DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v78 staff on June 17, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
whykay profile image
whykay 👩🏻‍💻🐈🏳️‍🌈 (she/her)

👋🏼 Hi all, I'm Vicky. I'm very involved with the Irish tech community (got started when I took over running Python Ireland from 2005 till 2016). More of a hobby coder nowadays as I do a lot of community work voluntarily like PyLadies Dublin, Coding Grace, GameCraft, Women Who Code Dublin, WITS Ireland. I'm open to collab with other user groups as well. Most of my events are for adults, although I'm happy to collab with groups that work with <18yos.

My day job is working with the Dublin Maker team as their Maker Advocate. My most memorable and rewarding role was being asked to be curator and researcher for a Science Gallery Dublin exhibition called GAME back in 2012. I still can't believe they paid me to play, read, immerse myself in the world of games, attend games festivals/confs, meet amazing people (artists, designers, coders, performers, researchers, games industry folks, etc) and worked with some very smart folks there. I learnt a whole lot and also had the most fun!
Now as Maker Advocate, I deal with everything and to audiences of all ages (very different to my voluntary tech community role).
And how I found this platform, it was because EuroPython joined recently (I'm kinda helping them out as a volunteer). So when I saw them join, I was curious and joined also and found some familiar faces here! 🙌

So please to meet you all, and if there's any collaboration (given covid-19 has brought many people/orgs together through remote events), let me know. Any questions re. Irish tech community, organising events, diversity in tech, etc., let me know. I'm happy to help. 😊

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

"My most memorable and rewarding role was being asked to be curator and researcher for a Science Gallery Dublin exhibition called GAME back in 2012. I still can't believe they paid me to play, read, immerse myself in the world of games, attend games festivals/confs, meet amazing people..."

This sounds so dope!

Around this time period, I was living Edinburgh Scotland and remember going to a really similar exhibition... I wish I could remember the name! It's totally possible that they were related.

Anywho, welcome to DEV! I hope you dig it here. 😀

whykay profile image
whykay 👩🏻‍💻🐈🏳️‍🌈 (she/her)

It was amazing! I did not in my life think that I would end up with that role (I didn't have curation or research as a skill, but I loved games, curious about how they are made). I met a lot of amazing indie games friends that way, and still friends with many to this day. Same period I started to co-run game jams as GameCraft. The community here has been great to me, so I wanted to give something back. I definitely ended up where I am via very unconventional routes after I left my role as a developer (went back to do a 1 year masters on Multimedia as I wanted to learn more about animation and interactive media, that was donkeys ago). And thanks for the kind welcome. 😊

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you in the community Vicky

whykay profile image
whykay 👩🏻‍💻🐈🏳️‍🌈 (she/her)

Thanks! :-)

tutorialsmate profile image

Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate 👍😊

whykay profile image
whykay 👩🏻‍💻🐈🏳️‍🌈 (she/her)

Thanks for the welcome! This community has been great so far! If I’m not careful, I’ll end up being obsessive with it! 😆 Still figuring what I’ll be posting (including my org Coding Grace).

sharkham profile image
Sam Markham

Hi Vicky, nice to meet you! That GAME exhibit sounds fantastic!

whykay profile image
whykay 👩🏻‍💻🐈🏳️‍🌈 (she/her)

Yeah, it was amazing to be part of it. If you are curious, they still have the link to the exhibition of what was in show at the time:

Thread Thread
sharkham profile image
Sam Markham

Excellent, thank you!

ixcheldelsun profile image
Ixchel García A.

Hello everyone! I'm Ixchel and I'm from Caracas, Venezuela. I'm truly happy to become part of this community and looking forward to write lots of posts here. My focus is data science, so I'm deeply interested in math articles, new technologies, ML and data pre processing. I'm ready to learn!

thxcoder profile image
Tahar Issaad

Hello, and welcome.

cassiopeiasky profile image

Hi Ixchel! It's so nice to meet you!

spounka profile image
Boudaakkar Nazih

Hi my name is Nazih, i started learning game development when i was 14 years, now I'm pursuing my studies in computer science
I'm currently taking the chance to learn OpenGL and C++ while enhancing my Design Patterns skills

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you Nazih

spounka profile image
Boudaakkar Nazih

Thank you Ben

ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

Hello and welcome.

spounka profile image
Boudaakkar Nazih

Thank you

elenajimenez profile image

Hi, everybody,
My name is Elena, I am Spanish, but I have been living in Frankfurt for a long time. I have returned to the program now that my children do not need me so much anymore. I like this community very much because it gives practical and useful advice.
Thank you for taking me in.

putrikarunia profile image
Putri Karunia • Edited

Hi everyone! I'm Putri 👋 . Currently building a startup with my friends, it's called Cotter (YC W20), a passwordless authentication service.

I've been working on web development for some time, and now learning about building client libraries, which I find very different from web dev! Right now learning Flutter, and I think it's awesome 😄.

I'm also learning about writing blogs. It's a lot of fun but also quite challenging. I see that the DEV community is really engaged and welcoming, and has great posts, so I'd love to start here and learn. Any help or feedback would be really awesome ❤️👩‍💻. Thanks!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Putri! I think you’ll fit in great here.

putrikarunia profile image
Putri Karunia


calioppp profile image
Francesco Caliari

Hello there, everybody! I'm so glad to have found this community, everyone is kind and friendly and this is the first thing I notice when I join a new community. I'm Francesco from Verona, Italy and I am student at university but I had some experience with php (framework Yii) and Js as well: from jQuery to React and Angular. I'd like to gain much more experience in these languages and learn something new like React, Vue.. knowledge is power! Anyway I'm currently developing some small projects with Flutter and I'll definitely check out some posts for help when needed. Like Joel I subscribed few weeks ago but never introduced myself so here you are! Thanks for reading and a nice dev-to-day!

brymmobaggins profile image
Ibrahim Bakare

Hello there, I'm Ibrahim and from Nigeria, Africa and I'm so glad to have found this community. Currently want to focus on Web development, Front-end to be precise. I am very happy to join and ready to learn.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington


Welcome to DEV. 🙂

Consider following this tag:


Because the internet...

Or maybe:


"If you're already a front-end developer, well, pretend you're also wearing a pirate hat." - Ethan Marcotte

By following tags (or people and orgs) on DEV, you'll get served up more of what you're interested in via your feed on the homepage.

Hope this helps!

ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez • Edited

In addition:


<p>Once relegated to the browser as one of the 3 core technologies of the web, JavaScript can now be found almost anywhere you find code. </p><p>JavaScript developers move fast and push software development forward; they can be as opinionated as the frameworks they use, so let's keep it clean here and make it a place to learn from each other!</p>
ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez
tutorialsmate profile image

Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate 🌏

sharkham profile image
Sam Markham

Hi all! I'm Sam--web developer, novelist and former book publicist, just making a career shift into programming after graduating Flatiron School's online software engineering bootcamp :) My most recent project is a novel progress tracking app made with React and Rails, and I'm in the middle of brushing up on my CSS so I can get more hands-on with the frontend of my next app!

Really enjoying Dev so far, and looking forward to getting involved in the community!

ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

I'm in the middle of brushing up on my CSS

I'll recommend the following accounts:

huijing image

And the following blogs:

Welcome to the community.

sharkham profile image
Sam Markham

Excellent, thanks Habdul! I will look into these :)

billykong profile image
Billy Kong

Hi Sam, it is a really cool career change! 👍

sharkham profile image
Sam Markham

Hi Billy! And thanks, I'm enjoying it so far :)

ssjuma profile image
Said S. Juma • Edited

Hello, I'm Said S. Juma from Dar es salaam, Tanzania. I am the web and mobile application developer. I do all my frontend development with react and mobile apps with react native, and all backends with laravel framework.

