DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v50 staff on November 27, 2019

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
zigabrencic profile image
Ziga Brencic

Hey, ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Ziga, a physicist ๐Ÿ˜ฌ , self-thought coder, from Europe, Slovenia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ. I am looking forward to sharing my experience from data analysis in C++ and python.

Since last year I've been exploring web stack and vanilla coding. So if there's anyone interested in software with a minimal amount of code let me know ๐Ÿ˜‰

omarsteam profile image

Hello, Ziga!! Anywho, a physicist and a programmer? That's cool. I'll definitely let you know in term of interest in software. I'm currently a beginner in Javascript. Are you an expect in it?

ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

I'm currently a beginner in Javascript

You should check out You Dont Know JS (it is free). The author is currently writing the second edition but the first edition is still a good resource.

GitHub logo getify / You-Dont-Know-JS

A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.

You Don't Know JS Yet (book series) - 2nd Edition

This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language.

To read more about the motivations and perspective behind this book series, check out the Preface.

Premier Sponsor

This edition of the YDKJS book series is exclusively sponsored by Frontend Masters.

Frontend Masters is the gold standard for top-of-the-line expert training material in frontend-oriented software development. With over 150 courses on all things frontend, this should be your first and only stop for quality video training on HTML, CSS, JS, and related technologies.

I teach all my workshops exclusively through Frontend Masters. If you like this book content, please check out my video training courses.

I want to extend a warm and deep thanks to Marc Grabanski and the entire Frontend Masters team, not only for their excellent work with the videoโ€ฆ

Mozilla Developer Network is also a great resource.

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thegourav profile image
Gurupada Das

This is the awesome book to stick with.

joancurrie profile image
Joan Currie

I love JavaScript too. :-)

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procas profile image
Pro Cas

Hey, me too, I'm also a recent learner of ECMAScript 6, let me know if we can work together. :)

zigabrencic profile image
Ziga Brencic • Edited

Hey. Thanks for the reply.

No I'm not an expert in JavaScript sorry. Though I know my way around. I learned a lot about JS from newsletter written by Chris Ferdinandi. Check it out it's free.

Hope that helps. Otherwise shoot me a PM ๐Ÿ˜‰ Oh and this might be interesting Analytics with Vanilla JS

crazyvideogamez profile image

Hey, I'm a beginner at javascript too!

mansulei123 profile image
Suleiman Yakubu

Very much interested

zigabrencic profile image
Ziga Brencic

Cool. Which part. So I know what to write about first ๐Ÿ˜‰

atrip10 profile image

Hey, Ziga. Currently, i am learning webD. How to move ahead and create good websites?

zigabrencic profile image
Ziga Brencic


Good websites is a wide question so ... What's a good website by your standards :)

I would start by learning basic HTML and CSS then try to build a simple web site using a CSS framework. A quick google search should reveal a few ;)

lenard8279 profile image
Lenard Shelby


Thread Thread
atrip10 profile image


calazansbartender profile image
Fabio Calazans

Hey Ziga! Nice to meet you.

lenard8279 profile image
Lenard Shelby


raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hey, there!

I am a full-stack JavaScript engineer with 9-year experience and CEO at CreativeIT, a software development company in Belarus. Iโ€™m responsible for technical consulting, negotiating with customers, and managing our team.

Also, I'm an active contributor to open-source and am proud that many of our products have plenty of stars on GitHub.

Here Iโ€™m going to create my own blog, share my expertise with you, discuss tech issues, and exchange ideas. Hope, I will be welcomed and become a great part of this community.)

dominikfoldi profile image
Dominik Fรถldi

There is an organization called CreativIT in my city :D But they are a non-profit umbrella association made by lots of software developer companies.

Does not hard to be a CEO as a technical person? Do not you take part too much in the technical decisions?

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

The delegation of tasks and team management help me in this issue)

paulrt profile image
Paul Theriault

Belarus? Are you located in Minsk?

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT


nsengiyunva profile image
King Isaac Nsengiyunva

Hello, thats super great.

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Thank you!)

essanousy profile image
mohamed es-sanousy

Hi I'm Mohamed from Paris, I'd like to know how you changed from development to consulting? Did you do write an article about that? What are the requirements for a technical consultant?

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hi, nice to meet you! I haven't changed: having over 9 years of experience in software development, in my company I'm responsible for managing the team and consulting on technical issues. I have a lot of expertise and knowledge regarding programming, solving business challenges, and helping clients to achieve their goals. This helps me provide great service.) Now, I'm also going to create and publish articles here (before I wrote several posts for our company's blog).

krysa2490 profile image

Hi! My name is Krystal. Took my first coding class just last month. New to coding, enrolled in a bootcamp. Want to use knowledge to create apps! Excited to be here.

ljspiek profile image
Laura Spieker

Good for you! I'm also just starting my journey - week six of a 28 week program. Best of luck and hope you're having as much fun as I am.

ashfaqshuvo007 profile image
Ashfaq H Ahmed

Great! This is just the beginning. I hope you enjoy each day while growing as programmer. Best of luck. Mate!

jacobdcastro profile image
Jacob D. Castro

That's so awesome!!! One month in is so much fun.

jshn profile image
Josh Nelson โšก๏ธ

Awesome Krystal, good luck on your journey!

alexandremmp profile image
Alexandre Pereira

Hi Krystal!

carike_b profile image
Carike Botha

Awesome welcome to the community Krystal! :)

itsnunolemos profile image
Nuno Lemos

Hey Krystal, welcome to the code world ๐Ÿ˜‰

bhagyashreee profile image
Bhagyashree Kulkarni • Edited

Hi Dev community! This is Bhagyashree. I am a Computer engineer turned into developer into mom into Founder into freelance wordpress developer into a student who wants to be a Full stack developer. ๐Ÿ˜… I am currently building my side project in MERN stack. I am also founder/developer of regional community which is specifically built for women who speak/read Marathi language. Itโ€™s built on drupal cms and it has been very popular in regional community. We currently have 1250+ registered users and about 30million page views. I love to build new things and learn new technologies. I will be looking for full time opportunities in LA or remote soon. But the imposter syndrome is very real! ๐Ÿ˜–I never feel ready. One thing that kinda dragged me down personally was getting my son diagnosed with autism. He is 9 year old and non verbal but communicates so much through his eyes! ๐Ÿ™‚ It was a very difficult journey getting back from the dark place and start having dreams about working full time again. But will get there I guess. Oh yeah, I also love to write. But I havenโ€™t really written anything related to technology except this essay right here. ๐Ÿ˜„ Hoping to start my blogging journey here.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome to the community, Bhagyashree!

I live with ADHD, and I'm raising a teenage girl with ADHD. You will find so many in the community that can relate to your challenges on some level. I wish you the best on your journey!

bhagyashreee profile image
Bhagyashree Kulkarni

Thank you so much Jesse! I was wondering this, and thought we should have a group of parents of special needs kids. I created a list on twitter for this purpose.
Let me know if anyone want to be added there.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV Bhagyashree! Looking forward to your future posts! ๐Ÿ˜‰

bhagyashreee profile image
Bhagyashree Kulkarni

Thanks Nick! I am about to buy my first Macbook and was just now reading your post about setup. :) I might start commenting there once I am done with setup.

clearwaterstream profile image
Igor Krupin

Hi! I'm working on a new product. Aspirational goal is to have zero servers (all Lambdas, event driven) and low cost data storage(S3, Aurora, etc). The back end part has been fun so far, but I got pulled in into the front end as well (React, Material, etc). Lots of learning on this front, this is what brought me here ...

alkuma profile image
เค†เคฒเฅ‹เค• เค•เฅเคฎเคพเคฐ (Alok Kumar)

pulled into frontend

Same story here. Good luck!

fly profile image

'Pulled into the front end' - very relatable :)

Welcome to a brilliant community!

jouanmarcel profile image
Jouan Marcel

Hello everyone,
my name is Marcel and I'm a frontend dev since display:grid was still named table layout ๐Ÿ˜„
I'm usually a lurker on social platforms, however I'm starting to post more regularly to share my knowledge and to stay connected with designer and developer.

Currently I'm publishing plentiful on codepen and In case you have any ideas or wishes about topics you want to read about, I'll always value direct feedback from the community.

Looking forward to it!:)

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

If you have many pens on CodePen, you can write tutos/explanations of your code. Don't be afraid to post short content. Just post! It will improve enormously your capacity to explain topics :D

Welcome to DEV!

jouanmarcel profile image
Jouan Marcel

You are right, that's a great idea. I've even gotten requests for tutorials of my pens, it would fit well with what I'm already writing.

Thank you for the welcome!

larchadrg profile image

Just a silly thing, but I found your avatar really cute!

jouanmarcel profile image
Jouan Marcel

Haha yes I do like it as well ๐Ÿ˜„ It's from the game Yoshi's Island, its whole art style is charming.

olgach profile image
Olga Chebotaryova


I'm Olga from Russia. Discovered DEV community after participating at Hacktoberfest this year.

Last 7 years working remotely using Python as a primary programming language.

Happy to join you, folks :)

ngdmau profile image
Nguyen D. Mau

Hi Olga, I hope to see your sharing of experience in python and others!

bketelboeter profile image
Brian Ketelboeter

just stated learning python and want to see where this leads me.

infinityintellect profile image
Siddeshwar Navaneetharan

Hello Olga, I discovered the DEV community from hacktoberfest as well. I couldn't have a DEV sticker on my laptop without being a member of the community. :D

pgpetkov7 profile image
Petar Petkov

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello everyone, I'm Petar a full stack web developer and pen tester, looking forward to sharing some of my insights on building and securing your web applications or websites!

The last few years I've been focused on building intranet web apps and hardening client facing portals, oh and some cool automation ๐Ÿค–.

I've avoided open source contributions and knowledge sharing far too long, looking forward to start contributing!๐Ÿ™ƒ

laurastlouis4 profile image
Laura VanLaningham


karskaya profile image

Hi! I'm Oleksandra. Learning webDev and writing about my way in twitter as karskaya and instagram as Let's connect and inspire each other!

daxsoft profile image
Michael Willian Santos

Be welcome :)

sandraahlgrimm profile image
Sandra Ahlgrimm

Hi Oleksandra! Nice to e-meet you :)

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome to the community, Oleksandra!

csbatchelor profile image
Christian Batchelor

Hey everyone! My name is Christian and I'm a self taught Software Engineer. I just got my first full-time software engineering job and I'm starting on December 2nd 2019. Working with JavaScript for the last two years has made it my language of choice, but I love learning new languages and technologies. This week I stared my journey to learn C# and .NET since my new job requires me to learn it, but I'm very excited about it because I've wanted to learn C# for awhile now.

kylehearn_nz profile image
Kyle Hearn

Congratulations on the job dude!! Good luck :)

bketelboeter profile image
Brian Ketelboeter

Dude! Congratulations. I am just beginning the self taught Soft Eng. thing now. How did you get started?

csbatchelor profile image
Christian Batchelor

My situation was very unique; I was working as a Reconditioning Manager at a car dealership, and we just started doing rentals on the side. I had been doing a lot of programming since I was 13 so I decided to make some web tools to help manage the rentals. The rentals became very profitable so the little car dealership converted to a rental car company completely and the owner asked me to design their website and build their internal tools.

I did that for about 2 years and I learned a lot. I also had a paid internship as a web developer for 3 months right before I got my current job. When I was job searching a really wished I would have gotten a degree. A lot of jobs that I wanted to apply for asked for one, but looking back on it over 90% of the companies I applied at gave me an interview because I had some experience.

The #1 thing that will get you hired over someone with a CS degree is experience. So my advise would be to go build things. Start with things that either interest you or are useful to you, maybe something that will help you be more efficient at your current job if possible.

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bketelboeter profile image
Brian Ketelboeter

thank you for your response. I agree with what you are saying: build things ('build them and they will hire you') Could make a new field of dreams' movie,computer of dreams'. build the programs and they will come'. Ghosts of Steve Jobs, von Neumann, George Boole all appearing.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
maulik profile image

Hi, It is really good that you are following community through this platform while you're studying. It's really good for you :)

rbouissey profile image
Rachael Bouissey

Hi Everyone! I used to be an analytical chemist for environmental compliance but after 12 years I decided to make a career switch. Iโ€™m a few weeks out from finishing bootcamp and I wish I had done it years ago. This is definitely what I want to be doing.

