Now I'm retired, which is the next logical step after management. Wanting to update my programming skills, I started taking a Python course on Codecademy, which is where I saw a link to this DEV community.

rlsilvap4 profile image
Rodrigo Silva

Hey, all! Thanks for the welcome!

I'm here because in this year, i started my journey to be a dev back-end. I'm studying C# and I want to make an appointment publicly. Within 6 months I will publish my 1st project in C#, I won't say a 100% complete project, but I promise to improve my knowledge in this area.

I hope to contribute a lot to open source projects or the community itself.

Thank you, all!

mirjam profile image

Hi everyone :)
I'm pretty new to coding, and have been working on a little hobby RPG game for the past 9 months. I thought it'd be nice to give back to the framework I've been using by writing a guide about little tips and tricks I learned, so that's why I signed up. Let's hope I can produce something useful, and learn a bunch along the way

jaceroldan profile image
Jace Roldan

Hey good folks, happy to be here! 👋🏼

I'm an aspiring 🇵🇭 data scientist and an experienced web developer, but mostly just eager to learn about tech! And I've read lots of good articles from here shared on Twitter on just about anything, that's helped me on my path to being better at what I do.

Life's meant for making an impact. So, it'll be good to see some 🌞 and actually interact with people who are trying to make the world a better place. Hopefully, I'll make a little dent in the universe. ✨

So, thanks for the awesome welcome, DEV Community! Happy to share as much as I can on the platform about my journey, too! 😁

pippin__29 profile image
Daniel • Edited

HEY EVERYONE, just a regular guy here on his Arch Laptop(still figuring out why), recently I completed a 42 Piscine, and i have so many questions about where i should head and what i should do before i start the school in a few months. Who knows what ill be doing in the next 5 years, but i hope that all this effort does not go wasted. Lest i be a forklifter forever...


molikuc profile image
Alexis Ruiz

Hello everyone 👋

My name is Alexis, I'm 26 years old (wow already 26...) and I studied Web Design and graduated back in 2018. After that I chose to travel around the world. I decided that I will find a job in web in another country and my life will goes on, but .. after few months in New Zealand what I did was mostly traveling around and doing some seasonal jobs. I loved it and decided to go to Australia. Did the same... then the global pandemic arrived.

I went back to France and I was waiting to go to Canada. During that time I started to go back to web and took some Javascript courses. It was hard to get back into it. My plans for Canada change and I decided to go to South Korea.

After almost 2 years in France without doing really web developing. I arrived in Seoul. Now I'm here motivated to learn everything again. I started from scratch learned again the basics HTML, CSS, Javascript.

And right now I"m starting to get into ReactJS. I love my journey and I want to share it with you guys. So I will probably post something I learned or my thought on the journey.

So that's pretty much it. Happy to meet you and let's have some fun together.

rozaydladla profile image

Hello everyone.
I'm here to learn software engineering
Open for any help.
Struggling with data structures and algorithms in java. But hope if I unlock that everything else will be a bit easier

Compliments of the new year

mathbunnyru profile image
Ayaz Salikhov • Edited

Hi everyone! This is my first day on DEV.
Nice to be here, I really like how everyone is welcoming ❤️
I wrote a first article about Docker, Jupyter and a little bit of Github.
Please, check it out :)

adil0305 profile image

Hey folks, I am exploring world of Cloud and Devops. I have started to learn cloud and Devops from scratch and joined this community to share my learning on regular interval and to get motivation from others learning.

raphalg profile image
A. Raphael

Hello everyone. I'm a not-so-new member. I've been reading very useful posts from here for years and finally decided to join the community.