My level of coding is between expert and intermediate but i like to learn new techniques and technologies everyday, that's how i came to find out about

My personal website is and where you can learn more about what I'm doing.

I do hand coding with all pure concepts i don't like copying from free templates so i always find my own solutions and create from scratch.

The knowledge I'm good at uncludes javascript and es6 reactjs, react native, linux, ssh, mac, illustrator, photoshop, css, html, php, java basic, user experience, user interface and customer care.

Hope to network with others developers here at Cheers, SS.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Said!

ssjuma profile image
Said S. Juma


ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez


In addition, you have a typo in the penultimate paragraph.

itscocopo profile image
Coco Poley

Hi everyone!

I found DEV on Twitter when I was looking for development news and communities to follow a little while ago. I didn't sign up until today, but I'm so glad I did! I've already found some excellent posts to share with my software QA team, and found some niche places where I know can contribute to QA automation engineering posts. My team uses Cucumber/Gherkin syntax with Java for both UI and API automation testing. I'm a huge Cucumber fan and love to talk about automation with anyone!

In terms of volunteering, I participate in a few mentorship programs remotely, but I am always looking for new opportunities to participate in something cool! I am also on the communications board for WEX Pride, my company's LGBTQIA+ employee group. As a bisexual woman, it's an honor and a privilege to engage with my LGBTQIA+ community at work. I am especially interested in communities supporting Womxn and LGBTQIA+ people in the tech industry, and software Quality Assurance.

Thanks for reading and please feel free to reach out at any time. I love to write but I have not written in a year or so since I got my awesome new job at WEX. I am excited to lean into the inspiration this community has given me, and contribute!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Corissa! Great to have you. I think you'll be a great part of the community.

irenejpopova profile image
Irena Popova 👩🏻‍💻

Hi all, I am Irena. Happy to be part of the DEV community here. I am a Frontend DEV involved with the German and International Community of coders in Berlin. My main focus is on Javascript and React but slowly I am digging deeper. I am a member of Women who Code Berlin, PyLadies Berlin, FrontEnd Devs Berlin, Women Tech Makers Berlin, She's Coding, Docker Community.
I'm currently developing some small projects with JavaScript and React.

Thank you for taking me in.

reece_coombes profile image
Reece Coombes

Hey everyone, I'm a Computer Science student from the UK.

I'm currently focussing on Java & Haskell, but I'm interested in all things tech!

I'm looking to meet lots of people here, so feel free to follow or say hi! :D

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Reece!

reece_coombes profile image
Reece Coombes

Thanks! :D

nicfoxds profile image
Nic Fox

Hi 👋 I’m Nic. After a Computing degree and almost 20 years working in the IT industry (mainly as a Business Analyst) I am taking a year out to do a Data Science MSc. I’m learning python mainly and I’m in my final term, working on my project which is the detection of hate speech against women and immigrants on Twitter, in English and Spanish. I am not looking forward to my course ending because I’m really loving reading, learning and coding all day. I’m hoping to find a job where I can use my skills for social good.

When I’m not working on my project, I like going for a bike ride and growing plants from seeds/cuttings.

Some things I’m proud of: I’ve completed an ironman triathlon, I’ve started an online business that generates money for charity, and I’ve taught English as a volunteer in a small mountain village school in North East India.

I love learning and I love sharing my knowledge and helping people so if you have questions or if there’s something you think I can help you with then please ask. Also, if you have feedback about my work/ideas then please share them with me - positive or negative - I want to learn.

Looking forward to seeing what you share and learning from you all 😊👩🏻‍💻

tutorialsmate profile image

Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate. 👋😊
It will be fun learning here.

nicfoxds profile image
Nic Fox

Hi 👋🙂

o3dwade profile image
O Sammy

Hi. My name is Omar. I went on here because I heard this was a great website and community from others in the community. Right now I am learning nodejs, flutter, security, and cloud as well.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Omar! What got you into Flutter?

o3dwade profile image
O Sammy

Thanks! So some friends and I are making an app. I made the webapp version of it (just to learn) and he made a mobile app version of it. I thought it was a bit ambitious, but he said flutter creates it an android AND iOS version of the app. I thought this was awesome. So I wanted to learn this as well. I don't want to be just a web developer lol

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Nice, how are you liking it so far?

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o3dwade profile image
O Sammy

It is so cool! I love it so much lolz

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Awesome. I played around with it and really enjoyed it as well. It was really early days though, I'm sure it's come a long way as a technology.

hannibalking profile image
Antonio Cacho

Hello everyone I'm currently teaching myself to code and I'm having the most fun I've ever had learning something new, can't wait to some of your guys work and be amazed by the knowledge you all have to share with the community.

annabanana3110 profile image

Hey guys,
I'm Anna , I'm in the 12th grade and I'm really interested in coding and web development. I consider myself to be very passionate when it comes to learning new things. Although I do find it overwhelming at times, I hope that with practice and dedication I can achieve great things. Would love to hear from y'all. What inspired you to code and how has it changed your life?

tutorialsmate profile image

Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate. 👋😊

annabanana3110 profile image

Thank you!

disguy profile image

Hi, My name is Monish and I'm from Manipur, India. I'm currently learning Web development. I am very excited to be a part of this community and look forward to learning a lot from this community.

tutorialsmate profile image

Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate. 👋

itsmecidzske profile image

Hello guys , I'm Sid

cassiopeiasky profile image

Hiya Sid! It's nice to meet you!

raahultanna profile image
Rahul Tanna

So, I am new here.
I work on Python and still in learning phase.

tutorialsmate profile image

Great 👍😀
Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate. 👋😊

zeroinfy15 profile image
Nilavo Saha

Hello everyone, This is Nilavo Saha. I'm working at Zeroinfy. is the Largest Online Platform for Exam Preparation in India, with over 2000+ HD quality video courses, 95+ best Professors, currently covering exams like CA CS CFA FRM CMA IIT- JEE. We provide access to the best, most reputed Professors, from across India, by streaming their classes online/delivering it in pen drives.

So pleased to meet you all, and if there's any collaboration (given COVID-19 has brought many people together through remote events), let me know. I'm happy to help. 😊

shikarasu profile image
Brandon Hunter

Hey all. I am a JavaScript and React developer looking to connect with like minded individuals. My tech stack HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), JavaScript (ES5, ES6, EJS), jQuery, Bootstrap, SASS, APIs, Restful APIs, Git, Google Cloud Platform, WordPress, Node.js, Express.js, Typescript and Firebase. I put APIs in the tech stack as I have that recruiters don't understand our lingo at all or what we do to be honest.

I work mostly with React and Firebase. Firestore in web development but I am not limited to just that. I also work with WordPress.

I’m a Web Developer pushing at my career who started web development in 2016 and became a Front-End Web Developer. I have worked my way up in becoming a Software Developer, with certifications, and now I am driven in becoming a MCSD.
I have worked with Angular and React frameworks but prefer working with React.

As a Web Developer I have worked on front-end development mostly with frameworks in Node, Angular and React. I have used Bootstrap with almost all of my projects. I have WordPress, basic PHP and ES6 for working on WordPress websites.

I have C# and .Net from a couple of months from studying the language and framework. I have mostly worked with Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio on projects. I have a website that showcases my portfolio and my Github account for more of my projects. I started on Notepad++ and then moved to Visual Studio. I have built projects in Bootstrap, React, C#, ASP.NET.

You can find many of my own projects on Github

I have CCNA experience but I am not qualified even though I studied for it. I understand how to setup switches, routers, firewalls, VoIP and security.

At present I am studying for my MCSD certificate.

bennyychan profile image
Benny Chan

I am a Python / Django developer and I can handle frontend with Vue. Besides, I can set up my application running with docker-compose.