We learned JavaScript, C#, .NET core, React, and weโ€™re just about to start Redux. Then more React, an Indy project, and BOOM, out into the cold, cold world. More or less. ๐Ÿ˜

Now, having even the little bit of beginner skill I have makes me want to learn/make ALL THE THINGS and itโ€™s been tough to narrow down my scope of interest. I want to leverage my experience and Iโ€™m interested in designing better laboratory information management system UI.

Another thing Iโ€™ve thought about is automating more of my old job. Iโ€™m curious about whatโ€™s out there for automating sample prep and analysis and what writing that software looks like.

Anyway, back to studying!

anamonteiro430 profile image

Awesome mindset!

thegourav profile image
Gurupada Das

To all who are reading this๐Ÿ“–
I am Guru a full-stack dev have 9 years of experience. I am from INDIA๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ. I love anything on web-related tech stack, love, to code and solve problems. I will be happy if I can contribute something to this community.

anamonteiro430 profile image

Hello! I'm Ana from Portugal. I'm on path to become a FullStack WebDev. I loving coding and the community behind it.
I'm attending Lambda School right now and I'm excited to learn new things and always better myself.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Whale hello there!

erickhagstrom profile image
Erick Hagstrom

Hi y'all. I'm Erick, in Virginia USA. I have degrees in Physics and Systems Engineering, and am an adjunct professor in Computer Science. I've been a professional developer since 1979. Looking forward to lots of good interactions here!

coulterpeterson profile image
Coulter Peterson

Hey all! Finally created an account after seeing so much good content on this site. Got fed up with Medium's paywall and love how much open and real dev content is here. Thank you all for sharing your expertise!

jag_dip profile image
Jagdip Singh

Hello Universe! Friends call me Jag, I'm here to learn and collaborate. Currently, I am working with VR/AR-tech & integrating eye-tracking with those devices. I think reforming healthcare with a touch of technology can do wonders. I did take a Full Stack coding bootcamp in San Jose but I am not a phenomenal coder by any means, but I practice & will continue to do so until I am!

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo • Edited

Welcome Jad! That sounds interesting!

jag_dip profile image
Jagdip Singh

Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. choo choo

andrralv profile image
Andrรฉ Rodriguez

Hiii, I am Andre, I am a web engineer (Javascript/react/node mostly) from Costa Rica, although I recently moved to San jose, California where I work full time.

I am planning on writing some blog posts on service workers but I have been busy/lazy. Always happy to learn more and mentor those who are starting.

makermark profile image

Great to have you here Andre! I'll be sure to check out your posts on service workers.

rowlandrose profile image
Rowland Rose

Hi Andre, I'd read those service worker blog posts for sure!

abdellani profile image

Hi, I'm Mohamed ABDELLANI, a full stack developer. I'm more familiar with Ruby on Rails and React.js.
I'm interested on the project, and I'm planning to become a regular contributor in its Github repository.

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Hi man, welcome to DEV! I'm currently starting with Ruby. My blog is built with Middleman, and I want to edit the theme so I have to learn some Ruby understand what's going on and change it. Glad you join the community!

abdellani profile image

Hi Lautaro

Thanks for your reply :) I checked your blog, and I liked the design and the content. I hope you'll continue in that way ^

prasanjitde profile image
Prasanjit Dey

Hello DEV! I'm Prasanjit from India, an android developer working primarily with Java. I just started exploring on and found it very helpful and engaging.

Looking forward to learn more on Mobile Development, Kotlin, Python and other tech tips and ideas. Very excited to join the community! Thank you.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Welcome Prasanjit!

We're so glad to have you! ๐Ÿค—

prasanjitde profile image
Prasanjit Dey

Thanks Yechiel!
Glad to be a part of the DEV community. :)

noelie_roux profile image

Hey everyone!

I'm Noรซlie, 21 years old and I'm working as a React Front-End Developer in EdTech, but I'm also Editor-in-chief at Game'Her ( (a French association aspiring to develop a healthy environment for female players by giving them the tools they need to flourish and evolve in the fields of video games, Esport and/or audiovisual, while not locking them in an exclusively feminine environment). Feel free to contact me at !

The association have a nice website (in french only) open-source, where everyone can contribute and help us to build the perfect website ( !

I like to learn new things every day, which is why the front-end developer profession seems to me to be adapted since languages and frameworks are constantly evolving.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Bienvenue ร /Welcome to DEV! ๐Ÿ‘‹

noelie_roux profile image

Merci beaucoup!๐Ÿ’ช

abkr profile image
Abkr • Edited

Hey guys, fair amount of knowledge on webdev.
Am new here, just want to say hi to all existing fellow developers and Programmers.
Am a lab Technician who finds WebDev and Programming the fun of a life time.
Some one told me programming and development is for everyone so I put it to the test and luckily things were going good especially with Frameworks ๐Ÿ˜
Every time I learn a new features,i try to use it in my demo site and broadcast via FTP and all WiFi users nearby gets to see.
Oh and am currently tracking MySQL for depth in database management hope am on the brightside

creativesuraj profile image
Suraj Sharma


bketelboeter profile image
Brian Ketelboeter

I definitely fall into the `brand new to all things computer-related camp'. I have just started learning and choose the python book from Head 1st. Like the book and the series seems good. Really debating the benefits of learning a language first vs diving directly into a project. I know I will need to build projects and so on but to become more familiar with computing, it might be best to learn a language first. Thus better understanding the inner workings of this beast a bit better will make the project development a bit easier. It will never be easy, but maybe a bit easier.

sabinedewin profile image
BIEN • Edited

Hi my name is Sabine, I'm from Holland, 31yrs old, mom for 1 year now, retired eventmanager and very excited to become a Front-End Developer. Finished a 3mo bootcamp and now working with Mendix (lowcode), which is very usefull if you're new to coding. BUT I'm hoping to learn lots more actual coding, especially JS on the side. Hoping to learn awesome stuff here.

jennamichaels profile image

Hi, Sabine, welcome to the community!

Here's an article I found recently that has some resources for learning JavaScript for free:

It's easy to get started with JS! Good luck with your journey :)

provish profile image
Vishal Gupta

Hey, Vishal here from India, I am a passionate Web Engineer, fell in love with javascript six years back.

I am daily writing javascript and python, also tickling graphDB in free time.

Loving to be the part of this amazing community.

Eager to share my learnings and super excited to learn a lot.

Know more about me...

jacobdcastro profile image
Jacob D. Castro • Edited

Hey guys! I'm Jacob, a mostly front-end but also kind of fullstack JavaScript developer. I've been really focusing on improving my skills in React with better practices, error handling, and even Redux as well!

alextremp profile image
Alex Castells

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹ Alex here, from Barcelona - Catalonia ๐Ÿ˜€
I found this community seeing a growing number of twitted posts and thought that was an incredible place to share little bits of well-structured knowledge ๐Ÿ‘
I've got a strong knowledge in backend (Java, Spring, architecture & banking & e-invoicing platforms), Frontend (ecma6), Advertising technology & platforms, and also patterns & best practices so will try to share something when possible! ๐Ÿ’ช

fwall222 profile image
FWall_222 • Edited

I'm a self-taught web developer and I'm super excited to learn from all of you peers. Maybe I'll find the opportunity to share some valuable insights with all you as I learn and grow.

I currently work as a full-stack developer for an ISP using mysql, laravel, html/css and a whole lot of jquery and javascript.

I'm excited to learn more about vue.js, react and angular to hopefully broaden my skills.

I'm super interested in what you're all currently working on :D
Feel free to reply and brag on your work. I know that's hard for a lot of you humble beings but, go ahead anyway! :)

I'm currently restructuring the website for the ISP I work for and implementing the functionality for our visitors to build their own custom plans for internet + IPTV + VoIP + Hosting ... phew! I've got a lot of work to do!

Happy Coding Everyone!

annastasia381 profile image

Hey Dude, Just for your info learn about IPTV technologies to build a platform hope it will be useful for you

Cheers!!! Ref:

rowlandrose profile image
Rowland Rose

I've got some vue.js experience if you have any questions. Used it for a couple SPA's, and live-data widgets, and really anything repeatable / interactive / based on changing data.

kylehearn_nz profile image
Kyle Hearn

Hi, I'm Kyle. I'm a programming student, started off with Scratch in primary school (if anyone remembers that!), and learned Python in high school. I fell off the bandwagon a few years ago due to personal troubles, but I'm very excited to dive back in! I've been using freeCodeCamp to shake off the rust.

giotto_ai profile image

Hi y'all, Giotto here ๐Ÿ‘‹. I'm no real person, I'm a library. Libraries don't speak in general, I know...


I'm a library for topological data analysis (TDA)... a deep and scary corner of data-science usually reserved to mathematicians. TDA is great, and we want to make the technology accessible to the widest numbers. That's why I'm here.

Check me out on GitHub or on Twitter where we regularly publish notebooks and explanations!

Have a great day!

danifunker profile image
Daniel Sarfati

Hi, I'm Dani.

I am a Site Reliability Engineer, and have been programming infrastructure solutions since I was in high school.

Currently I'm working with C#, Kubernetes, GCP, and PowerShell. I'm focused on making technology easier to use for administration, since that way the risk is lower to make changes in large enterprises.

I am also passionate about process, metrics, leadership and mentorship (I am willing to be a mentor for someone who wants to be involved with the operational side of software engineering).

edwinsanch33 profile image

Hi! New to this industry. Finished a boootcamp a few months ago and been job hunting since. Still have a lot to learn.

Dipped my toes in JavaScript, React, and Ruby on Rails. Working part time for a wordpress site for Ultimate Frisbee players! Lots to learn but stoked.

d3m1rt45 profile image
Alican Demirtas • Edited

Hi people! Self-taught .NET developer specialising in C#, ASP.NET MVC 5, SQL Server 2016, Entity Framework 6, Bootstrap 4, jQuery, HTML and CSS. Living in London, UK.

I have just finished putting together a portfolio that demonstrates all of these skills. It will be online in a few days, after a bit of polishing.

Connect with me on LinkedIn:

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Alican! Can't wait to see your work!

katiemccaskey profile image
Katie McCaskey • Edited

Hello from Virginia, USA! I'm a code newbie and here to learn. I write about trends in DevSecOps. I'm always on the lookout for new ideas and unusual approaches, in software, but also in other creative endeavors. Got a crazy idea? I want to hear about it; chances are you're my kind of person.

trickfr1 profile image
ะะปะตะบัะตะน ะœะฐั€ะบะพะฒ

Hello, I had a fly from Kyiv to Barcelona and saw this portal on the phone of my fly neighbor. =) I am glad to be here.

laurastlouis4 profile image
Laura VanLaningham • Edited

Hi All it's taken me awhile to actually write something.. Lol trying to figure out the how to's and get in with git. I will say that I'm definitely impressed and still very new to everything under 2yrs. Very greatful to be here! Thank you

joelsonleal profile image
Joelson Leal

Hi everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹, I'm Joelson, a user interface designer from Cabo Verde just outside of West Africa. I've been designing mobile and web apps interface for 3 years and now I want to get into front-end develpment. I also know a little bit about HTML and CSS but I want to learn more and be able to design and build my own apps. I was reading this article "Become a Front-End Master in 2020 With These 10 Project Ideas" in CSS Tricks from Chris Coyer so here I am. Looking forward to learn new things. Thank you.

jpremmel profile image
Jacqueline Remmel

Hi! I'm currently a student at the coding bootcamp Epicodus in Portland, Oregon. I majored in physics in college and worked in optometry for a while. I am SO excited to be transitioning into a coding career - I'm absolutely loving it! (Except for the fact that I could really use a paycheck, I'm actually bummed that my bootcamp is almost over!) There is so much to learn and I am here to take it all in.

jshn profile image
Josh Nelson โšก๏ธ

Hey guys! ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Josh, a student-athlete finishing up university in the US. I am studying marketing but teaching myself how to code โ€“ I'm eager to learn! I'm focusing on JavaScript right now with freeCodeCamp but plan on moving to some more advanced learning in the near future! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

johanmeiring profile image
Johan Meiring

Hey there! Johan here, from sunny South Africa ๐Ÿ˜„

I work full-time as a software developer, primarily using PHP and Javascript, but I also build things with Go from time to time. I also handle our company's hosting infrastructure, all on AWS.