I hope to continue to learn from everyone and contribute as long as I can, though I ain't an expert yet :D.


mrogedev profile image

Howdy folks, found this site working on a project that recommended that I write a blog about the project. I am in my last year of Computer Science degree and have bee trying to work more on projects of my own. I look forward to meeting y'all.

lucanjos profile image
Lucas Santos dos Anjos

Glad to finally joining this community and starting to write some things I've experienced and did during my almost 8 years in IT, focused on DevOps/SRE, Infrastructure, Cloud and Platform Engineering, most of these years working on financial projects like Digital Banks, Home Brokers and all that stuff.
I really want to have a time to deep dive in eBPF, IDPs (eg. Backstage), CD tools, Infrastructure Provisioning/Management tools and Chaos Engineering writing some posts. I'm from Brazil, now moving to Portugal.

suga951 profile image

Hello, world!
I'm an aspiring backend dev, I mostly code in Java, JS and Python. Also, I am starting to learn Rust. I'm in my late twenties looking for a career change in something that I have been passionate about my whole life. But also I just enjoy coding and learning about programming in general, so that's why I decided to join this great community.

Thank you for reading!

lyoluein profile image

Hi, I'm Adam. Most of the people called me 'Lyo'. To be honest, I am not near to anyone's knowledge or experience of this community. Just learning to code as I love to code since I started loving to learn new things everyday starting from when I remember of my childhood.

In 2007 I started to learn Basic HTML from a book that one of my brother was learning from college. At that time I was in school. I studied some computer basic skills like Microsoft office and some basic hardware. Well not much, but I appreciate and it went well for the time being. And again, change of school after the computer lab closed for some reason.

The next two and a half year went playing around with computers that my brothers bring to home. Sometimes blowing some stuff. It really gave me a push though. And then, the real game started with challenges like some of my friends finding out about some skills from me that they don't have. So I learn to never give up and learn to gain some more skills from my brothers while they use the computer. Before I realize, I became great at photoshop, Corel draw, zed brush, Auto CAD, and many other tools like a pro.

Days past, a few months later, on the second semester of my 9th grade, I was at the top of students examined for the new computer lab of my new school. But still, I struggle a lot because I was at a higher level compare to every student in my school. And I failed to become the person that I wish to be. Actually, not just because of the level but mostly because of a huge financial crisis of my family. And I lost my track and gave a huge loop to hard work away from computer and technology.

But sincerely, I would love to become a better learner, to code, to develop, to become a software developer, a web designer. I know my story may not be worthy of knowing, but I would love to have help from anyone to improve my skills at the level that I am now.

Thank you all for the help in advance.😅

solange profile image

Hi everyone!

I'm currently a UX designer for an insurance company, but joined to expose myself to like-minded individuals. I'm interested in front-end development and UI/UX, and aim to intersect it with my passion for my music.

Feel free to check out my personal site as well as my soundcloud!

fathnakbar profile image
Fathan Akbar

Hi, I'm Fathan. I am passionate about learning new things and finding solutions to problems through the creation of useful software programs. I plan to use this platform to share what I have learned about technology, as I believe that teaching is a great way to learn. Thank you for having me!

Reach me if you have great posts!

apsessoms profile image
Pender Sessoms

3 years in Network Admin and I am wanting to take my career further and learn new things. Currently taking a Udemy course on Python. Transitioning service member from the Army. Happy and excited to be here! Searching for a more user friendly way to keep a portfolio of my progress until I learn enough to create a professional GitHub portfolio. Thank you!

asiyyah22 profile image

Hi everyone!!! I'm a newbie in tech. It is the beginning of my transition to tech world. I hope it will be an inspiring journey for me, and to grow along with amazing people here. Nice meeting you all!

mnmartin22 profile image

Hello everyone!
I am very new to this, I am currently in the beginning stages of my first coding class. This realm is all new to me, my previous schooling was all for teaching. So I feel almost like I'm learning a foreign language. With that said this is a very fascinating field and I am really interested in learning new things. I look forward to learning so many new things from such a diverse community!

anjanna profile image

Hello everyone! This is my first time visiting this community. Thank you for the welcome. I love learning and always wanted to start writing blogs which is what brought me here. Hoping to find amazing people and learning here!

joannaneves profile image

Hi! My name is Joanna, and my story has always been filled with curiosity and knowledge. Since I was a child I loved learning new things. As technology advanced, I fell more and more in love with everything changing around me, changing with me.
I currently work as a junior back end developer

kcscript profile image
Ovu Samuel

Hello there! Good to be here. I am currently learning javascript and have issues with logics. I assume that understanding logic is key to attempting most javascript challenges. I came here to see if I can get help or any resources I can study to improve on it. I hope to enjoy the community above all.