Currently, I am trying to bootstrap a profitable business. One of my apps is called SEO Product Optimizer. It's a Shopify app to optimizer SEO. Another one is a nocode project called AffTable. It's a collection of SaaS affiliate program.

I am looking forward to work on more projects this year, though I don't find my next idea at this moment. My mind feels a bit try. Therefore, I come here to look for inspiration.

Nice to meet you all!

thatiitgirl profile image

Hi, I'm Ash.
I'm newbie, not to the Tech, but first time participating in some dev community, I hope I find the experience really good in a way it'll help myself evolve as a better developer as well as a good participant.I'm a MERN stack developer, quite enthusiastic to start off my journey here :D Please guide me the way you think will be helpful for me :)

apandey037 profile image

Hello everyone I am from India you guys can call me Anshu I had 1 year experience in php(laravel framework).Then I took a break and I am trying to get admission in college for my master's in ML.Interested in React and other js framework.I am kind of person who never feel short of ideas I always have ideas to develop and that's why I need to learn fast anyone who can help me in learning new programming languages fastly will be deeply appreciated.

tutorialsmate profile image

Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate. 👋😊

kilowatts_io profile image
Ben Watts

Hey - I am a newbe here. I work freelance developing React and Python apps. Have worked in fintech/defence and for a variety of startups in recent years.

Currently between projects, and upskilling on #graphql, #typescript and #gatsby, which is fun.

tutorialsmate profile image

It is great 😀
Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate. 👋😊

tomht profile image
Tom Hewlett-Taylor

Hey everyone! I'm Tom, an Engineering Manager from London. I've worked in software teams since 2011 - my experience is mostly in back-end development and data projects, in the .NET and Python ecosystems respectively.

I love my job but I've got lots of dev interests outside what I do at work, particularly web development and functional programming, so I've joined to try to scratch some of those itches.

I've been reading the posts here for a while and I LOVE that it's such a positive place. I've learned so much from everyone here already, and I'm looking forward to contributing myself at some point 😀

tutorialsmate profile image

Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate. 👋😊

biancamb profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Bianca from Germany. I'm a UI and Motion Designer designer with some free time in her hands, just decided to take some courses on web development, to be able to build my own design projects. Happy to be here! I might not able to teach much for now, but if you need a design help or advice, I'm glad to help! ;)

tutorialsmate profile image

Hello and welcome from tutorialsmate. 👋😊

youresoshabby profile image
Drew Zimmerman 💻 HTML

Hey all! I'm a Helpdesk Technician looking to be super creative and I see that is more than possible with the development path. Putting out fires is fun but I'm here to build something. If anyone has some simple project ideas for a beginner I'd love to hear them!

Thank you all!

vivek1902 profile image
Prasenjit Roy

Hello fellow developers! I'm Prasenjit, nice to be connected with you all over here. I'm currently working as a cloud solution architect at Microsoft and my primary competence is SAP. Now I have started learning azure devops area where I felt I am not strong enough and need to build by skill. Therefor I have just joined this community with a motivation from learn you all and definitely in near future sharing my experience. I thought why not introduce myself and get more involved in the community. Thank you for creating this amazing platform!

billykong profile image
Billy Kong

Hi Prasenjit, it is awesome. Welcome. I am learning about solution architecture in my free time. Looking forwards to learn from you 💪

duellacodes profile image

Hi, I'm Belinda. I'm on the Technology Graduate Scheme at British Telecom in the UK. I'm looking to get more into development and data science as currently my rotations seem to be more focused on management (project management and very high level solution design). Any ideas on technologies and projects I should be working on would be very welcome 😁

egwu15 profile image

Hi I am Ted, graduate of law but have been programming for a while, I know a bit of php, but I code more in dart (flutter) and js. I mostly build client sites but of late I am trying to build more for myself and change how law is accessed in my country. Currently working on a law application and lunched the beta this week.

rubenwinant profile image
Ruben Winant

Hi all, I'm Ruben, born and raised in Belgium.
I mainly focus on web development but also have interests in mobile and game development.
I'm very excited to meet new people and learn more!
Have a great day!

ardalanme profile image
Ardy Naghshineh

Hey Ruben! 👋

petemode profile image
Pete • Edited

I'm Pete, a 23-year old Java developer with a penchant for Kotlin. I started learning Python, my first language in July 2019. I didn't know there were a gazillion fields in programming; I just knew I wanted to code an app. I bounced off the corners from language to language, learning more about the world of software development and after a ton of unfinished games, front-end-only web apps and login screens here and there, I finally settled on native android development with Java and Kotlin. Signed up on here after(a lifetime after) learning that an online presence is a plus for a developer because what better place to have a presence than one of the richest developer blogs I've come across? It's great to be a part of you guys!!

deiageorgieva profile image
Deia Georgieva

Hi all, I'm Deia and I'm from Bulgaria.
I've been a QA engineer for a few years, but in a few days I'm starting a new job as a .NET developer and I'm very excited to be making the switch. I'm happy to have found this community and I'm looking for good things to follow, if you have any recommendations :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have a lot of new faces!

ferruzoft profile image
Jean Claude

Hi everyone! I'm Jean Claude and I'm from Lima, Peru. Currently, I am a systems engineer and my role where I work like a Test Automation Engineer. My experience has been more in java.... now I'm learning python from scratch and other technologies that support my career path. So I'm very happy to join here and ready to learn.

xtremesam profile image

Hello, am Samuel Ogbonna. I've always loved anything related to technology, sometimes watching movies and i see all this programmers typing so fast and writing different codes really gives me great joy and i have always aspired to be like them someday. I decided to take the path of web development and all i can say is that it gets more exciting day by day. I have learnt different languages on Front-end development such as JavaScript, bootstrap,css, react, jquery and i wish to expand my knowledge the more on back-end development. Am here to meet new people of the same interests with me, and to join in any collaboration project.

alekseyvy profile image

Hi \o/, my name is Aleksey, I'm a full-stack web developer and a second-year student at the University of People. I'm 37 years old so it's pretty hard for me since I trying to switch. I was an Entrepreneur but now I want to become a Web developer. btw looking for junior position or internship ;). I love to code and learn new tech, I'm kinda nerd love anime, heavy metal, and sports.

ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

I was an Entrepreneur but now I want to become a Web developer

You can check out Brad Traversy on YouTube.

lisawritescode profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Lisa from Ireland, I'm and 38 year old mother of two who has been a stay at home mum for the last 11 years. I've always been a bit of a geek and dabbled in this and that as a hobby. This year I have decided to take my learning more seriously to find myself a job as a developer. This would be a complete career change from Payroll management. I am hoping with self learning i can be employable in the next year or two when i get the last child off to school. Spent the first few months of this year learning and building python projects which i really enjoyed, since then i have learnt the basics of a few other languages as well as sql, databases, github etc. Still a long way to go (especially getting anything with the kids around) but i am determined to get there. So glad i found this community yesterday, looks like it'll be a great help.

chandusg profile image
Chandru SG

Hi All , I am Chandru. I am very much involved in learning coding aspects, learning new technologies.

Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions regarding the automation testing with java and selenium, BDD , cucumber , testNG releated things. I am always happy to help.
Looking forward to have a great learning experience here!!

amitchambial profile image
Amit Chambial

Hi everybody 👋,

  • I am Amit .
  • I did my graduation in CS and graduated last year.
  • Currently I am working for a Corporate.
  • One of the most successfully thing i built was a simple JS Library which was 3rd product of the day on product hunt.

I am also available on :

juotem profile image
Milla J. | 👩🏻‍💻 | she/her

Hello everyone!
I'm Milla and currently live in Finland!

Trying to self-learn programming/coding as a hobby (and to hopefully make it a career someday fingers crossed).