I'm a firm believer in the notion that a day in which one doesn't learn something new is a day wasted, so I think a community like this serves a very important purpose in sharing knowledge and experiences in order to make us all better at what we love doing. I look forward to learning with and from all of you ๐Ÿ‘

partyparrotgreg profile image

Hey, I'm Greg - product designer based in Amsterdam. I have a little to do with coding (apart from HTML, Sass and a little bit of this and that), but I'm here to change that and add more knowledge and skills with JavaScript and Vue.js development which I started to enjoy. Cheers ๐Ÿป

itsnunolemos profile image
Nuno Lemos

Hey, ๐Ÿ‘‹ My name is Nuno Lemos, I'm a Full Stack Developer from Portugal ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น who enjoys building and sharing new things on the internet ๐Ÿ˜€

With 5+ years of development experience, currently my stack is React and Laravel ๐Ÿ’ป

xenon_1101 profile image
Alexey Chernenko

Hello, I'm Alexey. A freelance web developer. Call myself a full-stack, but more a backender currently. Brought here by @jbaruch , who said it is a great community platform in his talk at DevFest Siberia.

dominikfoldi profile image
Dominik Fรถldi

Hello, this is Dominik from Szeged, Hungary. I am a software engineer with 7 years of experience, but the last 4 years are significant. That time I started to code in C#, especially in ASP.NET (then moved on to ASP.NET Core) and JavaScript/TypeScript, especially in Angular. Besides of coding I really like DevOps on the Microsoft stack like Azure and Azure DevOps.

I am a CTO of a startup called Tekrama that went live this July. It is a platform that makes the selling/buying of residential real estate easier, faster and cheaper. Right now it is only an MVP available only in Hungarian language to test the Hungarian market and refine our business model.

Being a CTO and be responsible for every technical decision and to lead the developer team is very challenging but I really like it! I would never learnt that much in a short period of time without this.

mr_excelent profile image
David Lewis

Hey๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ. I'm kinda new to programming. I've been Selflearning Python on and off for the past year and a half. I just believe I'm at a wall. Any great Python project ideas to work on to solidify what I think I've learned?

Also Selflearning web dev. About to start JavaScript. Thanks for any advice in advance.

creativesuraj profile image
Suraj Sharma

Hope you are doing good!

I am a full stack developer with 6 years of experience in building web apps from scratch. My skill set includes React, Typescript, JavaScript, and Flask.

I joined DEV community to start contributing to Open source products and share my findings in web technologies.

I would like to connect and help the community members.


sylwiavargas profile image
Sylwia Vargas

Hey Everyone! I'm Sylwia, and I'm a human rights activist and scholar turned full-stack developer. I aim to create accessible applications for everyone โœจ I code for a better world โœจ I am very interested in radical tech -- how we can use tech to advance social causes or how we can make tech a more fluffy and inclusive space. Hit me up if that's up your alley as well! โค๏ธ

My languages: JavaScript, React, Redux, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, but I also CSS and making it all good for a11y!

christanfoden profile image
Christan Foden

Hello Dev community,

Iโ€™m christan form london. I started learning javascript around 3 years ago and now Run a small development company ( we build mostly react based tools and dabble in react native also.

Our current focus is on fintech products which gives rise to some amazing data science insights and so I have also been learning python (although yet to use this in production).

Weโ€™ve just release our first ever game on IOS built in c# using unity. For anyone that has an iPhone ( itโ€™s an ongoing project and weโ€™ll be adding and developing more levels and features throughout 2020!

Iโ€™m here because I discovered an awesome d3 + react hooks video course. Iโ€™ve been looking for documentation on how to use d3 in the react environment and specifically in the new react stateless component environment and this has been great. Here is the link:

Otherwise I am keen to learn and share all things react, javascript, python, three, d3, unity, c#.

Thanks for having me and really look forward to learning and sharing.


erniux profile image
Erna Tercero Rodriguez

Hello, I am Erniux, an Actualial cientist, and developer lover. I live in America, Mexico, Quereatro city. I was driven to this site, when I was reading a jonasschmedtmann blog about shortcuts to use in VSCode. I love to develop in Ruby, and now I am programming web applications with Rails, and learning Javascript to improve my projects.

rowlandrose profile image
Rowland Rose

Hi Everyone, my name is Rowland! I'm a web developer with 7+ years PHP/MySQL/CSS, a working knowledge of Laravel/Vue, and some interest/beginner experience in serverless tech. The past year I've also been lucky enough to lead a team of 4 developers, and wow it's the biggest challenge of my career!

I'm here to connect with other people who want to make a great web product, no matter the content or technology. I love when people think creatively to make something efficiently, maintainable, and meets project specs. Great things happen when we invest time and energy into making our code, product, and presentation beautiful. Taking artisan-like ownership of what you develop is what separates good programmers from great ones.

joguirion profile image
Jose Alberto Aguirre Leon

Hello Dev community. Albert here!! Im a simple mortal and begginer coder who wants to learn a lot of IA and Web!
Im studing computer engineer earlier. so, hope i can be better day by day.
I want to learn everything! sorry my english im still learning :D

harrisonreviewedo profile image


I am one of the co-founders of Reviewedo (

A peer-to-peer reviewing platform for the recruitment industry. Our aim is to address the power imbalance between recruiters and working professionals to improve the recruitment industry for all.

If you have had an experience in the recruitment industry before, we would greatly appreciate you sharing your anonymous review here:

umar_malik94 profile image
Umar Malik

Hi guys, I'm Umar Munir from ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฐ. I have been a merchandizer, an SEO, and a Technical Content Writer among other things before I decided to leave everything for my passion and pursue coding. Because of my Communication Studies degree which is far from Computer Science unlike my interests, I decided to learn Front-End Development. Other reasons for choosing Front-End Development include; it's easier to learn, it would be an easier role to convince an HR for (for a non-CS graduate), it includes designing as well, I can test my designs in a browser without a virtual server, and I already know HTML and CSS. I want to learn Vue.js and not care about Angular or React but most of the jobs still require Angular or React so I might learn Angular first. I'm taking a professional course which ends on an introduction to Angular and till now we have reached Bootstrap. I hope we can learn and grow together. ๐Ÿ˜Š

vx0f profile image

Hey all, I'm V (*cue super cool shades transitions). I currently operate vx0f, which is my catch all for my public facing services and 'research'. Right now my homepages are bare as I prepare them for redeploy.

I've always loved programming, so I'm glad I get to do it as a job. I mostly interested in Systems programming (mostly I work on emulators in my spare time, though some of my attempts have been not so well), Game development, and generally just trying to learn as much as I can about various fields.

Looking forward to sharing what knowledge I have and learning about new and interesting things from the community. :)

spyrosko profile image

Hello, I love coffee shops, parks, and Montreal. I also love CSS and Grid. I was brought here through a link in Web Developer Monthly, written by the great and talented Andrei Neagoie. I'm looking forward to meeting other programmers.

tech_deity profile image
Tech Deity

Hey guys i am learning android , currently i am trying to make one app, its basically train app which tells the location and how much its late and who are the co-pessengers so that we can chat with them using with that app this will have feature like sharing videos , pictures

pirxdanford profile image
Clemens Scholz

Gday, just stumbled over thanks to @aspittel and this seems like a very useful site.

So I am a Datenverarbeitungskaufmann from Germany, a profession from the last millenium, which does not even exist anymore. The language I was trained on was COBOL, but most of my coding career I was busy with PHP. Since turning into a DevOps I am spending much time with Jenkins, so the other coders in the team don't have to. But trying to abuse Jenkins-X in the best ways to make it more usable for us is really quite fun.

In my private life I am a SF nerd, even published one novel and love all kinds of games (computer, board, pen and paper).

Nice to be here :-)

ducklaser profile image
Fadil Smajilbasic

Hi, I am a IT student currently on my fourth and last year of high school. I learned about during the 2019 hacktoberfest. I'm passionate about everything that has to do with IT and science. Would like to learn even more on ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿป๐Ÿ–๐Ÿป

kilianso profile image

Hey, guys! I am Kilian from Switzerland. On paper I'm a UX designer, but I always felt limited working just with design tools. So over the last 5 years, I've been diving more and more into Frontend. And here I am now, hungry for more :)

jasonbrubaker9 profile image
Jason Brubaker

Hi, I'm Jason. I'm not a software developer, but I love to tinker with new software. This is much to the frustration of my wife. I've since left one of our PCs alone so it would stay in a working state no matter what I'm up to. I would love to learn enough to be a sys admin, though I still have a lot to learn before I'd trust myself with someone's network.

rowlandrose profile image
Rowland Rose

Hi Jason! I hope you find the resources you need, go for it!

sylistine profile image
Aaron Hull

Hi! I didn't know was anything more than a tech blog until I discovered the Stack podcast. I got really hype to hear there's a social network for devs, so here I am!

I'm a C#/Unity/VR dev working contract for Oculus, doing a bunch of C++ Vulkan development in my free time.

Excited to be here! Hope to meet some cool people and learn new stuff.

joseph_malicdem profile image
Joseph Malicdem

Hi, my name's Joseph. I am studying Telecommunications Engineering at Macquarie University in Sydney and I am the President of the newly founded chapter at our uni of Engineers Without Borders Australia. I would like to expand my knowledge in web development and hone my computing skills.

I have some experience in Java, C (for Arduino projects), Python, HTML, CSS, JS with various IDEs such as VScode, Pycharm, Eclipse, Processing and VSBasic.

totally_chase profile image

Hello there! I'm a high school student who loves coding, especially when it comes to open source stuff. Currently just trying to get better with Python and Java, picked up C# and Javascript recently and looking forward to some gamedev projects as well.

mahesh_msdev profile image
Mahesh Babu Kudikala

Hi, I am Mahesh. I am a .NET web developer. I am working on ASP.NET Core 2.2 framework. I have lanched here during my online search for articles related to unit test framework for .NET Core 2.2. I would really appreciate if anyone can help me in finding the BEST unit test framework for .NET Core Web API 2.2. Thanks in advance.

ameyer66 profile image
Andrew Meyer

Hi everyone.

I have been coding for more years than I care to admit. I have always been interested in technology. Started off in electrical/electronics then moved to software development.
I have also been a system administrator, hardware repair guy, MSP tech answering help desk calls, and now back to software development.

thisonuoha profile image
Emmanuel Onuoha

Hello guys, i am Emmanuel from Nigeria i an glad to be a part of this community.

Just started coding not to long ago, so i am actually a beginner. I am a Web dev enthusiast who believes in harvesting the power of the web to bring about amazing startup ideas that will provide solutions to basic human issues.

nwajeigideon profile image
Nwajei Gideon

My name is gideon, was amazed when i saw an article on how to make logo bounce, i was surprised because i thought things like that could only be done with javascript. Been exploring vanilla js for a while now looking to build my skills and become a pro web developer. Really happy to have found this awesome community๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ–ฅ๐Ÿ’ป

rajeshboyalla profile image

I just read an awesome writeup about Asyncio in Python3. I have been searching for a good explanation from past couple of days and found this journal fortunately. Thats a good read and understood it very easily. Made me to join/follow for such awesome stuff. Keep doing ur great job dear authors. Thanks a lot. :)

carlosguzman profile image
Carlos Guzmรกn

Hello everyone!

I'm Carlos, I work as a freelancer and in last years I have been working with WordPress in almost all projects. Hopefully I can share some things and learn about some amazing trends in web development here.

In general, I am trying to learn new things for back-end and front-end development, which is overwhelming with all tools that appears every time, but let's say I am trying to focus in Angular now.

Looking forward to contribute and read your articles guys :)

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

Welcome Carlos! We're glad to have you on the site and I look forward to seeing some articles by you :)

We definitely have lots of content on Angular on this site, but I don't personally follow it so I unfortunately cannot recommend any specific authors or series to get started with. I'm sure someone here can point you in the right direction!

simonhamp profile image
Simon Hamp

Hi all. I'm Simon, another self-taught coder in London. I work mostly in PHP and Laravel. I'm working at a startup called Elvie supporting the software side of building innovative products for women's health.