shrsv profile image
Shrijith Venkatramana

Hello everyone, great to be here :) I'm Shrijith, founder at Hexmos and primary author of a FOSS API manager Lama2. I've joined the community to keep myself informed about various dev related topics, and also to write about my tech explorations. My first post on Lama2 is here

mohit0303 profile image
mohit mishra

Hello to all superhero here🙋🏻‍♂️

Myself Mohit a Lead Cloud Architect with 9yrs exp.
Beside work, busy in writting Blogs about complex topics about Cloud and Devops by linking them with our day-to-day thing we do.

Like explaining docker & kubernetes using a Selfie🤳🏻 example posted recently

Happy learning to all !!

nsong profile image

Am new here

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

sunnybhambhani profile image
Sunny Bhambhani

Hey folks, nice to meet you all! I'm looking forward to having a fantastic time here!

PS: I enjoy writing technical articles in my spare time. Please read it over and feel free to add or correct anything that is missing :)

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Obi wan Hello There

snowowl profile image
Snow Owl

Hi all, we're, a network management platform that gives request-level insight to users, and allows for easy routing.

Our mission is to make network management 90% easier, especially for deploying microservices.

mtstarling profile image
Matheus Starling • Edited
print('Hello World')
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
akkuraten profile image
Zaira Chupalaeva

Image description

garbanea profile image
Dovile Miseviciute

Hi everyone! Nice to join you and hope to connect as we continue to improve out project management tool Teamhood.

jazk profile image

Hi there 👋 finished my web development Bootcamp recently. Searching for mentoring, new ideas and I have much more to learn 😀

learicist profile image

Hello all! New here. Really grateful to @yuridevat for trying to help me with a question I have about a post she made. Happy New Year!

darkmortal profile image
Saptarshi Dey

Happy new Year folks ✌🏻

Image description

jmhupfer profile image

New here, coming in doing pre-work for a coding bootcamp I just recently enrolled in

surajmustapha2 profile image


safspaceframe profile image
Xuzhou SAFS Steel Structure Engineering Co., Ltd.

Hello everyone, I am SAFS steel structure space frame, I am very happy to join DEV to learn new knowledge, I wish you all gain something!

andleeb profile image
Md. Andleeb hashmi • Edited

Hi all. I am currently working in technology consulting,I want to be a good front-end developer. I have knowledge of react with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Nice to meet you all!

s4ng3r profile image
s4ng3r • Edited

Hi, I'm a coder ✌️

penned profile image
Victor Okenwa

It's good to be here

anthony_lanier_81ca38846c profile image
Anthony Lanier

Thank you happy to be here

sarkcesscoins profile image

new here still trying to be good at being a front end web dev hopefully i find a help mate that gets along with me and javascript

imadepeter2 profile image

I'm new here. Trying to solidify my React skills and learn from brilliant minds here

web3_chiranjib profile image

hey all i m new here

prexie0 profile image

Hello everyone, it's great to be part of this community! Please engage in my post. Thank you

iamfarooqi profile image
Atta Ur Rahman Farooqi

Hello everyone this is Atta Ur Rahman Farooqi MERN stack web developer and blockchain enthusiast, any suggestion for polishing my skills in the required fields.

polars profile image


sahilbalia profile image

I am Sahil, new here and I want to learn computer science. I came here after seeing youtube video of quick support.

anupamlaboratory profile image


yawalinux profile image

hello guys,nice to have you! let's share our knowledge in abundance thanks...

joseacode profile image
José Antonio

Hello. How are you?

betamil profile image

Hi i am engineer and i develop in java and angular

atep6 profile image

It's good to be here

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
dumboprogrammer profile image

Welcome! An awesome journey is waiting ahead for you!

salvation_m profile image
Salvation Maduka

Being here is a big pleasure..
And I hope to meet and connect with like minds..
That will help me grow in my frontend development journey.