I'm so happy to have found this community of people with the same interests. Also, since I'm a newbie, a community like this makes me feel less overwhelmed and alone.

Very pleased to meet you all! ☺️

scotchbright profile image
Khoj Badami

Hi everyone! My name is Khoj. I have been a developer for about 15 years now at this point. Most of that I spent making my own startup called Insta7 (which despite my terrible code, when I was starting out) still grew to 7 million users. Then became the CTO of another company. Now, I run my own services company called where we do all of the above for others.

Why did I join dev and seeking some advice?

Of late, I have taken up a new side project of making interactive demos about computer science topics and the best video explanations I can make about these topics. I can share an example, but not sure if that's against the (self-promotion) rules in this thread. I am doing this to feed my passion for teaching.

I wanted to share those with people who are trying to learn these topics and I thought this would be a good place to find them. I just wanted some general advice on how you guys think I should go about sharing my work? I mean, I know that I should write a post, but anything more specific so that I don't violate any rules and get in front of the right people?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome. When you share work, take a look at the tags as some of them have special rules, but as long as you're being conscientious, it should all go well.

If you want to post a discussion question, use #discuss, if you want to "show something off" use #showdev, etc. And then use whatever relevant language tags exist. Like #javascript, etc. or #webdev.

scotchbright profile image
Khoj Badami

Great! Thanks! Will keep this in mind. You say, " take a look at the tags as some of them have special rules". Is there a place to see these rules?

jaeger123 profile image

Hi I'm Akarsh, I wasted four years of college and at the end realized that coding could be fun perhaps. I'm here to be surrounded with a conducive environment and motivate myself to learn more and gain an interest

rockabe profile image
Bernd Nähler • Edited

Hi @all 👋🏼 ,
I am Bernd from Berlin, I've been programming mainly backend for years now, but with a shift in interest and an according job offer, I am now trying to dig a bit more in depth into the world of react and consuming the APIs I've built for years :D
I am excited, to learn from people here and also to contribute back by sharing some of my learnings.
Have fun and work for staff that matters 😊

aforadel profile image
Adel Ahmed

Hello everyone, I'm Adel. I'm a web developer who has also started learning about security recently. I love technology and want to learn as much as I can. Nothing much to say other than that. I'm happy to join and be a part of this community. I look forward to sharing what I know and learning from here.

anikm1987 profile image
Aniket Mukherjee

Hi, I am Aniket. I am a Software Engineer by profession. I love to explore new thing by getting in hand experience. Have experience of working on different technologies like C, C++, JAVA, Python, Bash, Terraform, Rundeck, Ansible, github, Azure, GCP, ECM products like - Documentum, Alfresco etc. Looking forward to contribute in any possible manner.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcoem Aniket! Hope you follow all the tags and contribute with a post or two 😄

jackhistoria profile image

Hi I am Jack!
I am with C++ and the Qt toolkit -> that means tackling JavaScript/QML at the moment for nice GUI's <- and accepted the challenge about a year ago to become the most excellent programmer I could become :)

I am still looking for a sparing partner in learning and deepening advanced topics about Qt and C++ for making this sooner or later my occasion . In either being employed, creating and marketing my own apps/programs - the idea/project list is already very long - or joining a non profit open source project - preferably with the KDE-framework for Linux.

There are not that much topics I know nothing about, f.e. yesterday I bought some rusty lifting plates for my sports/bodybuilding/lifting and today I built an electrolyte+soda bath for refurbishing and de-rusting it over night (Or maybe I am death tomorrow by mistaking sodium with salt - who knows ;) )
Tomorrow (if I am still alive) that might be building a 100 bucks ultra silent 2k LED projector from scratch with the 2k display that arrived today from ali and the day after it might be starting to write and market a book about time/willpower management with a GUI-app for linux/android I started a few weeks ago (Just need to pick up that qml/javascript stuff to not being restricted to just c++ functionality)

I don't know what (and when and how many ;) ) the future will bring so it leaves me really enjoying my life and the people free cities as long as it lasts. Cheers!

codeflick profile image
Cody Flick

Hey there friends! Found this site the other day and quickly jumped on to make an account. I studied Computer Science while in my undergrad but never really found joy in programming as I always thought my peers were a mile ahead of my work which I always found intimidating. That is until I landed my first professional job at a small start up post graduation and another developer who had a few more years experience was hired to work alongside me.
Through him I learned that I do have the technical skill to do this it just takes time and that is a concept I'm still learning to understand and come to terms with.

We worked with a Python web scraper that was initially a monolithic mess that we broke down into pieces which we then turned into numerous micro services running in parallel via the cloud/aws.
Sadly, I had to leave that position due to ethical issues I had with the use of the web app and I have not done too much programming since.
I took quite the break and due to the pandemic I lost my job as a server/bartender which has put me in a weird spot. For months I have been grappling with thoughts like, "What do I do now?", "Can I ever get another software engineering job with such a large gap in my resume?", "What development path should I take going forward?", "Stick with what I know or learn something new?".

Most of the time I jump to learning something new but rarely do I take the time to do something independently with that newfound knowledge.
The best way to describe where I am right now would be "tutorial hell". I've seen that phrase floating around on my YT feed a lot lately so it seems to me that many developers are struggling with the same thing. I've also heard it referred to as impostor syndrome which is what my old coworker used to call it. Any tips for overcoming this??

Would love to hear some advice but while I'm here, I'll share with you all what I've been working with recently!
While studying my undergrad we almost strictly used Python so I have been limiting myself for years by exclusively working with that. Well... I'm bored of Python now and after numerous attempts at trying to have fun with C/C++ or understanding why java is so popular, I have decided to take up learning Golang!!! I'm loving every bit of it so far and it's feeling like it's just what I needed to pick up to get back into programming.

Very happy to have found all of you and thanks for taking the time to hear my story.

permitmegeek profile image

Hello World,

I am Lawal from Lagos, Nigeria and i'm really excited to be here.

I am passionate about cybersecurity, Linux, Open source softwares and python.

Really hopeful to meet cool programmers here for both project collaborations and learning.

godsfavourbit profile image

Hi everyone, I'm God'sFavour. A student of Petroleum Engineering but very enthusiastic about coding. I'm a graphics designer also.

I'm really excited to be here, I really want to network with likeminds and be a frontend Developer.

jsjoeio profile image
Joe Previte (he/him)

Hi all. I'm Joe! I've been on DEV for a little but never stopped to say hello in the Welcome thread.

I currently work as a Developer Advocate on the Open Source Team at Facebook. Recently I'm focused on Rust and Reason (before that I did a lot of work in JavaScript, mainly front-end).

Looking forward to being here!

gdsoumya profile image
Soumya Ghosh Dastidar • Edited

Hello everyone, I am Soumya (pronounced as Shoumo). I'm an undergrad CS student from India, I love to code and build things from scratch. My areas of interest include decentralization, cloud native technologies and cyber security. You can take a look at my Github Profile to find some of my projects, would love to get your feedback. Currently I'm contributing to Litmus Chaos, it is an opensource toolset to do chaos engineering in a kubernetes native way.

I have been using for some time now and it's a wonderful platform, I look forward to connecting and collaborating with everyone here!

camsisnotdiv profile image
{ camille }

Hello! I'm Cams from Manila, Philippines.
👋 a newbie

blackmo18 profile image
Victor Harlan D. Lacson

Hello just joined yesterday.