I've been watching the Dev community grow from outside for a long time and thought it was about time I joined in.

I have loads of ideas but not enough time and would love to find some like-minded devs and designers who are up for trying to build interesting things.

davidhanover profile image
David Hanover

Hey there. I'm David. I'm a completely boring normal dude from the bay area. I'm into beats, records, music, hot sauce, and basketball. I write JavaScript and I'm job hunting right now, and it's brutal. If you need a brain-dead code monkey hit me up!

nwajeigideon profile image
Nwajei Gideon

My name is gideon. Saw an article on how to bounce logo, it really amazed me that it could be done with just css, i always thought it was made by javascript. Been exploring vanilla js for a while now...Really excited to have found this community๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ–ฅ๐Ÿ’ป

santoshkmr683 profile image
Santosh Kumar Mehta

Hey,I am santosh, a programmer, self motivated coder from India. I want to share my experience as Android application developer and also want to learn machine learning and enhance my knowledge where I can contribute my tech knowledge to provide solution through which people life style become easy.

keizzmann profile image

Hey,I'm Micheal from Nigeria. I'm currently self teaching myself in the field of web development. I'm learning html, css and javascript for now and I'm looking to gain more knowledge about web development as an eye opener to programming.

palcaraz profile image
Pedro Alcaraz Mayor

Hello, I'm IT Manager on Toรฑifruit, but I have been programmer for most of my professional career: Visual Basic, asp, php, etc.
Now I want to come back to program and I'm learning Laravel and Vue and I love it.

I hope to have a good level and contribute a lot ;-)

ankit986 profile image
ankit986 • Edited

Hey, I was searching how to make communication between parent and child components in React and found a solution on DEV and then I landed here.

I am Ankit Bansal, final year CSE undergrad from India.

I like learning new technology and exploring them, currently learning REACTJS.

I enjoy connecting with people and discussing new technology.

Hope to learn a lot from this platform too.

And if you need supporting hands on any of your projects I will be pleased to be that.

sergey_panay profile image
Sergey Panay

Hey, I'm Sergey, a front-end developer from Russia.
I study Flutter + Dart because I like it and want to improve my professional skills.
Also, I want to start to write sth useful things about front-end development, but I don't have any ideas yet.

gholastha profile image

Hey Dev, call me Gho. I am from Indonesia ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡จ.

Well, I come here because I want to fill my brain spaces with some functions, methods or variables.

I hopefully want to contribute here as soon as possible.

alkuma profile image
เค†เคฒเฅ‹เค• เค•เฅเคฎเคพเคฐ (Alok Kumar)

Hello! Programmer from Bangalore here. Excited to join a community dedicated to programming.

Currently finding it difficult to learn javascript and react, coming from the world of C, C++, Java, C#.

Let me see how it goes!

glevirodriguez profile image
G Levi Rodriguez

Hey, I'm Levi. Recently started a series of long drives (Thanksgiving, am I right?) and consequently, a series of podcasts. Saw the Stack Overflow podcast was rebooted, gave it a listen, and consequently heard about for the first time.

I've been shifting to focus almost exclusively on C# and .NET stuff at work for the last few years, but I've had to work with Python and C/C++, and I've delved into Rust in my spare time. I tried to write a Windows Driver in Rust recently... it didn't go well.

mahmoudrashed2505 profile image
Mahmoud Rashed

Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ, I am currently a computer science student, i am interested in anything related to tech and computers, and i am planning to specialize in security but i don't know yet what branch of security, I'm looking forward to share my learning experience and get more experience in security field ๐Ÿ˜

glihm profile image
glihm • Edited

Hello everyone,

I am very excited to join this community and look for exciting topics and discussions about coding.

I am an Embedded / Fullstack / Desktop developer.

See you then in discussions !

procas profile image
Pro Cas

Hey, I'm Proma, a software engineer fresher and fullstack web development enthusiast, I have skills in JAVA, Kotlin, C, C++, HTML, CSS, JS, Android Programming, and also a bit of Machine Learning (Predictive Analysis).

If anyone's around with similar set of skills or looking to enhance your learning through useful communication, let me know. :)

vlokeshwari profile image

hey this is lokeshwari can you do this community I am very much interested here to learn coding with you or I need your help to learn and help me I am interested in coding decoding but I have a much difficult for me because of my skills and now I am trying improving that also so I need your help guys please help me and thanks once again what is community itself and this community so I am very late but I am very excited to learn coding with you all thank you and nice meeting you guys

techmomz704 profile image
Samantha Banks

Hello, I'm Samantha and thank you for having me. I started learning about web development and how to code back in November, 2018. So far I've learned what's considered the basic coding languages (html, css and JavaScript). I am currently learning how to use git and GitHub. For me this is a career change and I can honestly say that I finally figured out what it is that I want to do when I grow up.

itepifanio profile image
รtalo Epifรขnio

Hi, I'm รtalo, a web developer from Brazil. I'm current looking for find myself in my graduation in computer science, so I'm curious about a lot of thing, particularly in statistic, data structures and algorithms.

ngdmau profile image
Nguyen D. Mau

Hello everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹, my name is Mau. I am a junior data engineer in Hanoi, Vietnam. A friend in my college showed me this site and then I found it really interesting. I hope I can learn more new things and contribute things as well to this community.

Now I work mainly with python and I really love optimizing the codes, make it condensed but clean and clear.

skapral profile image
Kapralov Sergey • Edited

Hi, I'm Sergey Kapralov, a Java developer from Russia, the author of, where I investigate matters, related to OOP in general (and Elegant Objects in particular), and maintainable software design in Java.

chetann_02 profile image
Chetan C Naik

Hey, Myself Chetan Naik
I am currently pursuing undergrad computer science. I am good at C and Java.
Currently learning python, ML, and web development.
I have not created any big project yet and want to do so which is one of yhe reason I m here.

devtechk profile image

Hello Folks! I'm new here in I landend here because i was googling "how to learn and improve my skills" and also "how to don't give up to learn to code" the result is (
Actually I'm a Front-end developer starting seriously like 3-4 years ago.
Now I'm looking what are my weaknesses in coding and making them stronger.
I hope to find here a community, so we can help each other to grow up consistency.

Can't wait to start with all of you!

Thanks Antonio

ahsanhoque profile image
Md Ahsanul Hoque

This is Ahsan, lives in Helsinki, Finland from Bangladesh. Since last 4 years, I have been exploring ruby and ruby on rails and now I am focusing on learning Go. I am here to share my experience and also will try to learn something related with Go, k8s, docker and microservices.

I already found this a very helpful platform to learn new things.

texarr profile image
Daniel Pietrucha


I'm Daniel, frontend-developer, JavaScript enthusiastic. I want to make progress in front and backend either, looking for some stuff with node.js and vanilla JS. I also write some in angular and react.

saxode profile image

Hello guys, I am an 11 years old programmer, engineer, photographer, composer, saxophonist and a designer from Taiwan, I code in Arduino, C, HTML, CSS, JS, Python, VBA, I am now learning C++, happy to meet you guys!

armandohimselff profile image
Armando Arteaga

Hey everyone, ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Armando, a startup business owner and self-taught developer from Detroit. ๐Ÿ’ฏ I'll be spending most of my time programming and moving between Detroit, Chicago, and Atlanta for 2020.

If you happen to be in the area and want to talk over tea โ™จ๏ธ or coffee โ˜• about business or code, lmk.

subhankars profile image
Subhankar Sarkar

Hey, This is Subhankar Sarkar. I love to code and always in search for innovative way to solve problems. Iโ€™m here to learn more about -how the community is solving complex problems in an intuitive and interesting way.
Iโ€™m interested in contributing and learning more on the areas like Azure, DevOps, .NET Core and C#.
Happy learning.

kailashvetal47 profile image
Kailash Vetal

Hi I am KV. I played a lot of video games. Learn programming because of video games. I worked as a game programmer for Ubisoft for some time. Now I am working as Unity Developer for Dassault Systemes.
I have a great interest in UI, UX, Automation and Software development practices.
My favorite programming language is lua.

auniversebeyond profile image
Furkan E.

I'm a self-learning high school student. If I can go abroad in university, I think to master in computational physcis. I also have a long-standing math background. I hope everything goes fine and I can learn the art of programming.

lewwadoo profile image
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Currently I am working on the code to build CSV from several JSON responses in elisp to align the data in a spreadsheet form. I am surprised that I could not find any already made modules in elisp for such a task.

sinkopuba profile image

Hi! I am Sink, a self-taught developer. I work mostly with JavaScript, Nodejs, React and Angular. I have benefitted immensely from the posts here at So I have decided to be a part of the community to share my thoughts and learn much more from others.

hyt589 profile image
Yutong Huang

Hi, I'm a CS student at Case Western Reserve University. I study software engineering at school and most of my work/internship experience involves web development. My main language is Java (for back end) and I am currently learning JavaScript for front end.

My current tech stack: RDBMS + MyBatis/Hibernate + SpringBoot + Node + React.

I am also interested in other CS subjects as well, especially computer graphics and AI/ML, but I have limited experience with them. So if anyone has learning resources regarding these topics please let me know.

ryanfoo profile image
Ryan Foo

Hi guys!

I'm Ryan, a computer science student from Singapore. I currently am at a blockchain accelerator in SG. Been levelling up my HTML CSS skills. Learning Javascript. Done some game dev for fun previously. I enjoy Python very much, and want to advance further doing more technical work!

nsedrickm profile image
Ngwa Sedrick Meh

Hi, I am Sedrick from Bamenda Cameroon . I have been learning web development for the better part of a year now. I have learned alot both on my own and with the help of a few people i've met so far. I didn't know there was a cool community called DEV. Only found out after hacktoberfest this year.My second time participating. Happy to be here.

leonix33 profile image

Currently nurse and changing careers. Taking aws ,gcp and azure at the same time. Any advice
I have some c# coding experience. Self taught
Any advice on how or what to do as far as completing this and landing a job

akhilmukkamala profile image
Akhil Mukkamala

Hello Devs,

I'm a Full Stack Engineer. I would love to explore products and build products on free time, I'm so lazy to complete building a product. So, I always leave a product half coded. Yea, I know I should change that. Worked on Frameworks such as Electron, React Native, Ionic etc.

Main Stack: JavaScript, NodeJS, Angular, MongoDB.

Thought of start posting in dev since so long, But again, as I said I'm lazy I couldn't. Let's see how it goes. These days was busy in building a product. Let's see If I can contribute myself to the community.

allvatus profile image
รlvaro Martinez • Edited

Hi! My name is รlvaro, and i'm a programmer from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I'm interesting talk about open source projects. Nowadays i'm focused on learn more Python, NoSQL and AWS ecosystem. I hope contribute and learn with all of you.

muhymenulhaque profile image
Muhymenul Haque

Hey people, I am a self taught programmer and I actually came here to know about other developers and the other reason is to learn data structures and algorithms in C++. Can someone give me some suggestions on online courses to learn it in C++. I would help me a lot....

saurabhw29 profile image

Hey guys ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚, i am Saurabh, i am entry level web developer and wants to get the knowledge of new things in coding . I have good knowledge of php , javascript and databases like SQL and Mongodb . So if i have some sort of problem help me with that . Thank you โœŒ

j2112o profile image
Joshua Otwell

Hi all. I'm Joshua, a Pipeline Survey Data Analyst. I'm highly interested in SQL, Python, and Technical Writing. I am a devout blogger, fantasy novel reader, and love daily walks/hikes. I plan to migrate more into a SQL Developer role as my skillset grows as that is where my passion lays.

mxrachel profile image

Hi, I'm Rachel. I've long been a hobbyist programmer. I am not a master of any particular language, but I'm generally familiar with most of the C Family Tree (Pascal, C/C++/C#), PHP, and Python.

I have recently become interested in programming again. I'd like to modernise my understanding of C++. I am a strong proponent of permissive software licenses.

I don't tend to ask many questions because usually I can find the answers on google through searches. I can answer some general questions, but nothing specific.