My regards and respect to every one developer here..

msleader profile image

Hey, I am here to join a social network that really reflectmy interests

adebobajoinioluwa profile image

I am an aspiring full stack developer, I am currently mastering JavaScript. I write clean python and I am trying to grasp my feet in CSS.

solankidixit profile image

Hello all,
I'm happy to join this community

dumboprogrammer profile image

Welcome to Dev!

npithia profile image
Nishant Pithia

I am a technical lead working for Adobe focused on Adobe experince platform

abhay1kumar profile image
Abhay Kumar

This is Abhay from Delhi,
I'm a beginner in web development.

10xyz profile image


pavan2002k profile image


ronhedwigzape profile image
Ron Hedwig Zape


michael2tavares profile image
Michael Tavares

Olá, obrigado pela recepção.

kande profile image
kande drivano

Hi everyone, I just started learning code (HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT)

And I'm new to this platform.

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Welcome to DEV

obasi042 profile image
Obasi Nwosu

What are the most significant challenges facing software developers today?

techabdull profile image


nyekopaul profile image
Nyeko Paul

Thanks to be here I believe I am now home, may I expect to kick start my dream

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Welcome to DEV

acourage369 profile image

Hello 👋, I'm Courage a beginner python developer.
I am willing to learn more💪

acourage369 profile image

Hello 👋

prisy profile image
Patrick Princess

I am prisy and i am happy to be in this platform. Am here to gain more knowledge on IT. I will really appreciate all help i can get.

sarancodes profile image
Saran Kumar

Hello Everyone

maggiemaus profile image
Maggie Habel

Hi guys :) happy I found this community ❤️

asquare952 profile image

Hi and thanks for the welcome
am new here and am a beginner and am still on the html and Css basics and would love to further more on Codeing that why am here and thanks for the welcome ones again

luigifish profile image
Luigi Pesce

Hi to all!

Let's make this 2023 a great coding year! 👨🏻‍💻

bagashiz profile image
Bagas Hizbullah

Hello! I am starting my blogging journey here, pleased to meet you all!

sirinshetty profile image
Siri N Shetty

Hey folks, nice to meet you all! Looking forward to having a great time here!

dumboprogrammer profile image

Welcome to Dev!

toddbradley profile image
Todd Bradley

Howdy from lovely Colorado. I just joined, so hi! I've been developing software since about 1989, with gaps for a decade-long career in technical management and some world travel.

semira profile image
Semira Fernando

Hello there! I'm learning Python :)

kennedykachi profile image
Kennedy Onyekachi Isiguzoro

I just joined, and I'm glad to be part of this community

kaisaluo profile image

Hello guys, I'm glad to be here, in this great community!

terabytesoftw profile image
Wilmer Arambula • Edited

Hello everyone, thanks for maintaining this community, i will try to contribute my grain of sand, greetings to all.

techwithankush profile image
Ankush Yadav

Welcome everyone

umairasaddev profile image
Umair Asad Khan

Hey folks, great to have you!.

kodepie profile image
Safi A

Glad to be here and learn.

namestarlit profile image
Paul John • Edited

A tip from someone on twitter:
coding tip: be consistent

paobuji profile image

Hello everyone

alexlili profile image

Hi, everyone. I am learning JS and Node.js. I will do my best.

abdussalam53 profile image

hello I'm new here

emela_williams profile image
Chiemela Williams

Hey guys, I'm glad to be here.

joshuakasana profile image
Kasana Joshua

Hello, am glad to be part of this community, looking forward to learning from you and also possibly help when necessary

codewave profile image
muhammad hasan

Super ****

mfahadiqbal profile image
M Fahad Iqbal

Welcome to all, You must have to read this article it's amazing, ChatGPT: A Powerful Tool for Developers

bcxy007 profile image


rodrigolimaanizewski profile image

Hi my name is rodrigo and I have a dream of working with programming, I'm currently learning Html and CSS for Front-End

mosesarchibong8 profile image

Hello everyone, I just joined

hikay_smart profile image

My name is hikay_smart
Am a graphic designer and an online coach

justfidel profile image

Hi, I'm Fidelis a young web developer and I would love to learn from you guy... I come in peace✌️

adesina_ini profile image
Inioluwa Adesina

Okay, I've followed you.