Im a kotlin developer, i love hearing, seeing good things out here.

codesimonwise profile image
Simon Rabuogi

Hello! I am Simon, and when Simon is taken away from me i remain an all round Artist (visual arts) i also do well with being part of other people's art work. When i am not being the passionate artist, i am in tech, where i found a home since a very young age. Currently i just decided to get my hands dirty with tech. I spend a lot of time learning Java and a break from java sends me playing with some frontend technologies, css, html and the bootstrap framework, just to mention. I enjoy development talks and that is a major reason i am here to be part of this beautiful community. Learning to code being another reason.

iam_ikay1 profile image

Good day every one. I have a long name but will simply be called Ikay. I have always had an eye out for computers and coding. Happy to use this free time to explore the various possibilities coding has to offer and sharpen my skillset for the future. I am happy to be here Dev.

enyichiaagu profile image
Amazing Enyichi Agu

Hello. I'm Enyichi, from Nigeria. I've been seeing stickers on developers' laptops. That's how I got to know about this wonderful community. I am currently enhancing my front-end developer skills and would love to be a full Stack engineer one day.

dan2013 profile image

I am new here.


philliprhickman profile image
Phil Hickman

Hi everyone! My name is Phil. I am a self-taught developer and I started my professional career back in 1998 in VB6. I have since moved on and now I am working as a full-stack, Microsoft ASP.NET Core developer in a company that I love and have recently celebrated my 13th year with.

I am looking forward to reading the many wonderful blog posts here and learn something new each day. Hopefully by sharing my experiences and opinions, I can help someone else as well.

chunkybyte profile image
Ekansh Kothiyal

Hi Everyone!
My name is Ekansh - I am a web designer and working as a Senior UI Developer.

Serious Part:
I started my career as a Manual QA Engineer (almost 2 years) and before that, I was working as a web designer in college with a friend. Within a year I realized that I really liked web development and so learned enough to make an internal switch to dev within the organization. Now its been 2 years working as UI Dev and very recently I realized that I have a lot of knowledge gaps in my learning and my aim now is to be a great developer and work on those gaps along the way. I work in HTML/CSS/JS/ReactJS and beginner level PHP/Wordpress and now I am aiming to be a full-stack dev. \m/>.<\m/

Fun Part:
When I am not coding, I usually try something or the other that triggers my anxiety - one year I ramped walk with no prior experience and a big public speaking fear (well it was a corporate fashion show but a fashion show nonetheless); the other time I wrote and directed a musical play. I love reading philosophy and dystopian fiction and my guilty pleasure is watching romantic comedies.

Hope I get to learn a lot from/with you guys and also give back to this community as much as I can and we have fun along the way :)


raycharius profile image
Ray East

Hey everyone, glad to be here! 🙌

Been reading the content here for quite a while, finally decided to join in and perhaps even chime in on a thing or two.

I work as a Technical Product Manager at MacPaw by day, and really love writing NodeJS apps by night. I've only been coding for a few years, and it's more of a hobby and passion than it is a job. Recently I've found myself writing a lot of Slack apps 🤖

Open-sourced a library for working with their Block Kit framework ( and plan on contributing other helpful tools for building Slack apps

There are a lot of things I'd like to share with you all. Starting with my journey to learning how to code, to best practices and tips and tricks when writing Slack apps. Now I just have to find the time to type it all out 🙈

Happy to be a part of the community and here's to taking small steps to rid oneself of imposter syndrome 🙃

lmfdesign profile image
Laura Foley

Hi, I'm Laura Foley. I'm a professional presentation designer and I'm giving a workshop at Codeland 2020, Presentation Skills for Brainiacs, which will teach people how to become better presenters. I could really use your help!

I'm looking for slides to redesign for the workshop. Your slide will be completely anonymized and redesigned for educational purposes. You won’t be singled out, and you’ll get a copy of the redesigned slide file to use any way you like.

Click here to upload single slides or decks. Include a slide with your contact information so that if your slide is chosen for the workshop I can send you a copy of your redesigned slide.

Please submit slides by next Wednesday, June 24. Thank you!

binmansoor11 profile image
Talha Mansoor • Edited

Hi all, I'm Talha Mansoor from Pakistan. Undergrad Software Engineering. I'm React Native developer, focussed on frontend. Love linux and Vim editor. That was a post on vim editor which introduced me DEV. As I came here and see community, I realised that's my place. I saw great helpful community, so I think it will help me to learn and know lot more about development.
PS: I'm hardly a day here, and have seen pretty much great stuff. You guys are awesome.

lmfdesign profile image
Laura Foley

Hi, I'm Laura and I'll be doing a workshop at Codeland 2020. I need your help!

I'm looking for slides to redesign for my session, Presentation Skills for Brainiacs, which is about helping people to become better presenters. Your slide will be completely anonymized and redesigned for educational purposes. You won’t be singled out, and you’ll get a copy of the redesigned slide file to use any way you like.

Click here to upload single slides or decks. Include a slide with your contact information so that if your slide is chosen for the workshop I can send you a copy of your redesigned slide.

Thank you!

kamalpanhwar profile image
Kamaluddin Panhwar

I am kamal working as a Principle Software Engineer in Ruby on Rails. I love articles and writing articles. I was using Medium a lot but now each time I get signup message which took me this site, although I read few articles on in this site, but have never join, so today I was listening talks of the guy who develop this site, and how amazing he made his site very fast in RailConf so I want to join as he requested in his talks.

I recently join a company where the project is full of best practices and clean architeture in Ruby on Rails. I have worked on many other projects in rails.

moondaysea profile image

Hello everyone.I'm Deniz and from Turkey.I'm studying software engineering .I'm looking forward to improve myself and really happy to discover this site . I hope I can learn many things from you.Nice to join you. :)

wradgio profile image
Marcel Zúbrik

Hi everyone, I'm Marcel a dad and programmer that loves to climb. I came here because I am creating an open-source project ( ) and want to get some feedback on in from the community.

yeo_alexandra profile image
Alexandra Yeo

Hey all! I'm Alexandra and I came here after reading awesome tutorials on AWS/web-dev for a side project that I'm building (check it out here - I've just graduated and would be joining OracleCloud, so I'm pretty excited - give me some tips on working, on life, on my side project, or anything!

titoasty profile image

Hey all!
I'm Nicolas, senior creative developer.
Mostly working with JavaScript, making games and writing shaders for clients all around the world.
I'm very pleased to enter this community, after reading it for months, and being amazed by its quality and great articles & tutorials for new techs.
I hope I'd bring my relative experience in a constructive way even if I'm not a writer like most of you are ;)
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about creative development and associated techs (shaders, pixi, processing, unity...)

coder_lb profile image

I am Hussein from lebanon, a cs student and frontend web developer to be, happy to find this community for developers to share experience and skills. My focus is on JavaScript,React.Js and everything related to frontend development.
Any help or advice would be awesome ♥️

gani_yellaboina profile image
Yellaboina Ganesh

Hii dev , I am Ganesh this is my first discussion with dev family members .I hope everyone doing well and I wish everyone will improve skills and reaching Goals with presence of Dev and Hoping that I will improve skills and knowledge .. Thanking you Dev

farhanmobashir profile image
Mobashir Farhan

Hii ! My name is Mobashir Farhan and I am a beginner in learning programming and Web-development. I came to know about from my elder brother 💪. Hope you all will like my little presence here. Thank you

ubongj profile image

Hi everyone, my name is John. I'm from Nigeria Africa. I have been learning web development on my and I have been focusing on php ..........o would love to meet other developers to share ideas and also learn . Hope to meet some cool people

mukunda profile image
Mukunda Johnson

Y'all having a great day? 🌞 (If you're not, dm me and we can fix that.)

I'm a lifelong hobbyist coder, self-taught, stumbled here through someone's link on Twitter. I actually have no idea what this site is really about, but I'm just looking to see what other devs are up to.