Thanks for having me on board!

brucetushabe profile image

i found about you as i was searching through the internet about Hobbyist programmers. I think you are awesome

mutofrans profile image

Hi I'm Murat,
I'm a software developer with 1 year of experience.

I'm learning&doing React as well as sharpening my JS skills.

How do you keep up to date to the latest technologies? Which web sites are you following?


maulik profile image

Hey, I'm Maulik. I am Sr.Programmer Analyst with 2 years of experience at Argusoft. Like most of other developers I love Javascript too, I came to contact with this by the facebook page and I love reading the blogs and thoughts of other developers.

I love to explore new technologies and I am sure that I can discover it here.

bolajahmad profile image

Hello I'm Bola and I'm new here. I'm a frontend developer but I recently started looking into Nodejs. Actually I'm more like a JavaScript enthusiast it gets me excited so I'm up for anything JavaScript.
I'd be more than willing to share my success and failures with you all and hope you lead me to more success

pedroharuo profile image
Pedro H Takahashi

Hello, I'm Pedro, an engineer, from Brazil. I have interest in topics like ios App development, machine learning. I usually code for fun. Any recommendations for personal projects to learn more? Thanks, everybody.

balbonits profile image
John Dilig

Hello, I'm John, a front-end developer from Los Angeles, CA, USA! I just want to know what's up in the software/web dev world we live and work in.

To be honest, I've been feeling that there's more and more things that I have to know, but not enough time or energy to put my focus on. It has hit me that I am getting slower with picking up these new information, and I'm fearing that I'll be out of the loop, and a job, very soon.

Well, that's me venting out my frustrations! I am looking forward getting everyone's perspectives here.


mrquiz profile image
Maciej Zarฤ™ba • Edited


My career started as a PHP developer, which was kinda hard and steep road. Currently, I'm proficient in the backend, frontend, and DevOps stuff. As for now, I'm a Salesforce Developer.

For two years I've looked for cool things around that I can hook up as a new interesting project. That passion pushed me in process automation, which resulted in the creation of a CI tool. It handles unnecessary Debug/Console Logs in the project. As of fellow developers, I like to help those who need help and create tools that improve the overall work of a dev team.

sharky profile image
Shakir • Edited

Hey there, I'm a systems admin and aspiring developer living in Baltimore,MD. My love for creating (mostly art and music) has led me to switch over to the development side of things and I've been having a blast! If you wanna talk music or cars i'm your guy!

jjohnson45 profile image

Hello, I'm JD, a student at Operation Spark in New Orleans studying Javascript. I'm looking forward to sharing the knowledge that I've acquired from my classes here in this program, to the rest of you. Hopefully, I teach, or refresh your memory on certain topics well enough to be concise and comprehensible. Always open for corrections & discussions. Follow and enjoy!

aspatra profile image

Hey, I am apatra, python coder, from India(the land of diversity). I am looking forward to learn and share my experience in networking with python. Exploring into the fields of machine learning if anyone can help me out with that, it would be an immense help.

dorneanu profile image
Victor Dorneanu

Hi there,

I'm Victor, a Security Engineer living in Berlin, Germany ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช (originally from Romania, ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ด). I used to code in C and X86 ASM some years ago. Now I mostly code my stuff in Golang and Python. I'm interested in Serverless, FaaS and all kind of Security related topics.

Some resources:

I'm excited to join this community :)


beebeewijaya profile image
Bee Bee Wijaya

Hello, I'm Bee Bee Wijaya, Software Engineer from Indonesia. I'm looking forward to learn more about tech and currently i'm really interested on Web Performance like CRP and any other things like how we create a HPBN

thepuerprogrammer profile image

Hi, I'm Jesse! I've spent a decade making music with software, and when I got curious about how it all works somehow I ended up in school for CS. Every little victory feels like an ocean of growth, but then I look out at the water and see it was only a drop. I really enjoy C++, coding challenges, and I'm looking to tackle my first project. I feel like I'm in the "don't look down" phase of my journey, and I'm trying to put one foot in front of the other.

nilutpolk profile image
Nilutpol K

Hello everyone! I am Nilutpol Kashyap. I am a 2nd year CSE undergraduate student. I love machine learning, artificial intelligence and Robotics. I like to make robots and stuff during my free time.

Looking forward to contribute something towards the community.

calmesam01 profile image
Sanyam Sareen

Hey developers, I am Sanyam, a Master of Applied Computing Student (MAC) at the University of Windsor, Canada. A big fan of Machine Learning, Linux and AWS. Open to internship opportunities starting fall 20.

calazansbartender profile image
Fabio Calazans

Hi Everyone! Fabio here! Itโ€™s a pleasure to meet you all! Iโ€™m a CS student in UK following a programming passion. Iโ€™m a JS beginner but very enthusiastic about this powerful language! looking forward to interact with you!

rascal_b_ornery profile image
Mickey Pierce

Looking forward to being in the community

jameshawkinss profile image
James Hawkins

Hi! I'm James, I'm a teenage self-taught coder from England. I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge in different areas and branching out into other areas of development.

At the moment I'm most experienced in PHP/Python with a little bit of Java. I'm working on learning Node.js and improving my Java too. I mostly work in web development.

stephdb profile image
Stephanie ๐Ÿ”ฎ

Hey everyone! I'm Stephanie and I live in L.A.

Over the summer, I was feeling really bored and mentally unstimulated in my job so I started teaching myself web development. By August, I decided to quit my job and I enrolled in a six-month coding bootcamp. Looking to start applying to jobs in the New Year and relaunch my career.

Decided to join DEV because I love the diverse experiences folks here have and it's also comforting to read about other people's career change or bootcamp journeys. Looking forward to joining a new platform that can hopefully supplement my Twitter addiction.

sebastiannadir profile image

Hi there!! Iยดm Sebastian from Chile, sumerging into devops. Do you guys can recommend some tools who can help me to take the best decision about continuous testing & monitoring? If some of you have been taken good experiences with that onboard on your projects, I will happily read your thoughts. By now Iยดve been using BlazeMeter with RunScope!!


mikolaj_kubera profile image
Mikolaj Kubera

Hi, I'm Mikolaj, a web dev lecturer, art lover, and now trying my luck with indie hacking :-) My stack lately has been JS, Node and Mongo, but now I'm exploring Elm with something serverless (Zeit Now, Amazon stack). Falling in love with functional programming, so I'd love to try something like Wookie web server (Common Lisp) _. Would love to connect with some FP programmers.

fosterhaines_73 profile image
Foster Haines

Greetings, I'm Foster and I work for a software company owned by a reference laboratory in New Mexico. I am joining this community because I have enjoyed the weekly emails for a while now and figured that I should contribute and comment on the great articles. I'm growing as an Angular, TypeScript, Node developer while supporting legacy .NET applications.

rishabhpro profile image

Hello , ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ myself rishabh a computer science student from New Delhi, India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ I am very interested in Competitive programming โฐ not very good at it but still learning ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป .
Learning flutter ๐Ÿง  I would really appreciate if anyone can help me with this ๐Ÿ˜Š .
So let's grow together as community ๐Ÿ˜Ž

makahernandez profile image
Marรญa Hernรกndez

Hello folks!

I'm Maria from Colombia. I'm an electronic engineer and a passionate maker who loves to share general knowledge about the Internet of Things (IoT) through tech communities; sharing knowledge is the best way to learn ;)

I've developed a couple of IoT projects with C/C++, Python, and Javascript under different hardware platforms such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Particle, among others. Also, I've tinkered with different communication protocols and standards specialized for IoT such as MQTT, Sigfox, LoRaWan to name a few.

I joined DEV because it's a really cool platform to connect with developers, to get inspired by reading your experiences, and keep sharing my knowledge!

tudorceornea profile image

Hey guys! My name is Tudor, I'm a front-end Romanian developer for 5 years now and I discovered by accident and i think i can learn A LOT from you guys, hopefully you can learn a lot from me too. All the best from the other side of the world :D

siljanoskam profile image

Hi, I'm Magdalena. Software engineer by profession. Books, languages, teaching and art fanatic by nature.

I've been working in the field of web development for something more than 3 years so far and I came here to exchange ideas and knowledge.
I'm familiar with the stack of PHP (with Laravel), TypeScript, Vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS (as well as SCSS), jQuery and recently I've been getting into React.

Happy to join you, guys! :)

jennamichaels profile image

Hi, I'm Jenna. I'm a self-taught front-end web developer. I'm no expert, and I love learning more! I feel the best way to learn is by building, running into the things you don't know, and continuing to build...

I enjoy working with React & JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and Python3 (first language). I'm currently doing freelance work, but am looking to start my career in the field of front-end development (hopefully remotely).

I'm here because I'm frequently reading articles, and finally decided to join! Looking forward to interacting with this diverse community :)

dgmann profile image
DGMANN • Edited

Hi iโ€˜m Paul from Germany! Iโ€˜m a Frontend-Developer and i love to play with VueJS. I always searching for the easiest way to solve problems, but never the quickest.
Thanks for having me! ๐Ÿ˜Š

balvinder294 profile image
Balvinder Singh

Hi everyone, my name is Balvinder Singh, working as a full-stack developer and DevOps at Working as a part-time blogger to share my experiences of code and solving issues so no one have to face the same.
Angular and spring lover, working on both from long, Also working with Jhipster. Blogger on

vladignatyev profile image
Vladimir Ignatev

Hello, community.

I am Vladimir. I do web stuff using Python and JS. Django user since v. 1.3.
Actively trying to apply Rust for my needs in crypto, ad-tech and high performance web apps.
Sometimes I break things with disassemblers, sniffers and hex editors.

Hope I will become a good part of the community.

sattamatka_w2m profile image
umesh yadav

Good Post, I am a big believer in posting comments on sites to let the blog writers know that theyโ€™ve added
something advantageous to the world wide web
satta matka and
matka 420 get your
reddy anna book

devmitanshu profile image
Mitanshu Holkar • Edited

Hello Everyone! Myself Mitanshu and I am a Computer Science student pursuing B-Tech from SVKM's STME NMIMS, Indore, India. I have a knowledge of C, C++, Python and want to learn and explore more languages and new technologies to build myself as a good software developer.

wappsolu profile image
Gautam Sharma

Hi, I am Gautam Sharma, a computer science freak having expertise in C, C++, Java Programming, Dot Net. Other than this I am search engine Optimziation Expert in India and founder of

vivek_seoexpert profile image
Vivek Sharma • Edited

The author is the Director and Best SEO Expert in India and Digital Marketing Expert in India, a Best SEO Company company in India. With experience of more than 5 years.

Our Primary services are:-
โ€ข Search Engine Optimization
โ€ข Social Media Optimization
โ€ข Online Reputation Management
โ€ข App Store Optimization
โ€ข Local SEO
โ€ข Pay Per Click
โ€ข Web Design & Development and more

arist0tl3 profile image
Sean (Diddy)

Hey all, I'm Sean, a self-taught full stack JS developer working at Koji in San Diego, CA!

ausmshubham profile image
Shubham Singh
shadyrudy profile image
Rudy Rodarte

Hey y'all. SQL Server DBA checking in. I've been working with SQL Server since 2003, back when DTS packages were the norm! Since then, I've worked with SQL Server Reporting Services and SQL Server Integration Services.
But the world is changing, and there is so much more to learn, now.

So, in addition to the new features in SQL Server 2019, I'm also looking at Node, Anglular, TypeScript, and MongoDB. There is a lot to learn!

abmsourav profile image
Keramot UL Islam

Hello World,
This is Sourav. I'm a professional WordPress Developer.
I'm looking forward to sharing my experience with WordPress and also want to learn more about WordPress, PHP, Python, and JavaScript.

ascaliko profile image

Hay, ๐Ÿ‘‹ I am Ascaliko, a newbie software developer ๐Ÿ˜ญ, love coding, from indonesia, Bekasi, and since last year I have been exploring full stack javascript.

mkhb654 profile image
Muntaz Kaleem

Hi all,
I m Roger, previous co-founder who has extensive work in building applications in the healthcare world.