bimmerinosnl profile image


spamdalfz profile image


denjisnightmare profile image
Mikhail Govender

Greetings All! I’ve always been interested in the articles on this site and thought I should commit to reading them more and learning more 🤟🏽

saad_saad_3a47d0a5eff6bf6 profile image
Saad Saad

Greetings! I just joined this site, and expected to be one of the older members and learn more from your posts!

mgill404 profile image


I am looking to interact with other wanna-be micropreneurs. Is there a space within the community for me to plug into?

codevirtuoso profile image
Tadiwa Carlton Chiwele

Hi Jose, we are neighbours I am from Zimbabwe :) Nice to meet you!!

user_c6e723a70b profile image

Hi Everyone…..AMRITANSHU this side…joined today only…looking forward to meaningful interactions

chakradharip profile image

Great feel..Dev journey restarted..

arcxevodov profile image
Artur Archevodov

Hi! I'm new to programming, learning Go and Linux. By the way, you can rate the article on my page ;)

codekingmike profile image
Michael Idam

Hello Devs, great to be here. Just started my journey becoming a Full-stack Developer.

bryhim4code profile image
Mohammed Ibrahim

Hello 🤩 what do we do here for fun ?

woolliedev profile image

Hey guys,
Iam here to learn about web dev and blockchain development!
Looking forward to making quality content and all for you!

ld52 profile image

I'm new

codevirtuoso profile image
Tadiwa Carlton Chiwele

Hello World :)

Super excited to be joining this awesome community


adesina_ini profile image
Inioluwa Adesina

Hi guys. I'm 17 years old. I'm a beginner in web development. I just finished learning HTML and I'm currently learning CSS. I'm looking forward to becoming a web and app developer in the future.

spacetopher profile image
Chris Muñiz

Hey everyone! I'm currently working through the Odin Project curriculum and learning vanilla JavaScript. I am excited to be here and I hope to make friends in the community and contribute!

colinavr profile image
Carter Hill


harounqer profile image
Haroun Qerdachi

Hello I'm Haroun form Morocco, and I'm here to learn now stuff :)

monk102 profile image
Mayank Pawar


sunnyinspired profile image
Sunday Elesi

Hi everyone, I am happy to be part of this platform.

iswazilamanyamande profile image
Philani Thwala

Awe✌🏿 No one told me about this platform, not even my Playstore suggestion. I guess because I am new to coding.
Hi, again Dev community 🙌🏿

libet profile image

hola! I'm new in the industry - months in, but eager to learn and immerse myself in this world!

alue profile image

Lydia Hallie's great posts about JavaScript visualization bring me here!

dumboprogrammer profile image

Welcome to Dev !

kaviyarasanmg profile image
Kaviyarasan M


deerfox1 profile image
tanjiro Kamado • Edited

thanks for the nice email i am glad i am now part of this communtiy i came here to learn about advanced coding to help with my cyber secuirty for my job :)

hkn0509 profile image

Hi, I'm glad of entering in this community. I wish to learn and help others.
Thank you very much.

sammylaw23 profile image

I'm happy to join this wonderful community

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

alondubuisi profile image
Alo Ndubuisi

Hello, senior colleagues in the house, am glad to be part of this community

niclassg profile image
Niclas Gleesborg

I'm new here. Previously a Unity developer, but now developing for web.

saheem346 profile image

hi all

fardal profile image
Muhamad Fardal Akter Min Gali

Hi everyone, just found out this platform. Hope i will learn more. I'm looking for dev friends as i don't have one :)

unitedsolz profile image
unitedsol zain

Thank you for having me

naingyeoo profile image
Naing Ye Oo

Happy to be a member of this community.

dkoleev profile image
Dmitry Koleev

Hello here! I glad to join this lovely community.

maniactech profile image
Abhishek Jain

Hi everyone, Abhishek here from India....

Frontend engineer from Mumbai... here to meet some folks from the tech background and read more about tech in general...