If there's one thing I really appreciate, it's the coding community that helped me along the way for so many years.

sakib9493 profile image

Hi, this is Sakib from Bangladesh! I am currently working in the financial industry. I have an undergrad degree in Engineering and did an MBA in Finance. I am currently exploring and learning the world of Data Science, Machine Learning, Blockchain and modern Software Development Approaches and trying to find answers to the problems and challenges of the Financial Sector. I do my programming in Python. It's my pleasure to be here! Anyone who's also interested in this area, please feel free to reach me out for any projects or collabs. My LinkedIn profile is:

thxcoder profile image
Tahar Issaad

Hello, I'm Tahar from Algeria. I'm a computer science student, i came here to learn and gain experience in web development & software engineering and of course i'm here to have fun meeting the dev Community.

brunogolivei profile image
Bruno Oliveira

Hello, I'm Bruno, I'm Brazilian and I'm starting right now learn Code by myself. My goal is Data Science, I'm in love with statistics. I'm happy to be able to participate in this social network and I hope to learn a lot here too.

wesleyjohnson profile image
Wes Johnson


I'm Wes. I've been in dev industry for 15+ years, primarily doing web-based worked, using various languages, frameworks and technologies. I'm a creator at heart and love to code, whatever the project is.

I don't have much to show for personal projects, as most of my work is for employers, but I'd like to change that in 2020 and beyond - building something for myself, and hopefully for potential customers, that we all can enjoy. I don't know what that is yet, but we'll see.

I like to sing, though I'm not very good. I love to draw as well (mostly comics), but I haven't done that in many, many moons. Again, that's something I'm looking to change.

Anyway, I'm here to learn, share what I can, and have fun. Thanks for having me!

naveenkrish13 profile image
Naveen kumar

Hi , I'm Naveen Kumar from planet earth , I am a student and self thought programmer , I'm a active learner trying to learn as much as I can , I'm really excited about u guys pls intro yourself , love this community , have a wonderful day ☺️.

blightedagony profile image
Christopher Cardeso

Hey there! My name is Christopher. I'm not exactly what to call myself, I learned all about programming when went to University back in 2008-2012. Several years later, I am not trying to reinvent myself by getting back to programming because I really enjoyed it but never really made anything worthwhile.

My current job is an Emergency Medical Dispatcher for a small fire department in Houston, Texas. I'm currently enrolled in an online university going through a Data Management and Analysis degree program with hopes of getting hired by a video game company - I LOVE VIDEO GAME, IT'S MY PASSION.

The posts here are so helpful and fun, hope to contribute something useful some day. Okay, cya guys later!

mfawcett83 profile image
Maurice "Mo" Fawcett


My name is Maurice, (my nickname is Mo). I'm from the province of British Columbia, Canada. I'm an aspiring Software/Web Developer. I'm currently learning JavaScript, ReactJS, and NodeJS, among other things. I actually have a B.A. degree in an unrelated field (Political Science Major with a Public Administration Minor). Looking forward to interacting with folks here!

astralprogrammer profile image

Hi to all! I'm Angel from Philippines. I love working on backend and server stuff. I got most of my skills based on the jobs I had. I'm not very good with words/sharing but I hope that joining this kind of community can help me improve. Nice to meet you all!

memod profile image
Carlos Guillermo Durazo

Hi all, I'm Carlos from Tijuana, Mexico. Currently work as web development for a e-commerce team and have some experience working with big data and devops. I end up here by coincidence while trying to look for a solution while I working on my page resume (still a work in progress).

This place seems like a great place to document some of my findings and share the knowledge I run into, so I hope to eventually start posting some stuff soon.

mjack745 profile image
Matthew Jackson

Hi my name is Matthew and always loved the DEV community from a far and finally decided to get more involved. I mainly dealt with the Microsoft stack and backend services and looking forward to getting more involved with web development and front-end technologies!

carlosiscoding profile image
Carlos Arredondo

Hello! My name is Carlos and I am a CS student in DFW. If all goes according to plan I will graduate with my Associates degree next May. I hope to move on to UT Dallas after that for my Bachelors degree. I also play bass in a punk band.

I currently work full time and take classes at night so it has been a struggle to find time for coding projects. But with classes moving online and the pandemic closing everything down I have more time to actually code and try to build something.

There aren't a lot of people that look like me in my classes so I have gone through periods were I think I don't belong in CS but finding this community and seeing that there are so many different types of people out there coding has given me a renewed motivation to keep going.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Carlos!

aisaraenquiry profile image

Hi there ! We are from AiSara team located in Malaysia. We are very interested with Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning community. We can even share any knowledge regarding AI. We are open to collab with groups that require machine learning. So pleased to meet you all !

Do you guys know what Aisara is ?
AiSara stands for Artificial Intelligence for Solution Approximation with Robust Algorithm

No matter what industry you’re in your datasets commonly consist of input and output data with more additional input data you want to be able to make prediction out of it So how are you going to do this ? Aisara brings Artificial Intelligence to any kind of numerical data Aisara makes it easy, no coding, no model design, and no hassle You can go from data to prediction in a matter of minutes.

adexmakai profile image
Arasi Adebayo Afolabi

Good day everyone, I am more than happy to be part of this great community of developers. I had PGD and HND in Electrical engineering, but I have passion for web and application development. So I am thinking of shifting my focus to web and application development, please do I have chance to develop myself in this area. Also I want to know the difference between front end developer and back end developer.

gunther121099 profile image

I'm Redouin, an Information Tech student, and I live in the Philippines. I started learning how to program two years ago and currently I'm researching about certain technologies such as the AI, the Cloud, web frameworks because I want to choose what I'll do in the future. currently 20 years old and I think I'm rushing myself which is I think is bad hahaha.

Python's my first language and then pretty much learned other languages such as C++,, java, and other tech such as MySQL. Althogh I did learn them but still not quite proficient with them.

Anyways as you can tell over these two years I'm still a noob when it comes to programming so I'll be looking for all of your guidance in regrards to programming. :)

anjnkmr profile image
Anjan Kumar

hello, I'm Anjan Kumar working as a senior system engineer at Realvariable in Hyderabad. My core skills are Java, Spring boot, Angular, Javascript, TypeScript, jQuery, VueJS. and Interested in IoT here is my handle for most of the dev site @anjnkmr

mcafee profile image
Chris Mcafee


I'm Chris, I am currently a student at Kenzie Academy studying for my SE cert. I have completed the first half in which I received my front end cert, the front end cert consist of (HTML,CSS,REACT,JS).

rishabhgupta2 profile image
Rishabh Gupta

Hi Everyone!

Just a curious soul who ended up in technology domain. I've been working with the largest hotel chain startup OYO since past 2 years. We've been building up some cool tech systems here.

Apart from the tech, I really love to learn about quantum science.

Looking forward to learn some great stuff here and wish to contribute to the community with my learnings :)

keglostephane profile image
keglo stephane

Hello, I'm Stephane and come from Ivory Coast. I'm a newbie in programming. My interests are Web development, System programming, Automation, Python, Ruby. I'm happy to join this community and learn from others developers.

ardalanme profile image
Ardy Naghshineh

Hi there! 👋 I'm Ardy from Edmonton, Canada. I'm building the first web automation service ever that lets people automate tasks and aggregate data from the web with no coding.