My current passion is to heading on tour late next year. I am looking to build a marketing machine, using bots, AWS services, and leveraging machine learning. Come say hi, and join me on my journey where we can build beautiful products for musicians and creative minds.

jrmoller profile image
Jakob Riishede Mรธller


I am web developer at a Danish news media using PHP. I spend a lot of time at though, pondering over OOP vs FP. FP appeals to me - maybe because I am a mathematician (ph.d. in applied probability).

At work we try to adhere to the SOLID principles, and things like PSRs from and value patterns over frameworks.

tecknerd profile image
tecknerd • Edited

Hi! My name is Albert. I have a degree in physics and applied mathematics. Fell in love with coding so I like doing it in my spare time. I've worked as an entry level software developer programming in Java. I want to grow as a developer, learning new skills and technologies. I'm very excited to be here and connecting with people with similar interests. You can checkout my codepen at or my github at Thanks!

uditvis profile image
Udit Agrawal

hey, UditVis heere! An explorer, seeker, seer. Love to build new things everyday. Explore different technologies and languages. Primarily knowing Java, JavaScript, PHP.

Looking forward to learn and contribute as much as possible ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

slim11713946 profile image

Hi! Am slim. That's what people call me.... Have some concepts in Java... But I want to know Javascript and how codes and circuit design works... Somehow I don't get it... Cause all I see in Java is playing with numbers.... How do codes come live.......... To being used as in a phone or pc... ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜

mannasoumya profile image
Manna Soumya

Hey I am Soumya, an analyst ๐Ÿ˜‰ , coder from Delhi,India. I have been coding extensively in Java , NodeJS and Python.I have coded in around 9-10 languages till now. I have just started learning Haskell.

I will be happy and glad to be sharing my coding experiences and join in with the discussions here.

Happy Coding ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ˜„ ... !!!

ljspiek profile image
Laura Spieker

Hi! I'm Laura, code newbie. I am currently six weeks into a seven month full-stack engineering boot camp. Like others, I'm here to learn, collaborate, and make connections. Happy to be here!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome to the community, Laura! Keep us updated on your progress, and ask all the questions!

marcongii profile image

Hello, I'm Marco, a fresh graduate software engineer. Looking forward to learn more on this platform.

olgach profile image
Olga Chebotaryova


I'm Olga from Russia. Happen to DEV after participating at Hacktoberfest this year.
Shame on me but I didn't heat about this community before...

During last 7 years I'm working remotely for different companies. Love to create new code and make our customers happy :)

Currently primary programming language is Python. But I had experience with many others at some point - C/C++, Java, Visual Basic, Pascal and even Assembler (hehe, I'm that old yeah...)

maskedman99 profile image
Rohit Prasad

Hi There, I am a beginner in react-native. Hacktober fest brought me here.
I got my T-shirt and stickers :)

kurtforward profile image
Kurt Forward

When you need to find anyone who can write the professional papers, you can take a look at the expert writing services that are always ready to help you and can write my essay for me.

cybernerd85 profile image
Mark Herrmann

Hi, I'm Mark, I'm a IT contractor. I'm an Army Veteran with 10+ years of experience in IT. I have worked more in the physical aspects when it comes to computer hardware and software. I haven't really developed anything. I have provided a support for the Army and for different countries. I'm not completely oblivious to developing. When I got out of the Army, I went to a trade school in Sacramento for an Associates in Computer Networking. I got my A+, Network+, Linux+, Microsoft certs which include Windows 7 configuring and Windows 2008 Server, Active Directory. I have also had some training in business involving computers. Business math and business science.

Once I got my associates, I didn't want to stop there so I continued my education with a Bachelor's degree in Cybersecurity. I took online courses at Bellevue University located in Nebraska. I really enjoyed the courses, especially the hands on virtual labs. I had learning in encryption, and cyber forensics (probably my favorite course).

I just like the thrill of wanting to stop hackers or to report cyber criminals. So, I wanted to learn more and more about cybersecurity. Also wanted to join the bug hunting community so I can gain some experience and maybe earn some money on the side. I read a lot about pentesting and I can see myself doing that for years and years. I also want to gain federal employment with my prior experience. In the meantime, I would just like to join a community with like-minded developers such as myself. I still see myself as a beginner. I don't think I'm an expert in anyway. I have a passion to want to learn more and how I can better use these skills in society and possibly make a future career out of it.

casajarm profile image
Greg Jarmiolowski • Edited

Hi y'all. I'm a developer specializing in data intensive systems. I have tons of experience with Oracle Application Express and the database which means PL/SQL, SQL, Javascript, HTML, CSS.

I'm starting to dive more deeply into machine learning in order to change the kind of work I do and the kinds of projects I can work on. AI/ML has potential applications across a wide variety of disciplines although my work in it has been all about optimizing around a prediction from a stream of data.

I'm also very interested in things like low code, no code, model driven development. Basically anything that keeps me from reinventing the same things over and over.

oabisourour profile image
Othmane Abisourour

Hey, guys, ๐Ÿ‘‹I'm Othmane a Moroccan who lives in Porto. I am a Frontend developer and a Javascript lover. I have been practicing web development for more than 10 years and 3 years of just writing Javascript. I love sharing my experiences and knowledge with others and hope I can learn from this community as well. See you around

sofia63403851 profile image

This is a very great post! This is helpful.If having any problem related to a printer please visit us Brother Printer Error Code 36

kappish profile image

Hi There an Kappish a young programmer willing to learn and know more and a beginner so i will be very glad if you can be of help to me and help me grow in this fields AI,Python,Chatbot,Speech recognition and Assistants,PhP back-end,Bootstrap font-end,laravel,Django,Cloud computing

leonfedotov profile image
Leon Fedotov • Edited

Hello, i'm Leon and am a js dev from Israel.

frsr profile image
Fraser Embrey

Hey, I just graduated from London in physics and philosophy. Interested in code and design. Currently wanting to learn swift. Been learning some data science with R

tecknerd profile image

Hi Fraser! Great to meet someone with your background. I was a physics and applied mathematics major with a philosophy minor. R is a great and fun language to learn and use. This looks like a great community so I'm sure we'll both learn a lot.

frsr profile image
Fraser Embrey

That's pretty cool, not many people have done philosophy along with maths or physics.

I'm currently doing design work but I really want to transition to doing more data analysis and code-based work. Unfortunately the company needs to have a usable design first otherwise no-one will enter data to analyse ๐Ÿ˜‚

aibarra11 profile image

Hi, I'm Andrew- mostly self taught coder. PHP Larvel FTW. Being pushed towards broader things. Microservices Architecture. Docker and Kubernetes are fun. ish.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

Hi Andrew, I'm Andrew, Welcome to ๐ŸŒˆ

aibarra11 profile image

thanks! we should create an Andrew thread. Have all of the Andrews unite =P

Thread Thread
andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

My co-founder for ExamPro is also named Andrew.

  • Andrew Confederacy?
  • Andrew Consortium?
  • The Federation of Andrews
motasemziad profile image

Hi Everyone ..
I am Motasem, An Android Developer from Gaza-Palestine. I am 19 years old, I have been studying Mobile Computing and Smartphones Application at the IT college of the IUG university. I have interested in Programming, AI and Data Science. I hope to improve my skills on this website.

yestrinitycodes profile image

Hi guise im a self taught software developer looking for new friends to take over the world with. In my free time I enjoy luxuriating in mid-tier hotel rooms paid for by my employers, and flying 500+ miles just to smoke good weed and review cannabis brands. Getting serious: I believe that every line of code should have a purpose that stretches beyond the use of the product. I'm not busting my ass learning all of this shit for my health, Im doing it because I want to make the worlds least-toxic pain killer more widely available, using tech.

golyn profile image
Seth Amankwah

Hi, am Seth, a medical lab scientist and a newbie programmer. Am into data analysis with python and artificial intelligence. Am here to explore more about the tech industry,learn and share. Thank you

pankajch profile image
Pankaj chauhan

Hi! I am Pankaj JavaScript Developer. Currently working on react based project projects. Will be happy to be at your service.

Also looking for the guidance to start from beginning in devops and data-analytics sector

Thanks and Regards :)

oddworld7 profile image

Hello iโ€™m Alex! Iโ€™m a system engineer or at least thatโ€™s what i studied on the University here in Mexico, i focus on PHP development and i have 3 years of experience.

I hope you can share with me some of your expertise in coding to follow the right path and iโ€™m looking forward to learn awesome thing from you guys!

saxode profile image
Saxode • Edited

I am 11 a programmer, photographer, saxophonist, engineer, composer and a designer from Taiwan, I code in Arduino C HTML CSS JS Python and VBA, trying to learn C++ now, looking forward to meet you guys!

chrisco484 profile image
Christopher Colemani • Edited

Hey dudes (and gals)!

Java, Java, Java

Not Spring - instead gone lightweight with expojo (our own dependency provisioning and module supporting framework - easy of use, high productivity, no obfuscated magic happening behind the scenes that you can't debug)

Not Hibernate for ORM - instead gone with DataNucleus because the runtime performance and developer productivity can't be beaten!

stdevpavelmc profile image
Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)

Hi there!

I'm a industrial engineer that turned to the sysadmin world and stay there for a while, now I'm refreshing my coding skills and I'm working on this techs: Arduino (C/C++), IoT, QT5, Python3, Go (starting...) and others.

Glad to join this community

toorani profile image
toorani • Edited

Hey there,
I'm Reza and am a software developer.I'm looking forward to finding new challenges.
please don't hesitate to contact me for sharing the software challenges.

I'm looking for a new job opportunity in Berlin, Germany. if there is someone to find a job please contact me for more information.

professionalnoobie profile image

My Name is Saurabh, from India, Wants to learn C
Daily 2.0 Chrome extension brought me here! When I clicked an article about CSS Overflow! Learning programming is hobby which I wanted to make my career.

Currently learning HTML & CSS. Someone suggest some Tips, Books, sources from where I can learn! Thanks for the help

seoexpertprem profile image
Prempal Singh • Edited

Hey, Prempal Singh here. I'm working as the best SEO expert in India. An SEO Expert - Having Deep Knowledge of SEO, During my 3+ years Digital Marketing professional career, I have worked on diverse projects consisting of SEO, Blogging, Copywriting, Local Search Marketing, Lead Generation, Inbound Marketing, Screen Casting, YouTube SEO and more.

My core competency lies in SEO Audits, WordPress SEO, SEO Keyword Research, SEO Competition Analysis and YouTube SEO. My work is My Passion, and my objective is to assist my clients to the best of my knowledge, by staying abreast of updates in Search Engine Algorithms and the Industry, to deliver high ROI.

codewizardshq profile image

Hi! My name is Ana, I work for CodeWizardsHQ the leading online coding academy for kids and teens ages 8-18. We deliver the most fun and effective live, online coding classes which are designed to give our students the programming knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in a digital world. :) I am super excited to be here! I wanted to share a class for kids, in case any of you have any for $5 bucks they get to experience a live teacher and code a project :)

Let me know if you guys have any questions about kids and coding or if you would like to learn more about CodeWizardsHQ!

ashfaqshuvo007 profile image
Ashfaq H Ahmed

Hi Guys! I am Ashfaq Ahmed from Bangladesh. I am a certified software engineer working as a teach lead in Pine Solutions Limited.
I have been working with Laravel for more than 3 years and now shifting to python and django.

calebyang93 profile image
Caleb Yang

Hi Dev Community, I am Caleb. I am a developer who enjoys using .NET(C#), Javascript and am a front end developer in html and css. Looking forward to contribute to open source in projects using python, c# and java too! Currently, I am working as a front end developer. Look forward to collaborating and learning from you all!

andykao1213 profile image
Andrew Kao

Hi, I'm Andrew, a software engineer from Taipei, Taiwan ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ผ. I am experienced in web technology especially React.js, Babylon.js, and GraphQL. I'm willing to share my experience here and hope you can give me some feedback ๐Ÿ™

infinityintellect profile image
Siddeshwar Navaneetharan

Hey, I'm Sidd from Tamil Nadu. I've recently discovered the awesomeness of programming. I love web development as well, having worked with several frameworks like NodeJS, ReactJS and ReactNative.