🤓 About Me

  • Have been coding since 21 years ago (started when I was 8) 🤓
  • Co-founded my first two startups in high-school. One failed, one sold.
  • Immigrated to Canada 🇨🇦 from Iran 🇮🇷 7 years ago after finishing my bachelor's.
  • Worked as a full-time employee and freelancer for 7 years in Canada to gain experience working in the North America market before building my next business.
  • Worked my way up to becoming the Director of Engineering at a 40ppl software strategy+design+eng company.
  • Lead teams of up to 13 engineers+designers+PM and was the main point of contact for a few multi-million $ projects. Built pretty complex apps, automations and integrations.
  • Saved up some money and quit my job in Oct 2019 to focus on building my own business: Browse AI 🤖
  • When I'm not working, you can find me hiking in Rocky mountains, travelling, or having tacos 🌮
frankoyat profile image

I am Oyat Francis Ocan from Gulu, Uganda. I am here to learn. I have challenged myself to mentor a team. I have a wealth of knowledge that is not utilised. I hope I will be a good mentor to this team with all that I can get here

zardoz89 profile image
Luis Panadero Guardeño

Hello. I'm Zardoz from Spain.
I found this community on a totally random way (Reading a GitHub project on #dlang that connects to API).
I find very interesting that inclusivenes is one of the first things that you see on the code of conduct (as queer I find this very nice) and I decide to join here.

I hope to push some stuff related to #dlang and/or related with my job as full stack with Java, JavaScript and HTML/CSS.

aberba profile image
Lawrence Aberba

Can't wait to read what you write

justaman045 profile image
{ Aman }

Hello there, I'm Alex and from Delhi, INDIA and I'm so glad to have found this community. Currently want to focus on Programming, I'm already into Back-end Programming and Console Programming But want to Learn more.I am very happy to find this Community and ready to learn every minute. Any Project in your mind feel free to contact me.

BTW my Portfolio website :-

temi0x profile image

Hey all, I'm Temi. Been averagely involved with the young tech community over here at Nigeria. A Frontend developer, with knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Vue and JavaScript. Open to learning and becoming more proficient. I'd love to collaborate with others too.

Glad to be here. 🥂
Stay safe

lisawritescode profile image

Hi everyone 👋 , I’m Lisa from Ireland. I’m a 38 year old mother of two, I’ve been a stay at home mum since 2009. I’ve always been a bit of a geek and interested in tech, more as a hobby and never thought about it as a career until this year (there’s also the doubts that I’m too old to do this now!). The hope is to become a developer in the next year or two. I’m all self taught so far and it’s going pretty well.

ardc_overflow profile image
Rodolpho Alves

Hello, world there! My name's Rodolpho and I'm from Paraná, Brazil.

Most of my work is in Backend systems (mostly using the .NET core ecosystem) and cross platform mobile apps (Xamarin and some Quasar) but I also dabble in Frontend (Vue + Typescript and looking into Svelte) and Data Science (R, PowerBi and Python)

I hope to add to this community with hands-on articles about frameworks, patterns and open source projects! I also aim to contribute whenever possible to other people's projects and posts with, hopefully haha, helpful insights 😅

Soooo: Hi there! 👋🏻

azemoning profile image

Hello everyone! I'm Saufi or just call me Upi 👋. I'm a student from Indonesia and currently learning about DevOps Engineering and a little bit of code with Golang, I've seen many posts from here that really help me and I want to "returning the favor" by posting anything I know about DevOps Engineering.

Anyway, glad to join this community 😊

ylysiak profile image
Yevhenii • Edited

Hi everyone! I'm starter coder. I really want to be a valued one, but for now I'm in searching myself. I'm working in international company as Salesforce Developer. I receive a SF administrator certificate and preparing for SF Dev exam.
I'm doing some code in JS, Java, C, APEX and it's not kind of hard to code for me. Point that I don't know what exactly valued on the market. Also I admit that foreign companies not hurry to hire me. That's why I'm here. Maybe I will find a good mentor who will give me right direction and material to learn and in future propose me a well job place.

karacdev profile image

Hey everyone, my name is Kara. I'm currently self teaching myself front-end web development. I just finished learning HTML5 and CSS3. Im currently learning about the Bootstrap 4 framework library , next is Javascript :) I'm here to network in the Dev community .

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey Kara, great to have you!

scotchbright profile image
Khoj Badami

Hi. My name is Khoj. I have been a developer for about 15 years at this point.

I started out in the field with my own startup called Insta7. It aimed to be the starting point for mobile internet users in India. Despite being written really badly, (I did not know what I was doing back then) it somehow grew to 7 million users. Eventually, it died because we got too full of ourselves and did not keep up with the market.

I then became the CTO of another startup. After doing that for a few years, I decided to start my own firm LiveFire. It's a services firm and we do all of the above for clients now.

What got me to Dev?

Well, I have lurked multiple times in the past. But, recently, I decided to start a project to feed my passion for teaching. I am making interactive demos for various computer science topics. (Like this one) All of them are open-source on GitHub here.

With these demos, I am trying to make the best explanation videos possible to help people to deeply understand the topics.

I have just got started on this journey and maybe it will take a year for me to build out all the things I want to do.

I have a question for you

I want to share these with people who would value them the most. I feel like a subset of the audience here does care about these subjects. So, how would you suggest the best way for me to present my self?

arslansoomro profile image

Hi I am Arslan, I am from Pakistan, I learned basics of Java, C++ , python and object oriented programming but that was a long time ago so now I don't remember even their syntax. This quarantine I have decided to become a Web Dev (Sounds Cool) So I have started learning front-end and I have already covered HTML, CSS and JavaScript and I am learning everyday so I hope I will one day be able to call myself a Web Dev.

mubardauda profile image
Mubar Dauda

I'm Astute, a python programmer. I want to engage in this community to transform the people to AI world

imvaibhav28 profile image
Vaibhav Upadhyay

Hi there,
I am Vaibhav. I really like to learn about all the crazy things engineers create( be it computer science or any other major). I really hope to create something crazy and outstanding myself one day.
Looking forward to interact with all you brilliant minds.

shurawi profile image

Hi all! I'm Denis and I from Russia) I want to become a front-end developer. Now I learn HTML, CSS , JS and I like it). Here my GitHub

carlgauss18 profile image


spounka profile image
Boudaakkar Nazih

Much appreciated, I'm currently doing a project in OpenGL and found it quite fun

thetexasfarmer profile image
Kenneth Luster

Hello everyone, I am a Blockchain Dev. student. I am here to learn more about coding. I am a complete newbie to the field and excited to be apart of such a great community.

abnerlee profile image

Hello world!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


spounka profile image
Boudaakkar Nazih

I'll make to sure to keep that in mind
Thank you

ynmanware profile image
Yogesh Manware

Hi there...
I am a Software Engineer having more than 15 yrs of experience in AWS, NodeJs and Java. I have learned a lot from open source and free knowledge sharing platforms. I was looking for a platform where I can give back to the community and is a perfect option for me.

jacobwashington profile image
JacobWashington • Edited

What's up everyone! My name's Jacob. I'm EXTREMELY new to software development, about halfway through a bootcamp in Irvine, CA (United States). If anyone here is thinking about a bootcamp, I'd love to share my experience with you! So far, I've dipped my toes in JavaScript, React, C#, .Net, and SQL Server. After bootcamp, I'm happy to collaborate on any projects leveraging those tools. This seems like a great community. I'm excited to be here!

elenajimenez profile image

Thank you! Gracias!!

sandeeprajendra profile image

Hello, Everyone, I am Sandeep Rajendra from Bangalore, INDIA. I have just started to learn AZURE and want to become a Solution here learn and grow!

noe_lc profile image

Hi! My name is Noé 😃
In the beginning of 2019 I started a career in web development, mainly focused in interactive data visualization and cartography, as well some some experience with Python for data processing and analysis.

Earlier this year I quit my job due to its stressful and ever-changing project objectives. Although it took a toll on my health, the pressure I was under helped me learn more about web development in a shorter time, and to land a better job as well.

I decided to join this community because I have learned a TON from many of you, and I hope I will be able to contribute with something valuable too, be it articles, media, or open-source code.

Nice to meet you! 🙏

samuelbodunrin profile image

Hi all. Am curious about machine learning and AI. Am seeking to learn new stuffs. Will be happy to learn from you all

simonglen profile image

I decided to use my spare time to learn something new , I’ve a lot of spare time just now as on furlough In uk not by choice but hey ho . I have been learning html and css so far and have to say I am finding it fascinating ! How far I will go or where it will take me I have no idea but I’m enjoying anyway .

alvardev profile image
Alvaro David

Hi everybody! I'm AlvarDev from São Paulo, Brazil.

I'm a developer for hobby and a Cloud Architect for work.
I faced many problems as a developer and cloud architect and I decided to share some tips that help me a lot, specially if you are a developer (that loves Serverless) and need to do some cloud staff.

Any questions feel free to ask, I'll try to answer as soon as possible :)

rockrgrrl profile image
Gina Krieb

Hey all! I'm Gina. Happy to join this community!

senthilnayagan profile image
Senthil Nayagan

I'm striving to be a full-stack developer and my area of interests are Rust, Scala, functional programming and securities.

catheryn profile image


My name is Esther. I'm a frontend web developer. I came here because i wanted a platform i would use to write about the things i'm learning.

so....... :)

esh profile image
Eric Hammond

Howdy. I'm Eric Hammond. I've been writing software since 1980 and have been building on AWS since 2007. I love startups and small teams that build tech to automate and scale.

halffunction profile image

I love technology and coding that why I'm here.

malomodaniels profile image
Malomo Oluwatobi Sunday

I am Oluwatobi Daniels, I am interest in furthering my learning of Python towards becoming a data scientist. I hope I'll get the needed help in here.

trytan8 profile image

Hi, my name is Christopher I'm freelance hacker, I love python and c++ although just started learning c++ but I'm inquisitive and I love to learn new things.

taishawnk profile image
Taishawnk • Edited

looking for people in colorado to start up a coding group join through this link The purpose of this group is for everyone to help out and for individuals learning to code in the colorado area to be able to link up (after COVID is over of course). NO matter if your beginner or pro this is a coding hangout place for all levels of skill. please be respectful and have fun, make jokes and connect with others.
P.S this Club will not turn away anyone even if you are not from Colorado just know that this group is catered to Coloradans. As long as you are respectful of others we would love to have you!!!!

ayiruszone profile image

Hi all, I'm Suriya from India. I am backend developer right now i am focusing on cloud and learning docker and kubernetes .

ssiripalli33 profile image

Hello Suriya!!

Are you working on python/Django?

ayiruszone profile image

Hi palli,
I don't have experience with django, I have worked python

Thread Thread
ssiripalli33 profile image
ssiripalli33 • Edited

.I want to switch my domain to python and would like to know how python developer works in real-time(corporate) and kind of requests and daily tasks.

therohit_rg profile image
Rohit Gupta

Hello everyone..! My name is Rohit and I am not a tech person. Just wanted to explore something new like this and let me tell you this platform looks really cool.

musprince profile image

How can i get some swag??

ben profile image
Ben Halpern 😄

musprince profile image


wisdomosinachi profile image
Wisdom Osinachi

Hello there, I'm Wisdom Osinachi from Nigeria, I'm so glad to have found this community. Currently want to focus on software development. I am happy to join.

tutorialsmate profile image

Hello from tutorialsmate 👋

jm0108 profile image
JM-0108 • Edited

Hello, everyone. I am new to coding and just discovered this site today. I am learning Python.

prathmesh2498 profile image

Hi, my name is Prathmesh. I am a final year computer science student. I have joined this forum to get connected with fellow coders and get some tips on working in a professional environment. 😊

prometheus1985 profile image

2 years ago I created my first Web page 😀
With Wix 😕. Now I am studying very hard to create real web pages 😀.
I'm in Colombia 😕.

dyrroth19865 profile image


pewdieclyde profile image

Hello everyone I'm Clyde from Philippines I'm a student and I'm trying to learn web development in general.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you Clyde!

oka854 profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Omar and I am currently in the middle of my web development course.

boluwafemi profile image

Hi, all, am new to Python coding and AI. I believe learning makes anything possible and I will like assistance in how to code properly

saxenaudit profile image
saxena uditanshu

Hi there, I am interested in web development. New to

mattechpro profile image

Hi, folks! I'm here to write about JavaScript, related technologies, etc. My first article is about ECMAScript main concepts and introduction, can you review it?

cashless_jay profile image
Peter Joshua

Just wanna have JavaScript on my finger tips

Am open to help from anyone ... I love back end development though ... I code Node Js #JavaScript

h1manshu01 profile image
Himanshu Sharma

Hi everyone, I'm a full time hybrid mobile application developer. Work on IONIC & Flutter. In my free time I love to read books. It's good to be a part of this community.

blackxavier profile image
Ogbuchi Arinze

A python developer, really love learning new stuff. I joined this community because I was looking for a place to grow. Currently learning python,which I love so much .

raounek profile image
touibeg mohamed

Hello everyone, I am Essam Saif from Algeria. I like programming and I would like to learn more and more ...

shubham025 profile image
Kumar Shubham

Hello all,
I'm Shubham And I'm pursuing MCA from Cusat University,India.
Right now I'm looking forward for Advanced Js and React.
please suggest me some tags for these.
Keep Smiling ,Keep Coding

ryandsouza13 profile image

Hi awesome Devs. I'm Ryan, a web developer from India. Glad to be a part of the DEV community.

sagdish profile image
Sagdi Formanov

Hello DEV community, my name is Sagdi. In this uncertain times I am grateful that we community where we can share our knowledge and help each other.

aimal profile image

Hi there, I am Aimal Khan from Afghanistan. I am so glad to join the DEV community. I am an energy engineer and a passionate programmer. I am here to help and learn more :)

alex82630040 profile image

hello everyone , i 'm handsome

iamsandydev profile image
Sandeep Yadav

Hey All,

Just got to know this awesome Dev Community.

I want to be good at JavaScript (ECMA6/7/8).
I think, i have found good platform for that.


shoshinmas profile image

Hi guys, cheers from Poland. 37 yo fed with working with martech tools, I want now to make them myself. Java/Python for data science (astrophysics and climate data enthusiast)

hermtechs profile image

Hi everyone, I am Herbert and currently learning to become a fronted developer and afterwards fullstack. So, I am pleased to be a part of this great learning community

techygeeky profile image
Kapil Raghuwanshi🖥

Hi Team,
I always loved DEV articles. They were all really helpful. Finally, I decided to write and publish my articles here. Looking forward to more quality tech content.

iabhinavkarn profile image
Abhinav Karn

Hi there I am Abhinav i am a Software Developer knowledge of Python, C, Cpp amd Java I am currently learning Machine Learning and Web Development I am coder by day and gamer at night.

hoshiholiday profile image
Hoshi Holiday

Hi. On the webs I go by Hoshi. I am a forever learner hoping to be a dev one day, taking things one day at a time. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey Hoshi! One day at a time, that's the only way to make it happen 😄

siawayforward profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Sia. I hope to learn and collaborate with you as an aspiring data science analyst

cheatsheet profile image
SwiftUI Cheat Sheet

Hi, I'm glad to be part of the community!

rakeshpatil993 profile image
rakesh patil

Hi all,
I am rakesk g patil, devops engineer.

shalini269 profile image

Hello ,i m here to have more concepts of graphic designer javascript and frontend and more enhancement by java

karavindkumar13 profile image
K Aravind Kumar

i am a programmer

goldennoodles profile image
Rus Kuzmin

Hey Everyone! I'm Rus in the UK but from Russia! I hope everyone is good and well!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Rus, great to have you!

joedevto profile image
Joe Irudayaraj

Hello Everyone, This is Joe, Currently involved in Spring Boot,Java.Interested on Angular,Python,AWS and all full stack tech stuff. Glad to found this community