I'm here for the community experience and the insights the community has to offer and down the line, I hope I can offer some myself.

jtvd2015 profile image
jtvd2015 • Edited

Hello! My name is Jen and I took a coding boot camp in 2018 to learn C#, SQL, JavaScript, and to become a full stack developer. The boot camp assisted me in landing my current position. I enjoy problem solving.

caiquecoelho profile image
Caรญque Coelho

Hello friends, my name is Caรญque Coelho, I'm Brazilian and I'm here looking for new learning and new projects! If you need help from someone who likes to think outside the box and loves to come up with useless ideas or ideas that should be useful I can be this person! I have skills with react web development, node, java and python APIs, development with AI usage and Android app development! Enjoy getting to know my profile test app the English and Spanish translation is a bit bad but I look forward to feedback to improve!

mr_excelent profile image
David Lewis

Hi๐Ÿ‘‹. Well I'm kind of new to programming. Have been Selflearning Python for the past year and a half on and off. I feel like maybe I've hit a wall and I just need to actually work on projects to solidify what I've learned. Any great Python project a beginner to intermediate should definitely be doing?

I'm also Selflearning web development. Currently about to start JavaScript we'll see where this goes. Thanks for any advice in advance.

nsengiyunva profile image
King Isaac Nsengiyunva

Hi, I am Isaac Nsengiyunva, passionate mobile apps engineer, always getting heart broken by the kardashian-lookalike-girls. I love knowledge sharing to better help others facing the same issues, or helping others learn of a better and efficient way to do software engineering.
I have experience in Javascript, NodeJS, React, React Native, Redux, Redux Saga, and now Apollo client for graphql. I love building for mobile devices and creating incredible apps that solve existing problems for payments, maps, data collection, decision tracking among others. I am also available on upwork for paid work projects(
best regards

manoharan10 profile image

Hy I am mano from India.I'm currently a beginner in Flutter.I got some error connetiing Websocket,can you help to me...

WebSocketChannelException: WebSocketChannelException: HandshakeException: Handshake error in client (OS Error:
I/flutter (10980): CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: unable to get local issuer certificate(

jasperhorn profile image

Hello there!

My name is Jasper and I'm a somewhat stubborn developer. I have been programming in one form or another for as long as I can remember. I may sometimes lack focus in my personal life.

My current personal projects are:

  • An online text editor / IDE (my main project)
  • A discord bot written in Node
  • A text-based game in Python
  • Rescuing (non-vital) data from a failing hard drive

Oh, and my Pinebook Pro arrived two days ago, so I'm pretty excited about that as well...

dana_k profile image
Dana Kozubska

Hi Dev Community,

I'm Dana, and I would love to share relevant info, stats, and stories with you guys. Since I work as a tech writer at a software company, my goal is to help you in your software development projects by providing useful and detailed content.

By the way, check out my first article about Go programming language:

sksree profile image

Hey guys

Love writing code that helps many out there and really love learning new things every day and share them with folks out there

chiji20 profile image

Hi all,

I am a later starter to coding. I am learning HTML now and I hope to become a front end developer and software developer afterwards. Am pleased to be here.

purohitsanjay profile image

Hi everyone,

Sanjay here. A hardcore DevOps guy, into architecting, consulting and coaching.

Here to learn and contribute.

paulrt profile image
Paul Theriault

Paul here. Just checking things out a bit. I'm about as new as they come as far as experience, but I am well on my way to catching up with you pros. ๐Ÿ‘‘

paulodhiambo profile image
Odhiambo Paul • Edited

Hey, ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm paul, a hobbist programmer, from Nairobi, Kenya. I am looking forward to sharing my experience from Python, java, android development and web development.

jwalkerus7 profile image
Jason Walker

Hi all. Recent graduate of a Full Stack Developer with JavaScript for my language.

nitulau profile image

Hi I'm Nithul.Currently pursuing degree in

sosolidkk profile image
Joรฃo Pedro

Looking forward to being in the community.
Python programmer and doing a major in Computer Science.

Have a great day everyone!

masanarihori profile image
ใƒ›ใƒช ใƒžใ‚ตใƒŠใƒช

Hello! I am a software engineer working for a company called Raksul. I am developing using Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Typescript. I am Japanese but I want to enjoy the community here.

manishverma profile image
Manish Verma

Hi, I am in final year of my graduation and I want to learn new things.

appandflow profile image
App & Flow

Hello hello! Heard a lot of great things about and many of our team members wanted our content to be shared on in addition/instead of Medium, so here we are!

sandraahlgrimm profile image
Sandra Ahlgrimm

Hi there! I am Sandra, Java Developer and Container Fan. I am just about publishing my first article on โ˜บ

Do you have any tips like code addons, etc.?

vaibhavpatil123 profile image
Vaibhav Patil

I like !! help me lot to learn new things !

robertdoyle25 profile image
Rob Doyle

Hi everyone, I'm Rob, a freelance front end developer from the Midlands UK and am looking forward to learning and sharing here.

heathenthrone48 profile image

Myself ashin, the reason why I'm here is same as even you are๐Ÿ˜‰, passionate in coding, luckily being able to learn more languages . #codehard

0xtko profile image
Tomasz Kopacki • Edited

Hi, I'm Tomasz Kopacki ๐Ÿ‘‹ People I work with usually call me TKO. I've been working on creating web software since 2006.

I joined to share my experience and learnings I have got so far &emdash; recently I started posting articles at about the principles I've been driven by.

I a big fan of sharing ideas and collaborative work. That's why I'm here ๐Ÿ™ƒ

mortalaman profile image
Addy King

Thanks! Iโ€™m a JavaScript lover, full stack boot camp lover and dev working in code for a couple years. Currently building Wordpress and Political candidates websites for work at arena online.

atrip10 profile image

Hey, I am Aditi. I am a learner and currently i am learning to build great websites and i believe this platform will help me expand my knowledge. Looking forward to having a great time here!!!

yucelm profile image
Yucel M

Hello everyone,

It is great to be a part of the community.

mazdak78 profile image
Mazdak Mansouri


montanaviking profile image

Hi, I develop GUI (PyQT, Qt) software to interpret electrical test data for development of carbon nanotube transistors. I am interested in Qt, C++, and Python.

techrud profile image

Hello๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹. I am a beginner self taught front-end developer. Currently learning backend development and web pentesting.

janis_t profile image

Hi guys!

I'm Ianis, a full-stack developer living in Prague (Czech Republic ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฟ)

I write on JavaScript, Ruby and Vim!

alexandremmp profile image
Alexandre Pereira

Hi there! I'm Alex, a front-end developer from Portugal.
Looking forward to learn and to share stuff with you guys ๐Ÿ˜‰

gnubyte profile image

Iโ€™m a python, nodeJS and โ€œbig dataโ€ network engineer just joining up with after seeing a few articles. Happy to be here and looking forward to reading some of the articles here

megha1704 profile image
Megha Elsa Shibu • Edited

Hi, I'm Megha. I'm a computer science engineering student. I'm a beginner in Python.

sdkosm23 profile image

Hy, I am very thankful for such type of coding platform ๐Ÿ˜Š.

codedken profile image
Chibuzor Ojukwu

Hi everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹, my name is Chibuzor Kennedy, a php, python and Js lover + evangelist. I look forward to sharing and learning quality stuffs...

paqimm profile image
Paqimm Maxirami

Hey, I'm Paqimm, a beginning programmer and al be glad to learn more from this site and pick up skills here and there so that i can better myself๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“

manglainternational profile image

We are a premium custom jewelry manufacturer based in Jaipur, India, offering wholesale custom jewelry manufacturing and a range of services to help your brand. Mangla International, a leading Exporters and suppliers of wholesale custom jewelry. Mangla Internationalโ€™s with over three decades of experience in Custom Jewelry Manufacturers for Small Businesses, exporter and wholesaler of an exclusive collection of Handcrafted Jewels.

imprakharshukla profile image
Prakhar Shukla • Edited

Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹, I am Prakhar Shukla, an Android Developer and a UI/UX designer. I am the lead Developer of Andronix App. It's a super cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž app that lets you install full-fledged Linux Distributions like Ubuntu, Manjaro, Debian, Arch etc on a non-rooted Android device.

Here is an article I wrote about it and it's my first one here. I am open to suggestions, just trying to imporve myself. ๐Ÿ˜…

noumbissivalere profile image
Noumbissi Valere

Hello World.
I am new here and i am excited to learn from great minds

abhigsri profile image

Hey this is Abhishek working as software developer from past few years.
Looking forward to learn some new stuff ๐Ÿ˜Š and share mine.

probeta1 profile image
Abhinav Kumar Srivastava

Hi ALL !
Learning React by trying out some cool projects..

makermark profile image

Hey all! I'm Mark. I love javascript, blogging, and dogs! You'll catch me doing mock interviews, on leetcode, or fiddling with new stuff.

pavubrar profile image

Hi there, I am learning JavaScript, react and software development . Working on mini projects in a boot camp

pramon18 profile image

Hello. I'm Pablo, and i just want to find some cool and new stuff about programming. I hope to find this here.

eriksneff profile image
Erik Neff

Hi everyone, I'm a UX Designer from LA who loves designing things with empathy for developers. I've been having fun tinkering with my Raspberry Pi lately. Hope all's well!

vsujan profile image
Sujan Vaidya

Hi, I am Sujan from Nepal. I am an iOS developer with 4 years of professional experience and I am looking forward to sharing and gaining ideas and knowledge.


benkirbycodes profile image
Ben Kirby

Howdy. Iโ€™m a beginner JS developer and a composer. Iโ€™ll mostly just be reading on here until I have more experience to contribute. :)

kingtomi profile image
Ayodabo Oluwatomisin

Hey I'm Tomi, a python developer, resides in Lagos, Nigeria. Loves everything Python and also I want to learn more from people in this community. I hope I am at the right place. Love y'all โค

burinious profile image
Akomolafe Ayoyinka

Hi I'm Ayoyinka graduate of computer science, have been on this journey to become a world class web developer...

septian666 profile image
septian nugraha

Hi my name ian, i'm learning android programing and webdev still a newbie, and will need a guidance since i self learner

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

Welcome Ian - this is the best community for learning! Tons of friendly and knowledgeable folks. Also yaaay! Android and web development are both fascinating areas!

allenmay profile image
Allen May

Hello Ya'll. I'm a full stack developer (C# .Net), a community advocate and user group organizer.
I'm always looking for the latest web industry news to share at our local Meetup's.

ricktraigon profile image
Ricardo • Edited

Hello all, I'm happy to stay here to learn in This amazing community.
I'am web developer under php, mysql and C# technologies.

grand_miles profile image

๐Ÿ–๏ธ Hi. I'm Victor. I find many of the posts here interesting ๐Ÿ‘ so I signed up. I'm a Javascript developer. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

deepakchandh profile image
Deepak Chandh

Hi, I'm Deepak Chandh, working as Software Dev. My interests include Backend engg, Cloud, DevOps and I code in java, js, cpp. I'm interested meeting more people who share similar interests.

huyong007 profile image

hey,I`m Huyong, a front-end programmer from China,NanJing.

allanxing profile image
Allan Xing

hello everyone im java programmer

lomakin profile image
Ivan Lomakin

Hey all! I'm Ivan. I'm CMO at I've been coding in 2008 (php, codeigniter, html, css) Now I'm all in marketing. Nice to meet you.

rishabhpro profile image
rishabhpro • Edited

Hello, myself rishabh a computer science student from new Delhi India๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ , super passionate about competitive coding โฐ although not very good at it but still learning ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป, flutter has recently caught my eye ๐Ÿ‘€ and it is very interesting platform looking forward to learn and use it ๐Ÿ˜Ž , if anyone out there has same interests in the field then I would like to collaborate with them as to increase my skills and knowledge ๐Ÿ˜„.

greenhostits profile image

Hi Thanks For This!!
I learned a lot New Tehcnology thanks to the GreenHost It.

ahsanurrehman profile image
Ahsan Ur Rehman

Hey! Ahsan here from Islamabad, Pakistan. On a journey to become a Data Scientist. Looking forward to the opportunities

dofy profile image
Seven Yu • Edited

Hey, I am Seven Yu, come from China.

// I โค๏ธJS

Welcome to follow me

souvik_ns profile image

Hello, I am Souvik. I am currently pursuing my B-tech degree on Computer Science. I am from India. I am learning android and web development.

rcmuniz1994 profile image

Hi, everyone! I'm Rodrigo Muniz. I'm from Brazil. I'm studying JavaScript and a like to have fun programming in Python. I'm a QA and a I really like to read about tests and software quality.

xq8ed profile image

Hello came here from my Google feed

railabedan profile image

Hi everyone am bedan a web developer though a beginner and am humbly requesting for you guys help with learning on how to be a perfect full stack developer

kpemmaraju profile image
Kamesh Pemmaraju

Hello everyone! My name is Kamesh and I am excited to join this community. I am most looking forward to chatting and connecting about Kubernetes and Cloud-Native tech.

cheers2wisdom profile image
amit baliga

Hello! A non-techie here looking to learn. Have been managing tech products ;)

jayem17 profile image

Hello , I'm Jay, self-taught Javascript coder at intermediate level. Looking forward to learn new things in JS and will share my experience.

marcpires profile image
Marc Pires

Hi, I'm Marcelo from Brazil, living in Campinas. Microservices, Service Mesh are main interest.

sureshk2a profile image
Suresh Kumar • Edited

Hey guys, I'm Suresh from India, a self taught coder working as an automation test engineer.

My overwhelming love over python makes me wanna learn Data Science, so yep i'm here for that.

numismath3 profile image

I'm Makgabo and I have just developed an interest in Web development, Computer science etc. Currently doing an online course in Web development complete boot camp 2019.

avcado profile image

Hello! My name is AVCADO and I am a self taught coder, from Houston, TX. I've been working with web dev, so if you'd like help with web dev, contact me :)

monukmodi profile image
Monu Kumar

Hi, I am a professional Web Developer in a Software Company, and I have good command in HTML5, CSS3, ReactJS, React Hooks, MySQL, Python.

gaikwadgl20 profile image
Ganesh Gaikwad

Hi, I'm Ganesh, from Mumbai, India. I have worked on Weblogic for 3 years. Now, I have started working on Apache Kafka. I like to work open source technology and learn from oper source stack.

meprasetyo profile image
Mohamad Eko Prasetyo
lesatdgl profile image
Les Dunaway

Been doing this for a while
Spend more time helping people than writing code, for past 20 years
Still do enough coding to stay involved and amused

jeffersondarcy profile image

Hi I am Jeff,
I do mostly react, starting out with flutter interested in self marketing, biohacking and sports

crazyvideogamez profile image

Hello! I came here because I wanted to learn more about how to code.

ali94k profile image
Ali Karimli

Hi, ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Ali .net developer, python and go learner, computer science enthusiast from Azerbaijan, Baku.

pravemp profile image


I am a javascript bully! trying to get in depth knowledge on web behaviour and new technologies which makes our lives easy!

vijayideas profile image

Hey, Can anyone give the answer

alexlueng profile image

I want to be a good programmer.

gettosin4me profile image
Akomolafe Tosin

Hello, I'm a full-stack developer profficient in PHP,NodeJs,Vue and devops. I love technology newsletter. I'm in for remote Jobs

tamsocola profile image
Nguyen Thi Thu Tam • Edited

I'm from Vietnam, just like coding as a new interest

kunrad profile image


ozdemirfadime profile image

Hey, I am Fadime, junior Sysadmin/DevOps.I am from Turkey. I was exploring Docker, Kubernetes also Windows/ubuntu server.ฤฐf there's anyone interest in this area.Let me know:)

gadhasu profile image


usfirstdaily profile image

Hey there

qamallesh profile image


This is Mallesh. Quality Assurance Analyst.

nairasingh profile image
Naira Singh
dfrasee profile image

I'm looking for how to create api doc with easy implement with annotations and great perform like open api

ozhishu profile image
Liu xu

Hello World

ivan_noyola profile image
Ivan noyola


sergioaraujo1 profile image
Sergio Araujo • Edited

hello I'm Araujo, i'm starting to study javascript and iot

laynierpd profile image
Laynier Piedra

Just trying to learn some rails!

qamallesh profile image

I need your guidance and help to improve my self.

chamoo2000 profile image
Chamoo Lakshitha

Just Started to learn Python3..

manjuhari7 profile image
Manju Hariharan

Interested in learning Flutter

abelsealkit profile image
A2Z Seals - Abel Seal Kit in India

Hey this is A2Z seals, the largest manufacturers, suppliers & exporters of abel seal kit in India.

mohaahmedizo profile image
Ahmedizo moha

hello my name is ahmed

dknight07 profile image

Hello Community, I'm Hemanth. Here to Explore AWS,Python and other happening technologies. Let's Learn Together.

eulogengoma profile image

Hello, i'm Euloge, je suis passionnรฉ du web... i learn android, kotlin and python...

kofiagy profile image
Kofi A

Found the 2019 full stack developer road map by L Reever. Intrigued by all the squigglies so signed to learn a thing or two

rishu1601 profile image
Rishabh Kumar

Hey everyone, I am Rishabh, a software developer from India. I am a fresher in software engineering field but I would be sharing my experience of software development in C++,Java,Python,Go

gayathrivenu profile image
Gayathri Venu

Hey all, I'm Gayathri Venu,a self-driven coding enthusiast who believes in shared learning.I'm interested in machine learning and competitive coding :)

srinvasdevop profile image

kubernetes hands on commands please share

paulrt profile image
Paul Theriault

Paul here. I am about as new as they come in regard to programming, but I am hacking away at it and it won't be long before I am a seasoned pro.๐Ÿ‘‘

prockz5 profile image
Prathamesh Pohekar


ya3ya6 profile image
ya3ya6 • Edited

Just commented to check how many people are here. hit like if you're here. (i don't seek for likes, seriously)

laynierpd profile image
Laynier Piedra

Just wanted to leave a comment, however, had to register to do such :(

pradeepk2112 profile image


r_lefela profile image

Thank you for the warm welcome!

salobhi profile image
Salman Khan • Edited


I am a passionate Java programmer, looking forward to help others and get help from others.

My passion is to be architect one day!


sravani272 profile image

Hello i am sravani....just joined the community and i am very excited to get to know about python and sharing what i know in python....

rascal_b_ornery profile image
Mickey Pierce

thank you

rajanduggal profile image
Rajan Duggal

Hello, I'm Rajan. I'm a front end developer from India.

salmanravoof profile image
Salman Ravoof

I dunno why I'm here, but maybe I'll find out after some time. If I stick around that is.

The website looks neat and works butter smooth.

Hello, world!

koteswar375 profile image

Hello there!! I'm here to say hi to my fellow awesome developers.

bharat5965 profile image
Bharat5965 • Edited

Hi, i am bharat, from India. I am a gradute, Working in my entry level job as a full stack developer. I love to learn new things, understand how things work and everything tech

twittmarathe profile image
Abhishek Marathe

Hi โœŒ๏ธ
this is abhishek,
I am a full stack developer, developing apps in React+node.js combination since last 4 years.
I am looking for some quality content here to enhance my knowledge :)

mxlcpu profile image


rishthekingboy profile image
Rishabh Singh

hey i am an Engineering student and programming is my passion can we discuss about flask with begaing.

ashu22 profile image

I am looking for a remote jobs

carike_b profile image
Carike Botha

Hi everyone, my name is Carike. I came to this site for the 25 days of Server less challenge. I am learning more about the Power Platform and also data science.

masb3 profile image

django , rest framework

xiaokeket profile image


raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hi Miras!

jrmsjorgesilva profile image
Jorge Roberto Machado da Silva

Hello worl... sorry, bad joke

paqimm profile image
Paqimm Maxirami • Edited

Hey, I'm Paqimm, a beginning programmer and I'm looking forward to learn and develop my skills

eduardodev1998 profile image
Eduardo ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ด

Cรณding is my life - I love angular

shadowwind_niko profile image
Melnikov Nikolay

Hi, am 2d artist.

mgecmez profile image

Hey, there!

I am a full-stack .Net Developer with 9-year experience. I recently started learning Angular. I'm from Istanbul in Turkey.

wangenye profile image
Simon Mwangi

Anyone to help me out, how do I write a CV for an IT job.... Need advice

donnielbell profile image

Today is my 1st day!

sksree profile image
Sreenivas • Edited

Hi Sreenivas here Sr Software engineer works on web and mobile development

I really love learning new things. Really like asyc development

react native , react,

md2hadi1 profile image

hello everyone m new here for learn and do SOMETHING

hasanwajahat profile image

Hello Internet. I am a Marketer now learning to be a programmer. Want to learn JavaScript and Python. Any/all suggestions welcome for free resources to learn.

pasinduperer profile image
pasindu perera • Edited

I'm pasindu perera. Hope to share knowledge and gain experience with you. I'm interesting in mern stack..
Thank you..

parcontroller profile image

Hello world, I am Alan , I Command.

jeffprongo profile image

Hello Iโ€™m Jeff, I created over 20 years ago. Iโ€™m actually still new and always learning.

danielsidnei profile image

Hi, I am Daniel and planning to know more about JavaScript and D3 ...

reactoholic profile image
Petar Kolev

๐Ÿ‘‹ guys. Iโ€™m a front-end ๐Ÿง™๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ with react ๐Ÿค“

deep_web69 profile image
The 1994

I just surf internet 24hour.So i hope so will find here some good stuff

ivan_noyola profile image
Ivan noyola

Hey whats up

yashyadav_98 profile image
Yash Yadav

hello, this is my first comment...

s4p0 profile image
Felipe Correa

Why not have another social media, right? Hi !

skowshik4614 profile image

Hey..! Myself Santosh. I am a Python Software Developer.

From past 2 months i am learning ML/AI, looking forward to learn with DEV team.

tahirraza5 profile image
Syed Tahir Raza

hey , I m tahir,still in process of learning the basic of front end devlopment.

su6i profile image

Hi guys,
I'm Amir from Iran. I'm here to learn more about Computer Science.
Wish me luck ;)

acoh3n profile image

Great to have you here Vinod!

rheehot profile image
Rhee, Jong Woo ์ด์—ดํ˜ˆ๋‚จ์•„

I am web programmer and android developer

alamin__yusuf profile image
Al-amin Yusuf

Hello,๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Al'amin, a guided programmer. I'm a JavaScript beginner, so I would love to meet with lots of JavaScript experts๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป and be friends with them ๐Ÿ˜Š.

hernandezmig profile image
Miguel Hernandez


lenard8279 profile image
Lenard Shelby

Thank you for having me

abdulbasiths profile image
Abdul Basith

I am Abdul Basith , working as a senior application analyst . I am passionate in coding and looking forward to learn machine learning.

aashick profile image

after fell in love with JavaScript have been travelling around the web. now visiting

3thancr0wn profile image

Iโ€™m learning JavaScript hoping to learn and pass on the learning.

qamallesh profile image

Interested in Automation Testing.

abba_m_ profile image

Hey! i'm Abba M, a beginner level frontEnd developer and javaScript is so intimidating.

joancurrie profile image
Joan Currie

Hello!! I am a physical oceanographer who is programming in Rails.

chandpreet69 profile image


dara199 profile image

Hey guys, I'm just starting out with coding. I need a tutor! Upright, Well organized and loving too!



emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian โœจ

Check out Coding Coach :) That's why we built it!

cdragolovt profile image
Ceko Dragolov

Hello i want to start learning coding from scratch. I accept any type of help.

rafaelsmoreno profile image
Rafael Moreno

Hi, I'm Rafael, Engineer, MBA in Finance, BI Consultant, looking for some Python, Javascript and C# content.

amorr profile image

hi, i'm amor, from china,is full-stack web developer.learning in english.

nikunj0706 profile image

Hi, I am Nikunj, exploring webDev from 1 year.
Learning Javascript, ReactJs, Gatsby, Nodejs, Mongodb, AWS...

donpeacherino profile image
Victor Kimuyu ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ช

Jambo!Victor here. Imposter designer who is getting increasingly exposed. I'm here to learn Python/django development.

leonp22 profile image

hello world

oswwwaldotc profile image
Oswaldo TC

from my computer! :)

rishthekingboy profile image
Rishabh Singh

hey i am an Engineering student and programming is my passion can we discuss about flask with begaing